A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 78


Once there is suspicion, the suspicion grows, and that is the case with Opada. Before, he didn't think about it at all, so what he saw was normal, but now he was suspicious, and he saw what was wrong.

He began to look at Kejos without a trace, always paying attention to Kejos's every move, and he felt more and more that something was wrong.

For example, as long as Garlan is within the sight of Kaihos, Kaihos's eyes will fall on Gallan. Even if he was talking to someone else, he would pay some attention to Garlan.

Therefore, if Garlan made any movements, he would be the first to notice. Often, when Garlan looked at him, Kaijos went straight to Garlan without calling out.

When he was on the road, Kaihos always followed Garlan's side, never taking a step.

What made Opada unbearable in particular was the way Kaihos looked at Garlan.

The sun knight who looked rather dissolute and uninhibited, no matter who he looked at, his eyes were half-smiling. Although he had a smile on his face, he looked so close, but when he got close, he would find that it was just an appearance.

Compared with someone who behaves indifferently, it is more difficult to get close to a guy like Kaihos who seems to be approachable but has a cold heart.

Opada knew because the big brother he once admired was also such a person.

However, such a hard-to-approach guy was the only one looking at Garlan, his eyes were unusually soft, with an indescribable warmth.

The only remaining malachite-like green eyes, when looking at Garlan, will light up slightly, as if seeing the only light in the world.

The same is true for Garlan. It is clear that Kaihos is his guardian knight and his subordinate. It stands to reason that princes and knights should have different honors. But Gallan didn't seem to regard Kaihos as a subordinate at all, and his behavior towards Kaihos was also very close. As long as he faced Kaihos, he would show a very bright smile.

Just like now, Opada saw that Gallan who was not far away raised his hand to help Kaihos stroke the blond hair that fell in front of him, while the one-eyed knight smiled, and took the initiative to bend down and let Gallan's hand touch it. own face.

Garlan smiled happily while touching Kaihos's face.

Such an intimate gesture... and the glances that crossed and conveyed something from time to time...

To say that there is nothing between the two, Opada would never believe it!

It looks right.

Garlan and his guardian knight are lovers.

This is what he saw with his own eyes.

The reason why the relationship has not been made public is probably because Aaron Landis is used to being unidentified and friendly towards gay people, and there are also concerns such as identity.

… Yes, it must be.

The Tasda man clutched his chest and felt as if he had been pierced by a sharp arrow in his heart, causing waves of colic pain.

He lived for more than 20 years, and he fell into a relationship once, but in less than ten days, he completely fell out of love.

Looking at the close interaction between the two not far away, he felt that his heart was so painful that he could hardly breathe.

And on Garlan's side, the so-called intimate interaction...

"Kaijos, your blindfold seems to be crooked, and there is something on it."

Gallan stared at the conspicuous white mark on the black eyepatch, pointed his finger there and said.

"Really? It was probably because I wiped my sweat off my hands after eating something, and it stuck."

Kaihos raised his hand and wiped the eye patch with his fingertips.

"No, it's not there." Watching Kaihos wipe the wrong place, Garland simply said, "You bow your head."

The blond knight obediently obeyed his prince's orders, stooping and bowing his head.

Then, the little prince leaned over, wiped off the white marks on the blindfold, and straightened the slightly crooked mask.

To fiddle with the blindfold, his hand naturally had to touch the knight's face.

So, in the eyes of Opada over there...

"Hahaha, it's rice grains, Kaihos, you actually got rice grains on the blindfold."

Looking at the white rice grains on his fingers, Garlan was overjoyed.

If this is to let others know that the famous Sun Rider has rice on his face... Hahahaha, no, I'll die of joy just thinking about it.

"If you let others see this, let's see what you do."

Looking at the rice grains on Garlan's fingers, Kaihos couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah, thanks to His Highness for helping me keep my handsome image."

As he said with a smile, he glanced at Opada not far from the corner of his eye without a trace.

Looking at Opada staring straight at this side, he couldn't help but wonder.

What happened to that Tasda man recently, staring at his every move every day.

At first, Kaihos thought that the man had noticed something wrong and was monitoring himself, but later he realized that this was not the case. The Tasda man looked at him with an indescribable grief in his eyes... But it was not like that. It was the sorrowful eyes of those noble ladies who couldn't keep themselves, more like the eyes of those noble children who had lost the fight for the noble ladies' hearts and stared at them...


