A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess

Chapter 6: not necessary


"Yasheng" is currently the largest entertainment group in China. It was established in the early 1990s, and now it is in the hands of Jiang Yuhe. field.

At 9:30, Jiang Yuhe came out of the elevator, and the secretary immediately went up to meet him, and listed today's work as he walked:

"The acquisition meeting of Great Star Media at 10 o'clock, dinner with President Gao of Qinghe Group at 12 o'clock, the company's key IP selection meeting for next year at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the interview with the director of the advertising department at 4 o'clock, and the meeting with Xiyu Video at 4:30 o'clock. The person in charge, I have to attend the awards ceremony of the Beijing Film Festival at seven o'clock."

Jiang Yuhe is used to such a dense itinerary.

He opened the door and entered the office, only to find that someone was already sitting on the sofa.

The secretary explained helplessly: "I'm sorry Mr. Jiang, no matter how I persuade him, it's useless."

"Understood." Jiang Yuhe closed the door without getting angry.

The person here is Li Man's manager and also one of the company's employees.

"President Jiang," he stood up awkwardly and humbly, "Manman is not sensible, can you give her another chance."

"She is ignorant, so are you?" Jiang Yuhe walked past him, his voice was very soft, but exuding a bleak coldness, "Your position is directly under Yasheng Brokerage, there are managers and directors on it, who gave it to you?" Right to sit in my office."

"I, I just want to beg you, please don't embarrass her too much at the award ceremony tonight, Manman is the one who made it happen anyway."

"So what." Jiang Yuhe raised his head, leaned lazily on the back of the chair and looked at him: "Since I can hold it out, I can take it back."

"Are you willing?"

"It was she who voluntarily gave up her own value."


The manager was about to argue, but he also knew that his artist's audacity this time was really irreversible. Everyone in the circle knew what kind of person Jiang Yuhe was.

He never gives second chances to people who make mistakes.

Knowing that there was no possibility of turning around, the agent left the office sadly.

Jiang Yuhe watched him close the door coldly, and was about to dial the inside line to find the secretary, but accidentally saw the cufflinks on his wrist.

There was a slight pause in the movement.

The temperature and touch of the woman's fingertips suddenly hit her like this.

After a long time, realizing that he was distracted by a cuff button, Jiang Yuhe frowned, feeling a little ridiculous.

He looked away, dialed the secretary's phone number, "Bring in a copy of Superstar Media's financial statements for the third and fourth quarters of last year."


Usually Jiang Yuhe would hang up after finishing speaking, but today there was no movement for a long time.

The secretary also proceeded cautiously.

After thinking for a long time, the man said, "Also, ask Li Bai to buy something for me."

After Jiang Yuhe left in the morning, Wen Yu ate something and went back to her room.

Gone are the days surrounded by body sculpting yoga, exquisite spa, afternoon tea, and various parties.

The current third-class citizens are only worthy of thinking about life in a daze in their rooms.

So Wen Yu began to figure out what excuse to go to the hotel to pick up the bag, mainly because of the ID card inside.

Because although the hotel promised to help save it, it only promised a two-week deadline.

That is to say, within two weeks, Wen Yu had to go to the hotel once.

After thinking about this question for a day, Aunt Twelfth called Wen Yu in the evening, saying that Lao He had come and bought her a lot of things.

Wen Yu froze for a moment, then came to the living room in a wheelchair.

All kinds of bags and bags were scattered on the table, which contained clothes, skin care products and hygiene products for girls. It could be seen that they had been carefully purchased.

Lao He said: "I took half an hour off and I'm leaving soon. I bought these according to my daughter's preferences. Girl, take a look and tell me if it's not suitable."


Wen Yu's nose felt a little sore for no reason.

Although what Lao He bought were ordinary brands, his move may be the greatest warmth Wen Yu has received these days.

She concealed the sadness in her heart, and said with a smile: "It's very suitable, thank you Uncle He."

Old He hastily explained a few words and left. Wen Yu went back to the room with the big bags and small bags in her arms. When tidying up, she accidentally discovered that there was a new mobile phone in the bag!

Although it is a very ordinary smartphone, it has already installed the card and can be used immediately.

It was such a pleasant surprise.

Wen Yu immediately turned on her phone and received a message not long after.

[Hi girl, I'm Lao He, this is my number, if you need anything, just call me.]

Wen Yu happily replied OK to him.

The boring life suddenly became alive again.

Wen Yu quickly applied for a new WeChat account with her new phone number, and then added You Xin.

You Xin passed the verification immediately after seeing the verification message was "Wen", and then sent a series of question marks to this unfamiliar account.

[Who are you?]

It's rare for Wen Yu to have the leisure to joke around: [You hooked up with someone else named Wen?]

You Xin kept showing typing, and it took a while before a screen full of exclamation points came.

[Where did you go? Ancestor! I sent you dozens of wechat messages and made hundreds of phone calls, but there is no news. I am so anxious!]

Before Wen Yu could go back, You Xin immediately made a video call.

"Where are you? Are you okay? Do you know that I'm about to post a missing person notice for you!"

In the past, when the two played together, Wen Yu was always covering You Xin. You Xin's family background is average, and in the upper circles of Jiangcheng, people often laugh at her as Wen Yu's follower, and she got into the circle by fawning over Wen Yu, but only Wen Yu knows that You Xin is really good to her.

For example, now, the silly girl's eyes are red.

Wen Yu's throat was astringent, but she pretended to be calm, "It's okay, what can I do."

"They all said that you might be overwhelmed, and it scared me to death."

"They?" Wen Yu frowned, "Who, I can't bear to hope so much."

"It's not Zhao Wenjing and the others. After the news of your family's accident broke out, the group of people who fawned on Zhao Wenjing didn't know how to laugh at you. They went downstairs to block people at your house every day, and said that you dare not answer the phone."


