A White Lotus Host Who Does Not Want To Be a White Moonlight is Not a Good Host

Chapter 67: The seventh white moonlight that is pure white like a lotus 6


In the days that followed, Bai Lianhua recovered the online account he had used in this world before. After practicing for a few days to recover his hand feeling, and by the way secretly poking and saving some manuscripts, he began to try to resume the update of the manga serialization.

He thought that there would be very few people who still remembered his little manga after he had stopped updating for more than a year, but he didn't expect that after he "frauded the corpse", he saw many familiar ID names again, and many people missed him very much. Leave a message Saying that I just wait for this strange comic series to decompress myself—although I thought it was a depressive series before I clicked in, but after I clicked in, I found that it was actually a warm and refreshing healing series.

And looking at the little comics, sometimes it feels more comfortable than cloud sucking cats or cloud raising dogs... After all, no matter how beautiful the cats are, they are all other people's cuties. Every time I think of this, I will Suddenly decadent and unable to laugh. Instead, it’s better to see what kind of moths this guy who thinks his story is scary can make in the update every time, and then every time he asks with full expectation, he laughs and hits him, saying that he is not afraid at all .

Everyone is very used to this kind of question and answer. It was really uncomfortable to be interrupted suddenly before.

Bai Lianhua: "???"

For a moment, he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

Bai Lianhua happily returned to his happy house life. Anyway, he can't go out during the day in this world, so it can be said that he is very righteous, and Yu Chen's status as a half-blood allows him to move freely no matter day or night, so many All chores were taken care of by him.

So when Bai Lianhua, who was addicted to the Internet, came back to his senses, he suddenly realized how he seemed to be under house arrest under Yu Chen's light food and drink.

Feeding regularly and at fixed points is one aspect, especially because Yu Chenqing is no longer an ordinary human being after his physical transformation. Under Yu Chenqing's insistence, the frequency of feeding once every three days has been changed to every day. Hungry.

Besides, he no longer has the need to go out, and Yu Chenqing even takes care of such small things as express deliveries, and occasionally he will go downstairs at night and take a look around the community, um, of course Yu Chenqing also Will definitely be with him.

Everything was so logical that he never felt something was wrong... Although it was not the kind of play that was locked in a small dark room, but he tried to be the most comfortable everywhere, but it was true that his freedom was restricted.

Since his return, he has never gone out alone out of Yu Chenqing's sight. Even Yu Chenqing turned himself into an online job in order to achieve this.

The system is very convinced: "Emmmm host, you only discovered this now, and it's amazing... Come, come, talk about how it feels to be kept in captivity?"

Bai Lianhua: "..."

He was a little confused and asked the system: "Uh, do you want to tell the truth?"

The system looked confused: "Of course, facing this system, do you have any secrets or concerns that you, the host, need to hide?"

Bai Lianhua whispered: "Okay, to be honest, I actually feel that everything is alright..."

After all, it is the residential environment he is most familiar with, with all the facilities, computers and internet, and delicious food delivered to his mouth all the time. He tried his best to think for a while, but still felt that he seemed to have nothing else to ask for—he told the system before that if he also got these things in the rest space, he would be able to live forever, and that was not a casual talk.

System: "???" It looked at its host with a face of "what can I do? I am also desperate. I really want to find the point of dissatisfaction, but I just can't seem to find it." The small expression of shame and helplessness suddenly felt that I had nothing to say explain.

His host is really a white lotus flower that is very easy-going. Visually, in this world, it can't see the classic plot where you abuse me and I abuse you... I can't resist it at all.

Hey, I feel a little unspeakable regret.

But of course there are times when Yu Chenqing can't take care of it.

The things Bai Lianhua bought this time were in a hurry to use. When he received a call saying that the things had been left behind the guard, he looked at the sky and felt that the sun had already set, so he decided to go down to pick up the courier by himself.

Yu Chen raised his head lightly, with a gentle tone: "Wait a minute, may I help you?"

