A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess

Chapter 11: Daydream


This sudden intimacy made Wen Yu very panicked.

The word "brother" was nothing from her own mouth, but from Jiang Yuhe's mouth, Wen Yu's hairs trembled all over.

what happened to him

Yesterday, he was still indifferent to himself, but today he suddenly played with brother and sister

Could it be that his true feelings last night moved him? Awakened his long-lost conscience

After thinking about it, apart from this incident, it seemed that there was nothing else that could make this man change so drastically.

Can't tell, brother is still a temperamental person

The co-pilot's door was open, and Jiang Yuhe was standing by the door, waiting for Wen Yu to pass.

Wen Yu paused, carefully moved two steps forward, and stopped again.

Wait a minute, he seems to be overflowing with family affection in his conscience now, what if he calms down and loses his enthusiasm

At that time, will she say that she is presumptuous and bold enough to dare to sit next to him

After all, this man's mood changed too quickly, Wen Yu was a little uncertain.

"Do you need help?" Jiang Yuhe asked her suddenly.

"Ah?" Wen Yu, who was in deep thought, froze for a moment, and before she had time to say the word "no", Jiang Yuhe's hand had already been stretched out.

He gently put Wen Yu's arm on his arm, and slowly approached the passenger seat.


Wen Yu's mind went blank for an instant.

In less than two seconds, she was sent to the co-pilot's seat by Jiang Yuhe.

Not only that, Jiang Yuhe also thoughtfully helped her fasten her seat belt.

Wen Yu: "..."

Thank you, I was numb.

Wen Yu sat stiffly all over, although she couldn't see any fluctuations on her face, her heart was already exploded crazily.

What just happened!

This man actually took the initiative to have physical contact with him

Doesn't he hate women touching him

From such a close distance, Wen Yu could even smell the smell of tobacco that hadn't dissipated from his body, as well as the heat from his breath when he bent over.

Wen Yu's heartbeat soared to one hundred and two in an instant.

On the other side, seeing Wen Yu sitting upright like a puppet, Jiang Yuhe frowned, "What are you doing?"

Wen Yu came back to her senses with a thud, desperately hiding her shock under her expression, swallowed, forced out a smile and said:

"... No, my brother is so nice to me suddenly, I'm just not used to it."

It's not just that I'm not used to it.

She is now experiencing intense discomfort from the strands of her hair to the soles of her feet!

Jiang Yuhe hummed lightly, "Then get used to it, and it will always be like this in the future."


Wen Yu was made uncomfortable by him, and she didn't even feel so natural when she played:

"Brother, have you been unhappy recently?"

"You can't be bored if you are unhappy, why don't you tell me, maybe I can enlighten you?"

Anyway, don't make fun of me, okay

You are so scary!

Jiang Yuhe was driving the car, and he glanced at Wen Yu lightly from the corner of his eye.


There is indeed a little bit.

It started with a feeling of guilt when I realized that I had wronged her that day.

It started with the helplessness I felt when I saw her crying and pitiful and helpless last night.

Jiang Yuhe finally realized that his twenty-six years of unfettered life began to have such an unshakable tail.

It's annoying to think about it.

He is used to freedom, he hates being disturbed in his life, he hates being controlled by others, and he hates all attempts to change his existence.

But in the final analysis, it was me who took people away from the gate of the nursing home.

Since the person was brought back by him, there is nothing to complain about. Instead of being indifferent and negative, it is better to be more positive, as the doctor said, to cooperate with her in acting as a brother and sister, hoping to arouse her memory early, so that she can be sent away early to restore her cleanliness.

"Not unhappy." He replied to Wen Yu, "You think too much."

Wen Yu: "..."

After that, the two of them didn't speak any more, and Wen Yu was also quietly digesting the sudden qualitative change in their relationship.

After the car arrived at the villa, Jiang Yuhe parked the car at the door: "You go back first, I have an appointment."

While unfastening her seat belt, Wen Yu casually asked, "Where are you going? It's so late."

Jiang Yuhe's habitual response was originally "it's none of your business", but when the words came to his lips, he remembered the task at hand, so he forced himself to take it back, and patiently replied:

"I asked a friend to shoot arrows."


Wen Yu's eyes lit up, and the unbuckled seat belt was buckled back again, "It sounds interesting."

