A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 85


The person Heimos likes is actually Tapti? ?

Garland felt a little confused.

Tapti was about the same age as King Camos, seven or eight years older than Heimos.

It turns out that Heimos likes older, mature women than himself

No wonder he stayed quietly in the Northland for four years. It turned out that he was thinking about his female officer

Garland didn't think he had guessed wrong.

Because according to what Heimos said just now, he made a mark among all the women he knew, and the only one who met the requirements was his female officer.

Heimos also specifically asked him 'do you understand', probably because he was worried that he would object.

Garland felt that he could understand the great obstacles mentioned by Heimos.

After all, due to the close relationship between the Queen Tapti and King Camos, many people believed that King Camos would sooner or later bring the women into the harem.

To grab a lover with King Camos, even if he is as daring as Heimos, he may not be able to do it. Naturally, he can only bury his thoughts deep in his heart.

However, how many years have passed, there has been no movement from King Camos, and as Garlan watched from the side, he felt that the two of them were more of a friendship or even a family relationship, and there was nothing at all. amour.

Moreover, his female officer was obviously not interested in becoming the king's concubine either.


Garland thought about it.

The female officer Tapti's character is calm and composed, and she treats everyone calmly, but for some reason, she is a little bit at odds with Heimos, and he has had a headache because of it.

But on second thought, does this mean that to Tapti, Heimos is more special than the others

Moreover, in order to take care of him, Tapti has been unmarried for the past few years. Although she is still beautiful and charming, but after all, she is more than 30 years old. As a result, Tapti has been single for a lifetime. Garland still feels very guilty, not to mention that he will sooner or later. to leave.

But if she marries Heimos, Heimos likes her for so many years and will treat her well in the future, and once Heimos sits on the throne, Tapti will be the princess, and her child will be Aaron Landis' future heir...

Um? It seems like a good idea.

Thinking like this, Garlan's heart lit up, and he looked up at Heimos.

"I see."

He said to Heimos with a serious look.

"Heimos, I will definitely help you."

He says,

"I'll definitely find a way to get you and Tapti together."

Whether it was for Heimos, Tapti, or himself, he wanted to keep the two of them together no matter what.

The young man with such a determination in his heart looked at Heimos with burning eyes.

"Don't worry, Heimos, I will not stop you and Tapti, and I will help you. Age is not a hindrance, nor is my identity, I will help you to say good things to brother Camos, as long as you let the brother Grant Tapti enough identity and you'll..."

Confused by the name of the female officer that Garlan suddenly said, Heimos didn't react for a while.

When he reacted, he saw Garlan gushing over the words that would help him.

He subconsciously wanted to refute.

"No, I didn't…"

He suddenly raised his voice and interrupted Garlan's words.

"The person I'm talking about is—"

"His Royal Highness Garland!"

A sudden shout from the side interrupted Heimos.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the blond knight hurried over, leaning over and saluting.

He said, "Your Majesty is down, please go and see him immediately."

"Huh? Brother Wang? Are you here?"

"Yes, Your Highness."

"How could he..."

"Probably because you didn't go back for a long time, so His Majesty came to pick you up in person."

"… "

There is a feeling that the parents come to take back the children who are crazy and don't want to go home...

"Please go see him immediately."

"I see."

Seeing Kaihos urging so hard, I must be afraid that the king is losing his temper now.

He could not delay.

With that in mind, Garlan hurriedly followed Kaihos.

Just after walking a few steps, he remembered something again, and turned back to look at Heimos.

Heimos was still standing, frowning, as if he was in a bad mood.

"don’t worry."

Garland patted his chest at him and smiled at him.

"Leave it to me, and I'll definitely help you—"

After he finished speaking, he hurried away with Kaijos.

Heimos looked at the boy who had a serious face and promised to help him and Tapti, and his mind was a little empty for a while.

Wait, why does Garlan look so happy

And that kind of happiness doesn't seem to be disguised

… something seems wrong? ?

