A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 8


Garlan didn't dare to stop on the road anymore, for fear of encountering some bad luck again, he ran back to the small palace by the crescent pool where he started.

Because he ran too fast along the way, he was exhausted. He stood beside a huge gray-white column with one hand resting on the column, slightly bent over and panted, his face flushed with sweat.

He was gasping for breath when two teenagers passed by him talking and stopped talking when they saw him. One of them glanced at him out of the corner of his eye, with a look of disdain, and turned his head proudly, as if he didn't bother to look at him. The other boy with a round face was better and walked over to look at him with sympathetic eyes.


Some inexplicable Garlan followed the round-faced boy's line of sight and looked down, and then saw half a footprint on his side clothes, and suddenly realized.

Yes, the little brats who were beaten by him kicked him a few times when he wasn't paying attention at first, so they left footprints on his clothes. Come to think of it, those bear children should have often bullied him before. Everyone here knows it well. In addition, he is now panting and sweating. In the eyes of others, it is probably him. He was bullied again, so the round-faced boy showed that kind of sympathy when he saw him.

"Tal and they bullied you again?"

"… "

No, this time they were bullied by me.

Although he thought so in his heart, Garlan was too lazy to explain, and was not in the mood to deal with this passerby, so he simply lowered his head and pretended to be sad and kept silent.

The round-faced boy looked at the child who was a head shorter than himself and lowered his head and did not speak, and felt more and more pitiful for him. Although this child was also born noble and belonged to the collateral bloodline of the royal family, but because of the skin color, it became an alien among them.

Although Bai Bai and Nen Nen are cute and cute, people feel good at first sight, but after this child came here, those who came first looked down on him behind his back, and felt that the blood of the inferior nobles in him confuses the royal family. Bloodlines, almost all of which isolated him, both overtly and covertly. And the person who came first took the lead, and the other teenagers who came one after another also looked down on him.

The child was born and was very stubborn. When bullied, he showed an arrogant look and ignored others, which made others even more angry, so he was bullied even more.

Everyone took the bullying of this child as a joke, and no one took him seriously. Who is not a royal family here, they are not afraid of causing trouble. Moreover, this child is so young, coupled with the skin color, it is obvious that he is just here to make up the number, and it is impossible to be selected as the king's younger brother, so they bully people even more recklessly.

The round-faced boy looked at Garlan, his eyes were a look of pity from above, a sympathy of condescending charity. Garlan saw it at a glance, so when the young man came to express his kindness, he did not answer.

When the round-faced boy saw that he didn't speak, he felt more and more that the child was cowardly, looked down on him, and felt more pity. He directly raised his hand and stuffed a piece of bread in his hand, and said, "It's past meal time, and you don't have it anymore. Take this for a pad tonight."

He originally took this bread after he finished eating, and was going to go back to feed the birds. Seeing how pitiful the child was, he gave it to him.

Out of food

Garlan was stunned for a moment, and then he noticed that after a series of bad luck, the sun had already set in the west.

After thinking about it, he did not refuse, and took the bread handed by the other party.

He is cute, with big eyes like jewels. When he purses his lips and doesn't speak, he looks cute and well-behaved. Standing there, his two little hands are holding a big loaf of bread like a small pet. Sweat's pale blond hair was softly pressed against the milky-white cheeks, and the small appearance looked pitiful and cute, even the boy who didn't like him at first couldn't help but glance at him, and The round-faced boy who handed him the bread even touched his head.

"Just endure this one more day, it will be over tomorrow, and you can go home."

After saying this, he didn't say much, and left with his companions.

Neither him nor his companions nor the others took this child seriously at all. They all decided that the title of brother Wang would definitely not fall on this child of impure blood.

Hearing this, Garlan's heart skipped a beat.

What this person means is... Tomorrow is the time to elect the younger brother from this group of young candidates

He was in a hurry.

It was so fast that he didn't have time to do anything.

Are you going to the exam room tomorrow

He is unprepared now, he is taking the test naked, and he can't find the direction before the test. How could he be selected as the king's brother like this

When he thought of this, his head became big.

The Long March has not even taken the first step, is it about to sink into the sand and break the halberd

Garland thought bitterly.

If he can't become the king's younger brother, he has no right to inherit the throne.

He could not have ascended the throne without the right of succession to the throne.

If he does not ascend the throne, I am afraid that Heimos will take the throne.

In this way, the trajectory of fate cannot be changed, then his mission will still fail, the kingdom will still be destroyed by the wrath of the gods, and he will still be cursed by the gods, unable to grow up forever...

In this way, even if he returns to his original world, he will not live long.

Because he will die before he is eighteen.

The blond child opened his mouth, ah woo, and took a bite of the long bread in his hand, and chewed the bit of bread as Heimos.

Biting his bread, he thoughtfully walked to his room.

In any case, he must find a way to become the king's younger brother.

Once unselected...

The child's crunching of the bread paused.

He suddenly stopped in place, motionless, his mouth still maintaining the strange position of just biting down and not taking a bite.

And his pupils contracted violently at this moment.

… if not selected

If you are not selected, you cannot become the king's younger brother.

If it is not the king's younger brother, there is no right to inherit the throne.