Jiang Yuhe noticed her little movement and looked sideways at her.

Wen Yu blinked, "Brother, I want to play too."


Jiang Yuhe kept his hands on the steering wheel for a long time, struggled in his heart for a few seconds, and finally gave in.

After all, he just said with a friendly face that he would treat her well in the future, but now he just wants to go out and play with her. If he refuses such a small thing, it seems to be a bit of a slap in the face.

never mind.

Jiang Yuhe started the car, "Let's go."

Wen Yu originally just said to try, but Jiang Yuhe unexpectedly agreed.

She began to really believe that this man was moved by what she said last night, and after deep regret and introspection, he realized his mistake.

It must be so!

Wen Yu didn't expect that an impromptu performance of her own would solve the problem she had been unable to overcome for so long.

That's probably what happened by accident.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped at a private archery gym in Beijing.

Wen Yu had a friend who played archery before, and knew a thing or two about this sport. Although he was not very good at it, he knew that it was a hobby that started to burn money when it reached a high level.

Jiang Yuhe made an appointment with a friend, Wen Yu heard him introduce, it turned out to be the big boss of the domestic hotel industry, Qi Xu.

Wen Yu had an impression of this man. When she checked Jiang Yuhe's information and interviewed on the Internet, she often saw reports about these two people, and knew that they were very good friends.

"Who is this?" Qi Xu pointed to Wen Yu and asked Jiang Yuhe.

Seeing that Jiang Yuhe couldn't think of a suitable word to introduce herself for a while, Wen Yu immediately introduced herself, "Hello, Mr. Qi, just call me Xiaoyu."

After a brief introduction, Jiang Yuhe and Qi Xu left.

Wen Yu sat and watched them play.

Jiang Yuhe took off his windbreaker jacket, and his black shirt sleeves were half rolled up. He stood up and drew his bow and strings. Looking from behind, he didn't lose the slightest bit to those stars and male models in the entertainment industry.

Wen Yu quietly took a photo of him from behind and sent it to You Xin.

You Xin: [? who?]

Wen Yu: [What's your score?]

You Xin: [If you look at the back, you can see a fart, if you have the ability, show me the front.]

Wen Yu looked at the screen and smiled.


She raised her head, quietly moved the wheelchair under her feet, and changed to a position where she could see Jiang Yuhe's profile.

Then, while he was not paying attention, he quickly took several photos secretly.

In the camera, the man holds a bow and looks forward, his figure is tall and straight, and the moment the arrow shoots out, his expression is calm and calm.

Wen Yu took a few glances, reopened WeChat and replied to You Xin:

[I can't give you the front, I'm afraid I'll make you handsome.]

You Xin sent a contemptuous emoji: [I haven't seen any handsome guy in our circle? Unless it's at the level of the big boss Boss Jiang, otherwise I won't be too handsome, so you can send it with confidence.]

Wen Yu pursed her lips, and typed out a lot of words and photos, but after thinking about it, she decided to delete them.

Once the topic of Jiang Yuhe started, she believed that You Xin would pester her until dawn.

For safety's sake, let's forget it for the time being, and talk about it next time.

So I changed the subject and asked her: [How are you doing?]

You Xin: [Just finished filming for a group, resting at home now, there is no scene to shoot for the time being.]

[By the way, I have already quit the celebrity club group.]

Wen Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately asked: [Why?]

[They kicked your original account out of the group, so it doesn't make sense for me to stay there. And now that everyone is praising Zhao Wenjing, I can't act like praising her stinky feet, so I simply backed out. Originally, they only let me in because of your face.]

The Celebrity Club is a small group composed of Jiangcheng's rich second generation and some well-known models and stars. Before Wen Yu's accident, she was like a star-studded existence in it.

Now he said he would kick and kicked.

Wen Yu's original mobile phone was lost, and she couldn't access WeChat without verification, and she didn't bother to spend energy to get it back.

Because for her, since everything in the past is lost, it's better to throw it away.

The current self is a brand new Wen Yu.

Wen Yu comforted You Xin: [It's okay, if you quit, you will quit, and my sister will take you to fly again in the future.]

