A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host

Chapter 57: The sixth white moonlight that is pure white like a lotus 10


— You must know that unless there are special circumstances, the emperor generally does not leave the palace, but in the palace, even though he enjoys certain privileges as a national teacher, some things are still inconvenient to do.

Now that such a rare opportunity suddenly appeared, even though the preparation time left for him was really short, how could he not seize it

Under Yang Chongyin's order, the National Teacher's Mansion was operating in an orderly manner, as if to make sufficient preparations for the pick-up. The eunuch who came to pass the word was very satisfied after seeing it, and felt that although the National Teacher's status was detached, But I still have great respect for His Majesty.

An hour later, the emperor arrived as promised.

He dressed lightly, because he felt that the National Teacher's Mansion was very safe, so he only brought a big eunuch and four personal guards with him. When he saw Yang Chongyin who had been waiting at the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion for a long time, he just exchanged a few words of greeting. So he couldn't wait to ask: "How did Aiqing gain from this trip? Can you bring auspiciousness back?"

From the corner of his eyes, he drifted behind Yang Chongyin. Obviously, his mind was completely on the so-called Xiangrui. Thinking that it might be stored in the National Teacher's Mansion at this moment, he couldn't hold back his eagerness.

Yang Chongyin welcomed the emperor into the mansion and led him to the study without haste, while replying: "The things I encountered during this trip are very complicated, and it will be difficult to explain them in a short while. I wanted to describe them to Your Majesty in detail tomorrow. If I don’t want to, I’d like to trouble Your Majesty to come here in person... It’s a big matter, so I ask Your Majesty to stand back and let Rong Chen report to His Majesty alone.”

The emperor did not doubt him, after all, it is a common rule not to let other people hear when something mysterious and mysterious is involved, if it is related to state affairs, even if Yang Chongyin is willing to keep someone, he is also unwilling, so he waved his hand and let him go. The four guards retreated outside the house, while he followed Yang Chongyin into the house.

But he didn't want to enter the house, he clearly followed Yang Chongyin's footsteps, but the distance between the two became wider and wider, seeing that Yang Chongyin was almost walking to the desk, but he was still half a room away from the desk. The emperor realized that something was wrong, he wanted to catch Yang Chongyin, but found that a few steps seemed to be thousands of miles away, and he couldn't get close, and then turned around and rushed towards the door, but found that it was useless, he seemed to be trapped in the middle of the room, No matter where you go, it's like encountering a bright ghost hitting a wall, and your position remains motionless.

All these performances made the emperor think of Yang Chongyin's identity. Yang Chongyin is the national teacher, of course there is such a method of forming a formation, and it is extremely clever, but he never expected that it would be used on himself.

Without thinking about it, the emperor urgently called for help outside the house, but the four guards who heard the voice and were about to break in were immediately subdued by the guards of the National Teacher's Mansion.

That's right, these four bodyguards are indeed first-class good skills. Normally, each of them can count as ten, otherwise they would not be qualified to protect the emperor's side. In terms of kung fu methods, they are from the same origin as these palace guards. They are familiar with the weaknesses of each move and style of the opponent, and they are numerous and powerful. From the moment they make a move, the outcome is already determined.

As for the great eunuch, he was even more helpless, and was tied up and put aside early.

The emperor couldn't wait for the person who came to save him, and the emperor's heart sank heavily. He angrily reprimanded Yang Chongyin for committing a crime, but Yang Chongyin asked him calmly, "Hasn't Your Majesty ever committed a crime?"

"What do you mean?" The other party's expression changed, "Since I am the Son of Heaven, I am already the most honorable person in the world. Is there anyone else above me?"

"Of course there is no such thing now, but that was not the case when His Majesty was the crown prince, when one person was under one man and over ten thousand people... Nineteenth prince Bai Yanze, what did you do when the late emperor was sick, have you forgotten? "

Bai Yanze was startled. Since he came to the throne, no one has called his name for a long time, and it was a little strange to hear it suddenly.

But what is more important is what Yang Chongyin said.

