A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 90


The drizzle has just stopped, the road outside is still wet, the starlight falls on the wet bushes, and the drops of water dripping from the green leaves reflect a starlight.

The high-altitude attic is very quiet, so quiet that only the sound of the night wind whistling past can be heard.

The young man who was sitting on the stone table with his chin raised and deliberately posing an arrogant appearance just now had round eyes and stayed there, completely stunned.

However, whether it was the arrogant and arrogant look just now, or the now stunned look, in someone's eyes, it was too cute.

Heimos knelt at Garlan's feet on one knee.

He raised his head and looked at the boy who looked down at him.

It was supposed to be a humiliating gesture, but the slight connivance from those slightly raised thin lips, and the incomparable softness in the eyes staring at the other party, made the young man with black hair seem to melt into the night. The scene of kneeling at the feet of the beautiful blond boy is very beautiful.

- It's just that the boy's confused expression completely ruined this beautiful scene at the moment.

Stunned for a second.

Just now, Garlan, who had been sitting on the stone table with a leisurely face, swayed one foot impatiently and rushed Heimos away, and suddenly jumped up.

Jumping off the table, he reached for Heimos.

"What are you doing, if this is seen by others—"

Garlan stretched out his hand to pull up the guy who suddenly knelt down and said inexplicable words, but the next second, the hand he stretched out was grabbed by the other party's hand.

The brown hand held his, perhaps because of his height and frame, Heimos's hand was much larger than his.

When holding it, it can almost wrap his entire hand in it.

Just the next moment, Heimos suddenly loosened, his hand slipped halfway, and turned into the hand that held the front half of him, and the knuckled fingers just held his fingers.

Garlan didn't react at all, and his hand was raised.

Heimos bowed his head.

Thin strands of jet-black hair scattered at the corners of his sharp eyes, slender eyelashes fell, shadows covering his eye sockets.

His lips were lightly branded on the boy's pale fingers.

What landed on his fingers was obviously the touch of a man's cool, soft lips, but to Garlan, it was like a hot soldering iron—

He looked as if he had been struck by lightning, and pulled his hand out of Heimos' fingers.

His originally fair face suddenly flushed red, and even his neck was faintly reddened.

Taking a step back suddenly, he slammed into the stone table behind him and almost fell.

Fortunately, his reaction was fast enough, and he pushed his hands back and pressed it on the stone table, and then he stood firm.

It stands to reason that since childhood, as a prince, he has been kissed and handed a lot of times.

But for some reason, this time, Heimos did it to give him an extremely awkward feeling, which made his face hot for a while.

Garlan stood with his hands on the table, mouth open, and stared at Heimos, who was still kneeling in front of him.

"you you you you-"

The impact was so great that his mind went blank for a moment, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

Compared to the boy who looked like he had been struck by lightning, Heimos, who was kneeling, looked very calm and calm.

He raised an eyebrow at Garland.

"Kiss and hand salute, from now on, I'll be yours."

Heimos said firmly.

Garlan was stunned by Heimos's almost rascal words.

He must be meeting a fake Heimos now!

Garland thought blankly.

The Heimos he knew couldn't be so rascal—

He stayed here, and the other party had already got up.

Heimos approached, his golden red eyes narrowed slightly, and Garlan felt in a trance that this person's eyes at the moment were very similar to the eyes that were slightly shining when he saw dessert.

"Then, my master..."

That low-pitched, unspeakable, seductive voice was so close that it almost scalded his ears.

"Wait a second—wait for me! You—"

Watching the opponent approaching, he was pushed back by the stone table and couldn't retreat. Garlan raised his hand on Heimos's shoulder in a panic, wanting to say something.

However, as soon as his hand was placed on the other's shoulder, he was startled.


He felt that the clothes on his shoulders were wet with his fingers, and when he looked up again, Heimos' dark hair was full of cold moisture.

It's just that in the dark night, it's not obvious that the black hair is slightly wet.

"you… "

"Your Highness!"

Suddenly a shout came from behind, startling Garlan.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw a chubby man running towards him with jogging and jumping.

