A Will Eternal

Chapter 34: Rolling vegetation


[Latest broadcast] Tomorrow is 515, the starting point anniversary, the day with the most benefits. In addition to the gift bag and school bag, this time "515 Red Envelopes Crazy Flip" must be watched. There is no reason to not grab the red envelopes. Set an alarm clock~

Du Lingfei's words caused the outer disciples who were watching around to laugh at once, they didn't believe that Bai Xiaochun could compare Du Lingfei with this knowledge.

Especially what Bai Xiaochun said at the end was completely impossible to them.

"If Bai Xiaochun really sees it, then his knowledge of plants and trees can be compared with Senior Sister Zhou Xinqi in the first three articles. How could this be possible!"

"This person is really boring to play mystery, this time he will definitely be exposed!"

Seeing that everyone around him laughed constantly, Bai Xiaochun stood there, frowning.

"Have you finished talking?" His expression gradually cooled down. He was really angry. If he was fighting, he would not be like this. But for a person who aspires to become a great pharmacist, he has doubts about vegetation. He felt it was a humiliation.

"You can question my luck, and there are many magic weapons you can question me, but in this way of vegetation, don't use your shallow insights to see the whole world!"

After he heard his voice, his expression was serious, his thin body unknowingly gave people a sense of upright mountain peaks, and his cold expression made the outside disciples here stunned in mockery.

Even Du Lingfei was taken aback. At this moment, Bai Xiaochun was too different from what he had before, as if he had changed a person.

"This spiritual plant, let's call it a black and white flower for the time being, there are golden and silver roots, sky yellow leaves, water Luo grass, nine ground fruits, thread flesh, edge cloud flowers, wind-seeking stems, and sun-bearing fruits..." Bai Xiaochun snorted coldly. , With a flick of his sleeves, at this moment, he is no longer a cute but hateful appearance as before. With his hands behind his back, he looked at the people around him coldly, and slowly seemed to have an unexplainable aura. Appeared on his body.

As his words spread, his aura became stronger and stronger, and everyone around him looked surprised.

Especially Du Lingfei, frowning, looking at Lingzhi carefully. She knew that the herbs Bai Xiaochun said were all recorded in the first three chapters of Plants and Trees, but she couldn't see the slightest from this Lingzhi.

"It seems that you really want to memorize all the first three chapters of Caomu, so that you really get more than me. If you can recite none of them, then you win this game, and I will recognize it." Du Lingfei snorted coldly, she still didn't believe that Bai Xiaochun really recognized it.

"Yes, if you have the ability to recite all the first three chapters, you will naturally win!"

"Playing mystery, what superficial knowledge, what looking at the world, I think you are superficial, if you don't recognize it, just admit it, pretending to be a ghost there, making people look down on!" Everyone around also sneered and sneered.

Bai Xiaochun looked at Du Lingfei with cold eyes, then looked at everyone, suddenly smiled, and withdrew his gaze, he spoke lightly.

"Baicao roots have grown into a hundred grasses in thirty years. Take their meridians and bake them, fill them with spiritual water, and graft them on the wild leaves to form spots here." Bai Xiaochun pointed his right hand, and a finger of wind fell on the Lingzhi, exposing it. A tiny spot under a leaf.

"Heavenly Desolate Leaf, every nine leaves melt together, turning into a leaf, swallowing the boiled flower and growing up, here it is!"

"Boiled flowers, less than a hundred years old, will not form flowers, a hundred-year-old flower blooms for an instant, and the four-leaf ginseng will be grafted on the hundred breaths to nourish the wild leaves. These many white flowers are boiled!"

"Four-leaf ginseng is roasted with a spiritual fire to make the leaves wither, and the essence is integrated into the ginseng body, which can promote the development of Pingbei seeds and become unified!"

"There is also Pingbeizi..." Bai Xiaochun's voice was calm, and every word he said, he would sweep away with the wind. He found traces of grafting on the Lingzhi. He said very carefully, and even said the method. Everyone around started to pay. They were all with mocking expressions, but gradually the mocking disappeared, and their expressions changed one after another, and then they were short of breath and changed drastically. By the end of the last four weeks, every outer disciple showed an incredible expression. Especially a few more people just lost their voices in horror.

"This is impossible!!"

"Oh my God, how could this be!"

Every word of Bai Xiaochun echoed like an invisible slap, directly hitting these people. Everyone here is a medicine boy. They could not see the secret of Lingzhi before, but now in Bai Xiaochun’s detailed introduction, they all They recognized it immediately.

What Bai Xiaochun said was absolutely correct and completely correct. He was alone, and slapped all the disciples of the outer sects here!

"This Bai Xiaochun's knowledge of plants and trees is actually... to such an astonishing level!!" The minds of the outer disciples had already roared, and the previous ridicule had now become a fiery sting on their faces.

