A Villainess Needs to Have the Ability of a Villainess

Chapter 62: Hello, ex-girlfriend


This is Jiang Yuhe's first confession to Wen Yu.

Not a tender liking, but a warmer one—"love"

This was also the first time he called Wen Yu by her nickname, Yuyu.

He has always been like this, whether it is words or actions, they are naked, which can make Wen Yu feel direct and at ease.

Perhaps thinking about it many years later, Wen Yu will still remember the feeling that Jiang Yuhe's confession kiss gave her on the last night in New York.

It is a throbbing that will never be forgotten in a lifetime.

The next day, the two flew back to Beijing from New York.

In the seven or eight days since Wen Yu left, the work of the crew has not been left behind. The official Weibo of "The Moment I Fall in Love with You" announces a list of actors every day. Although it has not reached the level of a big hit, the popularity is stabilizing keep.

The most critical of these is the fact that Wen Yu announced her love affair when the premiere box office exceeded 100 million yuan, which has been hanging in the hearts of many traffic fans.

After returning from New York, Wen Yu went to Jiangcheng after not staying in Beijing for two days, and started to prepare for the opening conference of the movie.

Originally, she could not participate as an investor, but her own popularity has been linked to the movie. With the idea of maximizing the use of resources, Wen Yu had to use her own traffic to promote the movie.

The reason why it was in Jiangcheng was because Wen Yu was an investor for the first time, and she still hoped to use her meager strength to drive the development of tourism in her hometown.

Therefore, she had already contacted Jiangcheng University for the filming location of the campus part of the crew, and negotiated a cooperation for filming.

Therefore, it is very appropriate for this launch conference to be held in Jiangcheng.

It also has a special meaning to Wen Yu.

Here's where she grew up, where she fell, and now—

Witness where she grows again.

The night before going to Jiangcheng, when Wen Yu was packing her luggage, Jiang Yuhe handed her a small glass bottle.

"Aunt Twelve said that she used allergies for this, so let me return it to you."

When Wen Yu saw it, it turned out to be the bottle of perfume that she gave to Aunt Twelve.

She was stunned, "Why? She used it before and said she liked it."

"Physique can change at any time, maybe," Jiang Yuhewei paused meaningfully: "There is a more suitable person waiting for this bottle of perfume."

Wen Yu didn't think much about it, she took it and sprayed some on her body, "It smells so good, why is she suddenly allergic, it's strange."

After spraying, Wen Yu turned around, stretched her limbs, and looked at Jiang Yuhe: "Does it smell good?"

Jiang Yuhe looked at her face, smelled the familiar smell, countless words came to his mouth, and finally endured it.

"It smells good," he said.

"Really?" It was the first time Wen Yu saw Jiang Yuhe affirming something so quickly, and stuffed the perfume into the suitcase, "Then I'll take it there."

Jiang Yuhe: "Yes."

Both perfume and people should go back to the original position and start over.

Wen Yu has been busy in Jiangcheng for almost a week on a business trip. She arranges, publicizes, contacts the media, and does everything by herself. She only makes video calls with Jiang Yuhe every night.

On the night before the press conference, she asked Jiang Yuhe: "Are you really not free tomorrow?"

Jiang Yuhe: "Yes."

Wen Yu was a little disappointed, but it was understandable, after all, Jiang Yuhe's company had a lot of things to do, and she didn't have to be so pretentious that she had to have her boyfriend to join her in such a small launch conference.

And even if he came, Wen Yu would not dare to let him openly appear to accompany her.

It's better to let him do his own thing.

Wen Yu convinced herself, and asked him: "Then are you free to video with me tonight?"

Jiang Yuhe: "Probably not."

Ah this.

Why are you so busy.

Wen Yu asked curiously, "Is there any important entertainment?"

Jiang Yuhu paused for a moment, then responded lightly, and said, "I'm going to see a very important person."

Wen Yu understood this sentence literally, thinking that Jiang Yuhe should be going to meet a very important client tomorrow, so she didn't ask any more questions, and hung up the video after saying a few words hastily.

Wen Yu is staying at her own home in Jiangcheng today, and You Xin is with her.

Seeing that she had hung up the video, You Xin asked, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Wen Yu drooped her head softly, "It's getting late, he said he was going to meet an important client tomorrow, I didn't want to disturb his rest, so I hung up."

