A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 2: Wang Baole, what have you done!


At midnight, the moon and stars are sparse.

It's still Chiyun Rainforest, but it's a little more shaded at night. Occasionally, you can see some rivers where rainwater gathers. It's bright under the moonlight, but the violent chirping of birds and animals from time to time makes people unable to help but rise. disturbed.

At this moment, in a corner of the rain forest, beside a river, under the moonlight, two girls, although they were embarrassed, could be seen, but pure, tall and cute, Spring Orchid and Autumn Chrysanthemum. Among them, the tall girl was nervous and alert, while the lovely Jiao'e took off her underwear, revealing her snow-white skin. She was frowning and cleaning the abrasions on her armpits, with confusion in her eyes as she whispered softly.

"Du Min, it's been three days, and we don't know when the rescuers will come. We are running out of food in the camp."

The tall girl who was called Du Min was silent after hearing this. For them, their entire lives had changed in the past three days. Three days ago they were students at Piao Miao Taoist Academy, but three days later they were trapped here, with crises hidden everywhere.

This cloud forest looks beautiful, but in fact the ground is damp and rotten, animal bones are sometimes exposed, and there are many centipedes more than a foot long and colorful snakes, which makes people's scalp numb. In addition, since the Spiritual Era, there have been various ferocious beasts that have transformed as fast as humans. They are extremely powerful and extremely ferocious, making the wilderness a forbidden area for people.

But at this moment, when the two girls were feeling bitter, under a big tree not far from them, there was a little fat man standing there full of dissatisfaction, raising his head to urinate.

This little fat man was Wang Baole. He didn't notice the two girls who were cleaning their wounds, nor did he look at a small flower on the ground under his feet that was originally slim and swaying messily under the pressure of the water flow...

"Damn it, I, Wang Baole, claim to be an observer of words and emotions in vain. I can see through all kinds of people's hearts in the world... I didn't expect that I would be plotted by Piaomiao Taoist Academy!"

"This Piaomiao Taoist Temple is so thief. It acted just like the real thing. In order to make us believe it, everyone actually saw the spaceship explode!" Wang Baole was furious in his heart. In fact, these three days were also shocking to him. .

Three days ago, he and his classmates fell asleep unknowingly in the spiritual cultivation room. They were awakened by a huge roar. Before he could think too much, his body was pushed out of the airship by an impact force. Fortunately, the spiritual cultivation suit itself had a buffer. With the function of lightning protection, he barely landed in the rain forest, but he witnessed the airship collapse and explode in the thunderstorm.

In the next three days, Wang Baole and others were scattered in the jungle. The lack of food, the ferocity of wild beasts, and the confusion and fear of the future made all the students more or less reveal some of their true nature under this great change. , some people work together, some work alone, some are decisive, and some are cowardly.

Although the law of the jungle is too sudden for students like them who have just entered the Piaomiao Taoist Academy, under this big change, it seems that the buds have been stimulated, whether it is greed or cruelty, whether it is selflessness or kindness, they are all suppressed. Amplify out of thin air.

"Shameless!" Wang Baole muttered in his heart. He really thought all this was real three days ago. He was so frightened that even if he met his mortal enemy Du Min again, he still endured it and stayed in his camp. .

Until now, three days have passed. When he was not full, he used the physical measurement function of his sound transmission ring and found that he had miraculously lost six or seven kilograms of weight. He was shocked and became suspicious.

Wang Baole's experience is really unique. In order to lose weight, he almost didn't eat or drink for a month and exercised like crazy. But for some reason, instead of losing weight, he gained three kilograms!

Now he has lost six or seven pounds in three days. This is simply impossible for him!

In particular, he recalled that when he saw someone lamenting their Taoist career in the autobiographies of some high-ranking officials, he had vaguely mentioned that it seemed that the Taoist Academy would have so-called freshman assessments every once in a while.

If Wang Baole hadn't studied thoroughly, it would have been difficult to notice this. Now that he thought about it, although he didn't know how the Piaomiao Taoist Academy could achieve such lifelikeness, it was most likely that it was a matter of a hundred degrees of detail. Metabolism is used as the construction standard, and I am obviously not a normal person...

He was 50% sure that everything in front of him should be illusory.

The evidence that made him truly and completely sure of his judgment was the half-black mask in his arms that had been returned by the old doctor!

Thinking of this, Wang Baole, who was peeing, couldn't help but look down at his chest, feeling an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.

In fact, he clearly remembered that before stepping into the spiritual cultivation room, he put half of the black mask in his arms casually. After that, he had no time to pay attention to it when he was in danger. Until not long ago, he accidentally discovered that although the mask looked It seems like normal, but in fact, it can be penetrated with a hand, as if it can never be touched.

It's like this is an illusory world that can simulate all things, but it's difficult to analyze its structure and reshape its essence.

Even as time passed, even its external shape began to become illusory, and some blurry handwriting emerged.

Although it was difficult to see clearly, the change in this mask made Wang Baole's original 50% confidence become 100%!

Analyzing according to this idea, if this is an assessment based on a false disaster, it is not difficult to guess the direction of the assessment.

