A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 79


The roaring flames reflected the dark night sky, and the side cheeks of the boy holding the snow-white long sword were also flushed crimson.

The golden forehead was scattered in the corners of his eyes, and he raised his head, staring at the man on the black horse.

Like all Tastars, this man was tall and burly, and his body was extremely strong, as can be seen from the bulging triceps on his arm holding the black iron gun.

"Prince of Aaron Landis?"

The man is on a horse, looking down at him, condescendingly.

The firelight reflected the bronze armor on the man's body brightly.

He said: "You're still young and could have a long future... but it's a pity that you shouldn't be here."

Garlan pursed his lips and didn't answer.

The man's face was reflected in his golden eyes, which was very similar to Opada behind him.

He heard Opada's sleepy cry.

big brother.

Garlan clenched the white sword in his hand.

This man is Opada's eldest brother, and at the same time, a former friend of his knight Kejos.

While eating the desert-roasted rabbit meat that Anu brought back, he curiously asked what Kaijos meant after defeating Opada.

Although it is his personal friend, Kaijos has no intention of concealing it.

"The person I was talking about who had an unpredictable fight with me was Opada's eldest brother."

"Opada's big brother?"

Garlan was stunned for a moment, and he suddenly remembered that Opada had also told him that his eldest brother was very powerful, and he also tamed eagles.

When Opada said this, his expression was very proud, and he seemed to admire his brother.

"Kaihos, do you know his big brother?"

Kaihos laughed.

"At that time, he was a guy whose reputation was not inferior to mine. I was more famous in the south, and he rose to fame in the north before me."

"But how did you meet?"

"I followed King Camos to the northern battlefield. Sometimes we would join forces with the Tasda people to fight the enemy Gaishu, and we would go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and we would naturally know each other."

"Is he great?"

"Yes, he is a very strong man. Opada's martial arts are not as good as him, and he is also a rare and flexible guy among the Tasda people."

Garland blinked.

His guardian knight seems to be lazy and uninhibited, but there are very few people who can be admired by him.

Just by saying that, he could vaguely feel how powerful that person was.

He thought about it, and couldn't help but ask one more question.

"Better than you?"

"I don't know, Aaron Landis and Tasda are allies, and we are comrades-in-arms on the battlefield, so I haven't fought against him at all costs. Although sometimes we will learn from each other, but this kind of life will not be blocked. There is nothing to see in the battle, basically there are winners and losers."

Kaihos pondered for a moment and replied.

"To be honest, if I really fight to the death, I don't think I will lose, but I have no certainty of winning. And I haven't seen him for so long, and I don't know how good he is. However, he was indeed Tas back then. The leader of the Tatar warriors, and the designated successor of General Tastard..."

"Huh? Then why is it now Opada?"

Garland was really curious.

If even Kaihos really thinks that he is very good, and he is a rare and wise Tasda person, he must be an excellent successor. Why is he replaced by Opada, who is inferior in both force and brain

"And if it's a warrior as famous as you, then it should be famous, but I've never heard of him."

The blond knight was silent for a moment, then he opened his mouth to take a bite of the oily roasted rabbit and chewed it a few times.

The light of the bonfire reflected in his green eyes, making his eyes show a complex look at this moment.

"Probably more than five years ago... At that time, when we and Tasda fought against the Geshu army together, the Tasda army led by him delayed the fighter plane and almost caused the defeat of the northern battlefield."

Kaihos let out a low sigh.

"King Tasdar was furious, and Tasdar's general rushed to the battlefield immediately, deprived him of his commander status, and took over the command of the army. Although we finally won the victory, in order to give Aaron Landis an explanation, The general annulled his heir status."

"... Since then, he has disappeared from the battlefield."

Kaijos said his eyes were on the vast night sky.

At this moment, the figure that was about to be blurred in his memory once again appeared in his mind, and there was a look of nostalgia in his eyes.

That brave Tasdar warrior.

He fought alongside him on the battlefield many years ago.

At that time, the young Tasda warriors were in high spirits and fought on the battlefield.


He is still galloping on the battlefield, but the Tasda warrior who should have an infinite glory in the future, just because of that one mistake, was deprived of all the halo, hit the bottom, and there is no more news.

[That is a rare Tasda warrior who possesses both the bravery bestowed by the God of War and the wisdom bestowed by the God of the sky.]

Cayhoes had said so to him before the bonfire.

Garland tensed up, he was so nervous.

He knew very well that he could fight against ordinary soldiers, but it was impossible to fight against warriors of the same level as Kaijos.

He rushed over to block the shot just now, and he had already tried his best.

Up to now, his hands holding the hilt of the sword are still a little numb.

He never imagined that the one who planned the massacre of the Tarsdar mission was—

The man didn't speak anymore, and stabbed his gun straight in.

Garlan instinctively raised his hand to hold the tip of the stabbed spear.