"Damn." You Xin said to herself, "What's the matter with Mr. Jiang, he didn't come to your first movie, what important client, maybe some ex-girlfriend."

Wen Yu was taken aback, "How do you know he has an ex-girlfriend?"

You Xin knew that she had slipped her tongue, so she hurriedly explained, "I don't know, I just said it casually, what the hell is Mr. Jiang really having an ex-girlfriend?"

It's good not to mention it, but Wen Yu felt a little depressed when she mentioned it, "There is one, but he doesn't like her, he only likes me."

You Xin propped her chin and blinked, "Are you sure?"

Wen Yu clicked her tongue and hit her with a pillow, "Of course I'm sure of my own boyfriend."

You Xin hugged her head and smiled while begging for mercy, "Okay, okay, you are sure."

Wen Yu didn't know what You Xin's strange tone meant, but she didn't think too much about it, and pulled You Xin to the cloakroom, "Help me choose what clothes to wear to the press conference tomorrow."

Wen Yu brought back a few sets of clothes from Beijing, she pointed to the new ones for You Xin to choose, You Xin took a few glances but shook her head.

"These are so ordinary, they don't reflect your best appearance."

Wen Yu frowned: "My best look?"

You Xin searched around on her hanger for several minutes before finding the velvet black dress in a corner.

Her eyes lit up and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around, You Xin picked up the skirt and said to Wen Yu, "If you wear this, you must wear this."

Wen Yu felt that the skirt in You Xin's hand looked familiar, and it took her a while to remember that the last time she wore this skirt was the last night before her bankruptcy.

At that time, she wore this black velvet skirt recklessly and brightly to attend the concert, but her life would be turned upside down the next day.

Really a meaningful skirt.

Wen Yu smiled, took it from You Xin's hand, and compared it in front of the mirror: "Does it look good?"

You Xin: "Trust me, you are so gorgeous in black that I am suffocated, you are really amazing, you must believe me."

You Xin almost knelt down and begged Wen Yu.

After all, she swore to Jiang Yuhe at attention in the president's office that she would complete the task.

Wen Yu looked in front of the mirror for a while, and finally nodded, "Okay, then wear this."

The last beauty of the down and out daughter, now in the same place, she wants to use the same dress to pick up all the brilliance of her past.

The next day, Xu Chang came early in the morning to put on Wen Yu's makeup. Today is her big day, she has a good start, and she has to appear in front of the public no matter what.

Wen Yu closed her eyes, allowing Xu Chang to dress herself up. And You Xin took a screenshot of the video and secretly glanced at Xu Chang from time to time.

After Xu Chang finished styling according to the instructions, Wen Yu opened her eyes.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she was slightly stunned for two seconds, then looked at Xu Chang, blinked, "Why do you dress me up like this?"

Xu Chang: "...why, what's the matter?"

Wen Yu burst out laughing, "When I wore this dress before, I also had the same makeup and hairstyle."

Xu Chang wouldn't lie, and wiped his sweat nervously, "That means our aesthetics are the same, and it also means that this look is the most suitable for you."

Wen Yu nodded, and stood up very satisfied, "Okay, that's it. It's time, is the driver here?"

You Xin immediately picked up the rose wood fragrance on her table and chased after her, "What about the fragrance of a woman! What! Yes! Forget!"

Wen Yu: "..."

After spraying on perfume, it was finally arranged properly. You Xin did a final check before saying OK, "Okay, let's go!"

Xu Chang followed her in a low voice, "Have I achieved a 1:1 restoration?"

You Xin: "Almost."

"Mr. Jiang should be satisfied."

"Who knows..."

Wen Yu suddenly turned around: "What are you two talking about?"

You Xin & Xu Chang immediately stood up straight and shook their heads: "It's nothing, nothing..."

Although Wen Yu noticed that You Xin was acting weird today, she was probably all focused on the press conference, so she didn't take the time to think about the reason.

A group of people drove to the Langjia Center Building.

This is the landmark building of Jiangcheng, and any large-scale high-level events will be held here.

The last rooftop movie OST concert was held on the top floor here, but Wen Yu just held a simple press conference today, and there is no need to go to the rooftop so extravagantly.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the press conference was held on time in the multi-function hall on the 12th floor of Langjia Center.

Before starting, Wen Yu received a WeChat message from Jiang Yuhe.

[Good luck.]

The three concise words are his consistent style.

Wen Yu replied to him: [Have you met the person you want to meet?]