"Your Majesty, Your Highness Garlan has come down."

As soon as Garlan walked into the hall, he heard the voice of the guard reporting to King Camos.

The next second, rapid footsteps sounded.

A tall figure walked quickly, and as soon as Garlan raised his head, he was hugged by a pair of strong arms that suddenly stretched out.

King Camos hugged him tightly.

It was so hard that he could barely breathe.

"... Brother Wang?"

Just as Garlan said two words, the arms that held him tightly pushed him away again.

King Camos stared at him and looked at him carefully from beginning to end.

After reading it, the tense face relaxed a little.

King Camos asked with a stern face, "Are you injured?"

It was rare to see his brother being so stern to him, Garlan shook his head honestly.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt, Kejos and Heimos are here."

Camos nodded.

However, a face remained stern.

"Why don't you go back?"

King Camos was taken aback when he suddenly received the news that the Tasdar mission and his brother were attacked on the road.

Immediately afterwards, he was furious. If it wasn't for Xie Muer's strong persuasion, it is estimated that he would have personally rushed over with the troops on the day he received the news.

But after all, not long after he returned from the expedition, the affairs that had been piled up in the royal court for several months could not be delayed any longer.

But the team that came back was slow, and he couldn't wait any longer.

No, staying up all night to solve some urgent government affairs, and with the time to catch his breath, he couldn't help himself to lead the team to pick up people.

When he confirmed with his own eyes that Garlan was not hurt at all, he finally felt relieved.

"When you grow up, your wings are hard, you don't need to listen to the king's words, right?"

Lion cubs always leave the nest.

Young eagles will one day spread their wings and fly high.

Although I understand this in my heart, I am also pleased to watch that little child grow up little by little. This young boy who is under his wings will one day leave his wings, but...

"Sorry, Brother Wang, but this is a rare opportunity for me."

Garlan raised his head and looked at him with bright golden eyes.

"I want to take a walk where my brother once walked. I want to see everything that my brother has seen with my own eyes."

"Because one day, this is also the land I want to set foot on."

The young man's amber pupils seemed to have stars shining with hope for the future.

The look on that young face was like the rising sun, full of vigor.

King Camos froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled.

His face couldn't hold back any longer, it softened, and he touched Garlan's head.

"Never mind."

He said, "You're right, this is the land you're going to step on sooner or later like me."

He sighed a little lonely.

"Yeah, my cute little brother from the past has grown up... and is about to leave me..."

At this moment, the dignified Lion King on the battlefield showed a sigh-like expression on his face that did not match his image at all.

That sigh, that demeanor, that appearance made Xie Mu'er, who was beside him, feel a chill in his heart, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Your Majesty, you don't need to be so pretentious even if you are deliberately trying to arouse the prince's guilt.


The priest of Shamash muttered in his heart.

At this moment, the one-eyed knight suddenly interjected.

"So, Your Majesty, do you think the prince is not cute now?"

"… "

King Camos, who was interrupted by Kaihos halfway through the pretense of emotion, subconsciously glanced at Garlan.

The little prince looked up at him.

Velvet blond hair wrapped around the boy's face.

A pair of big eyes looked at him from the bottom up, like a cat, bright and watery.

The beautiful young man with bright eyes and white teeth stared at him, his long eyelashes blinking innocently.

He was so cute that he couldn't bear it any longer by the innocent blink of his little brother.

King Camos hugged Garlan, touched his head, rubbed it, and touched it again.

He said flatly: "It's also very cute now!"

Xie Muer: "..."

King Camos didn't notice the speechless appearance of his priest, and he continued to speak angrily while continuing to tease his little brother who was the cutest no matter when he was a child or now.

"You refused to come back for a long time, and Xie Mu'er was still chattering in my ear, saying all the annoying things... Saying that when you grow up, it's time to find a suitable marriage partner for you... "

Halfway through the last sentence, Xie Muer coughed and King Camos swallowed the rest of the words.

