A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host

Chapter 56: The sixth pure white moonlight like a lotus 9


This day's dinner, Yang Chongyin prepared extraordinarily sumptuously.

He had already made an agreement with Bai Lianhua that the two of them would quietly return to the residence where the "National Teacher" should be staying at the moment under the support of his subordinates tomorrow night, and then they would stay for a couple of days before they could go Get up and return to Beijing with the whole team.

As far as he is concerned, so far he has gained far more than expected from this trip, and it is the fulfillment only in his dreams. How can he not celebrate a little bit

And after so many days, Bai Lianhua has gradually adapted to accepting Yang Chongyin's feeding with a calm mood... He thought that he might never be able to eat again in the future, so he couldn't help looking at it nostalgicly before moving his chopsticks. Food for the whole table.

——After returning to the capital, Yang Chongyin will be the national teacher who does not eat the fireworks of the world again, and such things that damage the image should not happen again.

But to be honest, I don’t know whether it’s the villain’s talent or what. Yang Chongyin’s culinary skills are indeed not fading compared to the imperial chefs in other worlds. Even because he is familiar with his taste, he catches his taste buds even more... 噫, I still feel a little bit reluctant about what the hell it is.

The system teased him: "From the fright at the beginning to the reluctance now, host, is your transformation a bit big? It is said that conquering a person starts with his stomach, emmm... the host is careful?"

Bai Lianhua couldn't help but began to reflect on whether he was really too greedy.

"Why do you just watch and not eat?" Yang Chongyin asked him concerned.

Bai Lianhua smiled and said, "Hey, it's just that I suddenly think that such time will be gone in the future, and I feel a little regretful."

Yang Chongyin filled a bowl of soup for Bai Lianhua and put it in his hand: "No, as long as you like it, there will always be."

"After returning to the capital, you lived in my National Teacher's Mansion first, and we can get along like we do now. As for after you returned to the palace, I remember that there was also a national teacher's residence in the palace, but the previous national teachers did not want to stay long. ... At that time, you can order me to move in, as long as you want to eat, I will help you cook."

Bai Lianhua: "..." No, I'm just sighing like this, villain, you have already thought about the future

Bai Lianhua waved his hand: "That won't work, brother, if you cook in person again, it won't be good if word gets out." The former high-ranking national teacher suddenly became so down-to-earth, this kind of contrast should be unacceptable to many people. Yang Chongyin's prestige is not a good thing either... Of course, a status like a national teacher still maintains a certain sense of mystery and distance, which is the most awe-inspiring.

"It's okay, I like the way you are happy when you eat the food I made... Not to mention that the National Teacher's Mansion has strict rules and regulations, and there will be no servants who chew their tongues, so what if it is finally spread, I lived for others before. Isn't that enough?"

"I admire Chongyin first, the person who pleases you, and then I am the national teacher."

"If after you proclaim yourself emperor, I am lucky enough to gain a reputation as a sycophant, that would be great."

— After all, only if the relationship is close enough can we afford the word "Ning Xing".

Bai Lianhua was dumbfounded, he really convinced the villain, and never forgot to brush his favorability at any time.

But he eats the soft and not the hard, and he is really moved.

The system secretly rubbed his face, sure enough, no matter what time the villain is superior.

The next day, Bai Lianhua and Yang Chongyin went to set up a stall for the last time, and happened to meet the young man who had asked Yang Chongyin for a fortune-telling. He was very happy and came to report the progress and thank him.

It turned out that the girl's family, who had been reluctant to let go of him before, finally showed signs of loosening their attitude... He also said that he was still calm and not impatient after encountering soft nails many times, and felt that he had a good temperament. He has always had a good impression of him, and there is a meaning in his words that he has begun to accept him... The young man is happy, but at the same time he feels that this has something to do with the fact that he has settled down with Bai Lianhua and Yang Chongyin before, otherwise he would have been tossing and turning restless and restless. A bad state will definitely not make the future father-in-law and mother-in-law look good.

He also said that the divinations that Yang Chongyin gave to his relatives and friends before were all inaccurate, and now they don't need his recommendation, and they are all willing to come to Yang Chongyin for fortune-telling.