Jiang Yuhe: [Not yet.]

It happened that Tang Huai came to inform Wen Yu that he was going to play at this time, and Wen Yu sent Jiang Yuhe an emoji back, then put away her phone, exhaled, and smiled slightly at Tang Huai: "Let's go."

Entertainment reporters from various media outlets across the country packed the multi-function hall, and the press conference was broadcast live on an app, with tens of thousands of netizens watching online.

Wen Yu, the two leading actors, the director Chen Yousheng, and the producer joined the stage.

The audience applauded enthusiastically. Apart from paying attention to the movie itself and the leading actors, the most popular person that the reporters wanted to ask questions was naturally Wen Yu, a beautiful investor.

And the "top class boyfriend" she called

After several rounds of questions about actors and movies, the reporters finally targeted Wen Yu, and tried their best to get out of her mouth, for example—

"Is Ms. Wen's boyfriend focusing on developing as an actor or as a singer?"

Wen Yu thought about it for two seconds, and replied seriously: "He has dabbled in everything."

That's right, Jiang Yuhe has such a big company, not to mention actors and singers, even musicians and even athletes have signed contracts, which is extremely comprehensive.

Good guy, as soon as this remark came out, the netizens onlookers immediately boiled over.

The top stream is still the kind of comprehensive development.

arrive! end! yes! who!

The hearts of netizens were all lifted to the sky.

[I hope that Director Chen will finish shooting the film in three days, post-production in three days, and I want to see the film released on the seventh day! ! My house cannot collapse!]

[I've never gossiped like this before, who the hell is it?]

[So awesome, are you sure it's for internal entertainment?]

[I also suspect, it can't be a hype, right?]

In response to the netizens' questions, the reporter also jokingly asked Wen Yu: "Is the boyfriend Miss Wen is talking about real?"

Wen Yu was stunned for a moment, then laughed, and said very casually: "We just said goodnight via video last night."

The reporters present also understood that no investor would be so stupid as to deceive netizens for the 100 million premiere box office avatar.

Therefore, the question of whether it really exists is naturally no longer doubted.

Then someone asked—

"The movie is called "The Moment I Fall in Love with You". Can Ms. Wen share with netizens the moment you fell in love with your boyfriend?"

This question is a bit of a question, and it happens to be connected to Wen Yu's gossip.

All the reporters in the audience fell silent, waiting for Wen Yu's answer.

Wen Yu also thought about it for a few seconds, she didn't know what she thought of, she smiled slightly, and said thoughtfully:

"It should be on a snowy night when he came towards me against the wind and snow."

It was the day when Wen Yu had just come to Jiang Yuhe's house as a third-class citizen.

That was also the day when she first had the idea of running away.

Taking advantage of the fact that Jiang Yuhe and Aunt Twelfth were not at home, she ran out secretly, but met Shen Mingjia and Xiaosan on the way, and after being ridiculed by the two, she decided to come back after a painful experience. Day waits until night.

It was the first snow of last year.

At that time, Wen Yu was still in a wheelchair, and the snow fell all over her body, even her eyelashes were not spared.

She was cold and hungry and had nowhere to go.

Thinking of the bankrupt home, thinking of the ex-boyfriend who fell into trouble, thinking of myself who was hit and crippled with one leg.

For a long time, Wen Yu closed her eyes, feeling that her world was a kind of darkness with no end in sight.

This was the happiest night of her life.

Later, the wind and snow were silent, just when she was endlessly trapped in this kind of confusion and darkness.

There is light in front of my eyes.

Later, the man who walked towards her against the wind and snow brought her back to a warm home and rekindled her world.

After being with Jiang Yuhe, Wen Yu often wondered when she fell in love with him.

After thinking about countless beginnings, she finally found out—the way she saw him walking towards her in a heavy snow that night with fine snow on his shoulders.

At that moment, it may have been the beginning of the heartbeat.

Chuxue should be with the one she loves.

Originally, God was hinting at her.

Although Wen Yu's answer was only two short sentences, it caused huge waves in the eyes of netizens.

[It's so romantic, it's a snowy night.]

[What's going on, after substituting my wall, I suddenly feel that it's not that bad!]

[Also, I made up my mind about how my brother walked towards her on a snowy night, ah, I've already started knocking on them!]

[? ? ? ? ? Those in front of you wake up! !]

[Sister Wen only needs one sentence at the beginning, and the rest is up to our own brains to make up hahahahahaha.]

