A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 88


Just when Garlan glanced at the sky behind him from the corner of his eyes and felt his legs and feet were a little weak, in a blink of an eye, he saw the opposite Heimos staring at him, and suddenly frowned, the long legs strode towards him. come.

Garlan, who was already a little frightened, was so approached by Heimos, and immediately took a step back reflexively.

Take two steps back, and you're almost at the edge of the platform.

He stiffened and did not dare to move, but Heimos had already taken a few steps to him.

Then, when he stretched out his hand, the big brown hand reached out to him.

Just like in the previous life, just like in a dream just now, maybe in the next second, that hand will grab his neck fiercely—

Garland closed his eyes instinctively.

As soon as he closed his eyes, Heimos's hand was already there.

He grabbed his wrist and tugged hard, pulling Garlan's entire body towards him.

Garlan staggered forward and was dragged into Heimos's arms.

Heimos still held his wrist tightly with one hand and wrapped his arms around him.

"Don't always stand in that dangerous place."

The Garland man, who was hugged by Heimos, was still a little stunned, and the low voice was already ringing in his ears.

There was also a bit of unhappiness in the words, as well as a little hidden tension.

Heimos's tone sounded like a reprimand.

"Do you want to die? What if you fall!"

The young man blinked and blinked again, his mind was still a little confused, but suddenly he felt that this scene at the moment seemed familiar.


A long time ago, when he was a child, when he and Heimos had just met, and when he was estranged from Heimos, he once sat on the railing on the edge of the palace, because of a quarrel with Heimos. When he fell from the high palace fence, he was dragged back by Heimos, who was still a teenager at the time.

At that time, Heimos, who dragged him back from the near fall, also reprimanded him in such a tone.

Garlan's pupils with a look of horror slowly relaxed, and his body that was tensed and stiff also eased a little.

It's not the past few times.

he thinks.

He could feel the tension in the arms holding him, and the warmth of the man's broad chest.

Without the incident of the fire as a child, Heimos did not become such a terrible person.

He was nice to him, very nice.

He shouldn't be afraid.

Because now Heimos won't hurt him.

He protects him, from childhood until now, like the closest friend and the gentlest brother.

The beating heart eased little by little, and Garlan let out a breath slowly, the fear from the dream gradually dissipated, and his face returned to normal.


He raised his head and looked at Heimos.

"Why are you here?"

Heimos still put one hand around the boy in his arms, not letting go.

He lowered his head, his golden red eyes deeply reflecting the shadow of the person in front of him.

"Following you."

He said, "You seem to be a little drunk. I was afraid that something would happen to you, so I followed."

"I'm not drunk."

The boy with slightly red cheeks tilted his head and retorted, his tone was a little dissatisfied.

"Just come out and get some air."


Heimos put his arms around the man in his arms and coaxed him softly.

"I know you're not drunk. I'm worried about you, so I follow you. I'm busy, okay?"

Heimos's voice was full of indulgence and indulgent eyes. If his colleagues and subordinates in the Northland saw him at this moment, they would be shocked and their hearts would stop beating. shoot.

—The guy who made the Geshus stomp on the flesh and blood of countless enemies on the battlefield was named the 'Black Knight of Hell' —

Now that he is coaxing the boy in his arms softly, how can there be a shadow of hell

A gust of night wind with the coolness of the late night blew past, brushing the jet-black broken hair on Heimos' forehead.

Garlan looked at that face.

The star-shaped eyebrows, the handsome face, the same face and the same outline as in the dream, but just because of those slightly curved eyes, Heimos looked a lot softer.

The Heimos in front of him didn't have the slightest hostility on his face, and he didn't look at him with sullen eyes, and the depths of his eyes were not the dark abyss that could not be seen to the end and were lifeless.

This handsome face is full of vitality, like the rising sun.

These golden red eyes reflected on his face, and at this moment it seemed to be filled with finely shredded starlight.

Garland smiled slightly.

very nice.

he thinks.

He liked Heimos the way he was now.

He likes life the way it is now.

So, as it is now, he doesn't want to change everything he has now.

"It's obviously a banquet for the two princes to celebrate, but the two protagonists are gone."

Garland said, smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

"Ximuel is going to be angry."

Heimos glanced at Garlan, the corners of his lips lifted slightly, he didn't speak, he just let go of the hand that was around Garlan.