"You were eager to ascend to the throne when the first emperor was dying, because you heard that the imperial physician diagnosed that the disease could be acute or chronic, and you were afraid that the emperor's illness would last forever, so you kept dragging the throne and did not let go, so you made some moves..."

"Shut up!"

Bai Yanze began to panic. He originally thought that no one else in the world would know about this matter except himself.

Yang Chongyin stopped talking and did not continue to provoke Bai Yanze.

Although the nineteenth prince wanted to let the late emperor die earlier, he didn't have the guts to buy the imperial hospital to give the late emperor the medicine of tiger and wolf, and he didn't dare to poison the emperor himself, so he could only serve the sick under the guise of filial piety. While quietly tampering with the amount of medicine that should be there when decocting the medicine by hand, or directly reducing one or two medicines when brewing, not completely following the formula, trying to make the medicine ineffective, so that even if the emperor took the medicine three times a day, the medicine would not stop. , and will not receive the proper treatment... Even the length of decoction, he will deliberately change, or increase or decrease, thinking that this will be more or less harmful to the human body.

These little tricks are both stupid and bad. It's hard to tell how much the death of the late emperor has to do with it, and whether it is a decisive factor, but it's true that the late emperor treated him the best among all the princes. Bai Yanze is very guilty. .

—But these actions are indeed in line with his weak and incompetent and stupid character.

Bai Yanze suppressed the panic in his heart, pretending to be calm and asked Yang Chongyin what he wanted.

After all, if these things got out, it would be a big deal... Yang Chongyin must have ulterior motives if he has such a big handle on him.

Yang Chongyin said: "I don't ask much, I just want His Majesty to abdicate on his own initiative."

He wanted to try his best to get Bai Lianhua an upright way to ascend the throne. In this way, hijacking the emperor to force a change of dynasty is the next choice. The best way is to let Bai Yanze abdicate voluntarily. What Bai Lianhua wanted was to minimize the turmoil.

Bai Yanze immediately retorted: "Don't even think about it."

"Does Your Majesty want to die on the throne?"

——Although Yang Chongyin talked about His Majesty, from Bai Yanze's ears, there was no reverence and reverence in it, but it seemed like a kind of irony.

"...You want to kill the king?" Bai Yanze took a breath, he unconsciously wanted to back up, but was reminded by the fact that he couldn't move his position at this moment.

"It's not that I want to kill the king, it's that the throne wants to swallow His Majesty's life... Could it be that His Majesty has never been aware of his physical condition since he took the throne?"

"You didn't have the destiny to be a king, and it happened that the luck of the dynasty was going downhill. This throne is taking your life away."

Bai Yanze stopped talking, he was stabbed by Yang Chongyin.

In fact, he did feel that since he took over the throne, his body has become weaker and weaker than before... Especially in the past one or two years, it seems to have accelerated.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have ascended the throne and been married for several years, but still couldn't have a son and a half daughter... After the imperial doctor diagnosed him, he said that he had a weak constitution and it was difficult for him to have an offspring.

But obviously he was not like this before, otherwise, even if the late emperor liked him, he would never have made him the crown prince. How can a sick young man who is difficult to continue his bloodline be considered an emperor

He almost wondered if he had accidentally fallen into someone's scheme before inheriting the throne, which damaged the foundation of his body.

For this reason, he secretly asked the Tai Hospital to prepare him with various medicines and pills to strengthen his body, but they were useless at all. He felt that his physical condition not only did not improve at all, but continued to deteriorate. Reasons

Although Yang Chongyin is acting rebelliously nowadays, Bai Yanze feels that what Yang Chongyin said should be true.

After all... He even knew such a secret, a secret that he thought he would bring into the coffin and bury for the rest of his life.

Bai Yanze confirmed again and again: "Dynasty luck is really going downhill?"

Yang Chongyin nodded: "Your Majesty asks this, I really want to doubt whether His Majesty has personally read the papers that have been submitted over the years."

"Whether this is a mess or not, and it's not a pity to let go, His Majesty should know best."