"It can't be to see who is strong and who is weak. After all, everyone has not been exposed to ancient martial arts yet, so the purpose of this assessment can only be to test the character of the mind in times of crisis, and perhaps to test the confidence in the Taoist Academy?" Wang Baole urinates while peeing While urinating, my mind kept spinning, and I had a few urinary tremors from time to time.

When the little flower in front of him became more and more messy, Wang Baole's breathing became slightly rapid. He felt that it was necessary to seize this opportunity to add points to himself.

"That's it!" Thinking of this, Wang Baole shook vigorously and was about to pull up his pants, but suddenly, he saw the river not far away.

Under the moonlight, although Du Min was standing there, Wang Baole no longer had her in his eyes, only a cute girl who was cleaning her wounds.

"There is actually a humanoid ferocious beast!" Wang Baole's eyes widened suddenly, he took a breath, and his heart beat faster. But just after taking a look, Du Min, who was alert to the surroundings, seemed to be aware of it. When he looked, his eyes couldn't help but meet with Wang Baole's. They looked at each other for a moment, then their expressions changed drastically, but before she could scream, Wang Baole's eyes widened, he lifted up his pants and yelled first.

"What are you looking at? I've never seen a man pee!"

As soon as he spoke, Du Min felt that all her words were choked back by Wang Baole's words, and she was shaking with anger. She had only seen such a shameless person like Wang Baole in her whole life, and she couldn't help but curse.

"Damn fat man, you are considered a man!"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Baole almost lost his temper. He and the venomous Du Min had been sworn enemies since childhood. They disliked each other, but they were both in the same class, and now they were admitted to the university together. In Piaomiao Taoist Temple, Wang Baole took a deep breath and snorted.

"Damn it, you are considered a woman!"

When Du Min heard this, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood, and veins bulged on his forehead. Just as he was about to rush over, Wang Baole let out a long sigh.

"My innocent body is clearly visible to you. How will I behave in the future?" He looked helpless. He picked up his pants, turned around and ran away. His heart was pounding faster, and his back was covered with cold sweat. I secretly thought that it was a good thing that I reacted quickly, otherwise it would have been dangerous.

Seeing that Wang Baole was about to escape, Du Min's eyes widened and he quickly chased after him. After that, the cute Jiao'e in the creek looked confused after hearing the vicious exchanges between the two, unaware that she was possessed by Wang Baole. It was cheap. When she saw Du Min chasing him out, she put on her clothes and quickly chased after him with a blush.

At this moment, with Du Min's angry scolding, the peace of the rain forest was broken. In the direction of their temporary camp in the jungle ahead, a crowd of people heard the sound and rushed quickly, blocking Wang Baole's road.

The person in charge is a young man in white clothes. This young man holds a torch, has a tall body, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He is very conspicuous in the crowd. There are many students surrounding him, obviously he is the leader.

This person was none other than Liu Daobin, who had united everyone in the group camp where Wang Baole was in the past three days and showed his personal charm.

"Wang Baole, what did you do!" Liu Daobin saw at a glance that Du Min and the two girls were chasing him angrily from a distance, and Wang Baole, who was being chased by them, was fastening his pants as he walked... This strange scene left Liu Daobin stunned. After a moment, he realized that he had long been interested in Du Min, and now he instinctively disliked Wang Baole.

"I just peed..." Before Wang Baole could finish his words, a strong scream suddenly came from Du Min and Du Min who were running from a distance.

The moment the sound appeared, a fishy smell filled the place in the blink of an eye, and a rustling sound was like a tide, spreading as fast as a storm.

Wang Baole turned his head suddenly. At the same time, the expressions of Liu Daobin and other students changed. In their eyes, around Du Min and the cute girl in the distance, on the forest floor and on the branches, at this moment, there appeared Countless snakes!

Those snakes were colorful and poisonous, and there were so many of them that they looked like a sea of snakes from a distance, tightly surrounding Du Min and the two of them.

Looking at the countless venomous snakes around them, the two goddesses changed their expressions, especially since they had opened their mouths full of venomous fangs, and the venom flowed down, making a hissing sound, and the fishy smell was disgusting.

Liu Daobin's body was shaken and he didn't have time to pay attention to Wang Baole. He rushed towards Du Min directly, followed by some students with red eyes who quickly stepped forward to rescue him.

All this happened too fast, and just when everyone was about to come forward to rescue, suddenly, from the jungle ground in the distance, a baby's cry was heard that shocked the mind, and there was a red line as thick as an arm, even in the dark night. It was extremely clear, unfolded at an astonishing speed, and headed straight for this place.

From time to time, the body leaped out, revealing a pale head. It no longer looked like a snake's head, it was clearly the face of a baby, but the eyes revealed a rage that made everyone's hearts pound.

"Red bones and white baby snake!!" Someone among the students recognized it, panicked, exclaimed, and all backed away.

Liu Daobin's scalp was about to explode, his hairs stood on end, and his heart was trembling wildly. This red-bone white baby snake was so famous that it was listed among the Thousand Evils of the Federation's Lingyuan Era. Although this snake's body was fragile, its speed was not the ultimate. However, it is so toxic that if you touch it, it will instantly turn into blood, leaving only a red bone, hence the name.

