A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 94


Probably trying to play hard to catch, that little beauty never appeared in front of Gallan until after noon.

Garland is also happy to be relaxed, so as not to have to use the beauty trick as Kaihos said... Bah! Pretending to be fascinated by the little beauty.

The businessman Bertola became more and more attentive, leaning in front of Garland with a smile, his face smiling like a bun.

After lunch, Kaihos, who had finished eating first, got up, bowed and saluted Garland, indicating that he would retreat first. After Garlan nodded his approval, he refused to accompany the beautiful maid beside him on the grounds of taking a walk to digest food, and went to the huge garden area on his own.

Bertola took a deep look at the knight's back.

According to rumors, this knight of the scorching sun is extremely romantic and unrestrained, and he is an existence who will not know how many noble women are heartbroken.

Such people must be lecherous. Since last night, he has specially arranged different types of beautiful maids to serve him. However, this one-eyed knight seems to be open to all who come, and he talks and laughs casually with the maids, but in fact he is a very arrogant person, and both Keep a certain distance.

It's harder than he imagined.

Bertola thought, and turned her gaze back to the young prince in front of her.

Forget it, even a world-famous knight is just a servant in front of the prince.

As long as he gained the prince's trust, no matter how arrogant the knight was, he had to be obedient.

Kaihos wandered around the huge garden for a long time, seemingly wandering around very casually, but in fact, every time he went, he would stay at the highest point of that place for a while.

There are people in many places in the garden. In order to maintain such a large garden, florists and gardeners can be seen everywhere. When they see the knights, they kneel down and salute nervously. Kaijos nodded to them at will and continued to stroll around.

There are mountains in the garden, pavilions built on stone rockeries for decoration, and cliffs left deliberately built into a special landscape. Therefore, the highest point is not much lower than the tall tower in the house, and it can almost overlook the entire gorgeous house.

The blond knight stood at different heights in the garden and seemed to be looking at the scenery leisurely, but he had quickly memorized the layout of the garden and the house in his mind.

Even the patrolling route of the guards in the merchant's house and the approximate time have been roughly estimated.

Years of battlefield career made Cayhoes accustomed to planning ahead.

Although the time was very tight last night, Garlan didn't give him any orders, but since this businessman has great suspicion and secrets, he has to sneak into this house to investigate when he can't tell.

After feeling that it was almost over, Kaihos still kept a calm and leisurely smile on his handsome face, and began to return.

Thinking that it took a lot of time here, maybe it made His Highness wait for a long time, so he roughly sorted out the topography of this place in his mind, and then chose a slightly biased but fastest shortcut, starting from Go through there.

The end of this trail is the small side door on the side of the hall. As soon as Kaihos walked into the promenade, he heard a conversation not far away. He subconsciously hid his body in a blind spot, concentrated his attention, and just I heard voices coming from there intermittently.

"My lord asked me to ask, how are things going?"

It was an unfamiliar voice that Cayhorth had never heard.

"It's going well."

This is the voice of the big businessman.

"Don't tell him to stop contacting me for the time being?"

"Master Taka just sent me here. Don't worry, when the prince is still in Tozes, he will not contact you in person."

"It's good to know."

The businessman snorted.

"Although he is a prince, he is nothing more than a stinky brat."

If the feared Lion King came, they would never dare to act rashly.

"Just make him happy."

"No matter how young you are, you are still His Royal Highness. If you are not careful, it will cause us trouble. My lord, please be careful."

"Prince? When it comes to my territory, even a lion has to lie down obediently."

The big businessman, who can be regarded as the actual controller of the local snake in Tozes, scoffed.

"Speaking of which, I don't know what King Camos thinks. There are so many noble people who want to establish a [white skin] as the king's younger brother."

The bloodlines of the upper-level nobles are mainly brown skinned, and some of the upper-level nobles have high self-esteem and look down on the lower-level nobles.

[White skin]is an insulting word.

Bertola used to be at the top in Tozes City, and it was only others who wanted to please him. Even the consul who was parachuted from the royal city had to act according to his face, but these two days he had to go to court a young man to make up for his smile. The gas has long been suffocated.

Now that I'm with my own people, I can't help but say it out.

"Sir Bertola, please bear with it first, as long as your daughter pleases that person, maybe she can still become a princess, once she gives birth to a prince..."

Bertola nodded. He tried so hard to be courteous, and he took the initiative to put his daughter to bed, and it was not for this.

As a businessman, how could he let go of such a beneficial and harmless investment.

The conversation was over, Bertola hurried back to the banquet hall, and another person found a hidden path and left.

After a while, Kaihos came out of the shadows. He glanced blankly in the direction where the two were standing, then turned a corner, turned to the main entrance, and walked in.

Just happened to meet the oncoming Tal.

"Ah, Lord Cayhorth, you're back... uh!"

Tarr's heart stopped for a beat.

He saw the face of Kaihos, the look in the eyes of the knight at the moment.

It was an expression he had never seen on the face of the knight who always smiled calmly.

That supposedly handsome face was terrifying at the moment.

Just looking at it made his mind go blank for a moment.

