A Walk-on Actor Who Wants to Be A Baker

Chapter 37


Fang Qiao was awakened by Lu Yanzhou's words.

He admitted that he was attracted to Lu Yanzhou, which is actually a very unsafe signal in the nurturing relationship. How important is he to Lu Yanzhou? If Lu Yanzhou found out that he had other intentions, would he just kick him off? Fang Qiao didn't know.

Probably because of being too close during this period of time, Fang Qiao always had the illusion that he was in a relationship, but in fact he was just one of Lu Yanzhou's many lovers. In the days when we don't see each other, Lu Yanzhou may also interact with other people in the same way. Flirt with you and me.

Thinking of this, Fang Qiao's heart began to turn sour, as if he had become a lemon essence.

Lu Yanzhou didn't notice anything strange about the lemon essence, and took him home after dinner. Fang Qiao was about to ask if he wanted to go up together, when Lu Yanzhou answered the phone.

Fang Qiao didn't pay attention to who was calling, but Lu Yanzhou smiled and said to the other end of the phone: "Don't worry, I'll come right away."

Fang Qiao's heart sank to the bottom, and he got out of the car before Lu Yanzhou finished making the phone call.

Lu Yanzhou originally wanted to say "good night", but Tan Hao kept urging him: "Hurry up, the directors of 'Happy Weekend' are here, don't you want to get someone in?"

Lu Yanzhou replied to him: "All right, all right, I understand."

"Happy Weekend" was the outdoor variety show that Fang Qiao was about to participate in. When Lu Yanzhou arrived, a group of people had already drunk too much. When they saw him coming in, they immediately stood up and booed.

"Yo, it's different when you're in a relationship, you have to be urged to come here."

Lu Yanzhou couldn't laugh or cry: "Who is in love?"

"Don't deny it, the trending search has been popular for a week and we are all blind."

Tan Hao actively provided evidence: "That is, the entire public relations department of the company is now revolving around Fang Qiao. Can you tell me which little lover you have been so concerned about?"

Lu Yanzhou smiled and passed by: "It's nothing."

Everyone just laughed it off, and no one took it to heart.

In the next few days, Lu Yanzhou was in a hurry, Fang Qiao would wait a long time for a reply when he contacted him, and he seemed very busy.

In a blink of an eye, it was the day of the recording of the show, and the assistant came to pick up Fang Qiao. The former Xiao Tao had finished his internship and returned to inherit the family business. The manager arranged for Fang Qiao to have a new assistant, a young girl.

The traffic jam on the road was severe. Fang Qiao sat in the car and took out the program script to familiarize himself with the process. Suddenly, he remembered that there was another guest mentioned last time, so he turned to his assistant and asked, "Is the last guest confirmed?"

"It's confirmed, it's Liang Chi."

Fang Qiao was stunned.

"It's the very handsome one. He won an award just after he made his first movie, and the company praised him very much." The new assistant didn't know anything about Fang Qiao and Lu Yanzhou, so he gossiped with him, "I heard that he has something to do with Mr. Lu."

What Fang Qiao knew was the handsome guy who walked the red carpet with Lu Yanzhou at the film festival last time. Fang Qiao suddenly had a premonition.

Sure enough, when they arrived at the shooting location, they saw Lu Yanzhou from a distance, and the handsome guy Liang Chi was talking to him next to him.

It's just the recording of an episode of a variety show, does it need the president of the entertainment company to visit? Fang Qiao was both a little surprised and a little clear, and stopped there for a while, wondering if he should go up to say hello.

While speaking, Lu Yanzhou just looked up and saw Fang Qiao, and waved to him naturally to signal him to go over.

Fang Qiao obediently walked up to the two of them, and politely said hello to both of them, only to see that Liang Chi crossed his arms, as if he didn't hear, turned and left without saying a word.

Fang Qiao: "..."

"Don't pay attention to him, he's just like this." Lu Yanzhou comforted.

Fang Qiao looked at Liang Chi's back, and suddenly felt that Han Jiayue was considered cute compared to him.

"Mr. Lu, why are you here?" Fang Qiao looked back and asked knowingly.

Lu Yanzhou naturally pulled Fang Qiao closer: "Come and see Baby Qiao recording a show."

Such an intimate address made Fang Qiao's heart tense. In the past, he should have been very happy when he heard this, but now he is not happy at all. How many people has Lu Yanzhou told this, and he said the same to Liang Chi just now.

Fang Qiao was sour again, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yanzhou with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

This time Lu Yanzhou finally realized something was wrong, pinched Fang Qiao's ears habitually, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Fang Qiao shook his head, halfway through the shaking, he suddenly stopped.

Lu Yanzhou wore a white shirt today, which Fang Qiao usually likes to see him wear the most.

The top two buttons of the shirt were undone, the collar was open, and there was a conspicuous red mark on the exposed skin.

Fang Qiao took a deep breath and said to Lu Yanzhou, "Boss Lu, you have a red spot on your neck."

Lu Yanzhou was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, covered his neckline, and said in an unnatural tone, "I was bitten by a mosquito last night."

Fang Qiao revealed it mercilessly: "It's only the end of April..."

Lu Yanzhou: "Last year's mosquito."