A Tale of Strategies For the Throne

Chapter 95


The extremely elastic breasts pressed tightly against Garlan's shoulders, although the leather armor was not very soft, but even so, he had been a virgin for several lifetimes and didn't even have a first kiss - Heimer The white face of the boy who he did not admit was flushed red.

Light brown hands were on his mouth, rough fingers with calluses stinging his face.

The woman behind him was a head taller than him, with one arm tightly around his neck, and was no less powerful than a man at all.

When Garlan subconsciously grabbed the arm that restrained him, his fingers could even clearly feel the tensed muscles on the woman's forearm.

The tall woman just covered his mouth and stood against the wall by the window, looking down at the noisy city guards below from the open window.

Originally, the infiltration went smoothly, but the companion on the other side accidentally revealed her whereabouts, causing a riot. She had just climbed halfway along the high wall of the tower and was caught in a dilemma.

If the guard below looked up and found her existence, even she could not escape with a salvo of bows and arrows.

Just when she was thinking quickly, there was a movement from below, and a window was pushed open.

Without thinking about it, she turned over and jumped into the room.

As soon as she entered, she discovered that she had inadvertently broken into the room of the prince of Aaron Landis who was said to have come to attend the inauguration ceremony of the Shamash Temple.

Covering the mouth of the young man in her arms tightly, the woman frowned. She had no intention of offending the prince, but now that things have gone wrong, she has no other choice for the time being.

She looked down at the scene outside the window, checking to see if her companion had been caught.

At this moment, there were two knocks, the door was knocked, and a voice came in.

"Prince Garland, there was some commotion in the mansion, it seems that someone sneaked in."

The voice of the blond knight came from outside the door.

"I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but are you okay now?"

The woman's whole body tensed up.

Although she is a strong warrior, I don’t know how many men have died under her arrows and javelins, and she has never been afraid of anyone, but at this moment in this mansion, the person she doesn’t want to fight with is the famous man Sun Knight.

That man is strong.

This is her innate intuition as a martial artist.

The back of her hand was lightly patted. She looked down and saw that the boy who was being held hostage by her raised his head, looking at her with golden eyes like translucent amber, patted her hand covering her mouth with a gesture, and then pointed Pointed to the door.

She hesitated, but the knock sounded again.

"Prince? Are you awake?"

The knocking on the door had become more rapid.

If he didn't respond any more, the knight would immediately sense something was wrong and break into the door.

She gritted her teeth and slowly released her hand. But the arm that was holding the neck of the boy in his arms became stronger and stronger, as long as the boy had an abnormal movement...

"Kaihus, what's the matter?"

Garlan's voice stopped the knock on the door abruptly.

"Something happened in the mansion, I came to see you."

"I'm fine, go back and rest."

"Prince, I want to confirm your safety with my own eyes, can I come in?"

The female warrior became tense again, her fingers tightly clasping Garlan's shoulders.

"No, I'm fine."

"But… "

Garlan raised his voice impatiently, as if he was in a bad mood after being disturbed his sleep.

"Are you annoying? It's all right! Don't disturb my rest, get out of here!"

"… "

After his rebuke, there was a short silence, and then the knight's voice came from the door.

He said, "I am rude, Your Highness."

The footsteps at the door sounded, and gradually faded away, and the tense heart of the female warrior eased slightly.

She pricked up her ears, carefully discerning the movement of the door.

It was quiet, there was no sound, and it was obvious that the knight had really left.

"Prince of Aaron Landis, I didn't mean to hurt you."

A low voice from among the women rang out in the silent room.

"Wait a little longer, and I'll leave right away when it's quiet," she said.

Garlan, who was tightly restrained by her, turned his head to look at her, and stared at her with a pair of big eyes.

Suddenly, with a slight bend, it curved into the arc of a crescent moon.

She was stunned by the sudden smile of the young man, and at this moment, a sound of wind suddenly came from behind.

A big hand came from behind, pressed her shoulder, and slammed hard.

If it wasn't for her quick reaction, she shrank her shoulders and turned to one side, and that arm would have been removed.

But when she dodged like this, the boy who had been strangled by her naturally seized the opportunity to break free from her hands.

However, at this moment, the female warrior had no time to go to capture Garlan.

The blond knight's attack has come like a storm, she must concentrate all her energy on the battle, or she will lose if she is not careful.

With a quick back flip, after dodging the opponent's attack, she rushed up immediately.

The two fought together, punching and kicking. The female warrior was agile and did not lose strength. For a time, it was on a par with Kaihos.

