A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 69: Unrivaled in splendor!


Wuzhi Mountain is located at the boundary between the core and edge areas of the Chiyun Rainforest. There is a river flowing through the mountain stream between the third and fourth peaks, passing through the entire rainforest.

From time to time, some big fish full of sharp thorns break through the water in the river, causing a lot of splashes and then falling back down again. From a distance, it seems that there is a certain danger.

Looking at the river, Wang Baole was very moved. After setting the airship to a floating state, he stood by the railing and looked down at the five-finger-like peaks in the Chiyun Rainforest.

Although he was in a bad state at the moment, since he had already arrived near the ruins, Wang Baole was a little unwilling to go in and take a look, so he pondered for a while, and Wang Baole showed determination in his eyes.

"Just go over and take a look. If there is an irresistible risk, come back immediately." Thinking of this, Wang Baole took a deep breath, controlled the airship to fall, and after it was in a low-altitude floating state, he turned on the airship's protection and gave the black-clothed man a The middle-aged man kicked the opponent in the head, making the other party dizzy for a longer period of time. Then his body swayed and he jumped directly from the airship.

After experiencing this jungle massacre, Wang Baole's ruthlessness and decisiveness seemed to have been sharpened and became more and more obvious. As soon as his body fell down, he rolled forward without hesitation and got into the jungle.

His movements are smooth and fluid, and he is very skillful. If an outsider were here, he would definitely see a round body jumping extremely nimbly, leaving no trace in the jungle.

After all, in that life-and-death crisis, Wang Baole gained a lot of experience in walking in the jungle, not to mention extremely rich.

At this moment, Wang Baole, who was walking rapidly in the jungle, looked around from time to time. His body sometimes stopped, sometimes accelerated and jumped up, not in a straight line, but in an arc, slowly approaching Wuzhi Mountain.

From the sky, he saw that the Five Fingers Mountain was not very big, but now that he was approaching it from the ground, the mountain was very majestic in front of him. It looked like five fingers and five sharp swords. The peaks were so steep that they seemed to reach the sky.

"According to my father, the entrance to the ruins here is a cave, inside the rock wall under the third mountain peak." Wang Baole narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his head, and gradually approached Wuzhi Mountain.

As he got closer, he saw a lot of excrement from birds and animals. It was these excrements that strengthened Wang Baole's confidence. In his opinion, it was obvious that birds and animals often inhabited or stayed here for a short time. Generally speaking, this was the case. The place is not a deserted place, so the danger will be much less.

Not long after, Wang Baole set foot on the first mountain peak. He climbed even faster along the mountain road and approached the third mountain peak. In fact, he could control the airship to get here, but the mountains here were high and the airship could only float higher. , can be seen from a long distance, not very safe.

Therefore, Wang Baole would rather let the airship be a little farther away and float at low altitude over the rain forest, so that he could easily hide his traces.

"I'll just take a look and leave immediately if there is any danger..." The closer he got here, the more wary Wang Baole became. At this moment, his speed slowly slowed down. After gradually climbing to the third mountain peak, he lowered his head and looked down. You can see the river flowing under the mountain peaks and the big fish jumping out of the water from time to time.

"If it falls..." Wang Baole quickly gave up the idea, grabbed the stone beside him, and looked around. After comparing the position mentioned by his father, his eyes narrowed and locked on the middle of the rock wall of the third peak. Above the river, there is a large tree rooted in the rock cracks and growing diagonally.

Next to the tree, there was a large gap. This gap... was the entrance to the ruins discovered by the archaeological team where Wang Baole's father belonged.

"The archaeological team is so powerful. The ruins are so deep that they can find them." After noticing the cracks, Wang Baole was a little surprised. If it had been him, he might not have thought that this was the entrance.

"Isn't it because my father was drunk and deceived me..." Wang Baole hesitated for a moment, feeling that he was his biological son after all, and his father would not be so unreliable, so he cautiously climbed up the rock wall there. past.

Fortunately, Wang Baole's cultivation has reached the Pulse Replenishing Realm, especially because he has a bite seed in his body, which emits suction under his control, which makes his progress on the rock wall very stable. Just like this, as Gradually approaching, Wang Baole slowly came to the side of the tree and near the entrance of the gap.

