A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 83


The guards were divided into two groups, one group escorted the Tasdar mission and helped them transport the remains of their dead compatriots back, and the other group was naturally to escort the two princes of Aaron Landis back to the royal city.

Ever since he remembered what happened in his previous life, a string was always tensed in Garlan's mind on the journey with the Tarsdar mission. Now, as soon as the matter is over, he immediately relaxes.

Although it was a little miscalculated, but no matter what, he kept most of the Tasda people, especially the most crucial Opada, so that Aaron Landis and Tasda would not face each other. .

On the way back, Garlan seemed a lot more relaxed. It was rare to go out, and there was nothing to do. He naturally didn't want to hurry, but wanted to go all the way to play.

As for Garlan's idea, Taal, the also playful fat man, naturally agrees with both hands. After all, he is a tyrant and half a dude in the king's city, and he began to give Garlan various suggestions with great interest, such as where What's delicious and what's interesting.

In a word, eat, drink and have fun.

In this team, the blond knight who could be half of the master looked at his little master's reluctant appearance, thought about it, and stuffed the letter from King Camos urging him to take Garlan back quickly.

On the other hand, Prince Heimos, who could be the master, was a little absent-minded along the way, as if he had something on his mind, and he didn't care about the slow pace of the team at all.

As a result, the team stopped and went all the way, and the speed was extremely slow.

On this day, the group stopped near a small town called Noel.

Because Tal told Garland that although this city called Noel is small, it is very famous. Its agriculture, industry and commerce are not developed, but it is still very prosperous, because there is a mountain pine forest near the city of Noel, and the mountain pine forest is deep. There is a continuous hot spring lake, which attracts many people to come here.

King Camos sometimes comes here to relax, Tal said.

Therefore, when evening came, Garland couldn't wait to kill a group of people in a mighty way.

At the top of the mountain pine forest, there is a small hot spring lake with the most suitable temperature and the best scenery.

That place is usually forbidden for anyone to enter, it is a forbidden area, and it will only be opened when King Camos comes. As the most beloved brother of King Camos, Garlan naturally entered the so-called forbidden area with ease.

The sun hadn't completely set on the horizon, but the wind had picked up slightly, rustling the pine forest.

Garlan soaked in the water, only to feel that his tired body was completely healed.

The temperature of this so-called mountain hot spring is actually not high, just a little hot, but in Aaron Landis, which is like spring all year round, the temperature is just right, and it is the most comfortable temperature for people's body to completely relax.

Most of the boy's body was immersed in the lake water, and his arms were lying on the smooth white stone by the lake.

He leaned his head on his side, resting his head on his arms, his long pale golden hair spread out on the white stone, half immersed in the clear water.

He lay there lazily, half-squinting his eyes, his face contented.

His fair skin was smoky with warm water.

There was a sudden movement on the edge of the quiet lake, and Garlan raised his eyelashes, which were hanging lazily, and a familiar figure entered his line of sight.

Slim body, fit body.

Heimos, who had taken off his black leather armor and a strong suit, walked in wearing a very loose dress, his brown skin glowing with a honey-colored luster in the afterglow of the setting sun.

When wearing a strong suit, he doesn't look strong, and he looks a little thin when compared with Opada, but as soon as he takes off his clothes, his angular muscles are revealed, like a leopard in the jungle, the tight muscles. There is a terrifying power underneath.

Just when he was bored, Garlan was lying on the stone, and his eyes swept Heimos from top to bottom.

Well, looking at his face, there is no doubt that he is a beautiful man.

Look at the figure, wide shoulders, narrow waist, slender limbs, and clear muscles in every place, with arm muscles, pectoral muscles and abdomen... Oh, I can't see this, but it should be there.

And those long legs.

Obviously, he is about the same height as Opada, but when standing together, Heimos' legs are a bit longer than Opada.

Garlan looked at it and wondered.

You said that such a beautiful man, or a prince, with a great figure, should have a large number of wild bees and butterflies rushing to him one after another, right? Even if it's not so exaggerated, why should there be so many confidantes who admire him

But why is Heimos still single

Garlan pondered this in his heart, completely ignoring that his staring at Heimos made Heimos look unnatural, and turned his head sideways.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

Then, he continued to maintain a nonchalant appearance, walked to Garlan's side, walked into the warm lake water, and sat down against the white stone beside him.

Then, he just leaned against the stone wall and closed his eyes, his expression was indifferent, as if he was closing his eyes and resting.


Suddenly there was a shout from the side, and Heimos didn't move, but if he looked closely, he could see that the eyelashes of his closed eyes moved invisibly.

After a while, he responded lightly.


"You're in your twenties, don't you plan to get married?"

"... There is no such plan for the time being."

After a pause, Heimos answered.

He still maintained the calm look of leaning against the stone wall with his eyes closed, but at this moment, his mood was very uneasy.

Because he suddenly remembered that since he went to the Northland battlefield, he often communicated with Garland, and Garland always seemed to be in the letter to find out if he had a favorite woman and whether he planned to marry a wife. … as it is now.

"Don't you have a woman you like? Haven't met one for so many years?"

Heimos opened his eyes and turned his head.

He saw the boy lying on the smooth white stone staring at him, his amber-like golden eyes shining with a look of anticipation.

It stands to reason that, for the good of Garlan, he should answer yes, thereby eliminating Garlan's thoughts.

