A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 96: Extreme joy brings sorrow


"The spirit root can also act like a ghost?" Wang Baole stared at the illusory figure who was laughing. He was a little suspicious, but not too afraid. After all, before coming here, he used the jade slip given by the master to learn about the true breath spirit root. With a certain degree of understanding, I know that they have spiritual intelligence.

At this moment, he was about to take a few steps forward to take a closer look, but at this moment, the illusory figure seemed to be aware of it, and turned around suddenly... revealing a face without facial features, and seven inches of roots leaking out of its body.

"Seven inches." Wang Baole was immediately discouraged. He knew that what he was looking for now was a one-inch spiritual root that was destined to him.

"I didn't think it was that difficult when I came here, but now that I have experienced it, it is too difficult." Wang Baole scratched his head and sighed as he was about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, suddenly, the faceless Qi He had no spiritual roots, but after seeing Wang Baolin, his body emitted light, his face immediately blurred, and his body expanded rapidly.

"Huh?" This scene made Wang Baole stunned for a moment. He watched helplessly as the seven-inch spiritual root actually became rounder in just a few breaths, facial features appeared on his face, and even his clothes were covered by it. Transformed into reality, and finally...became exactly like himself!

Seeing this, Wang Baole's eyes suddenly brightened and he became excited.

Although he knew from the jade slip given by the headmaster that once the true breath chooses a destined person, it will take action against him, and he can only absorb it after breaking it up.

But if you encounter a high-level spiritual root that you don't have the foundation to absorb, even if it is broken up, because it cannot be absorbed, the opponent will regroup instantly and will always be entangled...

But to a certain extent, this is also a good thing. If the spiritual roots are entangled, it means that they will never leave. When the foundation of absorption is reached, they will absorb it.

"Haha, you really have a good eye! You know that I am the most handsome in this assessment, so you chose me, right?" Wang Baole laughed proudly, and immediately backed away, trying to attract the spiritual roots to chase him, almost in front of him. The moment Wang Baole stepped back, the seven-inch spiritual root flashed in his eyes, roared, and rushed towards him. The two of them were bombarded together in an instant. When the sound spread in all directions, the seven-inch spiritual root was blasted dozens of feet away by Wang Baole. , Wang Baole himself also took a few steps back, feeling secretly shocked.

"This seven-inch spiritual root is so powerful!"

Wang Baole was shocked in his heart. He knew that with his current fighting power, the punch just now might not be able to be withstood by a martial arts school, but this seven-inch spiritual root actually resisted him. Although he was still knocked away by him, he could not resist it. The force of the shock also made Wang Baole's internal organs tremble several times.

"Anyone else would probably not be able to bear this, but I can persevere." Wang Baole immediately ran and galloped out of the jungle. There was a roar behind him, and the seven-inch spiritual root that was destined to him quickly pursued him.

"Come on, little spiritual root, I'm here, come and chase me!" Wang Baole was afraid that the seven-inch spiritual root would be lost, so he shouted out from time to time to attract the other person's attention.

Just like that, the two of them were outside the jungle, one running and the other chasing, sometimes punching and shouting, making a lot of noise.

While running all the way, Wang Baole felt proud in his heart. Every time he looked back and saw himself chasing him, he felt that the other person was extremely handsome and felt happy in his heart. Even the voice of calling him was full of joy.

"Handsome little Linggen, come on, don't be discouraged, you will catch up with me soon!"

As if stimulated by Wang Baole's voice, the roar of the seven-inch spiritual root became more intense and the speed became much faster.

"I'm here, come on, come on..."

Soon, as Wang Baole's running area expanded, there were also some students from the Fourth Avenue Academy nearby. They heard Wang Baole's voice first, and when they felt strange, they saw Wang Baole rushing past, and other students. The seven-inch spiritual root behind him couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Seven-inch spiritual root!! What kind of luck does this fat man have? He actually met a seven-inch spiritual root that he is destined to have!"

"Oh my God, there are not many Seven-inch Spirits at all. It's just a matter of meeting this guy, but he is actually the one who is destined to be with him... Such luck!"

"He actually led the seven-inch spiritual root to follow him. This method is mostly used under five inches. The combat power of the seven-inch spiritual root is already extremely strong. He is playing with fire."

It would have been fine if he was just being chased by the seven-inch spiritual root, but the tone and expression of Wang Baole calling for the spiritual root were too strange and even a bit mean, so everyone who saw it felt strange...

As Wang Baole galloped all the way, he encountered more students from the Fourth Avenue Academy. Everyone was shocked when they saw Wang Baole and the seven-inch spiritual root following behind him.

Among them were students from the Piaomiao Taoist Academy. After seeing Wang Baole whizzing by and the spiritual roots that transformed him, they were all shocked and envious.