This strange thought flashed through his mind, and Garlan felt his heart beating violently.

Subconsciously, he held his breath.

If he doesn't have the right to the throne... Heimos... Any reason to kill him

Garlan clenched the long bread in his hands so hard that his fingers almost broke it off.

His eyes lit up at this moment, and he seemed to see the dawn of his originally destined bleak future at this moment.

there is none left.

There was no reason to kill him anymore.

He is not the king's brother, and without the right to the throne, Heimos will not kill him—

Then, he can live!

Garland was excited to think that this was a good idea.

The so-called curse of not being eighteen years old was imposed on him by the gods after the fall of this kingdom. That is to say, now, in this life, he does not have this curse on his body.

The reason why he died in the first four rebirths was because he was killed because he competed with Heimos for the throne, not because he was cursed to death.

And from the beginning, he had no interest in competing for the throne. If it wasn't for that voice telling him that if he couldn't correct the trajectory of his fate, he wouldn't be able to live for long, and he wouldn't do this kind of thing that he wasn't good at at all.

From the beginning, his purpose was simply not to die.

If it is just to not die, then, with another way of thinking, now, he has another way to keep himself alive.

As long as he is not the king's brother, he does not compete with Heimos for the throne.

Then, in this world, as Garlan, he can live peacefully as an ordinary collateral bloodline of the royal family.

He was no match for Heimos.

Garland is well aware of this.

Not because of ability, but because of desire.

He lacked the terrible desire of Heimos.

He didn't know the reason, but he could see that Heimos had an extremely strong desire for the throne, even if he destroyed everything, he had to get it.

An almost crazy obsession.

That kind of crazy obsession allowed Heimos to dye his hands with blood without hesitation, stepping on the corpses of broken limbs and broken arms, walking down the road paved with bones, and walking to the blood-stained throne. .

And he can't.

He can't beat this lunatic.

So, time and time again, he could only fail miserably.

While thinking wildly, Garlan has returned to his own residence.

He was lying on the bed, staring straight at the roof in a daze.

To be honest, he really didn't understand what the so-called gods thought, why did he have to sit on the throne? Why did the so-called fate have to make him the king of this kingdom

He had always felt, in fact, that Heimos was better suited to sit on that throne than him...

A strong, ambitious and lustful king is not bad for the kingdom.

Moreover, although outsiders have rumored that Heimos is cruel and will definitely become a tyrant in the future, Gallan, who is the opponent, knows that Heimos' cruelty and cruelty are only aimed at the enemy, and that person has never hurt ordinary people. people.

On the large bed, the child lying on the soft bed closed his eyes and let out a long breath.

So be it.

he thinks.

He can't win Heimos, so stay away from Heimos.

He doesn't have the ability to correct his fate, so he can only let the envoy find his other reincarnation to complete this task.

Heimos, after tomorrow, you will be your brother, and I will return to my hometown.

In this life, you and I have nothing to do with each other.

Ah, the weather is so nice.

Standing in the courtyard, the morning sun is bright and not poisonous, and the cool wind at night swept across the crescent-shaped pool water, bringing a little moist breath, passing gently under the sky.

The child bathed in the sun raised his head and looked at the boundless blue sky, his pale golden hair fluttered softly like catkins, reflecting a faint golden luster.

Now that he has made up his mind to give up the throne, Garlan naturally has no pressure. He stepped on the steps and looked at the white or lavender hyacinths swaying in the wind by the pool, and he lifted it with ease. I stretched out my arms, feeling very good.

Even the expressions of others around him that either ignored him or looked at him with disgust couldn't affect his good mood. He thinks he has nothing to worry about with those little brats. Anyway, after today is over, except for someone who is going to go back to their respective homes, I don't know if I will meet them again in this life.

Garland, who has already started to think about how to not reveal his abnormality in front of those 'family' after returning to his 'home', didn't notice at all, some teenagers who were looking at him glanced behind him, revealing that he was watching a good show. eyes.

Suddenly someone hit him hard from behind, knocking him into a stagger.

And there are stone steps at his feet. If one does not stand firm, the whole person falls down.

As soon as Garlan raised his eyes, he saw that the chubby heavyweight fat man stood on the steps and sneered at him.


He cursed in his heart, closed his eyes, and sat still.

However, just when he was ready to fall humiliatingly on all fours in front of everyone's eyes, he didn't fall to the ground.

When he stumbled down the steps, his back bumped into someone.

Then, a pair of hands grabbed his shoulders and supported him.

Garlan breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head to thank the person who supported him.

As soon as he turned his head and saw the man behind him, his eyes widened, and the words of thanks were stuck in his throat.

At the same time, before he could react, his body lightened, and his whole body had been picked up.

"Your feet still hurt?"

The voice of the teenager in the voice-changing period is a little hoarse, which is not pleasant, but the tone is gentle.

Garlan, who was picked up, looked at the familiar face in front of him, and the golden red eyes that looked at him with questioning eyes, and his mood was very complicated for a while.

Now, there is still light in these golden red eyes, and in eight years, these eyes will be completely indulged in darkness, like hell.

Garland couldn't help but think about it.

In the past eight years, what happened to make the young man in front of him turn into a brutal, cruel and disgusting demon