Because the boy was so fat, it looked like he was rolling over instead of running.

"His Royal Highness, Your Highness Garland - I have found you!"

Seeing the bright blond hair in the dark night from afar, Talle ran over.

"Everyone is looking for you."

He said with a little pride.

He was the first to find His Highness, which shows that he and His Highness have a good heart.

Running to the attic, Tarr was about to chat happily with His Highness when he suddenly saw the man standing opposite His Highness.

"He, Prince Hehuimos?"

He was startled.

Why is Prince Heimos here

He was wondering when suddenly Heimos glanced at him.

The golden-red eyes were as sharp as a sword, and a cold light flashed across the bottom of his eyes.

The little fat man shivered immediately.

Omg, Prince Heimos' eyes are so terrifying—

Did he do something wrong?-

Heimos, who was about to take advantage of the victory, was suddenly disturbed, and angrily stopped moving towards Garlan.

And Garlan, like the rest of his life, turned around quickly, circled the stone table for half a circle, and walked quickly to Tarr.

"Is the party over?"

"Yes." Tar didn't dare to look at Heimos again, but just lowered his head, "Because I saw that you were not there, Your Majesty asked everyone to find you."

Tarr's answer made Garlan relax too. After the banquet was over, he could go back directly.

Then the odd shape of his reddened lips didn't need him to rack his brains for excuses.

"Understood, let's go."

After Garlan finished speaking, he and Tarr walked down quickly.

However, when he walked down the stone steps, he looked back.

Under the starlight, in the attic, the man stood still.

In the dark night, he could not see that person's face, but even in the dark, the golden red eyes that looked at him were exceptionally bright, like a cluster of burning red flames.

Because the banquet was over, he escaped, and after a night, his slightly red and swollen lips returned to normal.

Garland breathed a sigh of relief.

After breakfast served by the maids, he went to the royal library.

When he was a child, he needed to study in the academy with the noble children of the same age, but when he grew up, he began to be taught by Xie Muer alone.

Originally, Heimos was also with him, but after Heimos went to the north more than four years ago, Xie Muer only needed to teach him alone.

Naturally, only the royal family, high priests of high rank, and special people are allowed to enter the place of teaching. The library of the royal family of Aaron Landis has a long history.

As soon as he stepped into the side hall of the library dedicated to teaching, Garlan was startled.

That half is exposed in the side hall under the blue sky, besides Xie Muer, there is another familiar figure.

The dark-haired young man stood in the side hall, his tall figure bathed in the morning sun.

The handsome brows looked at him and gave him a slight smile.

Garlan was dumbfounded, he remembered.

It was because Heimos went to the north that he was taught alone, and he was used to it, so he didn't think of it for a while. Now that Heimos has returned to the royal city, he has to continue to be taught by Xie Muer.

This sudden encounter caught him off guard for a while.

"you are late."

The priest of Shamash in robes spoke to him solemnly.

"Feel sorry."

Garland apologizes.

Because of Heimos's inexplicable words and the dull aching lips, he turned over for half the night last night, and finally fell asleep in the middle of the night.

So I got up late this morning.

Xie Muer nodded and motioned for him to sit over.

Garlan sat on his seat, and seeing that there were new tables and chairs beside him, Heimos sat on it.

During the morning lectures, Garlan had been a little absent-minded.

Glancing at the people around him, remembering that he tossed and turned without sleep last night, he felt a little uneasy.

But then I thought about it, that's fine.

Last night, he clearly wanted to get rid of Heimos's thoughts cleanly, but he was so frightened by Heimos's actions that he didn't react for a while.

At that time, Tal just happened to come over again. He was forced by Heimos to run away with Tal subconsciously, but he forgot about the rejection of Heimos.


Procrastination is not his style.

Since it was impossible for him to respond to Heimos, he had to make a clean break.

Turning the snow-white quill in his hand, Garlan pursed his lips and made up his mind.

After Ximuer's lecture was over, he made it clear to Heimos.

