A Will Eternal

Chapter 24: Who are you


In the yard of Xiangyun Mountain, Bai Xiaochun looked at the jade pendant in his hand, and when the spirit within his body moved, the jade pendant immediately emitted a soft blue light and enveloped his whole body.

He pinched a finger with his left hand, and immediately the wooden sword flew out, and after turning around, he flew straight to Bai Xiaochun, but when he touched the blue light, it seemed to sink into the water, and it suddenly slowed down a bit.

"Good baby!" Bai Xiaochun murmured after receiving the wooden sword and holding the jade pendant with embarrassment on his face.

"It's okay, Li Qinghou is Zhou Xinqi's master, but he is also my guide. According to the relationship, I have to call him uncle. I am my own, and Zhou Xinqi is half of my own." Bai Xiaochun coughed dryly. With a sound, the jade pendant was put away, and he stood there stretched.

His immortal longevity skill, after eating most of Li Qinghou's spirit tail chicken, progressed rapidly, and now it has completed 70%. After all, this spirit tail chicken replenishes its own vitality, not aura, so the cultivation base is still condensed. The fourth level of qi, but a lot of diligence, such as being compressed.

As for the chicken bones, they were all buried in the spiritual soil. The spiritual energy of this spiritual soil is already extremely exaggerated. The spiritual winter bamboo planted in it is now more than two feet long, and the whole body is no longer there. It is emerald green, but ink appears.

There are also the most important three-color fire tails. Bai Xiaochun has focused on collecting them. There are hundreds of them. Whenever they think that the burning of these spiritual tails can release three-color fires, Bai Xiaochun is full of expectations.

"The cultivation base is not in a hurry, as long as there is enough pill, after refining the spirit with the three-color fire three times, I can quickly improve, or it is safe to make this not Pi Xiaocheng first!" Bai Xiaochun thought, suddenly became hungry. He looked at the direction where Xiangyun Mountain was raising chickens, quickly retracted his gaze, and looked at Ziding Mountain from a distance.

"Big brother is in Zidingshan, I don't know how you are now." Bai Xiaochun thought of the scenes of the fire stove, thinking more, got up and walked out of the yard, went down the mountain, and went straight to Zidingshan.

There are three mountains on the south bank of Lingxi Zong. Among them, Qingfeng Mountain is mainly used to control the sword, Xiangyun Mountain is good at elixir, and this Ziding Mountain is known for its magic and spiritual refining, especially the basic exercise method of the South Bank, Ziqi Yuding. Gong, originally came from Zidingshan.

Bai Xiaochun followed the Zongmen path and arrived at the foot of Ziding Mountain at dusk. He looked up at the cloud-wrapping Ziding Mountain, watching several small black dot-like figures inside and turning into a long rainbow in and out of the sky. His heart was full. It is with emotion.

"I don't know when I will be able to fly with objects, and only when I achieve this, can I see a wider world, which is truly on the road to longevity." Bai Xiaochun showed expectation in his eyes and went up to Ziding Mountain.

Although he is not a disciple of Ziding Mountain, as an outer disciple, he is qualified to go to any mountain peak and walk up the mountain road. On the way, he asked about Zhang Dahai’s residence when he saw people. His well-behaved appearance was very pleasing. After a short while, he asked where Zhang Dahai was, and walked over quickly according to the other's instructions.

Different from the place where he lives in Xiangyun Mountain, the house where Zhang Dapang is located is on the sunny side of the mountain. There is obviously a lot of aura, and there are not many houses. The lofts are dotted with stars, which seems to contain a certain pattern. .

Even at dusk, the light is unclear, but you can still see the thin clouds and mist around you, and there are many spiritual plants, a fairyland.

"Big brother has a background, he can live here, so much better than mine." Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, quite envious.

After searching for a while, he finally found Zhang Dafang's house. Seeing that there were so many weeds in the yard inside, it seemed that it hadn't been taken care of for a long time, Bai Xiaochun was taken aback, knocked on the door, but he didn't respond for a long while.

"Is it wrong?" When Bai Xiaochun was surprised, the attic door in the courtyard opened with a creak, a thin figure holding a flying sword in his hand, the silver light in his left hand was slowly dimming, and he walked out tiredly. It came out lazily.

"Who!" As he was talking, the thin man suddenly shook his body. He saw Bai Xiaochun across the yard, and his face immediately showed surprise. If he saw his relatives, he quickly stepped forward, opened the door and looked at him. Bai Xiaochun laughed.

"Junior Brother Nine!"

"Who are you!" Bai Xiaochun opened her eyes wide, and stepped back abruptly, looking at this faintly familiar but strange guy in front of him.

This person has an ordinary appearance, thin body, and almost skinny, although his eyes are full of expression, but his eye sockets are sunken, and the fluctuations in his body's cultivation level are already in the form of a condensed fourth layer of great perfection.

"Nine fat, I'm big fat." Seeing Bai Xiaochun's appearance, the thin young man wanted to cry without tears, and as he spoke, his face showed strong grief and indignation.

"Nine Fatty, you don't know how hard I have been this year, how harsh my master was to me, when she first went up the mountain, she said that she didn't like fat people, and she was born hungry for half a year!"

"Half a year, nine fat, do you know, what I have become in those six months, what you see now, I have made up for a long time before making up." This thin young man, it is Zhang Dafang, he said here. Tears flowed down.

Bai Xiaochun glanced carefully and heard the other person's voice again. Only then did he confirm that the person in front of him was his big brother. Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, staring at two people with completely different memories from his own, dumbfounded.