[So who is it, who is it! Ahhh!]

At that time, Jiang Yuhe was also watching the live broadcast.

Whether it was Wen Yu's answer or the barrage of netizens, he had seen it all.

The people around him reminded him at this time: "Mr. Jiang, the press conference is almost over."

Jiang Yuhe nodded slightly, "Okay."

In the multi-function hall, Tang Huai, as the host of the press conference, began to say the closing words.

While thanking the media present, he hoped that everyone would support the film a lot, and finally said:

"Mr. Wen prepared a self-service reception on the roof of the top floor. Thank you for coming. Just go out from here and go straight to the top floor."

As soon as the words fell, the reporters in the audience were surprised and surprised.

"Boss Wen is too polite."

"I just happened to be hungry haha, it's amazing, it's the first time I've met such a generous crew."

"I heard that Langjia's rooftop restaurant is very expensive. It doesn't include food and beverages for one night. The venue alone costs 800,000 yuan."

"...then go back and praise me after eating! Haha!"

The media is like this, they always have to pay for their hard work, so that they can survive in the entertainment industry.

Wen Yu also thought of this a long time ago, and prepared a small macaron gift box for each media, but she didn't expect—

After Tang Huai said those words, Wen Yu turned to look at him in a daze, as if asking: Are you crazy

When did I book the rooftop buffet reception

Are you hanging out!

But after a few seconds, Wen Yu calmed down, as if she understood something.

Tang Huai belongs to Jiang Yuhe.

It is impossible for him to talk nonsense, there must be such a reception on the rooftop, so he dared to say that.


Was it Jiang Yuhe who arranged for him

This kind of thing is really his style.

Wen Yu didn't have time to think about it, and immediately followed her to the rooftop.

It's strange to come here again after almost a year, but Wen Yu doesn't have the feeling that things are right and people are wrong.

It seems that everything here tonight has been deliberately created, and there is a warm and romantic sense of familiarity everywhere, fragrant flowers, melodious and advanced symphony...

Wen Yu felt that there were many familiar pictures playing back in her mind, but she didn't have time to look at them or think about them.

The crowd kept passing by her, thanking her or greeting her. Wen Yu mechanically smiled and greeted her. After seeing countless faces, she realized that this was not just an ordinary media reception.

Because besides the media I invited, there were already many guests on the scene.

They are all big names in the entertainment industry, and they are almost all top-notch and first-line.

From elders to child stars, the souls of almost all fields are on the scene.

The surrounding media are whispering:

"Boss Wen's platoon is too big, so there are so many frontlines to support her?"

"I didn't know her background all the time. Now it seems that I can't figure it out."

"It seems that top-ranking boyfriends are definitely not hype. Judging from this posture, at least they must be in the position of XXX."

While the media were discussing, celebrities were still entering the arena.

Flashing lights kept ringing at the scene, and Wen Yu hurriedly accepted everything in this scene, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

Finding an opportunity, she put on her earphones and called Jiang Yuhe.

After three calls, the other person answered, "Hello."

"... The rooftop, did you arrange it?"

Jiang Yuhe didn't deny it, and hummed, "Are you satisfied?"

Wen Yu didn't know how to describe the feeling at this moment, she was a little dazed at first, and then emotional.

When she was standing here a year ago, she was still Miss Qianjin, accompanies You Xin to recommend herself to Director Chen, and comforts You Xin who failed not to be discouraged.

Even in the end, she had the guts to spoil Li Man's good deeds, and stuffed Jiang Yuhe with that little note.

That night was the very beginning of the story, but Jiang Yuhe accidentally let her stand here again today.

What kind of fate is this going around.

Wen Yu wanted to laugh and cry for no reason.

She wanted to say a lot to Jiang Yuhe, and wanted to tell him what this rooftop meant to them.

But she is working now.

I also remember that Jiang Yuhe has important things to do tonight.

I can only press down on all the waves first, and answer him: "Satisfied, thank you brother."

He asked again, "What about you, have you met the person you want to see?"

Jiang Yuhe said calmly, "I'm going to see her now."

"Okay." Wen Yu said softly, ""Then you go and do your work. When the work is over, I have something to think about—"

Just in the middle of speaking, Wen Yu suddenly heard the sound of flashing lights at the entrance.

The flashing lights came and went, extremely intense, and it sounded like a very important guest had come.