Regardless of whether Heimos likes men or women, it is absolutely impossible for him.

It's better to cut the mess with a quick knife than to break the thread.

Thinking like this, he clenched the quill in his hand, and out of the corner of his eyes, Garlan glanced at the person beside him.

Heimos sat quietly on the seat, the parchment was spread out on the table top, one hand rested on the table top, and the other hand held a pen to write on it.

The fine black hair fell down, half covering his eyes.

The thin lips were slightly parted, a little red, and he breathed out slowly.

It looks normal.

Garland turned around.


It doesn't seem right.

The boy turned his head abruptly.

At this time, Xie Muer, who was explaining to a map hanging on the wall, finally couldn't bear it any longer.

"Prince Garland!"

He said angrily, who had long noticed that Garlan had been absent-minded in today's class.

"Please concentrate!"

Xie Muer's tone was already very bad, but Garlan didn't seem to hear it, stood up, and went directly to Heimos.

"you… "

He had just said a word when his fingers touched the arm of Heimos propped on the table.

So hot.

The young man was startled, and he didn't care about anything else, he directly reached out and touched the brown forehead covered by black hair.

... it's like a fire!

He felt that Heimos looked a little strange today, and his breathing was quicker than usual.

It turned out to be a high fever.

At this time, Xie Muer also realized that something was wrong and walked over quickly.

"what happened?"

"Ah, this..."

Before Garlan could answer, Heimos, who had been sitting quietly, suddenly raised his eyes and glanced at him.

The usually sharp eyes now seem to be covered with a layer of fog, hazy.

Then, with a tilt of his head, his upper body fell directly into his arms.

Garlan, who subconsciously reached out to catch it: "!!!"

Is this guy pretending

He was thinking about this when he felt that Heimos, who was lying in his arms with his eyes closed, was breathing more and more rapidly, and the skin that his hand touched was so hot that he suddenly became a little anxious.

"Heimos seems to have a fever."

He says.

He suddenly remembered last night, when Heimos seemed to be in the rain when he followed him, and he was wet.

Maybe that's why...

Some people don't get sick easily, but when they get sick, they are very scary.

Heimos is probably that kind of person.

The morning class was temporarily cancelled, and Xie Muer brought Heimos back to his residence.

used to carry.

Although he knew that this was not kind, when Garlan saw that Xie Muer carried the burnt Heimos back on his shoulders, he couldn't help but feel amused.

He felt that this scene, he could laugh at Heimos for ten years in the future.

Also, that guy is so burned out that he can still pretend to be nothing, so that no one can see it, this is really...

Garlan was so privately complaining to Tarr.

"Huh? How did you see that, Your Highness? Is it just because you are breathing a little faster?"

Tarr asked curiously.

"… "

Because for so long, Heimos didn't even look at him.

This is very abnormal.

You know, Heimos's eyes have always fallen on him before.

It is naturally impossible for Garlan to say such an answer as above.

He casually mumbled a few words to Tarr and dealt with it.

After lunch, Garlan thought about it, and went to Heimos's residence, intending to visit him.

As soon as he stepped into the palace, the middle-aged female officer in charge of the place had already greeted him and saluted him.

I learned from the female officer that after Heimos was sent back in the morning, the doctor came over, left a few packets of medicine after checking, and instructed the female officer to make the soup and let Prince Heimos take it as soon as possible. .

And Heimos had woken up not long ago.

However, the middle-aged female official couldn't see the look of reassurance on her face, instead she was very distressed.

Seeing the embarrassed and hesitant look on the female officer's face, Garlan took the initiative to ask.

"What's wrong?"

"His Royal Highness Garland, Prince Heimos he..."

The female officer glanced around and said to Garlan in a low voice.

"He wouldn't drink the soup."

Garland: "..."

Right, almost forgot.

Heimos likes sweet things and especially hates bitter things.

Garland was speechless.

He just didn't expect that he wouldn't even drink the medicine to treat the disease.

"The soup has been brought in, but Lord Heimos has been refusing to drink it. Your Highness, please help me persuade him."