After being sluggish for a while, he turned around subconsciously and ran quickly to find Garlan.

"Your Highness! Your Highness Gallan—"

That chubby body actually exploded with incredible speed, making him rush to the front of Garlan, who was resting in the pavilion outside.

"Not good! Lord Cayhorth he, he... that... looks angry."

He gasped violently.

"Looks...very...very scary."

"Huh? Cayhorth is angry?"

Garland was a little surprised. To be honest, he had never seen Kaihos angry.

His guardian knight always had a gentle smile on his face in front of him.

Moreover, Kaihos has always been calm and rational, and there are very few things that make his face change color.

Who has the power to make Cayhoes angry

When Garlan turned his head curiously, he saw that his guardian knight had already leaned against the pillar of the gate of the pavilion at some point, with his arms folded on his chest, his posture calm.

Kaijos looked at him with soft eyes and a smile on his lips.

Garlan stared at the handsome face for a while.

Then, turn around.

"Where are you angry?"

he asked Tal.


Tarr, who was so frightened that he didn't dare to look at Kaihos just now, was asked this question. When he turned his head, he saw the blond knight leaning on the stone pillar and staring at His Highness with a smile.

"Uh, obviously... just now his face was terrifying..."

He was a little confused for a while.

Kaihos smiled.

He came forward, bowed slightly, and held out his hand to his little prince.

"Your Highness, we should leave."

He said with a smile, looking at Garlan's eyes as soft as ever, with a gentle expression.

Garlan hummed, grabbed the knight's outstretched hand, and stood up.

Kaijos smiled and squeezed his prince's hand.

In the depths of the green pupils as beautiful as malachite, there is a terrifying aura that Tarr had seen not long ago, the icy color like the cold winter in the north, and the shocking of danger.

It's just that these terrible things have converged to the depths that others can't see.

My prince.

Anyone who dares to insult you, no matter who it is, I will make him pay a terrible price.

After leaving the businessman Bertola's house, Garland and his party returned to the residence of the ruling government.

The consul wanted to have an audience, but was refused by Gallan, and asked the servant to reply to him, let him do his work and stop spending time on himself.

The Archon naturally nodded in response and withdrew.

The consul was absently handling government affairs in the center of the government affairs hall, and not long after, a servant came over and whispered in his ear.

"The prince is asleep, and Lord Cayhorth is standing beside him."

The consul nodded, relieved.

He recalled the performance of Prince Gallan in the past few days, and his heart became calmer.

This prince is much easier to deal with than expected.

That's it.

In this way, he can continue to be his consul of Tozes, and the money and goods will continue to be sent to him in an endless stream, until he is transferred away, he can save up to make him unimaginable in the past. wealth.

Just when the consul was still thinking about it here, over there, on the streets of Tozes City, the blond prince who was supposed to be sleeping in bed appeared here.

He was wearing an ordinary citizen's clothes, with all the usual accessories removed, and his blond hair tied behind his head.

The lively Tozes people come and go. People of all skin colors and different countries gather in this huge seaport city. There are many blond people. Therefore, Gallan does not look very conspicuous.

Three shrewd men followed him, and at a glance they knew they were guards.

So now Garlan looks like a son of a wealthy businessman who probably has some money. Except that his handsome young appearance made some women on the street look a few more times, he was not too conspicuous.

Tozes is a seaside city. Because it is close to the sea and the terrain is low, the lower half of the city is almost built on the water.

Its upper half of the city is on the rocky land, and the houses of the powerful merchants and the ruling government are all there.

The lower half of the city is the residence of ordinary citizens. Here, the vertical and horizontal network of rivers replaces the streets. People rely on boats to shuttle in the river like a street. The houses are erected by the river, and the gates It is also facing the river, and it is water when you go down the stairs.

Even the market is a floating market. The stalls of small traders are on a wide square pillar erected from the water. The countless stone pillars are lined up like a water labyrinth. People are rowing around with boats. Stop by one of the stalls every now and then to buy something.

This is the first time that Garland has seen such a strange sight.

"No wonder Tozes is known as the city on the water, that's how it came."

He sighed.

"Wang... uh, that, master, where do you want to see?"

Although the guards who escorted Garlan to this place rushed to the eastern front, about a hundred guards under Kayhos stayed behind.

Today, Kaihos sent out to follow Garlan, and it was a few guards who were secretly sent by Kaihos to explore the city as soon as they arrived in Tozes.

In the two days they were dispatched, they had basically figured out all parts of the city.

"The port, the commercial office, the large workshop, the Anji Yuan, and the places where these residents work."

Garland said.

The guard nodded.

Do as the locals do.

Under the arrangement of the guards, Garlan got on a small boat, and then the boat rowed in the criss-crossing river at a very fast speed.

He didn't need to go ashore to see either, he just sat on the boat and looked at those places.

In the large and small seaports, countless dark and rough-skinned male slaves struggled to carry the goods on their backs and backs under the beating of the supervisor, and they would be whipped fiercely even if they took a breath.

Not only these, but also those slaves who were pulling fibers on the coast, the thick ropes were deeply pulled into the flesh on their shoulders, and there were even bloodstains.