Yang Chongyin paused, and no longer gave Bai Yanze any more time. He changed the subject and asked him directly: "I've exhausted my words. I wonder how Your Majesty will choose?"

He calmly said the first option: "I was killed here?"

—Although in order to take care of Bai Lianhua so as not to feel guilty, he would at least keep Bai Yanze alive, but Bai Yanze didn't need to know this.

As expected, Bai Yanze's expression became very nervous when he heard the words.

Yang Chongyin said the second option unhurriedly: "Or should I expose what His Majesty did in the past in front of the world, and be labeled as disobedient, patricide, disloyal, filial and unrighteous?"

Bai Yanze didn't dare to gamble either. Yang Chongyin is a teacher of the state, so what he said must be very convincing... If he revealed what happened back then, I really dare not say how many people would believe him.

What's more, what I did at that time was not perfect. For convenience, I often dismissed the palace servants who were helping me, leaving space for decoction alone. If I search carefully, there are still traces to follow... I still have to be forced to abdicate.

Observing the change of expression on Bai Yanze's face, Yang Chongyin said the last option: "Alternatively, His Majesty abdicates voluntarily, so as to protect himself and avoid the pain of being sucked by the throne."

Bai Yanze suddenly wavered... The throne is really important, and he has to live to sit on it. He has enjoyed the life of the emperor for several years, which is not enough.

What's more, the current situation is not good, and it may not be a bad thing for him to withdraw as soon as possible... Why did he hear Yang Chongyin said that he would be so happy to find Xiangrui, not only allowed him to leave Beijing immediately, but also couldn't wait for a moment after he returned to Beijing?

It is precisely because he has some uneasiness in his heart, and he doesn't know what happened since he took over the throne. Obviously, he is not too outrageous in doing things, at most, he is a bit extravagant, but now the world is still in a state of prosperity. But all kinds of loopholes have emerged, as if riddled with holes... He originally wanted to seek peace of mind from Yang Chongyin.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chongyin was the most unstable factor.

"Then my life will be safe?"

"Yes, worry-free."

"What about glory and wealth?"

"You can be guaranteed to be treated like a normal prince, but you can't leave the palace easily... But if you think about it, your majesty won't mind too much, after all, you were originally living in the palace, so you can't go out often."

—This is the meaning of house arrest... But if the treatment is excellent, it is not unacceptable.

"You mean what you say?"

"Nature counts... Your Majesty should know that since I am a national teacher, I can't easily go back on what I promised."

But Bai Yanze was not reconciled after all, he said bitterly: "I am not a filial son, I am not a good emperor, and you may not be a good person either."

Otherwise, why didn't you tell me earlier? Obviously the late emperor was still alive at that time... Don't talk about Yang Chongyin's nonsense that he only knows now.

Yang Chongyin looked calm and did not deny it.

It's just that Bai Lianhua can't let Bai Lianhua know about this, because he is not sure whether Bai Lianhua has feelings for the late emperor... After all, they are connected by blood.

He is not the one who did it, but he has the crime of not reporting it.

Bai Yanze asked: "Then after I abdicate, who do you want to help take the throne?"

If Yang Chongyin didn't have a clear goal in mind, he wouldn't believe it... His coming to the National Teacher's Mansion was just a temporary idea, and Yang Chongyin could seize the opportunity so decisively, he must have chosen a candidate long ago, and just waited for the right time to come.

"Won't he lose his life because of the throne?"

Yang Chongyin looked determined: "Of course not... Don't worry, I won't harm anyone if I harm him."

With the formation, there is no need to worry about losing control over Bai Yanze. Yang Chongyin pushed open the door, ignoring the four subdued palace guards and the big eunuch, and went to find the man who was staying in another room. Bai Lianhua came in to meet Bai Yanze.

Perhaps in Yang Chongyin's mind, Bai Lianhua should not know about his conversation with Bai Yanze... As everyone knows, although he is in the next room, Bai Lianhua has already seen the progress of their room through the system's intimate projection on the small screen. It's very clear, and the mood is very complicated.