Looking at the embarrassed female officer, Garlan nodded helplessly.

After all, Heimos' fever had something to do with him this time.

When Garlan stepped into Heimos' bedroom, he saw Heimos lying sideways on the bed.

The jet-black hair was scattered on the snow-white pillow, and the man lay quietly, his brown cheeks a little abnormally flushed at the moment.

The sharp eyes that are frightening to look at every day are closed, and they look quiet.

Sweat was still dripping from his forehead, and a few strands of black hair were glued to his forehead.

Those thin lips pursed tightly, revealing a little uncomfortable emotion.

A bowl of soup, still steaming, was placed on the table beside the bed.

Heimos just closed his eyes and rested, but did not fall asleep. When Garlan approached, he opened his eyes.

The slender eyelashes were only slightly raised, not fully opened, but half-open, making the eyes look much slender.

He looked at Garlan without moving his eyes, revealing an indescribable emotion.

That terrifying man who was so powerful on the battlefield that he was called a black knight by everyone, a young man who was like a sharp-edged blade in his daily life, was lying quietly on the bed at this moment, staring at him blankly, he was actually giving people a kind of child. Such a cute feeling.

Looking at Heimos's abnormally flushed cheeks due to a fever, and his rare wilted appearance, Garlan suddenly felt a little complicated and a little soft-hearted.

"Drink the medicine?"

he said softly.

His slightly chapped lips pursed, Heimos glanced at the bowl of soup medicine with disgust, frowned and said a word.


"… "

Are you a child, do you like medicine

Want others to coax you to eat

"I'm fine."

Heimos got up, leaned against the head of the bed, looked at Garlan standing beside the bed and said.

"Even if you don't take medicine, you'll be fine."

He said this, but his voice was a little hoarse, fine sweat seeped from his forehead, and a few strands of dark forehead were stuck to the skin.

Garlan didn't think much, just bent down subconsciously and reached out to touch Heimos's forehead.

It was still hot, not much different from the morning.

He thought so, but he didn't notice the man who touched the other's forehead. Heimos's eyes looked at him deeply, revealing a little sharp color.

It's just that the sharpness converged in an instant when Garlan looked at it, so that people could no longer see it.

"Drink the medicine."

The boy who straightened up said that he resignedly started his task of coaxing people.

"I'll go get you candied fruit."

"No, I don't want to eat."

Garland is a little strange. Heimos usually likes to eat this very sweet preserved fruit, but now he says he doesn't want to eat it

"Then... sweet cake?"

"don't want."

"Honey ice milk?"

"don't want."

"Then what do you want?... Forget it, I'll just bring it all over and see for yourself."

Garlan had a headache. He turned around and wanted to leave. He planned to go out and ask the female officer to bring all the sweets.

However, just as he turned his head, before his body could move, a hand suddenly stretched out.

Heimos grabbed his wrist.

The boy turned back subconsciously.

Heimos, who was still leaning on the head of the bed just now, leaned forward, holding his wrist tightly with his right hand, refusing to let go.

"Do not want any."

The sharp eyes of the past were now half-open, looking towards Garlan.

The golden red eyes were covered with a layer of light mist, no sharpness, and a little more hazy.

The appearance that has a great contrast with the daily life makes people look at it, and they will unconsciously feel both heart-warming and soft-hearted.

Grabbing Garlan's wrist with one hand, Heimos looked up at Garlan.

On the side cheeks as handsome as the dawn, the rough lapis lazuli earring on the earlobe reflected a light.

His thin lips, which were a little rosier than usual, moved.

The already deep voice was now a bit hoarse, and even lower a few degrees.

Like rustling sand particles rubbing and falling down, if there is nothing, it penetrates into the bottom of my heart.

He said, "I want you."

The flame-colored jewel eyes covered in fog looked at the boy, and the low voice made people tremble.

Garlan looked down at Heimos.

Then, a push.

He took the held hand back.

The golden eyes narrowed slightly, and the young man bent his eyes and smiled brightly at Heimos.

He said, "No."

Huymos: "..."