Garlan, who was next to him, was a little surprised. He did not expect that this female warrior could actually resist Kaihos, and he would not lose in a short time.

However, even if the female warrior is extremely strong, after all, it is still inferior to Kaihos.

Cayhoes avoided one of her side kicks, took the time to reach out, and grabbed the bow she carried behind him.

Backhand twist.

The female warrior turned back subconsciously and wanted to stop him from snatching her war bow, but Kaihos took the opportunity to wrap a set of war bows around her neck.

The moment before, she was strangling Garlan's neck from behind.

At this moment, it became that she was restrained by a bowstring from behind her neck.

The strength of the tightened bowstring was much stronger, and after a while, her face turned purple.


With a low voice, Garlan threw the rope to his knight.

Kaijos raised his hand to catch it, then tied the female warrior tightly.

The bound female warrior was forced to sit cross-legged on the ground, staring at Kaihos as if spitting fire.

"Why are you here?"

Cayhors pointed to the window.

"Just like you, came from there."

That's why he was able to sneak attack from behind the female warrior standing with his back to the window.

"… "

But just now the prince of Aaron Landis clearly reprimanded him away.

She frowned and thought for a while, she really couldn't think of any flaws in the boy's words just now.

The knight, who was staring at her angrily, turned his gaze to Garlan, and looked up and down carefully.

"Prince, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, she didn't hit me hard."

"That's good."

"You are very quick."

The blond knight smiled slightly.

"After all, this is the first time I have been reprimanded by Your Highness in so many years."

After being with Prince Gallan for so many years, it was the first time he heard such a stern tone from the prince.

He immediately sensed something was wrong, so he pretended to leave first, and then climbed the wall and rolled in through the window, just like the night before.

The two ended their conversation and turned their attention to the tied female warrior.

The female warrior was a tall woman with a brown ponytail, and her complexion was evidently exposed to the sun, giving it a healthy patina.

She has long hands and feet, and is strong and powerful. She wears black leather armor. Even if he became a prisoner, he straightened his back and showed no fear on his face.

"Kaijos, do you know who she is?"

Garland asked.

Kaihos touched his chin.

"I don't know either, but at least it can be judged that she and the consul are not in the same group."

The messy and noisy guards outside seemed to be trying to catch the female warrior and her comrades.

The female warrior's eyes were as cold as ice.

She said: "One more look at that dirty man makes my eyes dirty."

Garlan thought for a while, crouched down in front of the female warrior, and looked directly at her.

"Did you sneak in here disguised as a dancer at the banquet a few days ago?"

He asked, "That's why you know me."

He has only been in Tozes for a few days, and he has never seen a few people. Even if he goes out, he is heavily protected by the army, and others can't see his appearance at all.

But this female warrior knew at first sight that he was a prince.

Come to think of it, the icy humming he heard at the banquet, and what he saw in the evening, was her.

The female warrior looked at him blankly, obviously not answering what he meant.

There was a hint of arrogance and stubbornness in her eyebrows, and it seemed that she had made a plan to stubbornly resist.

Garland added: "The way you call me the prince of Aaron Landis... It seems that you are not from Aaron Landis."

The female warrior's pupils shrank slightly. She seemed to want to say something, but she forcibly held back, still saying nothing.

On the contrary, Kaihos, who was on the side, was suddenly stunned when he heard this, as if he suddenly remembered something, and picked up the war bow on the table.

He looked at the bow carefully for a while, and after confirming the subtle peculiarities, his eyes instantly became sharp.

He turned his head and looked at the female warrior with a burning gaze.

"Elson's female warrior?"

He asked in a deep voice, and without waiting for the other party to refute, he waved the war bow in his hand.

"The bow used by Elson female warriors is slightly different from ordinary bows in order to be more suitable for female warriors."

"Few people know about this, why do you know?"

Seeing that she could not deny it, the female warrior gritted her teeth.

"I've met an Elson female warrior before."

The female warrior was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

"You're right, I'm Elson."

she admitted.


Garlan's eyes lit up, and he looked at the female warrior curiously.

Is this the rumored Elson female warrior

There is no rival to the south of Aaron Landis. There are only a few small islands on the island, and Elson is one of them.

It is a small country made up of several islands in the sea.

In fact, it cannot be regarded as an official country in the world, because although it claims to be a country, the surrounding countries do not recognize it.

The reason why this small country is extremely famous and not recognized by other countries around it is because it is very special.

It is a country made up only of women.

