A Will Eternal

Chapter 45: It's not difficult to kill you!


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Bai Xiaochun is breathing fast. He has long since forgotten. He did not consider how many times he had succeeded, nor did he pay attention to the results of this assessment. His eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. At this moment, there is only one thing he thinks about, and that is how to make himself open the furnace next time. You can have full confidence.

Don't open the stove if you are not sure!

He likes a stable personality, and he has reached the extreme in refining medicine.

After thinking about it so far, he has found that no matter how he thinks of a solution, he can’t solve the problem unless he can fix the ink in the Mo Ling Guo. But this way, although it is not a change in the prescription, it is also a subtle adjustment, Bai Xiaochun There was a moment of silence, decisive in his eyes.

"You can only jump out of the prescription and adjust it as needed!" He smashed the Mo Ling Guo in his hand.

With a click, countless juices spilled, but they didn't fall into the pill furnace, but were condensed in the air. Under Bai Xiaochun's control, they continued to merge together according to the richness he needed.

In this scene, the others didn't think anything, they were just surprised, even Bai Xiaochun himself didn't think there was anything surprising, he just thought it would be safe to do so, that's why.

But Elder Xu opened his eyes abruptly, showing shock in the depths of his eyes again and again. You must know that even if Bai Xiaochun had succeeded seven times before, he was only surprised, but right now, this kind of shock was too much.

"This Bai Xiaochun, he actually tried to adjust the prescription. This is not bad. It's no wonder that the Palmer asked me to pay attention to this before he went out last month!" Elder Xu thoughtfully.

After a while, Bai Xiaochun waved his right hand violently. After driving out the excess ink, only the fingernail-sized part was left and thrown into the pill furnace. Then he took out the other herbs, put them in one by one, and opened the eighth furnace!

The pill furnace turned red visible to the naked eye, and it didn't even reach an hour, that is, about two sticks of incense. When the whole body of the pill furnace was shaken and the medicinal incense suddenly dispersed, the eighth furnace was successful!

Elder Xu looked into the pill furnace at a glance, and immediately saw that there was a ten-inch piece... Ink Lingxiang, black with purple in color!

"Almost middle-grade!" Elder Xu showed a strange light in his eyes.

Bai Xiaochun also saw the difference between the Mo Lingxiang refined this time, his expression was in a trance, and at this moment he suddenly understood why all the elixir he refined before were low-grade.

"The prescription is not fixed... Only by refining it according to your own needs can you refine... a medium-grade or above elixir!" Bai Xiaochun suddenly felt a sense of openness, and was quite excited. He hadn't waited for the uproar of the people around. With a wave of hands, the ninth furnace was opened!

At this moment, everyone around was short of breath, and everyone was not talking. They were completely shocked. Although they had expected it before, when they saw Bai Xiaochun's success for eight consecutive times, everyone felt unbelievable.

This not only surpassed Zhou Xinqi, but also was no different from Wang Qingshan, who is now a disciple of the inheritance!

Before everyone around him recovered from the shock, Bai Xiaochun's refining medicine was faster this time. It took only one stick of incense. The pill furnace shook violently, and the aroma became more fierce. The ninth furnace... succeeded again. !


"No one has ever beaten it nine times, especially since this is Mo Lingxiang. Although Bai Xiaochun has been thinking about it for a long time, he... But his success rate is just as appalling!!"

Xu Baocai's mind kept buzzing, and he was already completely stunned. Du Lingfei only felt that there was an endless wave in his mind, and couldn't help but think of the scene of grafting plants and trees in Xiaobi.

Han Jianye breathed a sigh of relief. Although there was bitterness, he was no longer mad. If Bai Xiaochun was just a little bit more than him, he would still be more real. But now, he has taken...

"For the last time, Brother Bai has created an unprecedented man, can he... create a miracle!"

"It's worth it this time, even if it's been here for several days, it's worth it!"

Everyone here, at this moment, all focused on Bai Xiaochun's place, their breathing was heavy, and their eyes showed strong expectations. Even Elder Xu kept their eyes intent, and his heart was more shocked.

Soon, Bai Xiaochun moved. With a solemn expression, he took out the last pieces of materials, put them in the pill furnace according to different times and collocations after sorting them one by one.

Time passed, and there was silence around, and even people could hear their own heartbeats. While waiting, after a stick of incense...

A violent roar suddenly came from the pill furnace, and the mist did not disperse at the time of failure, but there was no medicinal fragrance spreading, causing everyone around to raise their hearts.

"Did you fail?" Xu Baocai felt dry.

Bai Xiaochun also froze for a moment, with some guesses in his mind, his eyes suddenly brightened.

At this moment, everyone around immediately saw that there was colored light in the pill furnace, radiating out along the gap. With the emergence of the light, Elder Xu suddenly stepped forward and looked at the whole purple pill furnace. Mo Lingxiang, who was only an inch in size, showed ecstasy in his eyes.


Elder Xu laughed. With a flick of his sleeve, all the pill furnaces, pockets, and the refined Mo Lingxiang were all in the hands of his brain.

"In this assessment, Bai Xiaochun, Han Jianye, Du Lingfei, Chen Ziang, Zhao Yiduo, you and five others have been successfully promoted to medicine apprentices, Bai Xiaochun... first, won five thousand contribution points!"

As soon as his words came out, everyone around him suddenly exploded, and the sound of roar spread all over the place.

"Ten times, all ten times are successful!!"

"The last refining was actually... middle-grade, as a medicine apprentice, I was able to refine a middle-grade elixir!!"

