A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess

Chapter 24: I don't understand you as well as she does


A lifetime, what a long promise.

Jiang Yuhe is not the kind of person who just opens his mouth. Wen Yu doesn't know what happened to make him say such a thing, but anyway, she is very moved.

He has lived for at least twenty-two years, except for Wen Yi'an who said this to himself, he is the second one.

In the past, Wen Yu just wanted to be an emotionless revenge machine, hugged Jiang Yuhe's thigh and abused Shen Mingjia, and treated it as spiritual compensation for him bumping into her.

But now after getting along with this man day by day, Wen Yu's original intention is no longer so strong.

Many times, she got used to going to work with Jiang Yuhe every day, reading documents by his side, making coffee for him, and on the way home from get off work, Jiang Yuhe would buy her a cup of milk tea because of her acting like a baby.

This kind of life is plain and beautiful, so beautiful that Wen Yu sometimes feels uneasy.

If one day Jiang Yuhe knew the truth, would he still treat her with the same attitude now

Wen Yu didn't know.

I dare not think about it.

If there is such a day, Wen Yu would rather never let him know this despicable truth, and just leave quietly by herself.

Just pretend that you have never been to Beijing, nor his world.

Although the Shen Mingjia incident was suppressed silently, but Wen Yu heard from You Xin that his reputation in the circle has collapsed a lot, and some of the endorsements that he had negotiated were also in vain.

Now his company is looking for resources and relationships everywhere, trying to restore its image.

Wen Yu did not relax her surveillance of him, and hid in secret, waiting for the next opportunity.

She follows Jiang Yuhe to work in the company every day. This man seems to have inexhaustible energy. In addition to the work at hand, he also spends two hours a day teaching her various investment rules and techniques in the entertainment industry.

Even if he was going to a meeting or social gathering, he would, like a teacher, arrange a plan or proposal for Wen Yu to write.

And the most recent task is to read the script of "Looking for the Dragon Files" within two days, and familiarize myself with the characteristics and plot of each character.

Wen Yu didn't know the reason why he did this at first, until this day, Jiang Yuhe asked her to prepare and go with him to see the re-examination of the actor selection plan.

Only then did Wen Yu realize that today is You Xin's retest day.

"It's been so long on paper, let's practice it today to see if you have the ability to eat this."

Wen Yupi followed behind him: "Is this an exam, brother?"

Jiang Yuhe was already used to her calling him brother in the company, so he didn't bother to correct him, so he pretended to be serious and replied: "Don't come tomorrow if you don't do well in the exam."

Wen Yu snorted, and replied casually: "Are you willing to shake off my tail?"

Jiang Yuhe: "..."

It was as if someone had stabbed him in the heart all of a sudden.

His Adam's apple moved, and his voice was very weak: "You know I don't want to part with it."

Wen Yu didn't hear the emotion in Jiang Yuhe's words at all, and thought he was being arrogant again, so she patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, it's not that you don't want me, it's that I don't want you, okay?"

Jiang Yuhe: "..."

The re-examination was held in the audio-visual hall on the tenth floor of the Yasheng headquarters. Among the 20 outstanding actors selected from Jiangcheng, two were selected to sign with Yasheng, and they could directly get the roles of "Looking for the Dragon Files".

When Jiang Yuhe brought Wen Yu into the arena, the hall was already full of people.

The staff were stunned when they saw Jiang Yuhe coming, and they all stood up and nodded, "Mr. Jiang."

Because Jiang Yuhe didn't need to come in person for such a trivial matter as the selection of the third and fourth roles. Even the director Wen Junlong didn't come here, and it was the assistant director of the crew who came for the retest.

Unexpectedly, the boss came to the scene in person.

But what caught everyone's attention more than this was Wen Yu's arrival.

Wen Yu followed behind Jiang Yuhe, and soon felt everyone's sizing up on her.

She didn't bother to pay attention to those gazes, looked around, and soon saw You Xin where the actors were ready.

You Xin also saw her, and after the two exchanged a look of understanding, they quickly moved away calmly pretending not to know each other.

The assistant director gave up seat C, "President Jiang, please sit down."

Jiang Yuhe sat down, then pointed to the seat next to Wen Yu: "Come here."

Wen Yu snorted, and once again sat next to Jiang Yuhe amidst everyone's discussions.

At the same time, the company's gossip group was secretly boiling again.

[At the scene watching the boss doting on his little wife, exciting!]