However, as soon as he met those bright golden eyes, for some reason his mind was a little bit reluctant, and he replied.


He flatly denied it.

"I haven't thought about it for a while."

As soon as he finished speaking, Heimos turned his head.

As soon as he turned his head, he missed the disappointment that had almost completely leaked out on the face of the boy who got his answer.

... So, how long will it take to wait for Heimos to get married and have children

Garlan, who was so mourning in his heart, turned his head dejectedly, turned the back of his head to Heimos in annoyance, and lay there without saying a word.

Beside him, Heimos, who was sitting in the water, was also in a complicated mood.

Obviously, it's enough to say 'there is a woman you like' to break the boy's mind, but his mouth just doesn't follow his orders, so he just says that kind of thing.

What happened to yourself

He remembered that the Tastian man had said with certainty, 'You have the same thoughts about Garlan as I do'.


Heimos thought.

Not so.

He really cares about Garland, and attaches great importance to Garland. It can be said that for him, there is no one more important than Garland in this world.

But it shouldn't be that kind of feeling.

My own feelings for Gallan... It's different from that feeling.

Yes, definitely not the same.

In the military camps in the north, dancers were often called to banquets for relaxation during the war. Like everyone else, he was quite moved by the beautiful faces and graceful bodies of those dancers, which meant that women's bodies were indeed attractive to him.

Although he will restrain himself, he is indeed attracted to those women when he is young and vigorous.

Therefore, he should be just like everyone else, only interested in women.

Heimos exhaled softly.

He thought that it was probably because he cared too much about Garland and showed it too clearly, so he made the Tasda mistake.

Thinking so, he turned his head again and looked at the people around him.

The warm lake water created a little mist on the water.

The young man had his back to him, his head resting on his side and his arms lying on the smooth white stone by the lake.

The lake water is very clear, and you can clearly see the body of the young man in the water. Although it looks a little slender, it has a thin layer of muscles, and it shows more and more graceful lines like a white deer elf.

Because he was lying on his stomach, his upper body was above the water, but the loose clothes on his body were soaked through, and they were dripping wetly against his body.

In the light mist, the clothes were soaked through and appeared translucent.

It sticks tightly to the boy's skin, fully showing the boy's beautiful body curve, and at the same time, the white skin that is smoky pink under the translucent fabric is looming in the scattered pale golden hair...

Take a breath.

Heimos felt that his mind suddenly stopped for a second.

He turned sharply and closed his eyes.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his brown side cheeks, he didn't know, a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

… … … …

In the middle of the night, in the most beautiful little castle in Nuoer City, everyone was asleep.

The cold moonlight shone into the room through the skylight, and shone on the sleeping black-haired youth lying sideways on the bed.

I don't know what he was dreaming about in his dreamland, his thin lips pursed a little bit, and even the originally steady breathing became a little bit faster.

Bright sunlight flooded the ground.

The olive tree swayed rustling in the wind, and the little white flowers scattered all over the sky like snow.

The long pale golden hair like melting gold was scattered on the green grass, and the slender boy sat on the green velvet.

Among the rustling petals, many of them are blurry and cannot be seen clearly.

Some were in a trance, and some were at a loss, not knowing where they were.

But suddenly, the boy looked up at him.

At that glance, there was also a splendid crimson between the eyebrows, which inexplicably made people's heart palpitate to the extreme—

As if a crackling sound came from the deepest part of the body—

At this moment, suddenly, a heavy fog rose, covering everything between heaven and earth in an instant.

The fog was hazy, covering the world.

Can't see anything, can't see anything clearly.

Then, suddenly, the sound of water was heard.

With the sound of flowing water, the mist dispersed little by little.

By the clear lake, the boy sat there.

His calf stretched into the lake water, his hands were by his side, his back turned to him.

All he could see was the boy's back and the scattered blond hair.

Drops of water dripped from the supple blonde hair.

Maybe he just got up from the water, and the boy's clothes were soaking wet, and the soaked and translucent cloth was tightly clinging to his skin.

Wet blond hair fell down, around the back of the snow-white neck, and scattered from the shoulders.

Beneath the transparent cloth, the fair skin of the boy was looming.

A touch of pink is dotted on the back of the neck, inexplicably tempting to the extreme—

Everything seemed to be reaching its limit at this moment.

Something collapsed and tore apart in an instant.

The magma buried deep in the thick earth boiled.

For a long time, they have been brewing in the depths of the earth, suppressed and unknown.

Even their owners don't know they exist.

Suddenly one day, somewhere in the hard earth suddenly burst, and a trace was split open.

It was like a dam burst.

The unknown magma that was buried deep in the ground stirred at this moment and burned violently, as if the entire earth was ignited and burned.

Everything was out of control in an instant, they were burning wildly, gushing, surging out—

The dark-haired young man in deep sleep suddenly opened his eyes, and the moonlight in the room seemed to tremble in an instant.

He got up abruptly and sat up on the bed, panting heavily.

In the golden red eyes, the pupils were slightly enlarged.

His face was extremely red at this moment, and it even spread to the base of his ears.

Although he didn't lift the blanket, he could feel some kind of wet marks on his body under the thin blanket.

He froze for a while.

After a long time, he raised his hand and pressed half of his face.

The redness at the base of his ears had spread to the back of his neck.

"...just kidding..."