No way

The knight who reacted was a little stunned.

That guy doesn't think he has anything with His Highness Garlan, right

Kaijos took another look at the Tastar who was staring at him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and then took another look at the prince in front of him.

never mind.

he thought resignedly.

If you are misunderstood, misunderstood. As long as you can protect the prince well, you don't need the image or anything.

With that in mind, Kaihos turned and walked towards Opada.

"I heard that you are the successor of General Tasda?"

he said with a smile.

"How about it, let's try it?"

Opada's sudden provocation from the 'rival in love' is naturally unreasonable, especially when his sweetheart is watching, Opada immediately screamed in his heart to teach this guy a lesson.

Moreover, when the famous 'Knight of the Hot Sun' arrived on the first day, Opada, who naturally likes to challenge the strong, has already begun to be eager to try, but only because he is the guardian knight of Gallan, he is strong bear it.

When Kaijos made such a provocation, Opada naturally couldn't wait to jump on it.

As soon as the other Tasda people heard that their son and the famous knight were going to practice against each other, they rushed over immediately.

So, under the onlookers and booing of a large number of Tasda people around, the two randomly found an open space, moved their bodies, and started.

Ten minutes later, the brown-haired Tasda fell to the ground heavily.

The round shield had already flown out far away, and the spear in his hand was also broken in half.

Opada's face, who fell to the ground, was bluish and purple. He obviously suffered a lot, and he seemed to be focusing on his face.

The one-eyed knight stood in front of Opada, the sword in his hand resting on his forehead.

Opada was embarrassed, but Kaijos didn't look relaxed either, panting violently, his sweat-soaked blond hair stuck to his cheeks, and sweat dripped down his cheeks from the tips of his hair, and there were several places on his clothes. Broken out by the spear.

"I lost, you are strong."

Opada said angrily.

Although losing made him very depressed, Tasda people are used to being straightforward, losing is losing, winning is winning, never sophistry or evasion.

But what annoyed him the most was, why did Kaihos always stare at him and punch him in the face

Although it took a lot of effort, Kaihos, who managed to clean up the bear boy and let out a sigh of relief, was also in a good mood.

He retracted his sword and said, "You're not bad either. You deserve to be the successor chosen by the general."

Looking up at Opada's face that was somewhat similar to the man in his memory, the knight paused and said, "...If my opponent is 'he', the outcome is probably unpredictable. "

After speaking, he withdrew his sword, turned and left.

On the way back to the camp, Garlan asked curiously.

"Who is 'he' you speak of?"

Kaihos smiled.

"A good friend from a long time ago," he said.

He looked up at the endless sky, and there was a little nostalgia in his eyes.

"But it may be hard to see in the future."

Garlan still wanted to speak, but the black eagle that suddenly flew towards him interrupted him.

Anu grabbed a khaki object and circled it above his head, fell down, threw the object under his feet, then landed on his shoulder, and gave a short chirping.

He looked down and saw a fat yellow-haired rabbit being thrown at his feet.

"Desert Rabbit?"

Kaijos smiled and said, "This little guy is very clever, and he can punch holes. It's hard to catch, but it tastes good. We have barbecue for the evening."

Anu on his shoulder flapped his wings again and made a chirping, as if asking for credit.

Garlan smiled and touched its feathers, and it stopped barking contentedly.

After Kaihos left, the open space did not quiet down.

After watching that fight, the fiery Tasda people got on it without hesitation, shouted at the opponent, and started the game again so that they would not get bored.

And Opada stood beside him with a depressed look, his friend was giving him medicine... Most of the ointment was smeared on his face.

The originally quiet and desolate Gobi desert, because of this noisy camp, rarely shows a bit of liveliness.

The Tasdar people sweated to their heart's content, showed their strong bodies under the lit fire, and showed their valour to their companions and lovers.

No one knew that on the Gobi Mountains a few miles away from this lively camp, someone was looking down at the campfire, which was very conspicuous in the night.

These sturdy men are riding horses, and everyone looks quite sturdy, but that sturdiness is not the majesty and vigor of the army, but the ferocity and evil spirit, giving people a vicious feeling.