One whip after another hit the tracker who was pulling the boat hard, making a snapping sound. Occasionally, the skinny slaves were overwhelmed and fell to the ground, and they were immediately dragged down. I am afraid they would not be able to live, or even some. was thrown directly into the sea.

Garlan, who was sitting on the boat, was silent, seeing all this in his eyes.

He seemed to be thinking about something.

In a blink of an eye, the afternoon has passed, and he has turned around and seen a lot of places.

Thinking that it was almost time for dinner, Tarr, who pretended to be sleeping huddled up, couldn't hold it any longer, so he went ashore and planned to return to the government as soon as possible.

There was a sudden commotion at the small pier where he landed. He followed the sound and saw a strong man with tanned skin punching and kicking a woman lying on the ground, scolding while beating.

"You were bought by Lao Tzu, so you should serve Lao Tzu honestly! Run? Where are you running to?"

While cursing, the strong man grabbed the woman's hair and pulled her up, only to see that the woman was beaten with bruises and bruises, which was extremely pitiful, but still struggled to say something.

"No... I was robbed... "

Before she could finish speaking, the woman's head was smashed to the ground, blood oozing out, and she screamed in pain.

The strong man continued to curse fiercely: "What is it called! Who will help you? You are a slave! I bought a slave with money! It's my thing, I can't control you if I want to kill you!"

He was right, although a bunch of people gathered around and whispered, but no one stepped forward to meddle in their business.

Garlan frowned, he looked at the crowded crowd around him, and held back.

Now because of sympathy, the guards are asked to help, but it can only help this time. If you really want to help that woman, you have to think of other ways.

Just as he turned to leave, a humming sound came from his ear.

Cold, with a very unpleasant breath.

Garlan froze for a moment, because the humming sound was very familiar.

… correct!

Isn't this the humming that he suddenly heard when the businessman Bertola said the words that women should be taught a lesson if they were disobedient last time at the banquet where the consul served him.

The young man turned his head sharply and looked at the sound.

But there were too many people, and he could only see a tall, slender woman with a brown ponytail and a bow on her back, walking steadily into the crowd, and soon disappeared.

At this time, the guard who followed him came over and said softly, "Master, if you don't rush back, it will be too late."

"I see."

"Prince, did you find anything this afternoon?"

In order not to make people suspicious, Kaihos did not follow Garlan, but guarded the false highness that Tarr pretended to be.

"I haven't seen much for a while, but..."

Garland paused.


"The number of slaves in this city seems to be too many, a lot more than ordinary citizens, and the treatment of slaves is also very harsh. I always feel... It is very dangerous to continue this way."

"Hahaha, Your Highness, you are thinking too much, it's just a slave, what's the danger?"

Tal disagreed.

A group of slaves, no matter how many they are, they are a group of lowly guys. What can they do? How can such a humble person have the courage

"I also think, Prince, you don't have to worry about this, it's better to focus on key people."

Kaihos said the same.

He thought to himself that there was absolutely no way that the businessman named Bertola could be forgiven.

Garland did not continue to say anything.

Whether it is Tarr or Kaihos, it can be said that almost everyone in this world has formed the consciousness since childhood. The so-called slave is the lowest existence, and they will not take this kind of thing seriously.

However, in the original world of Gallan, history told everyone that a single spark can start a prairie fire.

No matter how humble and weak the power is, once it is gathered, it will burst out with incomparably terrifying power.

However, even if he knew this, he couldn't tell Kejos of this kind of thing.

So, the conversation can only go so far.

When Kaihos and Tarr left, Garlan was lying on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

Why did Tozes have so many slaves

Where did these slaves come from

The woman who bumped into this afternoon said that she was robbed. Who the hell robbed her and sold her here

And, if...

The boy thought about the scenes he saw in the city in the afternoon.

If those abused slaves, at the instigation of someone, riot...

Do not.

He must have thought too much.

In any case, Tozes has a navy stationed here, as well as a city guard attached to the ruling government.

After thinking like this for a long time, Garlan finally fell asleep slowly.

It was already late at night, and a sudden noise from outside made Garlan, who was sleeping, open his eyes.

He got out of bed, walked over to the bed, opened the window and looked out.

I saw that the patrols below were several times more than before, and the guards were running hurriedly, as if they were looking for something.

Is something wrong

Garland was wondering when suddenly, a black shadow fell from the sky.

The dark figure turned vigorously and jumped in from the open window.

The long brown ponytail flung an arc in the dark night, the dark bow on the back reflected a beam of moonlight, and the man who came in through the window reached out and grabbed it.

Unpredictable, Garlan's neck was restrained by a slender arm.

The tall, elastic breasts were pressed tightly against his back from behind.

A light brown hand tightly covered his mouth.

At the same time, a mature female voice sounded behind him.

"Prince of Aaron Landis, for your own safety, please be quiet."

Garlan blushed instantly.

I won't make a sound.

He thought so in his heart, but his mouth was covered and he couldn't say it.

His blushing face wasn't because he was covering his mouth, but...

So don't put your chest on my back-