What makes them even more shocked is that Bai Xiaochun’s method of introduction is clearly reverse deduction. From a grafted spiritual plant, the grafting method is directly introduced. This reverse deduction requires a person’s knowledge in vegetation to achieve It can be done to an incredible degree.

"This... this is a reverse deduction, he... he understands plants and trees to such an extent..."

"As a medicine boy, go to deduce the Lingzhi cultivated by the palm seat, this... this..." Elder Sun also opened his eyes wide, with inconceivability.

There was a strong light in Li Qinghou's eyes, and Bai Xiaochun at this moment made him feel unbelievable.

Du Lingfei turned pale for an instant, and her body staggered back. With her knowledge of vegetation, she immediately understood what Bai Xiaochun said, and even felt a trance many times. This feeling made her embarrassed to the extreme.

At this moment, Bai Xiaochun, he did not use any spells, but relying on what he said, relying on his understanding of plants and trees, that sentence was like a magic weapon, making Du Lingfei unable to resist here at all, just felt that his mind was roaring, such as One day, the thunder exploded, and back again and again, his complexion became paler.

"Hot Pinellia, nine scorching days, make this spirit bead not die from exposure to heaven and earth, blend into Pinellia fruit, and give birth to black-headed flowers! This is what I can see, the last spirit grass." Bai Xiaochun said after Banzhu incense. After finishing the last sentence, his eyes were like electricity, and after sweeping the crowd, he looked at Du Lingfei.

"Sister Du, everyone in the same school, the way of vegetation is broad and profound, there is no absolute, otherwise, your vegetation skills will only stop here, since you have asked me to memorize all the first three articles on vegetation, how difficult is this matter!" "Bai Xiaochun raised his chin, flicked his sleeves, and stood there to recite one by one.

"Lingdong Bamboo..."

"Earth Dragon Fruit..."

"Shui Mogen..." He said loudly, with a calm expression. As he continued to recite, his surroundings were relatively quiet, except for Bai Xiaochun's voice echoing, as if he slapped everyone before, then raised his palm and slapped it out again. Two slaps.

Even if the people around you were gradually listening, even if they had no face to see others, they couldn’t help but breathe out again. Someone even immediately took out the jade slips and contrasted them. Slowly, the bodies of the contrasting people trembled. , The amazement in the eyes is even stronger.

Du Lingfei's complexion became paler and paler, and her body moved back again, looking at Bai Xiaochun as if she had seen a ghost.

She said that under ridicule before. In fact, she had never seen anyone who could recite all 30,000 herbs. This kind of thing seemed incredible to her, if someone could do it. By the time, then this person's vegetation skills are already against the sky.

As time passed, Bai Xiaochun recites quickly, and he recites an hour in one breath. For everyone here, there is no idea how to spend this hour. Almost all of them took out jade slips for comparison.

Until an hour later, when Bai Xiaochun finished talking about the last herb, after the deathly silence, the people here erupted in an earth-shattering uproar, which even spread all around, causing many outer disciples outside the square to faint. Hear.

"Oh my god... one is right, all are correct, this... there is such a thing!!"

"A total of 30,000 herbs... This Bai Xiaochun's knowledge of plants and trees has reached such a shocking level. He... What is his ranking on the stone and wood monuments?"

"Du Lingfei compares Bai Xiaochun with Bai Xiaochun in terms of planting knowledge. This is simply hitting a rock with a pebble!"

In the complete roar of the people around, Du Lingfei looked at Bai Xiaochun, with infinite bitterness rising in her heart. Even in the previous fights, she had never been like this, but right now, in this vegetation, it can be said that she has been completely crushed. Pressure.

She didn't expect that the lucky Bai Xiaochun in front of her, with a lot of magic weapons, had reached such a level that she could not see clearly when she looked up.

This kind of blow made her laugh miserably, threw Ling Yunxiang away, turned around and left quickly, she felt embarrassed not staying here for a while.

As soon as Du Lingfei left, the surrounding outer disciples were all embarrassed. Most of them clasped their fists to Bai Xiaochun and left quickly. It is conceivable that the shock in their hearts at this moment will last for a long time.

Soon, in this martial arts arena, the disciples were almost gone, leaving Bai Xiaochun standing there. He coughed and felt that he had made things worse before, so he quickly picked up Ling Yunxiang and looked back cautiously. Gave Li Qinghou a glance.

"Disciple... Let's go now." Bai Xiaochun said, and quickly backed away, and disappeared.

On the martial arts field, Elder Sun looked at Bai Xiaochun's back, with shock remaining in his eyes.

"Master, this son... extraordinary!" Elder Sun said softly.

Li Qinghou raised the sky with a big laugh, with joy in his laughter, flicked his sleeves, and walked to the top of the mountain.

ps.5.15 "Starting Point" is raining red envelopes! Grab a round every hour starting at 12 noon, a large wave of 515 red envelopes depends on luck. You all go to grab the starting currency you grabbed and continue to subscribe to my chapter!