Their identities are revealed by the lizard tattoos on their arms, a symbol of members of the Sivari bandit.

These gangsters, who had rushed for dozens of miles, looked down at the camp under the Gobi Mountains with wicked eyes.

"Brothers, this vote is enough for us to be happy for a long time."

The leading horse thief leader urged the horses under him and shouted to his companions behind him.

"When the time comes, you want gems, gold, women, and wine—"

He shouted loudly, pointing at the camp below the mountain with the saber in his hand.

"As long as you kill the mission with only a hundred people! You can have whatever you want!"

The agitation of the horse thief leader made his companions cheer loudly, their eyes like jackals, greedy and fierce staring at the prey in the distance.

Money stirs their blood, makes them boil, and makes them eager to lick the blood of their prey with their blades.

The chief of the Sivari bandit stared at the camp and licked his thick lower lip.

He looked at the people in the camp like he was staring at piles of walking gold.

Although generally speaking, such things as attacking a mission are not only insignificant, but also anger the two countries, and maybe they will send troops to conquer them. It is really thankless, and these bandits will not do it at all.

Therefore, so far, there has never been a thief group attacking the mission on the mainland.

However, this time, someone gave them enough money to attack the mission of Tarsdar. And also told him not to leave a living mouth.

The amount of wealth that made him stunned was enough to make them take the risk.

Not to mention, who would know that their Siwari bandit did it? They sneaked over, and after finishing this vote, they could completely blame it on the bandits entrenched in the vicinity.

He was looking forward to the arrival of the night, and a blood feast was about to be unveiled.

It is the dead of night, and the stars in the clear night sky are shining like the Milky Way flowing in the night.

The crooked moon cast a layer of silver on the row of tents on the sand, and the cool night wind whistled past, rolling up the sand on the ground.

It was quiet at night, in the tent, listening to the snoring of friends around him, Opada turned over again.

He didn't know how many times he tossed and turned for half a night. He couldn't sleep, his face was still aching, but his chest was even more stuffy.

The boy he fell in love with at first sight already had a lover, and that lover was stronger than him, braver than him, handsomer than him, and more famous than him. No matter what aspect he looked at, he couldn't compare to others.


Opada sighed, really couldn't lie down, and simply turned over and got out of the tent.

Go for a dip in the small lake behind the hill.

Thinking so, he said hello to the Tasda soldiers who were on duty, then left the camp alone and soaked in a small lake not far away.

As soon as the cold lake water soaked, a coolness soaked through the body, and Opada groaned comfortably.

He was originally a simple and straight-minded person, and his temperament came and went quickly. Once he was comfortable, drowsiness began to rise. He was soaked in water and fell asleep in such a daze.

It was the breath of fire and blood blown by the night wind that woke the young Tasda people from their deep sleep.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and the crimson fire came from behind, illuminating the calm lake.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the blazing flames in the camp not far away, which reflected half of the sky and dyed his pupils red.

Opada jumped and jumped out of the lake.

He picked up the dagger under the stone - fortunately, it was his habit to keep a weapon on his body at all times - a habit developed under the guidance of that person since childhood.

When he hurried back to the camp, what he saw made him instantly red-eyed.

Countless horse thieves raged in the camp, galloping horses back and forth, slashing sharp saber savagely at the resisting Tastar soldiers.

The brave Tastars resisted stubbornly in the firelight. In order to cover their comrades who were fighting together, they fearlessly used their bodies to block the slashed blades.

They grabbed the sabers that had slashed into their bodies and dragged the enemy off their horses abruptly.

Some people are still burning with fire, but he seems to be unconscious, letting the flames burn himself, and still fiercely stabs the long spear at the enemy.

The soldier who had broken his arm and could no longer fight, slammed into the running horse without hesitation, blocking the horse's collision with his flesh and blood.

Not afraid to die.

This is the warrior of Tarsdar.

It is precisely because of their bravery that they forcibly resisted the attacks of horse thieves ten times their own with a number of more than 100.

However, no matter how brave the Tastars are, they are still outnumbered in the face of endless enemies, especially the cavalry who have the advantage.

The crimson flames rolled in the night sky, burning the sky red, reflecting the tragic situation of the battle.

Opada rushed in.