Women in this country have received strict training since childhood, and the women who can become female warriors are brave and good at fighting, not inferior to men at all, and can even be said to be far superior to the male soldiers of other countries.

They are good at bows and arrows, and have superb arrow skills. They are mainly navy and proficient in naval battles. They can also fight with round shields and javelins, and they have always been extremely brave in the battle.

There are no men in Elson country. When female warriors reach adulthood, they will go out and find brave people they recognize, sleep with them for a period of time, and return to Elson after confirming their pregnancy.

When a girl is born, she stays, and a boy is sent back.

Garlan looked curiously at the rumored Elson female warrior over there, and Kaihos had narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Women warriors of Elson, why did you sneak into the city of Tozes? Not only did you sneak into the ruling government, but you also intended to hold the prince of our country hostage—your actions can already be regarded as a provocation to Aaron Landis."

He stared at the female warrior and said.

"Or do you Elsons want to fight Aaron Landis?"

"The Elsons have always been upright in war, and if there's going to be a war, we'll do it head-on."

Elson female warrior replied coldly.

"I don't want to provoke a war between the two countries. Coming here is my personal business."

"I can't be convinced without good reason."

The female warrior gritted her teeth and seemed very hesitant.

However, although the female warrior Elson is famous, the situation of the Elson country is not very good.

Due to the special national conditions that only women are allowed to exist, neighboring countries regard it as a beast, refusing to recognize this country, refusing to establish diplomatic relations with it, and even prohibiting their own businessmen to trade with it.

They are utterly isolated.

Aaron Landis is the closest big country to Elson, and in any case, they can't mess with this big country.

After thinking for a while, she revealed her purpose.

"I infiltrated Tozes to save my sister," she said. "She was sold here."

Garlan, who was listening, raised his eyebrows.

"Sold to Tozes?"

"Yes, a few months ago, my sister secretly went out to sea on a boat without our knowledge. As a result, the boat was attacked by pirates, and she was also captured."

The female warrior said, with an expression of anger on her face.

"I tracked the pirates for a long time and searched everywhere, and finally got the news that she was sold here."

"If it was sold here, you should go to the slave market to find it. Why sneak into the executive government?"

"My sister is locked here!"

The female warrior said firmly.

"In order to save her, my companions and I have been in Tozes for a long time. Ordinary slaves will be sold in the slave market, but valuables will be kept in secret places, and auctions will be held every few months."

She sneered at Kaihos with a bad look.

"As for the reason for this, you filthy men know it yourself."

She continued,

"I've been investigating for a long time and infiltrated many places. I finally determined not long ago that the secret detention point is here!"

Kaihos thought for a while and raised doubts.

"The time the prince is here is when the government is most closely guarded. Why don't you wait for the prince to leave and the guards are relaxed before starting? You have to pick the time when the prince is there?"

"no way."

For this, the female warrior is also very depressed.

"Because the monthly auction will be held in two days, once my sister is taken away by someone and leaves Tozes and goes inland, it will be even more difficult for us to rescue her. Therefore, we can only save her today. Take a risk at night to save people."

After the explanation, she said blankly, "I've said it all, you can kill or cut whatever you want, but this is my personal matter, just kill me, don't involve Elson."

Staring into the eyes of the Elson female warrior, after confirming that the female warrior was not lying, Kaihos turned his attention to Gallan.


He asked, "Look, what to do with it?"

Garlan has been pondering with the war bow since just now, and he couldn't see the subtle feature that Kaihos said.

When Kaihos asked this question, he turned to look at the female warrior.

The female warrior sat cross-legged on the ground and stared at him with a determined look on her face, no fear, but a look of regret in her eyes.

Apparently, he was sorry for not being able to rescue his sister.

Garland smiled at her.

Then, with a bang, the side-waist dagger was unsheathed.

The snow-white blade slammed into the female warrior.

The female warrior's body suddenly tensed, her teeth clenched, her eyes closed and she waited to die.

But she closed her eyes and waited for a while, but there was no expected pain.

She opened her eyes strangely, and was stunned to find that the rope that bound her was broken. Obviously, the young man didn't mean to kill her just now, but just slashed the rope that bound her with a sword.

As soon as the female warrior looked up, she saw the handsome young man squatting in front of her, looking at him with a smile.

"Elson's female warrior, how about we make a deal?"

"… what?"

The female warrior who experienced life and death in a second is still a little confused.

"You said just now that you have been tracking the pirates in order to save your sister, and finally got here, right?"


Garland nodded.

"Then, I will help you rescue your sister. In exchange, give me all the information you have found, whether it is related to pirates or Tozes."

