A Walk-on Actor Who Wants to Be A Baker

Chapter 40


The first day Fang Qiao left, I missed him.

Lu Yanzhou drank too much, but he was not drunk. At night, he lay alone on the big bed and looked at the ceiling, his mind was both sober and confused.

He didn't understand. He always thought that Fang Qiao was the most obedient little lover around him. When he was neglected in the past, he would take the initiative to minimize his presence. Afterwards, he would not be arrogant when he was nice to him, and he would never mention anything. The excessive demands made Lu Yanzhou feel very comfortable.

Then it can't be good to be like this all the time, why do you turn your face when you say that you turn your face? Even if you really want to talk about feelings, then talk about it well, why did you run away before talking, Lu Yanzhou was puzzled.

Speaking of feelings, when he was with Fang Qiao, he really wanted Fang Qiao to be well, but he never thought about it deeply. He only felt that he was very comfortable when getting along with him, and it fit well when he slept, and he was soft when hugged. Yes, I can't bear to let go after kissing...

It's over, it's all advantages.

Lu Yanzhou thought about Fang Qiao's sleepless night, and went out early the next morning to find someone. He felt that it was necessary to have a good talk with him, whether it was about relationship or life, he had to speak clearly.

When Fang Qiao arrived at Fang Qiao's house, Fang Qiao had already gone out, and no one answered after ringing the doorbell for a long time, so he had to go to the store.

The cake shop had just opened for business, when Lu Yanzhou rushed in, only the shopkeeper was there.

Lu Yanzhou asked, "Where's Fang Qiao?"

"The boss is out."

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know, maybe I went to the second store." The shopkeeper saw that the visitor was not friendly, so she replied vaguely.

Lu Yanzhou didn't expect: "There is another store?"

"Well, it just opened at the end of last month. The boss said that there will be 20 stores in the future."

Lu Yanzhou suddenly remembered this. Isn't the twenty stores the thing I promised him? Now it seems that I don't need me anymore

How can this work, even if Lu Yanzhou's self-esteem agrees, his wallet will not agree, so he called his assistant: "Help me search for a store with a good location."

"Um... what are you going to do, Mr. Lu?"

"Come down and open a cake shop."


It's hard to say that the assistant is suffering. Recently, the types of jobs that the assistant does are getting more and more complicated.

While talking, Lu Yanzhou has already found Master Fang's second cake shop according to the address given by the shopkeeper. This shop is opened in the University City. The shop is much bigger than the first shop, and the decoration is also more advanced.

Lu Yanzhou thought that Fang Qiao would like to open the shop next to the school, and that's right, after all, cakes and desserts are still popular among young people.

Lu Yanzhou saw Lin Yao the first time he entered the door. He was particularly impressed by this cold and beautiful face. Even if he saw it now, he would still be amazed, but today it seemed to be colder than before.

"Is there something wrong?" Lin Yao saw Lu Yanzhou coming in, his eyes seemed to stab him.

Lu Yanzhou couldn't help feeling guilty, he clenched his fist and coughed, and asked, "Is Fang Qiao here?"

"Not here."

"Do you know where you went?"

"have no idea."

It seemed that he was in vain again, Lu Yanzhou didn't want to stay any longer, so he turned his head and left.

"Wait." Lin Yao stopped him from behind, "If you're not interested in him, don't provoke him anymore."

Lu Yanzhou was very annoyed when he heard this, and blurted out: "Who said I'm boring?"

Lin Yao raised his eyebrows: "Then what does Mr. Lu mean by talking about it?"

Lu Yanzhou was at a loss for words, and he slipped away before Lin Yao chased him away.

After being chased away like a duck for a long time, he lost face if he didn't find the president. Lu Yanzhou was very upset when he returned to the company.

A certain man named Tan Hao always showed up at such a time to watch a good show. He entered the office and sat down on the sofa in a very leisurely manner, saying that he shouldn't mention it: "What happened yesterday? Why did Fang Qiao run away? "

Lu Yanzhou held his breath, maintained a calm appearance on the surface, pretended to be calm and said: "It's a small matter, the contract has expired, and the nurturing is over."

"Ah?" Tan Hao was confused, "Aren't you guys in a relationship?"

Lu Yanzhou frowned: "Who told you that you are in a relationship?"

"Oh, I still don't admit it." Tan Hao looked like he didn't believe anything, and gossiped, "Then who gnawed the red mark on your neck, can you keep a low profile if you don't want people to know?"

"I... I was bitten by this mosquito!" Lu Yanzhou tore off his collar, "Look carefully, the needles are all there!"

Tan Hao was skeptical: "Are there mosquitoes at home only in May?"

Lu Yanzhou rolled up his collar, and said angrily: "I didn't know, I was bitten for more than a week, and today I hired someone to catch mosquitoes."

Tan Hao was amazed, the times were developing so fast, I didn't expect this kind of business to exist now.

At this time, Lu Yanzhou received a call from his assistant. The assistant ran outside with the agent all morning, and finally settled on a store in the downtown area. The location was good, the area was large, and he was eager to sell, and the price was very high.

Lu Yanzhou was quite satisfied with the situation, slapped his thigh and said to his assistant: "Okay, let's take it!"