"You have hatred with your master, right?" Bai Xiaochun looked at Zhang Dafang sympathetically.

"Then old lady, I..." Zhang Da Pang gritted his teeth, but he shivered after a few words, not daring to continue, and pulled Bai Xiaochun into the yard.

"Junior Brother Nine, I miss the Huo Stove Room. This is really not a place for people to stay. Since I came here, I have never eaten a full meal. There is no oil or water at all. I am hungry." Zhang Da Pang was angrily and pulled Bai Xiaochun. , From the beginning of the mountain to the present, all his sufferings have been told.

Listening to the other party's suffering, Bai Xiaochun suddenly felt that, compared with the behavior of stealing the chicken, he was too correct. He glanced at Zhang Dafat's thin body, Bai Xiaochun sighed, and patted Zhang Dafa's bone-exposed shoulders.

"Senior brother is in trouble, so naturally you have to help. You wait for my time to make incense sticks." After saying that, in Zhang Da Pang's dazedness, Bai Xiaochun turned and walked out of the yard. He noticed it when he went up the mountain before. There are several breeding places on Ziding Mountain. Where are the places of the spirit tail chickens? At this moment, taking advantage of the night, the figure quickly disappeared.

Zhang Dapang couldn't figure out the situation, and he didn't know what Bai Xiaochun was going to do, so he could only wait at the door, but before a stick of incense, Bai Xiaochun came back quietly with two spirit-tailed chickens in his hands.

Seeing the spirit tail chicken, Zhang Dafang suddenly widened his eyes. Before he could speak, Bai Xiaochun was pulled into the yard. Ignoring Zhang Dafang, Bai Xiaochun skillfully took out the pot, boiled the water, and pulled the chicken out. Mao sorted it out and threw it in. Then he patted his sleeves, raised his chin, and looked at Zhang Dafang.

Zhang Dapang was breathing fast and was dumbfounded. He pointed to the chicken in the pot, and then to Bai Xiaochun, with a look of disbelief.

"You... You... Could it be that you are the chicken-stealing madman of Xiangyun Mountain!!!"

Bai Xiaochun smiled, lifted his right hand and pressed the pot more skillfully, the aura spread out, making the chicken in the pot faster to ripen, and soon after the aroma drifted out, Bai Xiaochun directly grabbed a chicken leg and placed it in Zhangda In front of the fat.

"Eat!" Bai Xiaochun spoke proudly, revealing the appearance of Zhang Da Pang holding the Ganoderma lucidum and letting himself eat when he had just arrived at the fire stove.

Zhang Dapang swallowed his throat several times, staring at the chicken leg in front of him, grabbed it, and gobbled it up. After that, without Bai Xiaochun needing to say anything, he leaped straight to the cauldron and almost stuck his face in. The two chickens quickly Yes, he ate them all clean, and even the chicken bones were reluctant to throw them away, crunched and swallowed, and finally drank all the soup.

Only then was he patting his stomach, lying on the side, looking at Bai Xiaochun when he looked intoxicated, the two brothers looked at each other for a moment, and both laughed.

"You are still good at Jiu Fat, you have many ideas when you are in the fire room. I didn't expect that the famous chicken stealing monster in Xiangyun Mountain is actually my brother." Zhang Da Pang looked with a Rongyan look.

"Cultivation is a matter of defying the sky. My cultivator naturally has to fight against the sky, win against others, reliance on one's own strength, little spirit tail chicken, nothing." Bai Xiaochun waved his hand, unable to conceal his pride, his identity I've been holding it in my stomach for too long, and someone is sharing it at the moment. Seeing Zhang Dafa's expression, Bai Xiaochun's heart is very refreshed.

"It's just a pity. I ate all the spirit tail chickens in Xiangyun Mountain and left them with cubs. The taste is not good. Otherwise, if you live with me, I will be full every day and I will definitely make you fat again." Bai Xiaochun sighed.

When Zhang Dapang heard this, his eyes lit up suddenly, and he quickly got up.

"There are in Zidingshan, in the west, south, and north. There are disciples guarding in shifts, two shifts a day, and a team of seven people!" Zhang Dapang said quickly, speaking in great detail, and found Bai Xiaochun after he finished speaking. Looking at himself in surprise, Zhang Dapang let out a dry cough.

"After I heard about the chicken-stealing madman, I also plan to learn, but those chickens are too thief. I screamed as soon as I got close. Not only was it unsuccessful, but I was almost caught." Zhang Dapang said with some embarrassment. .

Bai Xiaochun immediately became happy, approaching Zhang Dafang, the two of them whispered in low voices, slowly Zhang Dafang’s eyes brighter and short of breath, and saw Bai Xiaochun taking out the bamboo and knowing it. After a while, the two of them were excited and laughed together. .

At this moment, late at night, their laughter came from the yard, and it sounded extraordinarily crippled...

From this day on, Bai Xiaochun simply lived in Zhang Dapang’s place, and gradually the spirit-tailed chickens in Zidingshan began to be lost...

Whenever late at night, two robbers robbers, one steals and the other stands on guard, slowly the disciples of Zidingshan are in an uproar and talk about it.

"Have you heard that the chicken-stealing madman from Xiangyun Mountain is eyeing us on Ziding Mountain!"

"I saw with my own eyes that the chicken-thief madman is not one person, but two people!"

When the news reached Xiangyun Mountain, all the outer disciples of Xiangyun Mountain took a deep breath and looked at Ziding Mountain with sympathetic eyes.

"This chicken-stealing madman finally learned to balance and no longer just stared at us at Xiangyun Mountain to steal..."


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