[Finally I saw the face of the lady in the office. No wonder she is favored. She is really beautiful, very high-class and beautiful. A blind guess must be some rich lady with a super good temperament.]

[Friends, the office lady's legs are amazing, she is at least ten times sexier than Sang Chen, I can see straight!]

[Bold, don't let Xiao miss the boss's woman hahahaha!]

[Kill me, I just brought water to the boss, guess what I heard, the lady in the office called the boss brother, brother! Damn it's too whiny!]

Wen Yu had no idea that her appearance turned the actors' re-examination scene into a big melon-eating scene, and what's more amazing——

As soon as she sat down, the door of the theater opened again.

This time it was Sang Chen.

[Help, hahahaha Shura field! Lady Sang is here too!]

[Oh my God, I envy the partners who are here today, this is to show! Wei! of! !]

[quick! Live for me! Come on, Mrs. Sang!]

[What kind of arrogance? She doesn't seem to be very good at first glance. Sitting next to the assistant director, the boss didn't even look at her.]

[Fight and fight!]

Wen Yu was also surprised by Sang Chen's arrival.

She muttered, looking a little unhappy: "Why is this woman here?"

Jiang Yuhe glanced at her, "You don't like it?"

Wen Yu thought that Sang Chen was also called by Jiang Yuhe, so she inexplicably said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter whether I like it or not, brother, it's fine if you like it or not."

Jiang Yuhe frowned, obviously feeling Wen Yu's emotional displeasure.

Thinking that he still remembered the last time he lit a cigarette, he sighed helplessly, coaxing and explaining: "Sang Chen is the lead actor of "Looking for the Dragon" and also an artist of the company. The director asked her to come over to watch the selection of actors for the rival show It's normal."

Unexpectedly, Wen Yu immediately said: "You didn't choose the leading role, everyone said she was the number one female chosen by you."

It's a gun with a stick, and the smell of gunpowder is very strong.

After a few seconds of silence, Jiang Yuhe looked at her: "What exactly do you want to say?"

Wen Yu shut up.

In fact, she didn't know what she wanted to say, but she was uncomfortable seeing this woman.

"It's nothing, I shut up."

Jiang Yuhe didn't speak any more.

At this time, the assistant director went around to Jiang Yuhe and said, "Mr. Jiang, originally Mingjia also came to take a look..."

Wen Yu was taken aback for a moment, but luckily he continued, "But you also know that his affairs have been full of ups and downs in the past two days, so he has been thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors at home recently, and he asked me to say sorry to you, saying that he will definitely do it in the future." Pay attention to your words and deeds, so as not to have a negative impact on the crew."

"That's the best." Jiang Yuhe didn't express his opinion to Shen Mingjia too much, and when he saw that everyone was here, he ordered: "Let's get started."

Only one male and one female are selected from the twenty actors, so the competition is quite fierce.

Each actor introduces himself after entering the scene, and then performs a live performance with a random selection of clips from the film.

Wen Yu is not interested in anyone else, she only wants to see You Xin.

Jiang Yuhe saw that her mind was distracted, and gently leaned over to remind her: "Be serious, I will ask you later."

Wen Yu: "...

In the past two days, she has watched a lot of content related to film investment IP selection in the office, and knows that if a film is to be successful, in addition to the script and director, actors are also a very important part.

Some people are born into that role, and some people can't meet the expectations of the audience no matter how they are packaged.

So how to accurately select the corner is also a skill.

After several waves of performances by actors, it finally arrived at You Xin.

Wen Yu immediately cheered up and sat upright, like a happy old mother watching her daughter perform, proud and excited.

And You Xin did not live up to her expectations, both in terms of performance and line skills, she performed to the extreme.

In the end, after everyone's interviews were over, the assistant director also had a judgment in his mind, but now that Jiang Yuhe was sitting here, he naturally had to ask the boss's opinion first.

"Mr. Jiang, do you have a suitable candidate?"

Jiang Yuhe paused, then turned his head and asked Wen Yu: "Today we chose the two roles of Yan Yunjing and Long Fei. After reading the script, which two do you think are suitable?"

Wen Yu reported You Xin without even thinking about it: "Long Fei, I think the No. 6 actor is very suitable, as for Yan Yunjing..."

Wen Yu looked around, pointed to a handsome boy and said, "Number 12."

Jiang Yuhe looked at her twice, his eyes were a little cold. After a while, he turned sideways and asked Sang Chen who was sitting next to the assistant director: "Sang Chen, tell me."