Whether it was Xu Baocai, Du Lingfei, or Han Jianye, everyone was shocked at this moment.

Bai Xiaochun was a little helpless. He hadn't carefully observed the only middle-grade elixir he had refined. At this moment, he was taken away by Elder Xu. After he stood up, he was very dissatisfied. But looking at the other person's appearance, it was clear that there was no possibility for him.

Bai Xiaochun sighed. At this moment, exhausted, she walked down the square, and when everyone around looked at him along the way, their eyes were full of enthusiasm and admiration. At this moment, they naturally saw that the reason why Bai Xiaochun succeeded ten times was not a fluke. The second thought is not something ordinary people can do.

"Congratulations to Brother Bai for creating a miracle and achieving unprecedented success!"

"Brother Bai, admire, admire!"

"Brother Bai, the younger sister is a little puzzled by the vegetation here, can Senior Brother Bai help the younger sister..."

Bai Xiaochun blinked. He was too involved when he was doing alchemy. At this moment, seeing the crowd, he knew that he had made the matter so enthusiastic, but now that the people around him were so enthusiastic, Bai Xiaochun was moved in his heart and hurriedly clasped his fists to everyone.

In my heart, when Little Turtle, he didn't find the opportunity to show off under the attention of all the people, he finally found some feeling of being sought after at this moment.

For those female disciples who asked him to help, Bai Xiaochun nodded in agreement without hesitation, and reminded those disciples who called himself Senior Brother Bai that he was called Bai Xiaochun, for fear that others would not know.

When he was proud, he suddenly saw a young man in the crowd staring at him fiercely. Bai Xiaochun recognized at a glance that the other party was actually one of Zhou Xinqi’s admirers. He immediately changed his expression and found that he was not good at the other side, so he hurriedly squeezed out. , Leave quickly.

Bai Xiaochun trot all the way, and when he returned to his wooden house, he only felt dizzy. After several days of refining medicine, he was exhausted and fell asleep on the ground.

This time I slept for two days.

At noon on the third day, Bai Xiaochun opened his eyes, his exhaustion and dizziness were wiped out. He remembered that the only middle-grade elixir he had refined was taken away by Elder Xu. Bai Xiaochun sighed and checked it out. I felt slightly relieved after I had five thousand more contribution points in my identity token.

With the contribution point, Bai Xiaochun was going to continue to refine medicine and practice his immortality longevity, so he went out and exchanged seven or eight prescriptions at the sect, choosing one of them to replenish vitality, and changing a lot of herbs.

The process was very fast, but he was frightened. Now that some people along the way saw him, their expressions changed. There was even an admirer of Zhou Xinqi. After seeing him, he sneered and took out the jade slip as if he was transmitting the sound. .

Bai Xiaochun became nervous. After changing the herbs, he didn't return to the yard, but went straight to the medicine refining pavilion. With the remaining contribution points, he bought it for a year and got in.

"This time I'm careless... Hmph, when I come out, I won't die after I come out. Some people come to provoke me, come and I will pinch one, come ten... I'll go find the palm seat!" Bai Xiaochun snorted coldly. In the room of the spirit medicine pavilion, he was not going out, and began to concoct medicine.

He could also guess that during the two sleepy days, the events related to his promotion to the medicine apprentice would gradually spread. It was conceivable that it would not take long before it would spread throughout the Xiangyun Mountain.

In fact, this is indeed the case. At this moment in the sect, some people have suspected that Bai Xiaochun... is the little tortoise!

Otherwise, how could it be such a coincidence that all the plants and spirit beasts are all great, especially Bai Xiaochun who refined the middle grade, and he was promoted to refining medicine for all ten times.

Zhou Xinqi’s admirers were even more dispatched. Even Du Lingfei’s admirers joined in, but they didn’t expect that Bai Xiaochun was so vigilant that he did not return to his residence, but stayed in the medicine refining pavilion, especially when they trusted him. After people inquired that Bai Xiaochun actually bought a year of refining medicine, everyone was annoyed.

It’s just that they didn’t dare to enter the medicine refining pavilion, and Bai Xiaochun’s identity also made them a little hesitant. After all, for such a disciple, they didn’t dare to really take Bai Xiaochun about it. Regardless, after all, the skills are not as good as people, and I can't blame others.

But at the moment there is no other way, everyone can only leave with hatred, but there is a numb-faced young man in the crowd.

"Thinking to hide here, I can't do anything with you? I just hit my cousin Chen Fei. I also bullied my beloved Junior Sister Zhou, and bullied my favorite Junior Sister Du, even the one I recently fell in love with. Junior Sister Hou always has you in her mouth, Bai Xiaochun, although you have some aptitude for plants and trees, it is not difficult for me to kill you!" The young man sneered in his heart. He is the inner disciple of Qian, Qian Dajin!

Bai Xiaochun was in the room of the medicine refining pavilion, leisurely and freely, every day either refining medicine or practicing the immortal longevity gong. As the days passed, his immortal longevity gong was advancing by leaps and bounds.

The skin of the whole body is tougher, and the strength and strength are better than before.

"In two more days, my immortal iron skin will be completely finished!" Bai Xiaochun took a deep breath, his eyes revealed high spirits.

But on this evening, suddenly, a blue light flew out from the sect mission and went straight to the Spirit Medicine Pavilion, ignoring the protection of the attic, and instantly appeared in the room where Bai Xiaochun was.

Bai Xiaochun was taken aback, and after a closer look, it was a token!

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