And it was passed on from ten to ten, that he has distant relatives in other places, and he also said that he wanted to come to them for divination.

Bai Lianhua thanked him, but said: "This is the last day of our stay here."

The young man let out a dumbfounded "Ah" and quickly asked, "Are you leaving?"

Bai Lianhua smiled and nodded: "Yes, it's time for us to leave."

The young man immediately showed reluctance, but he also understood that this cannot be forced... Fortune tellers usually like to travel around, and rarely take root in a certain place.

He had some regrets: "Then you won't be able to eat my future wedding candies..."

He touched his sleeve, took out a small cloth bag containing dried fruits like peanuts, and handed it to Bai Lianhua: "I don't have anything else on me right now, I just keep this small bag for snacks...don't I hate it, I will invite you to eat the wedding candy between me and my sweetheart in advance."

Bai Lianhua couldn't help laughing, this is someone who is immersed in admiration... Just now I said that the attitude of the girl's family has been relaxed, but in the end, even the wedding banquet in the future has been planned.

But with Yang Chongyin's criticism, there is really no need to worry too much... They will definitely be able to hold hands for a lifetime until they grow old.

Bai Lianhua took out a peanut from the small cloth bag and peeled off the shell, poured out two peanuts, picked up one and handed it to Yang Chongyin's mouth.

— after all the young man obviously wants them both to eat.

Yang Chongyin was slightly startled, and then opened his mouth to bite it very obediently... By the time Bai Lianhua realized that his behavior was inappropriate and seemed too intimate, it was already too late. I'm in a pretty good mood.

Bai Lianhua had no choice but to take back his hand in embarrassment, put the remaining peanut in his mouth, tried his best to hide it as if nothing had happened, and said to the young man with a smile: "Thank you... see you again."

The same as when they came, the guard of honor of the national teacher who admired Chongyin was still mighty when he returned.

It's just that this time there won't be a Bai Lianhua who is huddled in a corner and setting up a stall in the crowd, because at this moment, he and Yang Chongyin are sitting in this carriage exclusive to the national teacher.

When the carriage turned the corner, Bai Lianhua could even hear the voices of discussion from the outside because he was getting closer to the melon-eating crowd.

"Hey, Master Guoshi still lives in seclusion during this trip, and we have no chance to see His true face... I don't know if the rumored auspicious luck has been found."

"I must have found it. I have troubled the Master of the State Teacher to do it himself. Is there any possibility of missing it?"

"That's true... But I really don't know what kind of auspiciousness is here beside us? I haven't heard of any visions happening around here until now? I'm so curious..."

Bai Lianhua couldn't help but secretly glanced at Yang Chongyin, wanting to see how the guy who used looking for auspiciousness as an excuse to go out would react to this, but found that the villain's face was not red and his heart was beating, and his expression was normal and leisurely look like.

Hey, the villain is really ashamed of himself for pretending to be a fool.

Bai Lianhua moved uncomfortably, and Yang Chongyin saw it and said very understandingly: "The road ahead may be a bit bumpy, especially after leaving the small town, the road conditions will be worse, if the younger brother is uncomfortable If you want, you can lie down and lean on my lap."

Bai Lianhua: "???" He blinked and politely rejected Yang Chongyin's kindness.

—This carriage is already very luxurious by ancient standards, and it doesn't feel uncomfortable to sit on... As for lying on Yang Chongyin's lap... Sorry, he has only heard of drunk lying on the knees of beauties, not Lie on your brother's knees.

The system silently said: "In fact, based on the appearance of the villain in this world, it is not an exaggeration to call him a beauty..."

After finishing speaking, perhaps to show that it still loves its host the most, the system immediately made amends: "Of course, compared to the two, you, the host, are more suitable for the word beauty."

Bai Lianhua: "..." I feel like I don't want to hear your last words, thank you.

The journey went smoothly, and it was only after these two days that Bai Lianhua discovered that besides Yang Chongyin's status as a national teacher, there were also a group of well-trained subordinates around him.