After all, these are private words, and it is not easy to say them in front of Garlan.

And he hasn't agreed to it yet.

From the perspective of King Camos, no one is worthy of his little brother.

After having dinner together and being coaxed by Garlan for a long time, King Camos was finally satisfied.

After staying up for a few days dealing with government affairs, and rushing over again, he was also a little tired, so after seeing Heimos and asking about the situation at that time, he planned to rest.

Garland returned to his residence. Kaihos had sent him to the door of the room and planned to leave, but was stopped by Garland.

Said there was something to discuss with him.

The room was lit, very bright.

Garlan sat on the soft seat, as if he was contemplating something, and he seemed to be thinking about what he was about to say.

And Kaihos brewed a pot of tea, poured a cup for Garland, then held a cup himself, sat casually on the opposite chair, took a slow sip, and calmly waited for his master to speak.



"What do you think of Taputy?"

"Is it Tapti? She is a conscientious and responsible female officer, and she is attentive, and she serves you very thoughtfully. I am very relieved to have her by your side."

"No no no, I didn't say that."

Garland waved his hand.

"I mean, what do you think of her as a woman?"

"How do you feel about being a woman?"

The blond knight who passed through the clumps of flowers held a teacup in one hand and touched his chin with the other.

"Although her personality is tough, I think she is a good woman in all aspects."

Although the female official was quite reticent about her character of lingering on flowers, she never interfered or said much about his private affairs.

In his opinion, she is a very smart, nosy, and knowledgeable woman, and she is indeed a mature and charming beautiful woman.

"Kayhors, eh, what kind of men do you think Tapti would like?"

"Well, I really don't know that."

Not a man like me anyway.

Kaihos added in his mind.

"Why do you suddenly ask this, Your Highness?"

"I just think... Tapti took so long to take care of me. Although I really miss her, I can't really delay her for a lifetime."

Garlan looked at Kaihos and said.

"Now there is someone who likes her very much, and that is a very good person, although there may be some obstacles and troubles between them... But I really hope they can be together."

"So, I want to discuss with you whether there is any way to solve those obstacles."

"That's it."

Kaihos took a sip of tea and asked casually.

"Then, who is the very nice man His Highness said?"

After asking, he took another sip of tea.

Garland hesitated.

"… Heimos."

puff! ! !

The one-eyed knight spit out all the tea he had just entered.

He always paid attention to his image, and he didn't even bother to wipe the tea sprayed from the corner of his mouth, looking in disbelief.

"Who are you talking about?"

He seriously suspected that something was wrong with his ears.

"Although it's incredible, that's what Heimos told me himself."

Garland can understand the appearance of Kaihos's chin about to fall at the moment, because when he heard it not long ago, he was stunned.

But among the women who completely matched what Heimos said, Tapti was the only one.

The corners of Kaihos's mouth twitched.

He raised his hand and wiped the water mark on the corner of his mouth, feeling a little pain in his head.

Prince Heimos is a person with a difficult mind and a deep city, but Kahors can see that he does have some very special feelings for His Royal Highness Gallan.

That kind of feeling is more than family, friendship, and even...

He can't guess the prince's true mind, but to say that the one who likes Tapti... Kaijos assures with his own eyes that have read the elegance, that's impossible.

But His Royal Highness Gallan said that Prince Heimos said it himself, this is really...

He couldn't help but be a little confused.

Pressing his temples, Cayhors woke himself up a little.

He thought for a moment and spoke in a cautious tone.

"His Royal Highness, I don't think it's suitable for outsiders to intervene in matters of other people's feelings. Prince Heimos's love affair, and whether the female officer Tapti accepts it, are their business and have nothing to do with you."

"but… "

Kaihos said this, but Garlan was not easy to answer, and it had a lot to do with him.

It can be said that whether the two can be successful together determines his future.

"Furthermore, if you intervene rashly as an outsider in this kind of thing, it will be self-defeating, and it may cause a misunderstanding between the two."