His eyes were red with the anger that ignited the blood in his entire body.

He waved the dagger in his hand, and a sword pierced through the chest of a horse thief.

Then, he grabbed the long knife in the hands of the dead horse thief, and charged towards a few horse thieves not far away again.

One of the horse thieves turned the horse's head and rushed towards him.

Seeing that he was about to hit Opada, he ducked sideways.

The heavy long knife was swung in the air and chopped down heavily, cutting off the entire horse's head in one fell swoop.

Blood spurted out, dyeing half of Opada's body red, and he chopped off the head of the fallen horse thief with a knife.

The dozen or so horse thieves who were looking at this side were taken aback and rushed over together, trying to kill the Tasda who suddenly appeared under the horse with the help of the crowd.

But they underestimated the bravery of this Tasda. When they rushed over, they only stabbed a few wounds on Opada's body, but they were killed by Opada one by one.

Killing more than a dozen enemies in one go, Opada stood beside the pile of corpses, panting violently.

He was red with the blood of the enemy, and the wounds on his arms and body were bleeding. But he didn't care to deal with the wound, and turned around and wanted to rush towards his companion.

And the appearance of Opada did make the Tasdar people look surprised, a surge of momentum surged, and they desperately resisted the attack of the horse thief, and opened a bloody road to rush in the direction of Opada.

The presence of a future leader whom they recognized gave the Tasdar great morale.

Just when Opada turned to run to his companions, a chill came from behind him, and the sense of crisis surging out of his body made all the hairs on his body stand up.

He didn't even have time to think, his body instinctively bowed his head under the impetus of this sense of crisis, and rolled forward awkwardly.

A Cheng Liang's pitch-black iron spear pierced out of the night, and the sharp spear point penetrated the phantom behind Opada's head.

Half a second later, he will be shot in the head.

Rolling around in embarrassment to avoid the shot, Opada saw the dark horse's hoof from the corner of his eye, and he didn't stand up at all, but rolled on the ground and directly next to the horse's hoof.

As soon as he raised his hand, the saber in his hand slashed fiercely towards the horse's leg—


The jet-black iron spear stabbed from top to bottom, blocking the long knife he slashed toward the horse's leg.

The sharp blade swiped on the hard black iron gun barrel, making a sharp and harsh sound.

Then, the black iron spear stabbed at Opada.

Opada quickly jumped back to avoid the attack range of the black iron gun.

This is a formidable enemy.

His intuition, the feeling of his body, and the strong sense of oppression from the other side were all telling Opada.

He took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Don't rush.

He warned himself in his heart.

The more powerful the enemy is, the more calm you must be. Only by calming down can you seize the opportunity to win.

Clenching the long knife in his hand, Opada raised his head and looked at the powerful enemy on his horse.

Seeing this, his pupils suddenly dilated.

The long knife that was originally held tightly in his hand snapped and fell to the ground.

"… Big Brother?"

The pupils dilated to the limit reflected the figure of the man on the horse.

Opada made a sleepy sound, and the whole person was stunned in place.

The man on the horse holding the jet-black iron gun also has short brown hair and a face very similar to Opada, but the contours of the face are sharper and colder.

He looked down at Opada, his gray eyes, his eyes cold and condescending.

"Opada, my brother."

His low and deep voice sounded under the night sky reddened by flames.

"After so many years, you still haven't made any progress."

He said, "So, use your death to pave the way for Tastard—"

As soon as the man finished speaking, a spear in his hand stabbed Opada again like a gust of wind.

Opada stood there, motionless.

In his empty pupils, the jet-black iron spear stabbed at him by his brother, whom he once admired and respected most, was reflected.

At this moment, he couldn't think of anything, couldn't feel anything.

His mind was just blank.

He stood still, motionless.

Seeing that the sharp point of the spear was about to penetrate between his eyebrows—


There was a crunch of metal from the impact of a sharp blade.

The silver-white sword blade protruding from the slanting ground forcibly blocked the stab point of the spear.

In the dark night, small sparks exploded a little light.

Like a beam of sunlight piercing the darkness, bright blond hair emerged from the darkness and flew up in front of Opada's eyes.

A familiar figure appeared in his sight.

A raging flame burns in the dark night.

The blond prince holds a long sword.

Keep Opada behind him.