"As expected of the top three students in the Law and Arms Department of our Piao Miao Dao Academy, he is just extraordinary. Even his seduction spiritual roots are different!"

Wang Baole noticed most of the expressions and comments of the people he met on the way, and felt even more proud in his heart. He thought that he was really too powerful. With these seven-inch spiritual roots following him, he was much better than the others. Big advantage.

"It would be great if I could meet another six-inch spiritual root." When Wang Baole was feeling comfortable, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be an illusory figure flashing past in a valley in front of him, so his eyes lit up and he ran away quickly In the past, he wanted to try his luck, but the moment he appeared in the valley, he saw three illusory figures with spiritual roots floating away...

The three figures with spiritual roots seemed to be aware of it. Their footsteps that were about to drift away suddenly stopped, and they all turned around. When they looked at Wang Baole, they suddenly trembled, and their bodies swelled directly, and their faces were distorted. In Wang Baole's face, Incredibly, these three spiritual roots quickly transformed into his appearance!

"Three five-inches!!" Wang Baole was stunned. He looked at the three five-inch spiritual roots that had transformed into his own and were roaring towards him. He felt that everything in front of him was a bit unbelievable.

"Everyone likes me no matter what, and they are all destined to me!" Wang Baole took a deep breath. Although he was pleasantly surprised, he still felt that something was wrong. But at this moment, he had no time to think about it. Seven inches of spiritual roots were chasing him behind him, so he hurriedly swayed and galloped. Behind him, one seven-inch, three five-inch, and a total of four fat men transformed into his appearance, all roaring and running in pursuit.

"Is it really because I'm so handsome?" Wang Baole was surprised. Even if he felt something was wrong, he was still more happy and proud, but... not long after this pride persisted, Wang Baole panicked.

Really... it was enough to follow four spiritual roots, but what made Wang Baole himself feel crazy was that during the next run, he encountered some more spiritual roots, and any spiritual root that saw Wang Baole , will instantly change into his appearance and immediately run to chase him.

At the end, Wang Baole felt that his scalp was going numb. You must know that the number of fat men chasing him behind him reached more than thirty... Most of them were over three inches long, and they all had red eyes. They were constantly roaring and crazy. pursuit.

"What's going on!!" Wang Baole was frightened. At this moment, he no longer felt any joy. Instead, he felt that this scene was weird and shocking, especially the spiritual roots behind him. Each one was so powerful that even a single blow would kill him. It was very painful. When more than thirty of them joined together, they became even more majestic. When they ran on the ground, they made a sound like thunder.

As the sound spread, it actually attracted more spiritual roots to appear. After seeing Wang Baole, they all immediately transformed... The number continued to rise, until it reached hundreds! !

"Oh my god!!" Wang Baole was shocked, especially since these spiritual roots could not be destroyed. He also tried to kill them, but he couldn't kill them at all. Every time they dissipated, they would regroup instantly...

As a result, Wang Baole broke into cold sweat. The thought of being surrounded by hundreds of people once he stopped made him feel extremely weird.

"There must be something wrong. Damn it, among the hundreds of spiritual roots, why are there none under three inches? I want one inch of spiritual roots!!" Wang Baole became anxious, and moved faster, with the number behind him still increasing. A large group of fat people were running wildly in Lingxi Township.

Because the noise was so loud, it gradually attracted more people's attention. All the students who saw this scene opened their eyes wide and took a breath. This scene was really shocking!

"This... what kind of qualification is this!!"

"This fat man's talent is so incredible that so many spiritual roots are destined to him!!"

The spiritual roots behind Wang Baole seemed to have formed an army, and they were constantly pursuing him. The jungle seemed to be crushed wherever he passed...

In desperation, Wang Baole sighed again and again. As time went by, the number of spiritual roots behind him increased again, reaching hundreds. There were even many spiritual roots on the way that were originally destined to others, and they had already passed away. They changed the appearance of each other and were fighting with each other. But after seeing Wang Baole, they immediately reversed course. As if they had rebelled, they directly transformed into Wang Baole and joined the chasing team.

For a while, many people in the Four Avenues Courtyard have suffered greatly. What Wang Baole has done by "leading the army" has already caused wrath and resentment. Wang Baole cannot care about these things. He is more anxious than anyone else at the moment, searching frantically. An inch of spiritual root.

It was also at this time that there was a depression in front of Wang Baole who was running wildly. At this moment, Li Yi, the natural fire spirit from Bailu Taoist Temple, had just subdued an inch of true breath that had transformed into her own. Her little face was filled with excitement. There was a bright color in his eyes as he looked at the figure who looked exactly like himself.

It took her a long time to find this inch of true breath. After subduing him, Li Yi became intoxicated looking at the other person's beautiful face and couldn't help but go up and kiss him...

But the moment her lips fell, the ground shook, and from one side... the round Wang Baole, with a group of fat men, galloped past!

(End of chapter)