He turned around, picked up the cloak that slid to the ground when Garlan suddenly jumped up, threw it on the stone table, and sat down on the stone bench beside him.



"You know I have someone I like."


Garland was startled for a moment, and quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry, Heimos, I promised to find a way to help you stay with Tapti, but Kaijos said it would be more troublesome for others to interfere, so I still..."

The boy's words of apology were interrupted.

"It's not fair," Huymos said.


"You know about me, but you don't tell me about the person you like."

Heimos said here and paused.

He sat there, his eyes fell on the stone table, his face seemed calm, and his demeanor seemed calm, but the fingers of the hand he put on his lap and hidden under the stone table clenched a little bit.

"And you?"

He asked, "Who do you like?"

Garland was a little puzzled.

How come one or two have been asking him if he has someone he likes recently

It was Kaijos first, and then Xie Muer asked him vaguely when he was talking to him yesterday. Now, Heimos is also joining in the fun

You don't care if I have someone I like, I'm waiting for you to get married and have children until the whole person is getting moldy. Heimos, you know

Contemplating this in his heart, Garlan shook his head.


He said calmly, "I haven't met anyone I like yet."

Having said that, he couldn't help but talk again.

"Look, I don't even have a person I like yet. You finally found someone you like, so don't hurry up and chase it."

He spoke in a lecturing tone.

"Do you think that just sitting here and watching people can make people jump over on their own?"

Heimos raised his eyes and glanced at him.

The corners of the eyes are sharp, and there is a little light in the depths of the pupils, leaking a little dangerous breath.

Garlan spoke for a while, and his heart palpitated for a moment at that glance.

"you're right."

Just as Garlan's heart skipped a beat at that glance, and he vaguely smelled a bad premonition, Heimos suddenly spoke.

"You can't get your hands on it just by looking at it," he said.

His voice was very soft, but his words were deep, as if a nail had been driven into the deepest part and could not be pulled out again.

Then, Heimos turned around, still sitting on the stone bench.

Only at this moment, he was sitting on the stone bench, facing the direction of Garlan.

"Garlan, come here."

He said, reaching out to Garlan.

Garlan was at a loss, he didn't quite understand the meaning of Heimos's words, and he did not know what Heimos wanted to do when he reached out to him.

Still, he took a step forward, bewildered, and placed his hand on the hand that Heimos held out to him.

The boy's fingertips had just touched the palm of Heimos, and at the moment when Heimos's hand had not been put on it, Heimos's hand suddenly clenched upwards and grabbed Gallan's hand.

Then, pull hard.

The defenseless Garlan staggered forward and fell on the seated Heimos.

And Heimos pressed Garlan's lower back with his other hand, and he didn't know how he did it, and he let Garlan fall on his lap.

When Garlan came back to his senses, he was already in the delicate posture of sitting on Heimos's lap with his legs spread apart.

Heimos put an arm around his lower back and pressed a hand on his back.

The brown face tilted up slightly, staring at him unblinkingly. The thin raindrops had stopped, and the starlight once again shone on the night, illuminating the upturned handsome side cheeks.

"doing what?"

Feeling awkward in this position, Garlan pushed Heimos' shoulders hard and tried to stand up.

But Heimos's hand was firmly pinching his waist, so that he couldn't exert himself, and he couldn't break free.

"you said."


"What you just said, just looking at it, people can't get it."

The golden red eyes stared deeply at the young man in his arms, and something that had been suppressed for a long time was vaguely churning in the depths of his eyes.

There is a deep sense of danger.


Garland was a little confused.

Since you think I'm right, go to Tapti to confess, what are you doing holding him back

The teenager sat on Heimos's lap, his hands were placed on Heimos' shoulders, and the whole person was surrounded by the other's arms.

He lowered his head, looking down at Heimos in bewilderment.

The golden eyes that are like amber gems are covered with a layer of mist, and they look very innocent. Looking at them makes people feel pity and love from the bottom of their hearts.

The more innocent, the more attractive.

"that time… "

Heimos stared at him and said, word by word.

"What did you say to the Tasdar man named Stoker when he was dying?"

"… Um?"

Garlan let out a dull hum, and he felt his heart beating suddenly and sharply.

A sense of danger surged up.

He tried to push Heimos away again, but Heimos held him firmly in his lap.

"say it one more time."

Heimos raised his hand, and his brown fingers with distinct knuckles stroked the boy's white and soft cheeks.