Bai Lianhua obviously couldn't wait, his mind was already on his delivery, so he patted Yu Chenqing's shoulder and tried to persuade him: "I'll just go by myself... Don't be afraid, I won't leave, I won't waste a minute, and I'll be right back when I get it."

"Look, I've always been very obedient. Sometimes when you're away, I'll never take half a step out of the house... Don't worry about me, okay?"

Yu Chen was stunned lightly: "You know I... want to restrict your freedom?" Or, are you trying to put you under house arrest

Bai Lianhua nodded as a matter of course: "I know, you are afraid that I will run away again."

"But I don't mind... It's fine if you don't feel anxious."

He looked at Yu Chenqing obediently: "I hope you can return to the relaxed state you were in before."

At that moment, Yu Chenqing didn't dare to look at Bai Lianhua.

He looked at the little blood race in silence and felt that he had successfully persuaded him, so he went out happily, and then he came back five or six minutes later with a brisk expression, and looked at him with a look of merit, as if he was Say "Look, I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Too good to be good.

So good that his heart felt sore... Yu Chenqing couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Bai Lianhua: "It's my fault."

He even felt that he was probably not worthy to drink Bai Lianhua's blood on his own initiative... If he had the choice, Bai Lianhua would definitely not be willing to transform him.

Bai Lianhua didn't understand, so: "Hey, why did you say that suddenly? No, you're fine."

Yu Chenqing didn't speak any more.

At that time, under Yu Chenqing's encouragement, Bai Lianhua had reached the point where he could accept biting his wrists, but as for his neck, he still tried repeatedly and failed. kissing.

But this time, Yu Chenqing, who fed Bai Lianhua again, touched the head of the little blood race who was trying hard and said, "I won't force you anymore... If you don't want to bite, don't bite."

—Although it is under the guise of making you more enjoyable, it is despicable to ask you to do things you don't want to do in order to achieve my peace of mind.

"If you want to go back to the state of drinking blood through the cup, you can choose the way you feel most comfortable."

——You want me to return to the state of being free and relaxed, then I also want to give you the most comfortable distance to get along with, no longer blindly force to get closer and squeeze into the rhythm of life you are used to.

Bai Lianhua: "???" He said "Oh" in a daze, as if he didn't understand why Yu Chenqing was so talkative today.

"You don't have to tell me when you go out in the future. If you want to go out, as long as you don't get sunburned, you can do anything."

"I am indeed afraid that you will leave again, but I am not qualified to imprison you."

Bai Lianhua stupidly told the truth: "... Actually, I don't feel imprisoned." On the contrary, every day is a happy house life.

To be reasonable, I wouldn't be too happy if you let me go out.

Yu Chenqing only shook his head lightly, apparently only thinking that Bai Lianhua was comforting him.

system:"… "

Hey hey hey, the host did it!

It did what it said before, but the cloud is clear and the wind is light, but the other party will feel guilty about the high-end and high-grade white lotus realm, and even upgrade it further, because the host really doesn't feel any discomfort, and he is telling the truth... The more this happened, the more the villain Jun Yue felt distressed.

—The ultimate flag set by the host unconsciously has not yet fallen, but the result is that its flag fell so thoroughly

And the situation of house arrest was solved in such a peaceful and friendly way? Because of a courier? By the way, the progress of the task of probating the villain has also improved by leaps and bounds? Seeing that the victory of washing Yu Chen for nothing is just around the corner

I really never expected that the innocent little blood can have such lethality.

The system looked at the host with some doubts, a little unsure whether this was an unintentional release of a talent skill by its own silly roe deer host, or another explosion of acting skills like luck.

Look at this innocent little look, even a system like this, which is familiar with the nature of the host and has a vicious vision, can't tell the truth from the truth.

It thought about whether to open its mouth to ask, but then decided to forget it. After all, no matter what the situation is, the result is the same, that is, the villain in this world has no power to fight back... Otherwise, if it is the same as the previous world , after asking, the host showed a confused face and said that he really just did it unintentionally, and the one who vomited blood had to add himself besides the villain.

So at this time, it just needs to wave the flag for the host.

