A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host

Chapter 38: The fourth white moonlight that is pure white like a lotus 9


While walking outside, Bai Lianhua paid attention to the news from the capital, which could be regarded as an indirect witness that the imperial court wiped out Lei Kuiliang's forces little by little.

At this time, the matter of Lei Kuiliang's sudden death was put on the table again.

Although the outside world has been rumored that Lei Kuiliang was killed by his subordinates fighting for power and profit, but when the rebels were all executed, according to the people present, none of Lei Kuiliang's subordinates admitted that they did it by themselves of.

After nearly a year of throwing dirty water at each other, they agreed that Lei Kuiliang should have been killed by a person who could manipulate magic, and even Niquanjian might have been taken away by that person.

That person was inexplicably brought back to the camp by Lei Kuiliang, saying that it was related to Niquanjian's sudden loss of control before, but he was not killed or cut, and he was not even put in a dungeon, but placed under house arrest and interrogated from time to time... and so on. After Lei Kuiliang's death, that person mysteriously disappeared together with Niquanjian. There is no problem in this, no one will believe it.

After this statement spread to the people, the people have different opinions.

They feel that no matter whether it is sorcery or not, the person who killed Lei Kuiliang is a good person, so through their mouths, this story has been passed on and it has turned into a fairy apparition. The hand harmed the world, so he appeared and surrendered it to the mortal world and took it away. And before the god returned to the sky, he saw Lei Kuiliang's evil deeds and sympathized with the misery of all living beings, so he solved Lei Kuiliang's disaster smoothly.

Bai Lianhua: "???"

Your thinking is also very powerful.

Bai Lianhua originally thought that being rumored to be a god would already be the pinnacle of his life in this world, but he didn't expect that there would be more to come.

Because the road has become more uneven, Bai Lianhua and his sword have gradually become a legend, which is active in the mouths of storytellers in major teahouses.

It is said that there was a young man who looked thin and thin, and had no strength to restrain a chicken, but his actual combat power was amazing. Although the sword in his hand was full of blood and looked a little evil, it was an evil sword. The sword of Yangshan only hurts the wicked, not the good.

Therefore, he must be a chivalrous man who was born to save the world. As long as all villains fight against him, they will be influenced, recognize their sins, and then commit suicide.

Bai Lianhua: "..." I'm not, I don't have... If I really had such a strong influence ability, I would have dealt with the villain a long time ago.

This is obviously the villain's ability to manipulate people's hearts at work! It's embarrassing!

Seeing Bai Lianhua's expression as if struck by lightning when he heard the story for the first time, the system couldn't help but want to tease him: "May I ask the host, how does it feel to have your legends everywhere in the Jianghu?"

Bai Lianhua has nothing to love: "It's very hopeless."

I can't believe it's me who said this.

The white lotus will be so ashamed that it will turn into a pink lotus.

Zhong Xiutang hid from Bai Lianhua for five full years, until this day, Zhong Xiutang showed up on his own initiative.

Bai Lianhua was surprised to find that the devilish energy in Zhong Xiutang's body had weakened a lot, and even his figure had become much lighter.

Could it be that his previous guess was correct, holding the Niquan Sword to do good deeds can purify Zhong Xiutang's devilish energy

But why did his whole person become illusory? It was clearly not the case last time.

Bai Lianhua was looking at Zhong Xiutang, and Zhong Xiutang was also looking at Bai Lianhua.

It's been a long time, he hasn't looked at Bai Lianhua in the daytime like this.

Zhong Xiutang's eyes fell on Bai Lianhua's injured arm. The wide sleeves blocked his vision, but he could still firmly remember the location and appearance of the wound.

Bai Lianhua felt uncomfortable being looked at by Zhong Xiutang, trying hard not to collapse the calm expression on his face, and said dryly, "Long time no see."

The system complained about him: "Hey, host, you haven't seen the villain for a long time, but with the Niquan sword, the villain hasn't seen you for a long time."

Bai Lianhua: "..." Seems to be the same

When the system said this, Bai Lianhua was immediately frustrated, and felt that it was a bit stupid to say hello.

However, Zhong Xiutang, who is the rightful lord, just lowered his eyes lightly, hummed lightly, and didn't express any opinion on this, but changed the subject instead: "You always wanted to see me before? What do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, just... talk about your heart or something." Bai Lianhua was embarrassed.

"Talking? Okay."

Zhong Xiutang was surprisingly easy to talk this time.

But Bai Lianhua couldn't hold back what he should talk to Zhong Xiutang for a while... Although he and Niquanjian were always inseparable, he and Zhong Xiutang hadn't seen each other since the last time.

I haven't seen you in five years, how can this start a conversation

Zhong Xiutang said: "Can't you think of anything to tell me? Then I have something to say to you."

Bai Lianhua was at a loss: "What did you say?"

"Tell me about your purpose of coming back."

Bai Lianhua: "???"

He suddenly wanted to shiver like a conditioned reflex... Didn't we talk about this topic enough last time? Zhong Xiutang almost stripped him of his background.

This is going to happen again, isn't it that he doesn't even want to keep his underwear

Zhong Xiutang approached him: "Don't make such a reluctant appearance, this is the last time."