While lowering her hair while reading the news, Wen Yu suddenly felt eyes resting on her. She looked up, and sure enough—

Jiang Yuhe and Qi Xu didn't know if she was mentioned, they all looked over now.

Wen Yu's thoughts were still on You Xin for a moment, and she put on a smiling face unexpectedly, then pretended to be cute, raised her hands above her head, and gave Jiang Yuhe a heartfelt heart.

Qi Xu smiled lightly, turned around and rubbed his bow while asking Jiang Yuhe: "She compares her heart to you, won't you answer one?"

Jiang Yuhe snorted and fixed his eyes on the target, "I'm not that boring."

"I'm not bored, but I took her home." Qi Xu set up his bow, and pulled the string at the same time as Jiang Yuhe: "Could it be because she saw that she lost her memory and wanted to take the opportunity to take it for herself?"


During the conversation, the arrows of the two men shot out almost simultaneously.

As the target drew closer, the results of both sides were clear at a glance, Qi Xu said meaningfully: "What are you thinking, you seem to be out of shape tonight."

Jiang Yuhe didn't return, he lowered his head and straightened his bow and arrow, then paused, "Do you know any experts in treating amnesia?"

Qi Xu pondered for a moment, "A foreign medical doctor gave a medical lecture in our hotel before. It seems to be a special topic in this area. I vaguely remember that they tried a treatment method, which seemed to be effective, but it was very painful."

After speaking, Qi Xu turned to look at Wen Yu who was looking around boredly, "I don't think she can bear it."

However, Jiang Yuhe didn't seem to hear the last sentence, and said directly: "Give me the doctor's contact information."

After returning from the archery gym, Wen Yu was in a good mood.

Although it was just sitting in the stadium, it was better than going back and facing the four walls of the third-class citizen room, which was boring.

Moreover, watching Jiang Yuhe shoot an arrow is indeed a pleasing sight.

Wen Yu secretly glanced at Jiang Yuhe, the man was concentrating on driving and didn't notice her.

After thinking about it, everyone brought me out to play, and in return, it was time for me to say something.

So Wen Yu cleared her throat, sat down and started business:

"Brother, you look so handsome when you shoot arrows."

Jiang Yuhe: "..."

"You just stand there, and the people next to you are overshadowed."


"Really, I saw a lot of beauties secretly taking pictures of you and Boss Qi. It must be your charm that conquered them."


Jiang Yuhe looked ahead, controlled the steering wheel with one hand, and propped the other hand on the car window, obviously making a movement of exhaling in relief.

He was learning to accept the chattering of the carriage.

After a while, "Really."

Jiang Yuhe sounded as if he was interested in continuing this topic with Wen Yu, but in fact his face was expressionless: "Then, who do you think is more attractive, Mr. Qi or I?"

Good guy, quite shameless.

Don't you just wait for me to praise you for asking this question

Wen Yu understood it all too well.

According to the routine, Wen Yu should indeed praise Jiang Yuhe to the sky.

But today she wasn't going to do that.

Because sometimes being too attentive will make you look like a dog licking who has no principles and only flatters. This trick may be effective at first, but after a long time, it will make people bored and feel that you are hypocritical.

Licking dogs will end up with nothing.

What Wen Yu has to do is to hit Jiang Yuhe who is already stuck in the comfort zone.

Tell him with cold reality that she is definitely a principled, tasteful, fair and just woman.

What's more, Boss Qi was a little more enthusiastic than him, and he even knew to bring him water halfway.

That's right, today is to praise Mr. Qi.

Wen Yu deliberately made a serious comparison and thought, "Mr. Qi's white shirt and gold-rimmed glasses are perfect, handsome and stable, mature and wise, full of reverie, noble, ascetic, and mysterious temperament. "

Jiang Yuhe didn't make a sound, waiting for her to continue evaluating himself.

However, after waiting for two seconds, "Brother, you are a little bit worse in this regard."


"So I'm sorry brother, I choose Mr. Qi."


Jiang Yuhe sneered.

What a good sister.

Giving you food, giving you a place to live, and playing a fucking cameo as your brother, but in the end, you can’t compare to a man you just met

Jiang Yuhe continued to drive without saying a word. It wasn't until he stopped at a crossroad that he said coldly to the air:

"Stop daydreaming, he has a girlfriend, it's not your turn."