After finishing the manga at hand, Bai Lianhua, who doesn't want to do nothing, plans to start a new series, but he is very confused about what to draw next? After all, he has painted subjects similar to ghosts and goblins before.

Yu Chen poked his cheek with a light smile: "Why don't you just draw a little vampire... You yourself are the best material."

Bai Lianhua nodded: "Hey, maybe it's a good idea... Do you want to see it?"

"I want to see it."

"Okay, that's it!"

#Well, the daily life of a mighty and domineering blood family#

Yu Chenqing tried his best to hold back for a long time before he didn't puncture the little blood race's delusion.

However, after the manga was actually serialized, the readers were all laughing shamelessly. It was not easy to say. The artist finally recognized his position and created a cute little story that fits his style of painting.

Well, the blood race in the comics is really handsome, not soft, cute, or cowardly at all.

At first, Yu Chenqing still kept in touch with her family occasionally.

However, although his stepmother is very satisfied with his increasingly indifferent relationship with the family, she still seems to be worried that he will fight for inheritance in the future, and even wants to start investigating the house he is currently living in after finding out that he no longer lives in his former residence. , job, income and other conditions, inside and outside the words, there is a tentative meaning that he is afraid that he will be down and need support from his family.

Facing his stepmother's curiosity which obviously crossed the line, his father who didn't take it seriously, and his half-brother who was indifferent to him, Yu Chen lowered his eyes lightly, thinking that this was probably the end of his fate.

No more abnormalities can be found... He's fine, but he can't bury hidden dangers for the little blood race.

What's more, this is a matter of time, maybe it will not be obvious in three to five years, but if he still looks the same in ten or twenty years, that is the greater specialness and reason.

It's time to completely cut off all connections with him as a human "Yu Chenqing".

As time went by, although they were reluctant to part with the neighbors who were easy to get along with, they moved many times later in order not to make the people around them suspicious.

Bai Lianhua had already chosen to close his pen. After all, based on the years he has been active on the Internet, according to the calculation of ordinary people, he is definitely an "grandfather".

What's more, he has to cherish every bit of time spent with Yu Chenqing—yes, because Yu Chenqing is not a pure vampire, and when he enjoys the convenience of not being constrained by the nature of vampires to be afraid of light, in exchange, his The lifespan is not as long and endless as that of the real vampires, and it is just longer than ordinary humans.

Bai Lianhua tried to make Yu Chenqing drink his own blood again... Because Yu Chenqing insisted on refusing to bite him, he cut his own hand behind Yu Chenqing's back, and then ran to Yu Chenqing with his paws in his hands. In front of light, after all, the blood is flowing out at this time, and it is a waste not to drink.

But it was useless, Yu Chenqing, who had half-transformed once, was unable to carry out a second transformation, and when the deadline was approaching, his body was still weakening very quickly.

But Yu Chenqing was not sad at all, he even comforted Bai Lianhua in turn: "How wonderful, I will not grow old until I die, my blood will never become bad, and will always be needed by you."

- This is enough, and you don't need to see... You have found the next new food reserve to accompany you.

But he is actually still a little worried: "I know that the blood bag is terrible, but if you want to find 'reserve food' in the future, you must choose carefully, and don't be reckless and just take others home."

After all, the silly little blood race is actually very easy to deceive. If you accidentally meet a scheming person, maybe you can turn the little blood around and play around, and it is not impossible to even use his special status to seek benefits.

Bai Lianhua's eyes were red: "No, I didn't have it before you, and I won't have it after you. You are my only food reserve."

He explained in a panic again: "No, it's not just food reserves, you are my most important person, even if you don't let me drink blood, I still like being with you."

Yu Chen chuckled: "That's really, very happy."

Although he said he didn't care, compared to the long life of the little blood clan in the future, his life is still short... If there is a next life, in the next life, he hopes to still be the food reserve for the little blood clan.

— Just like the little blood said that as long as he was alone, he also hoped to be with the little blood for the rest of his life.

It's best to meet as soon as possible every time, after all... He couldn't bear to see the little blood clan's helpless and hungry expression.