His eyes were like a wolf biting its prey, and he pressed straight towards Garlan.

"Tell me, who is the one you love?"

Garland's eyes widened suddenly.

His breathing stopped for a moment.

Heimos - hear

So far away—his small voice—heard it

What inhuman hearing is that! ! !

For a time, Garlan panicked, and his mind was even more chaotic.

It's over, that sentence was actually heard by Heimos. If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't fight with that dying guy. Ahhh, the damned Tasda man, even if he died, he would have to slap him—

what to do, what to do, what to do—

No, he had to explain, he had to explain it clearly to Heimos.

"No, it's not like that, Heimos."

He was shocked by what Heimos suddenly said, and Gallan completely forgot about the fact that he was sitting on Heimos's lap in a delicate posture at the moment.

He gripped Heimos's shoulder nervously, and only wanted to explain it to Heimos.

"The reason I said that to that person was because..."

Halfway through his attempts to defend himself, Heimos interrupted him.

"It's because the person you like is me."

Heimos said loudly.

"Huh? Wait, Heimos, no, that, no, I'm saying that because—"

"because I."

Garlan's words were interrupted again.

Heimos looked up at him, determined, stubborn.

He stared at Garlan with sharp eyes and a bit of ruthlessness, like a hungry wolf who had bitten through the throat of its prey and would never let go.

There seemed to be a tiny golden-red flame burning in the depths of his pupils reflecting Garlan's figure.

He vaguely knew what Gallan wanted to say.

He also vaguely guessed that at that time, he really misunderstood something.

… but, too late.

It's too late.

Since Garland said that sentence, let him hear that sentence, and let him know what he wanted, then don't try to swallow that sentence back!

Garland said he liked him.

Then Garland can only like him in this life.

He'll cut all his escapes—

The fingers on the stunned boy's cheeks suddenly stretched back, the fingertips penetrated into the depths of the soft blonde hair, and pressed the back of the boy's head.

Then, with a strong hand, press it down heavily.

Caught off guard, Garlan was forced to bow his head.

Heimos finally captured the pale pink lips he had been looking at for so long.

The soft touch on his lips instantly conveyed an indescribable pleasure that almost paralyzed the back of his neck—

He had never kissed anyone, but, as if it was an innate talent and instinct, he was not satisfied with sucking on those soft lips, and quickly and without a teacher, the tip of his tongue was almost He couldn't wait to reach into the lips that were slightly opened because of his astonishment, and then he plundered, eroded, and attacked the city wantonly in that warm and humid place.

That was what made him completely addicted to it, an incomparably sweet taste.

he thinks.

Since then, he no longer needs any sweets, because he has tasted the sweetest taste in the world—

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit.

Taking advantage of Heimos's momentary sway from the pain, Garlan shoved him away and stood up.

The boy almost staggered back several steps.

He looked at Heimos with astonished, unbelievable eyes.

There was still a trace of blood on the corner of his lips.

It wasn't his own blood, but the blood stain on the corner of Heimos' lower lip that he bit hard on.

Garland gasped for breath.

Heimos's sudden, almost ferocious kiss just now made him breathless.

At this moment, his face was very red from the lack of oxygen.

what happened.

what happened.

Why does it become like this.

Countless questions were spinning in his mind, making his thinking a mess at this moment.

… no, wait.

his kiss.

his first kiss.

The first kiss that he had kept together in his entire life was now given to this guy by Heimos—

He was confused when he suddenly saw Heimos stand up and walk towards him.

"do not come!"

Garland instinctively took a few steps back, almost to the edge of the platform.

Heimos, who took a step towards Garlan, stood still, but those sharp golden red eyes still stared at him forcefully.

Heimos' lower lip was still oozing blood slowly, flowing down the corner of his mouth,

He didn't raise his hand to wipe, just stared at Garlan without blinking.

"Garlan, the person you like is me."

He said, certainty, not to be violated.

"It can only be me."


Garlan, who was still in chaos, only felt a nameless fire suddenly burst out of his body.

For a while, blood rushed.

"I can't like you."

He gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, he lowered his eyes, and the corner of his eyes glanced at the vast sky behind him.

He gritted his teeth and said to Heimos.

"Even if I jumped out of here right now--couldn't have liked you--"

"Even if I really fell in love with the same sex, even if I fell in love with Xie Muer, it can't be you Heimos!"