Even though he loved Du Min from the bottom of his heart, if he died because of this, he instinctively felt that the gain was not worth the loss, so he subconsciously retreated and stayed away, fearing that the red-bone, white-infant snake would kill them all too.

Wang Baole took a breath when he saw this scene, but then he immediately realized that everything was actually false. He immediately felt relaxed, his eyes lit up, and he secretly thought that the time for him to show off in front of the teacher had come.

"It's all fake anyway, I'm afraid of a bird." Thinking of this, Wang Baole suddenly puffed up his chest and looked at the classmates who had escaped, with deep contempt in his eyes.

"Although Du Min is a sharp-tongued and ugly girl who always uses his power to make things difficult for me, I, Wang Baole, am a noble person, an upright person, a person who is not afraid of sacrifice, and a person who has escaped from vulgarity. A person, a person who is beneficial to his classmates!"

"How can I, Wang Baole, retreat in such a dangerous environment? Others dare not go there for fear of death, but... for the sake of my classmates, I dare!"

This shameless fat man is almost moved by his words at this moment. Has he really forgotten that this is a false world? But he preferred to act as if he had forgotten all about it, and became intoxicated there, as if only this place was real and could be worthy of his bravery.

"Ban'er, today I'm going to show you what it means to be a man!"

At this moment when everyone retreated due to fear, Wang Baole not only did not retreat, but instead let out a loud roar. He pursed his lips and raised his chin, as if his round face at this moment was as sharp as a knife. Full of masculine aura, the dragon walks like a tiger and rushes into the group of snakes like a broken bamboo.

The majestic and majestic figure seemed to represent justice, heading straight towards the two daughters of Du Min!

This scene immediately stunned Du Min. Even though he was among a group of snakes, he still felt strongly uncomfortable, but the lovely Jiao'e beside her couldn't help but get excited.

As for the others, they were all frightened by Wang Baole's roar and momentum. They watched the red-bone white baby snake approaching Du Min and the two girls. It suddenly approached, as if a god came and grabbed the red-bone white baby snake that everyone revered. The baby snake was thrown away fiercely.

At this moment, he exuded a mighty and domineering aura, as if possessed by a saint, and his righteousness spread in all directions. Then without any pause, he hugged the excited and lovely Jiao'e, and pinched the stunned Du Min. Under the arm, straight towards the crowd and galloping back.

But there were too many snakes around, so he was bitten on the butt several times while going back and forth. When he came back, his complexion had turned black, but he gritted his teeth to hold on until Du Min and the two girls were safely sent back. Then he staggered, lost strength, and fell down.

"I seem to be a little impulsive... My butt hurts so much, it proves that a real man has to work hard." Wang Baole felt sad in his heart, seeing that Du Min was still looking at him as if he was stupid, while the lovely Jiao'e had a strange look in her eyes. He was grateful, and everyone around him looked like he had seen a ghost. Although his eyelids were a little heavy, he still felt a little proud in his heart.

However, the wound on his butt suddenly turned from pain to numbness, so Wang Baole quickly grabbed Du Min's little hand.

"Du Min, I owe you a life-saving favor. I can't feel the existence of my butt now. I heard that snake venom can be saved if it is sucked out. Please help me..." Before he could finish, Wang Baole said seriously. Unable to help being dizzy, he tilted his head and was about to rest on Du Min's chest, but suddenly he realized something and forcefully changed his direction and landed on the lovely Jiao'e's breasts.

Seeing this scene, everyone around them had strange expressions. Du Min's face turned dark when he saw that Wang Baole looked disgusted even when he was unconscious.

At this moment, in the federal territory, far away from Chiyun Rainforest, and getting closer and closer to Piaomiao Taoist Temple, in the sky, in a red airship, hundreds of students were sleeping quietly in the spiritual cultivation room, and Wang Baole was also inside, seemingly He had sweet dreams, tilted his head, and had a smile of enjoyment on his lips.

In the main pavilion of the airship, all the teachers, including the old doctor, were stunned and opened their eyes wide, looking at one of the many crystal images that appeared in front of them.

In that scene, it was Wang Baole who was in a coma after saving Du Min in the Chiyun Rainforest.

"What's this little fat guy's name!"

"Although it is a dream maze, it is exactly the same as reality. His expression in it is his true character!"

"So brave, so fearless in order to save his classmates, this child is a great talent that can only be found in a century! He is the outstanding student that our Taoist Academy most desires!!"

After a long while, all the teachers exclaimed and looked at Wang Baole with admiration. Some teachers were already moved and were considering whether to directly recruit Wang Baole to join their department.

Even the old doctor, the head of the Piaomiao Taoist Academy, was a little dumbfounded. He hesitated in his heart and felt that something was wrong.

"Did I really make a mistake?" While pondering, he simply took out Wang Baole's copy from the student file and lowered his head to read it. ���

Another 5,000-word chapter!

Companionship is the longest confession of love. Dear gentlemen, can you protect three inches of the world and let her become a shocking guest in the world from the three inches of snow on the eaves!

Please collect and recommend!

(End of chapter)