But at the same time, the same voice sounded in Wen Yu's earphones.

She paused slightly, as if she understood something, and turned her head in disbelief.

Reporters and guests surrounded the people who came in layer by layer, and the two reporters who ran past said while running:

"Fuck, Jiang Yuhe is here, crazy, what day is tonight!"

"Hurry up, you won't be able to catch up with the front row."

Wen Yu: "..."

Wen Yu stared blankly at the direction of the entrance.

Countless flashing lights pointed at it, and Wen Yu saw a profile face flashed by the light at a glance.

For a moment, she seemed to be dreaming back to a certain moment at the scene last year.

Same place, same scene, same them.

She looked at the noble man dressed in black, entering the arena with much attention.

The phone was not hung up, and the call continued.

Wen Yu could hear the reporters frantically crowding around Jiang Yuhe's side to ask questions.

"Is Mr. Jiang also here to support the "Instant" crew?"

"What does Mr. Jiang think of the future prospects of this drama?"

"Mr. Jiang, please say a few words."

"Is Mr. Jiang looking for a girlfriend in the trending search before?"

Jiang Yuhe didn't answer a word, Chen Yousheng took him over, and said to the media: "Don't disturb Mr. Jiang, I hope everyone will focus on the movie itself tonight, thank you."

The reporters seemed to understand it, and they all said that Jiang Yuhe should have come here to save face for Chen Yousheng.

After everyone dispersed, Wen Yu stood in the crowd, looking at Jiang Yuhe from afar.

At this point, she finally realized what this man meant by "I'm not free, I have to meet important people".

Wen Yu pursed her lips lightly, and said with a smile on the phone: "Is this a surprise you prepared for me?"

"It's not a surprise." The man's low voice came through the earphones.

"No?" Wen Yu asked, "What is that?"

But before Wen Yu could get an answer, the call was hung up by Jiang Yuhe.

She looked up and saw the man took a glass of wine and slowly walked towards her.

Last year, he walked towards him by himself.

And now, he was walking towards himself.

In a trance, Wen Yu felt that time had changed something, but it seemed that it had never changed.

No matter who they are, they are destined to go to each other.

She waited quietly, and finally, the man walked in front of her.

In the eyes of outsiders, the two clinked a glass very politely, and then they did not know what they were talking about.

But in the middle of the crowd, where no one heard, what Jiang Yuhe said to Wen Yu was:

"I watched the live broadcast of the press conference."

"Oh," Wen Yu knew that this person was talking about his confession in the air, so she deliberately replied, "Does Mr. Jiang have any advice?"

Eloquent, but full of style.

Jiang Yuhe slightly raised his lips, "When can I teach you?"

Wen Yu took another sip of her wine, and between speaking, she greeted a female star next door, pretending to be casually talking to Jiang Yuhe.

"Then are you particularly proud now?"


"I fell in love with you so early, you must be so proud."

Under the night light, Wen Yu held a glass of wine in her hand, her gentle long curly hair was hanging down to one side, and the black velvet on her body was charming and lazy.

The familiar scent of perfume passed through her breath, and there was a bright and confident smile on her lips.

Everything seemed to go back to that night.

It's the woman who shines in the crowd.

Time cannot be turned back.

But Jiang Yuhe can let it modify the first meeting in each other's memory from this moment on.

Let miss not miss again.

This time, he will hold her hand tightly.

Jiang Yuhe slightly pulled his lips, looked at Wen Yu: "Then why not, you also ask me the same question."

Wen Yu looked away from the side, blinked, "Same problem?"

Suddenly, she realized, "The moment you fell in love with me?"


Wen Yu laughed, she didn't believe that Jiang Yuhe would be earlier than herself, but she still imitated the reporter's tone and jokingly said,

"That's fine, may I ask Mr. Jiang, the moment you fell in love with your little one?"

"Where were you and what were you doing?"

Be quiet for a while.

The continuous flow around seems to be slowly static.

Wen Yu heard Jiang Yuhe say a few words to herself:

"right here."

-right here.

Wen Yu's smile stopped casually, before he realized what he meant, something was lightly stuffed in his hand.

She lowered her eyes, opened her palms, and opened her eyes in disbelief after seeing what Jiang Yuhe handed over.

A note with old creases.

On it is his own delicate handwriting.

The man's voice also fell to my ears like a star in this night of thousands of lights.

distant yet familiar—

"Love you for a long time, ex-girlfriend."