The huge force shook his hands numb, and he was extremely reluctant to release the impact of the black gun to one side.

However, as soon as the spear tip was pulled away, the spear tip was retracted, and then another shot was stabbed.

Garland, who had just released his strength and was not even able to stand still, had to take his shot again, and immediately took a step back.

The man didn't stop, and didn't use all his strength.

He could see that Garlan was not his opponent at all. He was like a cat and mouse, playing with Garlan, stabbing him one by one.

"Prince of Aaron Landis, are you at this level?"

He sneered unceremoniously, looking at Garlan with extreme contempt.

He is a cavalryman, and his weapon is a long spear, and he suppressed the young man under the horse to death.

Garland could vaguely hear it, and the man's tone was filled with resentment towards Aaron Landis. But he didn't have time to think about it now, and he did his best to resist the successive attacks of the man on the horse.

Another shot stabbed hard.

A strong vibration was transmitted from the blade.

The hands that were already bleeding from the tiger's mouth could no longer hold the hilt of the sword, the long sword was shot and flew out by the black gun, and Garlan was knocked backward and fell to the ground.

The man on the horse looked down at Garlan, condescendingly.

The boy sat on the ground, looked up at the man, panting heavily.

"Aaron Landis stands in the way of Tarsdar."

As the man said so, the spear in his hand stabbed heavily towards Garlan—


The jet-black iron gun was once again intercepted halfway through.

The man who was blocked by this blow looked at the man blocking him, raised his eyebrows slightly, and seemed slightly surprised.

"Opada, I taught you all your martial arts skills, but now, you dare to point the blade at me?"

The brown-haired Tastar stood in front of Garlan, the muscles on his face still stiff, his shoulders tensed to the extreme.

He was panting, his chest heaving violently.

The saber that fell from his hand just now was once again clenched in his hand and aimed at the man in front of him.

"I swore to Ashur, the god of war..."

Opada's throat was shaking, and he stared at the man he once admired, clenching his teeth.

The knuckles of his hand gripping the hilt were almost white.

"I swore that as long as I was alive, I would never let anyone hurt him!"

He gritted his teeth, his voice almost forced out from the depths of his throat.

"Even if it's to big brother you-"

Before the words were finished, Opada was like a tiger, roaring and rushing up.

The long saber slashed towards the horse under the man, but was blocked by a jet-black iron spear.

The crisp sound of iron strikes resounded in the night sky, once and again.

Monotonous and cruel.

"Because I took your heir position? Because of this, you want to kill me."

Opada's eyes were red, and he seemed to be crazy, regardless of his own safety, and frantically attacked the man.

"Because of this, because of me alone, you didn't hesitate to attack your compatriots—you actually colluded with outsiders to kill your compatriots—"

he growled.

"Why do such a thing, this position is so important to you?!"

Blocking the saber that Opada had slashed, the man pushed the horse's head away, raised his hand to strike, and cut a long slit in Opada's arm.

The horses below him were neighing.

"This location?"

The man said lightly.

"Opada, even now, you still don't understand what I want."

"How could I possibly understand the thoughts of you, a fellow who betrayed his own countrymen!"

The bone-deep wound on his arm was bleeding profusely, and Opada still clenched his teeth and blocked the man firmly.

"Betraying Tasda? No, Opada, the one who betrayed Tasda was not me, but the guys who convicted me and imprisoned me five years ago, including our father."

The man said, "Those guys ruined me, and they ruined Tastard."

The battle between the two continues.

The conversation between the two also continued with the sound of the collision of the swords.

Opada is not as strong as a man, but at the moment, he is crazy, fighting with a momentum, and he is actually confronting the man.

"My father did not do anything wrong, that's your responsibility! If it weren't for your mistakes and delays, our ally Aaron Landis wouldn't have made such a big sacrifice—"


The man chuckled lightly.

"No, Opada, you don't understand, it wasn't a mistake."

"Just a strategic mistake, King Tasdar, and my father, wouldn't be so angry."

"They charged me with a felony because I disobeyed their orders."

"When they urged me to go to the battlefield as soon as possible, I told them that we should wait for the moment, and when Aaron Landis and Gash were both lost, the Tathda army could smash these two countries together in one fell swoop and become the last winner."

The truth that the man suddenly told five years ago caused Opada to lose his mind for a moment, and the man seized the moment of his absence and stabbed him in the shoulder with a shot.

"I said, Opada, your martial arts were taught by me, and you can never be my opponent."

Opada, who was shot through the shoulder, staggered back and looked about to fall.

A hand stretched out from behind and pressed his body against him, making him barely stand on the ground.

Garlan supported him, frowned, and looked at the man deeply.

Unexpectedly, I found out the truth by mistake.

The reason why this man planned this matter was not to compete for the position of heir.

The purpose of this man was to break Aaron Landis and Tastard.

Garland thought.