Sang Chen was stunned for a moment, as if he was flattered, but he quickly replied: "The role of Long Fei needs some heroism. I think number 2 is more suitable. Yan Yunjing is my bodyguard in the play, so the figure and the Height needs to be considered, I think actor No. 9 is pretty good."

After a pause, she was very modest: "However, everything depends on the opinions of Mr. Jiang and Director."

Wen Yu: "..."

She went to see Jiang Yuhe, but found that the man's face was not very good-looking, so she quickly stood up and said lightly, "Just use the two that Sang Chen chose."

Assistant Director: "Yes."

Jiang Yuhe left, and Wen Yu naturally followed suit. The voice of the assistant director's announcement came from behind, and the two actors clapped happily in celebration. Wen Yu turned her head and saw the envy and loneliness in You Xin's eyes.

Wen Yu felt a little distressed.

However, when the eyes were withdrawn from You Xin, Wen Yu and Sang Chen's eyes met again unexpectedly.

The other party did not provoke this time, but just looked at her lightly.

But it was this kind of expressionless staring that made Wen Yu a little more embarrassed to be suppressed.

This kind of emotion made Wen Yu look sleepy and spiritless until she returned to the office.

Jiang Yuhe didn't notice it, and asked her as soon as she entered the door: "I let you read the script, what are you reading?"

Wen Yu lowered her head and said nothing.

"How many times have I said that choosing actors is not based on subjective liking, but based on character analysis and plot needs. You like that actor named You Xin, but her appearance, height and facial features are not suitable for the role of Long Fei at all."

"Sang Chen, an actor, can see the point. I've taught you for so long and you can't see it? You said you wanted to come to work and learn something, so do you put your heart into sitting here every day?"

"Well, I'm not as good at choosing as Sang Chen, I'm not as professional as her, I'm not as good as she understands you, and I'm not as good as she has a good understanding with you." Wen Yu suddenly stood up, "Is it alright?"

Jiang Yuhe: "You—"

But before he could say anything else, Wen Yu had already rushed out with her bag.

Wen Yu knew that You Xin would be sad right now, so she called her when she went out, trying to comfort her.

Although, she is more sad.

I don't know what to say about this kind of sadness, Wen Yu's rationality is very clear that what Jiang Yuhe said is right, she is indeed liking her subjectively, and she really wants to give La Youxin a favor out of selfishness.


He first denied himself in front of Sang Chen, and later praised her.

This feeling is too bad.

Wen Yu sat sullenly in the coffee shop and waited for You Xin, and it took almost half an hour for her to come.

"Why did you call me out suddenly? Aren't you supposed to be in the company?" You Xin asked as soon as she sat down.

Wen Yu lowered her head and bit the drink in the straw, "I don't want to see him."

"Are you fighting again?"


"And why this time?"

Wen Yu originally wanted to confide in You Xin, but when the words came to her lips, she felt—

Everyone lost the election, is it worth talking about such a shit

So he shook his head, "There was no quarrel, I just wanted to come out to comfort you, don't be unhappy, there must still be opportunities."

You Xin laughed, "Why am I unhappy, am I very happy now!"

Wen Yu thought this person was stunned by the stimulation, "Are you all right, are you very happy?"

You Xin took out a contract-like document from her bag, "Just after my interview, I was called by the artist department of Ascension, saying that they wanted to sign a contract with me, and "Looking for the Dragon Files" also gave me a female three He said that Jiang Yuhyuk designated me as a good fit for that role, and I just went to talk about it."

Wen Yu: "...?"

After a while, Wen Yu seemed to understand something.

You Xin didn't know about Wen Yu's temper tantrum in the office, and secretly guessed from the sidelines: "When I was in the theater just now, I saw the way Jiang Yuhe looked at you, tsk, I feel that if you want a star, he will immediately pick one for you. So be honest, is that what you asked him to do?"

After calming down, Wen Yu's face burned a little, she shook her head: "He's not the kind of person who doesn't distinguish between public and private."

Otherwise, he wouldn't have dismissed himself face to face.

Wen Yu felt a little regretful.

She should have known Jiang Yuhe's character long ago, whether public or private, he would definitely see that You Xin is so good.

It was she who somehow vented her emotions on Sang Chen.

What the hell is she going crazy about

Wen Yu hammered her head, and hurriedly opened WeChat to say sorry to Jiang Yuhe.