Bai Lianhua was puzzled: "Last time? What do you mean?" For some reason, his heart skipped a beat.

Zhong Xiutang didn't answer him, and continued talking on his own.

"I know you hope that I will not be an evil spirit, not causing storms in the world, and just be a magic weapon."

"But I can't do it, as long as it's not in your hands, I can't do it, but you can't be with me forever."

"You always have to go."

"I can't keep you at all... In fact, I already knew that since you appeared again, I had a hunch, but I have been self-hypnotic and unwilling to admit it."

Bai Lianhua was dumb.

"I have really thought about it many times, should I use the Niquan Sword to swipe your neck lightly... You are never on guard against me, even in the middle of the night, you dare to put me by your side and sleep peacefully."

"But I just can't do it."

"I also thought about it, why don't you just wait quietly for you to die in old age, defile your dead soul with demonic energy, and turn you into an evil spirit, it won't be so painful."

"But soon I realized that this idea was just a whimsical idea. How could I just watch you die? As long as I still have some original power in me, I will be willing to share it with you... Although maybe you don't want it. Such longevity."

"And pure white things look the best in their original appearance."

That being the case, I can't keep you and never leave, why don't I choose to let you remember me forever.

Zhong Xiutang smiled: "Do you know, whether I want to or not, as long as I stay by your side, I will be purified subtly."

"are you happy?"

"But I can hardly maintain my figure."

Bai Lianhua looked up in surprise.

It was also since the last time Bai Lianhua scratched himself and his mood fluctuated violently that Zhong Xiutang discovered that after the second demonic possession, the filth on his body could no longer be removed, and it was impossible for him to eliminate the demonic energy like last time In the end, it just returned to the appearance of pure weapon spirit.

"It's different now, the devilish energy is here, I'm here, and the devilish energy completely disappears, that's when my soul flies away."

But as long as he gets along with Bai Lianhua, he can't control the dissipation of his devilish energy.

After all, Bai Lianhua is such a person who will always arouse your longing for the world and make you yearn for those beautiful emotions, which are the opposite of demonic energy.

But it is impossible to let him let go of Bai Lianhua.

He didn't dare to get too close, for fear that he would disappear too early, and he was unwilling to get too far away, so he could only watch his every move greedily. This mentality was too contradictory.

Fortunately, the last moment has come.

"The endless killings for thousands of years, I used to think that was the meaning of my existence, but now I don't think so, I must exist to fulfill you."

"To add to your good name and good deeds in the mortal world, so that your doom can be successfully passed."

"... If you want to save me with your body, I will also save you with your body."

And as he uttered these words, the devilish energy in Zhong Xiutang's body dissipated immediately.

He showed a sincere smile, which seemed to overlap with Bai Lianhua who had become an ordinary weapon spirit before he left this world.

"I just hope that from now on, Niquan Sword can replace me and stay by your side for the rest of my life. Even if you die, I will accompany you to the grave."

I can't accompany you for life after life, so let's hold on to your life.

Zhong Xiutang's figure became lighter and lighter, and his tone became lighter and lighter. When he said the last word, he had gradually turned into a spot of light and disappeared in front of Bai Lianhua.

"No… "

Bai Lianhua blankly held Niquan Sword, which no longer existed in Zhong Xiutang, not knowing what to do.

After a while, he absentmindedly stroked the Niquan sword with his hand, but the bloodstains faded away. It was only then that Bai Lianhua realized that the blood on the Niquan sword that had lost its spirituality could now be wiped away.

Immediately afterwards, the system's familiar prompt sound came.

But although he successfully completed the task, he was not happy at all.

He looked at Niquanjian without blinking, his eyes were full of confusion, and he couldn't help murmuring: "... Strange, didn't you say you saved me twice before, and you want me to repay the kindness?"

What you said is so serious, with an attitude that you can't let go easily, I'm still waiting for what request you, the lion, will make when you open your mouth.

But why... disappeared so suddenly

YouQi once swore that this time it would not be as easy to cheat as last time, but... I obviously haven't had time to "cheat" you yet

Bai Lianhua frowned, unable to tell what was going on in her heart.

The system suddenly took action to seal Bai Lianhua's mood swings.

Bai Lianhua regained consciousness and looked at it strangely.

The system tried its best to speak: "Host, you have to understand that this is also a good death for Zhong Xiutang."

"It's the same as you accompanied the villains before you until you faced death with a smile."

"Otherwise, he will forever be tossed between ambition and blood, and will not be at peace."

Bai Lianhua was silent for a while, then hummed lightly.

he knows.

But as expected... he still felt a little lost.

This time, Bai Lianhua did not leave the world as soon as he completed the task as before, but took the Niquan sword, which no longer had a sword spirit, and returned to the place where he and Zhong Xiutang lived in seclusion when he traveled to this world for the first time. In the place where he lived in a normal way until his body died naturally, Zhong Xiutang's wish was fulfilled.

Over the past few decades, the name of Niquanjian has gradually ceased to be mentioned, and it is certain that from now on, there will be no new legends about Niquanjian in this world.