In previous lifetimes, the reason why General Tarstad recklessly attacked Aaron Landis in grief and anger must have played an extremely important role in it.

"why… "

Opada raised his head and looked at the brother he once admired the most.

He always thought that the incident five years ago was just a mistake. He also pleaded with his father, and felt that the punishment his father and King Tasda had imposed on his eldest brother was too severe.

At this moment, he looked at the familiar and strange man as if he had lost his soul.

"Why do you do such a thing?"

he murmured.

"Aaron Landis is our ally. On the battlefield, they are our comrades-in-arms. How can the Tasda treat their comrades like this?"

He said, "The Tastars never betray their comrades."

The man sneered.

"Listen, Opada, only Tastas are the best in this world."

"Powerful, heroic, invincible—"

"Tasdar people are the masters of this world. We are born to stand at the top of the world. No one from other countries is worthy of being Tastarians' comrades-in-arms. They just need to be our slaves."

"This is not the reason why you betray your comrades in arms!"

Opada stared at Stoke with red eyes.

"Believe in your comrades and never betray your comrades-this is the proud belief of the Tasdar people!"

"My father trusts you and admires you. He is proud of you. I respect you and admire you, but you have betrayed all of this—"

The man shook his head.

"That's why I said, Opada, you, your father, and King Tasda are all too naive. You are too obsessed with the so-called Tasdar beliefs, and Tasdar is in your hands. , can never go to the glorious path."

he said coldly.

"Tasda is Tasda, Aaron Landis is Aaron Landis, we are not comrades-in-arms, only interests."

"In the original war, as long as it was delayed for a few days and both Aaron Landis and Gish were lost, we Tastar could take the opportunity to seize a large tract of land and expand our territory."

"While they are recuperating, Tasda can fully seize the time to expand and strengthen his power. At that time, as long as there is enough time, Tasda will become a country no less than Geshu and Aaron Landis, and not Need to rely on Aaron Landis again!"

The man went on and on, his eyes bright as if there were stars shining in them, with an indescribable fervor, and a certain conviction.

He knew that he was following a path that no one would understand, not even his father, his younger brother.

But he firmly believed that only what he took was the right path.

He will lead Tastar to become the most powerful country on the continent.


The next second, his face suddenly contorted.

"Stupid King Tasdar, and my cowardly father—they, these two short-sighted fellows, ruined it all. Without them, I would have succeeded in defeating those two with an army five years ago. nation!"

He gritted his teeth, hatred surging in his eyes.

"They ruined the future of Tasta's glory with their own hands!"

After pouring out five years of hatred, the man let out a long sigh.

He looked down at Opada.

"The opportunity was missed at the beginning, and now, there is another opportunity."

His voice, he said, was the exact opposite of the bloody spear in his hand.

"Opada, everything is for the future of Tasda."

The bloody black gun was raised high.

Stab hard.

"Dedicate your life to the prosperity of Tasta—"

The wind was howling.

Flames burn in the dark night.

One person and one horse suddenly rushed from the flames.

Like lightning, the silver-white iron spear slammed hard on the tip of the spear pierced by the man, knocking the jet-black iron spear to one side.

The golden hair reflected the crimson fire, and the jet-black blindfold covered half of the face of the knight who was charging.

The one-eyed knight stood on the ground on horseback, holding a silver spear with a dignified expression.

"I haven't seen you for five years. Have you been reduced to bullying children now?"

The blond knight watched his friend on the battlefield.

The green one-eyed seemed to be dyed red by flames, and at this moment, a monstrous anger was surging.

He called out the man's name word by word.


The knight's voice seemed to be burning with anger.

Cayhors remembered.

Five years ago, in that war, because the Tusda army failed to arrive on the battlefield in time, there were omissions on the battlefield.

The army of Geshu seized this loophole and attacked the army of Aaron Landis.

In order to ensure that the Allied Tasda army was not attacked from the side, the army of Aaron Landis desperately resisted the army of Geshu, and suffered heavy losses.

Cayhors remembered clearly.

At that time, countless soldiers of Aaron Landis shed their blood on the battlefield.

... If it's just a mistake, that's all... The battlefield is changing rapidly, and no one can guarantee that he will not make a single mistake. In particular, General Tastard was desperate to attack all night, leading the army to fight desperately, and rescued the troubled Aaron Landis North Army.

So, although it was sad, neither he nor King Camos did not criticize Tasda too much.

However, he actually knew now that the sacrifice of the countless Aaron Landis soldiers was not a mistake, but a trap deliberately set by the man he once regarded as a confidant and friend in front of him!

"Answer me, Stoke."

Kaihos said, word for word.

At this moment, his eyes were as deep and cold as never before.

The hand that held the silver spear tightly, the back of the hand was already full of blue veins.

"In that battlefield five years ago, did you deliberately turn your back on Aaron Landis as an ally?"