These Wen Yu have long thought that once they fall from a high place, there will always be people who fall into the hole and see the joke.

Shen Mingjia was like this, let alone them.

Seeing that Wen Yu was silent and did not speak, You Xin panicked and asked again: "Then where are you now?"

Wen Yu regained her composure and paused, "I'm at... a friend's house."


"Outsiders, you don't know them."

"That's good." You Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief, "You can live there first, and you will be troubled when you come back, and we can talk about it after the matter subsides."

After hanging up the video, You Xin transferred 50,000 yuan to Wen Yu: [You use it first, it's not enough for me to support you in filming.]

For some reason, Wen Yu wanted to laugh and cry while watching it.

In the past, she always said similar things to You Xin - stop filming, I have plenty of money to support you.

I didn't expect Feng Shui to turn around, and it was the turn of my best friend to support me.

But Wen Yu knew that You Xin herself was having a hard time, she was living with Jiang Yuhe now, at least she didn't need to spend money during the recuperation period.

When her leg gets better, no matter how bad it is, she still has a sports car and a house that can be cashed in.

So, why bother to drag down your best friend.

Wen Yu finally confiscated the money.

After getting in touch with You Xin, Wen Yu finally found some spiritual sustenance in these chaotic days.

She entered the company's name on the Internet, and sure enough, the news of the bankruptcy broke out two days ago, the night she was bumped, and Jiangcheng was in an uproar, and there were many people who laughed and ridiculed.

Walls are always pushed down by everyone.

Wen Yu has seen all the cruelty of the world now, so she hastily glanced at those harsh and sarcastic words, and didn't take it to heart.

After a boring night, Wen Yu didn't wait until Jiang Yuhe came back, thinking that he would miss a good night flattery, so she came to the living room in a wheelchair, and was about to get a glass of water to drink and sleep, when she suddenly saw Twelfth Aunt rushing away from her. He came out of the room and stood at the door with a pair of men's slippers.

The back is straight and the posture is respectful.

Two minutes later, she opened the door:

"Master, welcome home. It is 23:35 in the evening, the indoor temperature is 22, and the humidity is 70%. Tonight, I have prepared almond protein tea for you. It is light and not greasy for health."


During this battle, Wen Yu almost thought that some state leader came to visit Jiang's house at night.

At the other end, two men walked in one after the other.

Besides Jiang Yuhe, the other Wen Yu met in the morning was his bodyguard Li Bai, who was carrying a bunch of colorful shopping bags in his hand at the moment.

Soon, Jiang Yuhe, who was approaching, saw Wen Yu.

The man's eyes were sharp and cold, and Wen Yu looked at him for a few seconds before losing the battle.

Mainly because of a guilty conscience, as if the other party could discover his ulterior secret after just a few more glances.

Wen Yu coughed to hide her unnaturalness, and took the initiative to say hello: "Brother is back."

Jiang Yuhe sat down on the sofa, bowed his head and tugged on his tie, but did not respond.

Wen Yu also consciously shut her mouth, and bent down to fetch the water.

Then I heard a conversation between two men.

"There's news from Li Man, and he's fine." Li Bai said, "But now there are a lot of media calling to ask, what is the boss going to do?"

Wen Yu paused when she heard the name.

Li Man

That femme fatale

Wen Yu didn't know what happened at the end of the night of the concert. The heart of gossip made her slow down quietly, wanting to hear the follow-up.

However, Jiang Yuhe's casual words in the next second startled her.

"When a popular star commits suicide in his apartment, it is enough to complete the KPI news for the whole year. Who doesn't want to grab the headlines."

Wen Yu was shocked.


"Since she wants to make a big fuss," Jiang Yuhe's tone was not only lacking in sympathy, but also sarcasm, "I'll just satisfy her, as much trouble as she wants, and it's the last bit of her value."

The conversation stops here.

Wen Yu's head was full of shock, until she said "Hello" coldly.

Jiang Yuhe turned sideways and looked at her, "What are you doing?"

It was only then that Wen Yu came back to her senses suddenly, and found that the water she picked up had overflowed the cup a lot, and even wet the ground.

She stopped quickly, "Yes, I'm sorry brother."

Wen Yu was a little incoherent, but fortunately Li Bai handed over some tissues, which temporarily eased her bewilderment.

After quickly calming down, Wen Yu also came up with a perfect excuse. She slid the wheelchair in front of Jiang Yuhe and whispered:

"I just want to ask after you finish your work, brother. I'm going to the hospital tomorrow for a re-examination. Are you free to accompany me?"

Jiang Yuhe glanced at her lightly, and was about to say something when he suddenly saw her mobile phone in the wheelchair storage box.

He paused: "Where did it come from?"

"What?" Wen Yu didn't react for a while.

"Where did you get the phone?"

Wen Yu said, "Uncle He gave it to me. Uncle He came here in the afternoon and bought me a lot of daily necessities, a change of clothes, and this mobile phone."

After finishing speaking, he paused, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Uncle He is really kind."

The air was suddenly quiet.

A few seconds later, Jiang Yuhe turned around.

Did not speak.

Li Bai also coughed, and looked down at his shoes as if he didn't hear anything.

The atmosphere was inexplicably weird, and Wen Yu couldn't tell where the weirdness came from.

She didn't know what Jiang Yuhe was thinking, so she paused, so she had to figure out a way to warm up the scene, and took out her mobile phone:

"Brother, why don't we exchange cell phone numbers, I can chat with you when you're bored."

Another few seconds of silence.

Li Bai remained silent, only secretly observing Jiang Yuhe's expression.

The man's eyes drooped slightly, his eyes as cold as water.

It took me a while to speak—

"It's not necessary."

"I'm never bored either."