"...Since you said so."

In terms of emotional experience, Kaihos is still richer. Since Kaihos said that his intervention will cause bad things, then he should wait honestly.

Anyway, after waiting for so long, there is no shortage of this moment.

Garland nodded.

He said, "I see, I'll listen to you."

Kaihos also nodded in relief.

His Highness always listens to the advice of people who are good at it in areas that he is not good at.

The blond knight drank the rest of the tea. He remembered what King Camos mentioned inadvertently just now. After thinking about it, he felt that Prince Gallan had indeed grown up, and it was time to take a side view.



"Don't always talk about others, do you have someone you like?"


When the topic of the person he liked turned to himself, Garlan was stunned for a moment.

"You're not too young, don't you have a woman who makes your heart flutter?"

"Uh… "

After reporting to King Camos about the attack on the Tarsdar mission, Heimos passed by Garlan's residence on the way back to his residence.

He stood in the woods path and pondered for a while, thinking of Garlan's excited and happy smiling face that didn't seem like a fake smile at that time, and his heart sank a little.

After pondering for a while, he bypassed the guards in front of the door, jumped over the wall, and jumped into the courtyard.

The light in the room was still on, and there were two figures in the room, which Heimos recognized at a glance, and the other was Kaijos. They sat in the room and seemed to be talking.

Heimos walked over, intending to enter the house, but as soon as he got close, a word came out, which made him stop.

"Do you have someone you like, Your Highness?"

The blond knight asked.

Garlan didn't answer, and seemed to be silent.

Cayhors went on.

"As long as it is your will, as long as you like it, as your knight, no matter who the other party is, I will definitely stand on your side, Your Highness, and I will not reveal the slightest bit to outsiders."

He said, "So please don't hesitate to tell me your thoughts."

Heimos didn't move, he listened intently to the movement of the boy in the room.

Garlan trusts Kaihos so much, maybe he will really show his heart to Kaihos.

he thinks.

Regardless of all the nonsense that Suojia said, he has made up his mind.

As soon as Garlan opened his mouth, he would go in and completely pierce through this layer of window paper.

There was silence in the room.

Heimos stood outside the door, his fingers clenched into fists, he felt his heart beating faster and faster.

He was like a very nervous warrior about to step into the battlefield for the first time.

Finally, in this tense silence, Garlan spoke.

"that… "

Garland whispered.

"What you said... there really isn't."

Thinking about myself, I have lived a few lifetimes, and I have never talked about a single love.

I didn’t think it was anything if I didn’t say it before, but now that Kaihos mentioned it, Garlan felt a little ashamed.

The only love experience was in the original world. When he was in junior high school, he secretly fell in love with the pure and innocent female classmate in the class...

Yes, it's just a secret love, and he doesn't even say much, and he only looks at it secretly.

The Son of Destiny of others who crosses over is to kill the Quartet world and dominate the infinite harem.

And his son of destiny...

Forget it, don't say it, it's too sad to say.

"I see." Kaihos nodded, "Then, Your Highness, at least tell me what kind of type you like, okay?"

"My type?"

Garlan thought for a while, and he was not very shy about discussing the appearance of his ideal lover with Kaihos, and he was still a little interested.

"Well, this, I like the kind with big eyes, round, and round faces. It's very sweet and cute when you smile~~"

A certain young man outside the house with sharp eyes who can't be sweet and cute: "..."

"And it's better to have long hair, yes, it's better to have long hair that reaches your waist and falls like a waterfall—"

Heimos with short black hair: "..."

The boy in the room continued to speak, his voice sounded very happy, completely from the heart.

"Also, it's best not to be too tall, to be petite, that's cute."

A certain young man who was at least a head and a half taller than Gallan: "..."

"The last point may be a little troublesome. Well, I prefer the white-skinned one like me and you."

Huymos with a sexy brown skin: "..."

… … … …

Sure enough, there is still something wrong! ! !