You Xin was still immersed in the joy of signing the contract, and said to himself: "By the way, I heard that Shen Mingjia has been in trouble recently. He called me two days ago and asked me to ask for your new WeChat. I guess he is suspicious of that account. It's you."

Wen Yu frowned and looked at the phone, then raised her head suddenly: "Did you tell him?"

"How can it be?"

Wen Yu turned the phone to You Xin, and there was a new friend request list in the address book.

And that name was familiar to both of them.

Shen Mingjia.

"Fuck, I really didn't say, who is in your WeChat? It's definitely not me!"

There are only three people in Wen Yu's WeChat, You Xin, Jiang Yuhe and Yin Yin.

Once you rule it out, you will know who it is.

Wen Yu was about to call Yin Yin immediately, but her call came at the same time.

"Sister Yu, I don't know why the president of our fan group wants your WeChat ID. He found me and talked for a long time, saying that Brother Mingjia wanted to ask you something. You also know that I am his fan, so it's embarrassing. Refused... But if you don't want to add him, don't add him, and don't tell my dad!"

It really is Yinyin.

Wen Yu helped her forehead helplessly, "Are you still a fan of him? Didn't it all come out two days ago that he was dating and cheating on his fans?"

Unexpectedly, Yin Yin said: "Sister, you don't understand, that is Brother Jia's black fan, the photos are all synthetic, he was framed."

Wen Yu: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yu finally understood why Shen Mingjia was so difficult to uproot.

To put it mildly, these fans are unwavering, to put it harshly...

Forget it, Lao He's daughter, she doesn't want to say those words.

Wen Yu didn't know what Shen Ming Jiajia was doing. After all, from Yin Yin's point of view, she was not Wen Yu, but Jiang Yuhe's sister in name.

After thinking about it, she still pressed Pass.

The scumbag didn't speak immediately, and of course Wen Yu wouldn't take the initiative either. She sent Jiang Yuhe a WeChat message:

[Brother [grievance] [to finger]]

Jiang Yuhe didn't reply, but a minute later, he called.


He didn't mention what happened in the office just now, and Wen Yu also consciously mentioned it, as if it never happened.

"I... came out for a cup of coffee."

"Stop running?"

"... don't run away."

Jiang Yuhe was silent for a while. In fact, he was a little angry when Wen Yu ran away, but when he heard Wen Yu's voice, he couldn't get angry at all.

"Address, I'll come pick you up."

Wen Yu happily gave him the address of the cafe.

After hanging up the phone, Wen Yu hurriedly retreated to Zhang Luo Youxin: "He's here to pick me up, I'll wait downstairs first."

You Xin looked at her excited expression and clicked her tongue, "Looking at you like this, if you don't know it, you might think it's her boyfriend."

Wen Yu rolled her eyes: "Did you read too many orthopedic novels and think about everything in that direction?"

Everyone walked out a few steps, Wen Yu suddenly remembered something, turned back and took out her mobile phone, and showed the background of her mobile phone to You Xin: "How about the photo of me and him, is there any brother and sister love?" Is that the smell?"

You Xin took a glance: "..."

Such a nasty posture is ashamed to say that brother and sister love each other deeply, and you have such a big heart, what is going on here

Take the lead in orthopedics and say me.

But You Xin kept pushing in her heart for a while, but didn't say it out of her mouth, "Yes, there is, the smell is still strong, hurry up, don't make your good brother wait too long."

Wen Yu successfully showed off, turned around and left contentedly.

Walking downstairs in the shopping mall, she stood at the location designated by Jiang Yuhe and waited. From time to time, she glanced at the phone screensaver made by the two of them together, and the corners of her lips would rise inexplicably.

Soon, a white car stopped in front of her.

Wen Yu thought it was Jiang Yuhe, but after thinking about it, she was wrong. Jiang Yuhe didn't have a white car.

She didn't go forward, and continued to play with her mobile phone and wait.

Unexpectedly, the people in the car got off.

walk up to her.


Wen Yu was taken aback for a moment, and immediately stopped the movement of her hands.

Because of this voice...

The voice that has appeared in dreams countless times.

That voice that I thought I was about to forget.

She raised her head and saw a tall young man in a gray trench coat and gold-rimmed glasses standing in front of her.

Although the face has an unfamiliar mature outline, the warmth in the brows and eyes remains the same as before, without any change.

People were coming and going, and the traffic was crowded. Wen Yu stared blankly for a long time before she opened her mouth in disbelief—

"… elder brother?"