When Yang Chongyin left, they were able to maintain the illusion that Yang Chongyin was still busy with divination every day, dealing with a group of people who were qualified to visit, and when Yang Chongyin returned, there were many people around him. When one of them came out, not even a single one showed any strange expressions, so it was no wonder that Yang Chongyin said that the rules of the National Teacher's Mansion were strict, and it was evident from this.

Seeing Bai Lianhua's surprise, Yang Chongyin smiled and explained that this was the personal guard that all the previous national teachers had, and it was passed on from father to son, and from son to grandson, according to blood.

In fact, at the beginning, this was originally a means used by the emperor to guard against the national teachers, but because generation after generation of national teachers are dedicated to the country and the people, without any threat, the royal family gradually no longer attaches importance to them, and the connection between these personal guards and the royal family Fewer and fewer, the frequency of secretly passing messages is getting lower and lower, and as time goes by, they become more and more distant... Even the emperors who came to the throne later probably forgot that this was the person bestowed by their ancestors, and thought it was the inheritance of the National Teacher's Mansion up.

If it is said that the first generation of personal guards was only loyal to the emperor, but when their descendants were all born and raised in the National Teacher's Mansion, and they often saw the power of the National Teacher and worshiped them, then no matter how much the older generation listened to them, they would His sense of mission will gradually dilute from generation to generation. From no one knows when, these personal guards began to entrust their loyalty to every national teacher, and now it has evolved to the fact that in addition to the national teacher, even if the emperor speaks, they will choose Do not listen.

This is very useful in critical moments.

Yang Chongyin joked: "If the younger brother never came back... After many years, even if the royal family finds out that the country's fortunes have failed and wants to arrest me to sacrifice to the heavens, with them around, I will not be powerless to protect myself. Let all of them live in seclusion in the mountains, even if the world is turbulent, it has nothing to do with me."

This joke was really a bit cold, Bai Lianhua couldn't force himself to laugh, so he could only look up at Yang Chongyin, and comforted him softly again: "But I'm back."

"Yeah, you're back... so all of this won't happen." Yang Chongyin held Bai Lianhua's hand, and although Bai Lianhua moved his wrist uncomfortably, he still didn't choose to break free in the end.

After returning to the capital, although it was still early in the day, according to the original plan, Yang Chongyin should have gone directly to the Imperial Teacher's Mansion to recuperate and rest, and then went to see the emperor the next day.

——He is a national teacher, so he naturally enjoys this kind of detached and unhurried qualifications, instead of being like others, the first thing he does when he arrives in Beijing is to hand over the paperwork and wait for the opportunity to report on his work.

This is also the so-called dignity that the emperor has always given to the national teacher.

However, when Yang Chongyin's team had just stepped into the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, they suddenly received an order saying that the emperor had already left and would arrive in an hour, so that the National Teacher's Mansion should prepare in advance.

A guard who could wink at the right time inquired about the news from the eunuch who came forward to convey the emperor's oral order, and then turned to report to Yang Chongyin.

It turned out that as soon as the emperor got the news that Yang Chongyin had entered the city gate, he couldn't wait to summon him, but considering the special status of the national teacher, it was impossible to call him immediately with all sincerity and fear, and Yang Chongyin was too tired to travel. After lunch, he took a bath and changed clothes to take care of himself before leaving the mansion. In this way, he would not be able to see anyone until at least in the afternoon. The emperor thought about it and felt that he couldn't wait to come by himself.

Anyway, the National Teacher's Mansion is not any other place. All the previous emperors have gone out of the palace to discuss secret matters and seek fortune-telling, and there is no shortage of him.

Yang Chongyin smiled: "It seems that I have touched the place he most desires in his heart. He urgently needs to use this so-called auspiciousness to prove that he is a promising king, so even the heavens sent down auspicious omens to encourage him."

He turned his head to look at Bai Lianhua: "It seems that it is impossible for you to stay in my National Teacher's Mansion for a long time."

He wanted to plan carefully at first, but he didn't expect that the emperor would take the initiative to send them to the door as soon as they came back... The younger brother really had amazing luck, it was destiny that was helping him.