A Walk-on Actor Who Wants to Be A Baker

Chapter 39


Fang Qiao ran away.

Lu Yanzhou was stunned, and hurriedly called to ask him why he didn't sign.

Fang Qiao replied: "I don't think I'm suitable to be a star. I was drawn into this industry before I graduated, and I didn't think about whether I like it or not."

Lu Yanzhou breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, then you can think about it slowly, and call me anytime if you want to come back."

Fang Qiao paused: "Then what... Mr. Lu, don't come to me again."

Lu Yanzhou's heart tightened inexplicably, and his voice sank: "What do you mean?"

"This is the end of our relationship, Mr. Lu."

"why… "

There was only a beep on the phone.

Lu Yanzhou looked at the darkened screen in disbelief, and his mind went blank for a moment.

WTF? Why did you lose your temper all of a sudden? Why do you want to end the nurturing relationship? A surge of anger surged in Lu Yanzhou's heart, he couldn't calm down and think about the reason, he just felt that all this happened out of nowhere.

At this time, Tan Hao's call came in: "Where is the person? Didn't you agree to come to the recording studio

Lu Yanzhou said with a cold face, "Run away."

"Ah? Then what about the theme song? Do you want to sing it to Fang Qiao?"

"Whoever loves to sing will sing!" After speaking, he hung up the phone angrily.

Lu Yanzhou kept walking back and forth in the office, and his heart became more and more irritable. He recalled Fang Qiao's decisive eyes when he left just now, as if something was about to come out. Lu Yanzhou closed his eyes and pressed his temples, not daring to think about it. .

When Fang Qiao got home that day, the first thing he did was to throw out everything related to Lu Yanzhou.

Lu Yanzhou actually stayed here for one night. At that time, Fang Qiao happily hoped that he would come again, so she prepared all the daily necessities for him, toothbrushes and towels in the bathroom, slippers at the door, and cups for drinking water.

Now that I have stopped thinking, I will clean up all the traces, and nothing will be left behind.

Fang Qiao always likes to go with the situation and has no opinions, but he is surprisingly decisive in this matter. Since Lu Yanzhou doesn't have himself in his heart, why bother to stay by his side and be a little lover in exchange for false feelings

Fang Qiao wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and proudly puffed her chest out, determined not to be held back by little love and love, and to be a man who puts her career first, so she opened an account in the cake shop.

Two days ago, Master Fang's second cake store opened. Without advertising and marketing, it was overwhelmed on the opening day, and the sales volume even exceeded that of the store.

Fang Qiao's mood immediately improved when he saw the sharp increase in the balance on the book, so saying that love and everything is false, only money is real!

Fang Qiao's small calculations were flying, and she thought that if she wanted to take care of a little lover by herself, it would be fine. A muscular man seven times a night, as brave as a wolf in bed, as gentle as a sheep in bed, so I don't want such a big pig's hoof.

That big pig's hoof happened to think so too, I, Lu Yanzhou, have many well-behaved lovers, and you, Fang Qiao, are not far behind!

So he immediately called the assistant in.

"What about Luo Yi, let him accompany me tonight."

The assistant saw Lu Yanzhou's ugly face, and spoke cautiously: "Mr. Lu, you forgot that he went abroad for further study at the beginning of the year, and he cut off contact with you before he left."

"Oh yes, let's find Yuan Wen then."

"Mr. Lu, you have terminated the relationship with him three months ago, saying that he asked too much and was disobedient."

Lu Yanzhou was stunned: "What about Song Zhichen?"

The assistant replied truthfully: "You thought his lips were not soft enough last time, so you didn't look for him again after that."

"..." Lu Yanzhou scratched his hair impatiently, "Then who else am I taking care of now!"

"Mr. Lu, Fang Qiao is the only one by your side now."

Lu Yanzhou was dumbfounded. He really hadn't looked for a new target in the past six months. Later, he got closer to Fang Qiao and went to him whenever he needed it. He didn't even notice that there were fewer and fewer young lovers around him.

Lu Yanzhou sighed resignedly, deeply felt that he had failed too much as a benefactor, so he decided to get drunk late at night.

Of course, he didn't drink alone, and he also called a few people from the circle to accompany him. Lu Yanzhou thought that it would not be impossible for them to find a decent boy at that time.

However, it was only after arriving that I realized that this decision seemed not very wise. All the people who came were in pairs, hugging the little lover in their arms and mixing oil with honey, which made Lu Yanzhou who was sitting on the side very uncomfortable.

Among them, there was a real estate agent who had known Lu Yanzhou for many years. He spoke bluntly and asked, "Why is Mr. Lu so pure-hearted and ascetic, and didn't bring a companion?"

Lu Yanzhou said coolly: "It's not like Boss Zhou, change one every week, but pay attention to your body."

Xiao Kai, surnamed Zhou, was reminded of his sadness, and said distressedly: "Hey, you can't blame me, do you remember the one I brought last time? She is pretty and docile. I liked it at first, but I told you to see it." Fuck me, want to talk about feelings with me, how can this be, I want to play for a few more years at a young age, don't I?"

Lu Yanzhou's ears moved, and the light bulb in his head was suddenly lit. He quickly put down the wine glass in his hand, and took out his mobile phone to send Fang Qiao a message.

Zhou Baobao: Are you in love with me

I received a reply within two seconds of sending it.

Baby Joe: Fuck you!