He said, standing up and reaching out to the female warrior who was still sitting on the ground.

"Meanwhile, I forgive you for attacking me, how about that?"

The female warrior stared at Garlan's eyes.

The boy's eyes are slightly curved, like the bright moon in the night sky, perhaps because he is still young, it is completely different from the eyes of the men she hates.

The boy's eyes were clean and bright.

… Those eyes are somehow similar to her younger sister.

She was silent for a long time, and finally, let out a long breath.

Then she took the hand that the young prince held out to her, and stood up.

"it is good."

She said, "It's a deal!"

Let the Elson female soldier disguise as the personal guard of Kaihos, and then send her out of the executive government after dawn tomorrow.

Fortunately, this female warrior is tall and burly, and is only a little shorter than Kaihos, and it is not against the law to dress up as a man.

Hmm, as expected of an Elson female warrior who is known for her sturdy and bravery.

Garlan sighed in his heart.

When he thought that when he was being held hostage by the other party, his head only touched the other party's neck... He felt a little stuffed.

However, he should still be in the growth stage, and he will be able to grow taller in the future.

The young man so comforted himself.

"Your Highness, what are you going to do?"

Cayhoes asked.

"If I personally lead someone to rescue the girl, although there is no problem, it will obviously alarm those people."

Garland turned his head.

Long golden hair scattered on his shoulders, reflecting the light, extremely bright.

The little prince raised his head, looked at Kaihos with amber gem-like eyes, blinked, and suddenly smiled sweetly at him.

The one-eyed knight felt a chill behind his back.

Two days later, in a secret auction hall on the outskirts of Tozes City, there was a crowd of people in the usually quiet place.

It was a small open-air arena with a high platform in the middle and a stepped ring around it, which could accommodate about a hundred people.

Every few months, there is a special auction that only powerful people are eligible to participate in. At this time, there will be nearly a thousand city guards all around.

The girls and boys with outstanding beauty were brought up one by one on the high platform and displayed to everyone.

Slave gladiators with burly bodies and outstanding bravery are also very popular.

Certain gifted male slaves are also favored by certain ladies and even men with special hobbies.

In the row of seats closest to the display stand, a big businessman chatted with the blond knight beside him with a smile.

I had heard the name of the scorching knight's romance. In the past few days, many people tried to give the knight a beautiful maid, but they were all rejected.

The maid sent by the big businessman was also rejected. Just when he was thinking about how to win over the knight, Kaihos gave him a little hint.

He said that he had heard that Tozes would hold a special auction every few months, and he was a little interested.

The big businessman suddenly realized.

It seems that this knight is not a dislike of women, but is very picky and does not look down on vulgar fans.

So, on this day, he brought Kaihos with a smile.

"Your Excellency Kaihos, which one do you fancy, point it out, no matter how much money I will wrap it, it will be regarded as a gift from me."

The big businessman patted his chest and said.

Kaijos nodded politely to him, expressed his gratitude, and then turned his attention to the high platform.

As time passed little by little, the merchant waited for a long time, seeing all kinds of beautiful girls or mature women with great charm being bought by others one by one, but Kaihos remained silent.

He couldn't help but wonder.

Are Cayhorth knights so critical

Several of them are so stunning that even he is moved, and he can't look down on them

At this moment, Kaihos suddenly moved.

He pointed to the girl who was being brought on the stage at the moment.

"That's good."

He says.

Alas, with this critical eye, I don't know what kind of stunning beauty can make him fall in love

The big businessman thought to himself and raised his eyes with a smile.

The next second, his smile froze.

Not only him, but the faces of the people who followed them and heard the knight's words became strange at this moment.

I saw that the auction item that was brought to the high platform at the moment, although it is indeed beautiful, but she is not so much a girl as a girl.

… a pretty and cute little girl who is only ten years old no matter how you look at it.

For a time, everyone's eyes turned to Kaihos.

Each one has a strange look, and his eyes are subtle.

It's no wonder that the beauties who don't like them are because of this hobby.

I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect... This famous Sun Knight is actually such a knight!

The blond knight who was watched with subtle eyes by everyone sat there, seemingly indifferent, just looking at the little girl with a satisfied smile on the corner of his mouth.

However, only he himself knew that the corners of his slightly raised lips had froze at the moment.

His famous name--

Seeing that he was about to be smashed by the pot that the prince put on his back.

No, no, I can't think like that.

The loyal knight told himself so in his heart.

After all... the cauldron that his little prince asked him to carry, can it be called cauldron