Without going in immediately, Wang Baole poked around and observed carefully, then pressed hard with both hands, jumped up, and turned directly into the crack.

As soon as he arrived here, there was a cool breeze blowing from the gap. Wang Baole took a deep breath, pressed against the rock wall, and carefully walked forward along the gap.

"Is this gap slanted?" After walking a few steps, Wang Baole looked back, especially at the surrounding rock walls. He found that the crack did not appear to appear naturally, but more like something from the sky fell. Directly penetrates this mountain to form.

"After being hit and penetrated by a foreign object, this mountain is still intact..." Wang Baole felt a little incredible. After thinking about it, he continued to move forward, but until he reached the end of the crack, he didn't see any clues.

Even at the end, he saw a large pit that was dozens of feet in size, but the surrounding area was clean, not to mention any debris, not even bird and animal feces.

"Either my father deceived me, or...their archaeological team was too dedicated and moved very thoroughly!" Wang Baole stood in the deep pit and looked around, feeling very depressed.

Especially when he thought that he had walked cautiously all the way, but found nothing, he couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Unwilling to accept it, Wang Baole searched carefully around again, finally sighed, gave up the search, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Wang Baole suddenly stopped and looked back at the big pit. After thinking about it, he took out the black mask from the storage bracelet and wanted to get to the center of the big pit to compare and confirm. Is this the same thing that hit here

But the moment he took out the black mask, suddenly, for the first time outside the dream, the mask emitted a bright light. The light was colorful and spread instantly, reflecting the surrounding rock walls.

This scene startled Wang Baole. He quickly stepped back, but after only taking three steps, he suddenly stopped. His eyes were staring directly at the top of the pit. At this moment, due to the spread of the mask's light, for some unknown reason, a strange sound was produced. … It’s like a projected image!

In that picture, there were countless corpses. The corpses were male and female, old and young, both human and animal. This was obviously a battlefield!

The battlefield was extremely wide, and there was even a huge statue that was broken everywhere. Even if it was just a picture, Wang Baole seemed to smell the amazing smell of blood emanating from it after seeing it.

The sky in the picture seemed to be rendered red, and one could even see huge handprints falling from the sky towards the earth.

Faintly, you can still see several huge suns in the red sky. At this moment, they are extinguishing their light one by one. And at the top of the sky, there is a huge face. This face cannot be seen clearly. From this appearance, one could only see the incomparable coldness and indifference in his eyes, looking at a figure surrounded and protected by the crowd among the few people still standing on the ground.

It was a woman's figure, wearing a... black mask!

Even though he was wearing a mask, the moment he saw this woman, only four words came to Wang Baole's mind.

Unrivaled in splendor!

There was unyieldingness and tenacity in this woman's eyes, and she was even more determined to kill her even if she was a god. When she raised her head and stared at the face of the sky, her right hand slowly raised, and there was an ancient bronze sword. , seemed to be transformed from nothingness, with endless killing intent, and the moment it appeared, it was like the sky was changing, the heaven and the earth were roaring, it was as if time had frozen at this moment... Only the ancient bronze sword was floating beside her. .

The moment he saw this sword, Wang Baole's eyes almost dropped. His whole body was as if struck by thunder. His mind was buzzing. As the light of the black mask dissipated, the picture in front of him blurred for an instant until it dissipated. The cave Everything inside is restored to its original state.

Wang Baole's expression changed and his breathing became confused. He stood there for a long time and then left in despair. When he left, he was still murmuring in his mouth, his voice filled with disbelief and shock.

"This sword... this sword..." Wang Baole, who walked outside the crack, suddenly raised his head and looked at the sword sun in the sky. He felt incredible and at the same time indescribable shock.

With this uncontrollable mood, Wang Baole returned to the airship and sat there for a long time. Then he took a deep breath to calm down a little and controlled the airship to gradually go away.

He couldn't notice that a gaze fell on his airship at this moment. After watching the airship disappear into the horizon, he slowly looked back...

The owner of the gaze was standing at the crack of Wuzhishan Mountain. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, his face could not be seen. He could only see his white robe and... his flowing white hair.

Behind him, a black mist floated, and within the mist was a young man with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks.

Beside him, there was a mosquito flying silently.

(End of chapter)