Abe the Wizard

Chapter 119: The kindness of the great prince


His Highness Leander George's eyes tightened. As an important member of the royal family, he certainly knew who that brand represented. It was the guardian wizard of the principality and the strongest guardian wizard in the principality. The magic tower identity card of the intermediate wizard Morton .

How could Abel have the identity card of Morton Magic Tower? According to the information given by the royal family's intelligence system, Abel should be a wizard apprentice in Evelyn Magic Tower.

If this is the case, then the original compensation will need to be changed. His Royal Highness Leander George, who is about to become the king, does not care about the amount of compensation. The key is to be able to tighten the relationship with Wizard Morton. This is the most important thing. To help strengthen his position, if Wizard Morton could show up and support him, he wouldn't have to go out with so many guards.

"Dear Baron Abel, there are some small changes regarding compensation!" His Highness Leander George said to Abel with a smile.

Abel frowned slightly. Could it be that His Highness the Great Prince really came here to reduce compensation? The principality was already so poor

"It's like this. I originally planned to compensate you for a manor, but I think it's not very good. I'm going to compensate you for the Good Winery to express the royal family's apology to you!" His Royal Highness Leander George continued.

Of course Abel has heard of Goode Winery. This winery is also famous throughout the Principality of Kamai. It is one of the best wineries in the Principality. There are many Goode red wines produced in Abel's Triumph Avenue residence. collect.

"Your Highness, you are so generous!" Abel thanked him sincerely.

"As long as you are satisfied, dear Baron Abel!" His Royal Highness Leander George saw the smile on Abel's face and knew that the compensation was very recognized by the other party, but this compensation had far exceeded the original compensation.

"Then in front of the goddess of justice and order, there will be no more conflicts between us. I hope we can get along as friends!" His Highness Leander George looked at Abel extending his right hand forward, and then turned to look at the two of them. The chief judge said.

"Your Highness, there is no more conflict between us. I will be honored to be your friend!" Abel also extended his right hand forward, and their right arms met in the air and touched together.

"Under the justice of the goddess of justice and order, the ceremony is established!" Su Rong, one of the chief judges, said.

This compensation ceremony in front of the goddess of justice and order is a very recognized way in this society to resolve conflicts between each other. After the ceremony, neither party is allowed to bring up the previous grudges.

"I will no longer accompany you, dear Baron Abel!" His Highness Leandre George saw that the matter had been resolved and had received Abel's understanding, so he said goodbye.

"His Royal Highness the Great Prince, I would like to send you off!" Abel said with a farewell gift.

Although His Royal Highness Leander George left, the middle-aged man who led Abel stayed. The next step was for him to hand over the wine to Ken, and Goode Winery changed its owner within a quarter of an hour.

Ignoring the exchange between Ken and the middle-aged man, as a nobleman, Abel would make people laugh if he participated in such a thing. He turned to the familiar chief judge and asked: "The compensation for the Benson family has been sent. ?"

"Yes, Baron Abel! The Benson family delivered the compensation after yesterday's incident!" the chief judge said with a smile. At this moment, he saw that the knight commander and His Royal Highness Leander George treated Abel with the same attitude. After being so polite, there were countless conjectures in my mind, but no matter what kind of conjecture it was, one thing was certain, that is, the identity of Baron Abel had made His Royal Highness Leander George very worried.

"Well, let's get everything settled today!" Abel was very satisfied with everything the Benson family leader had done and said with a smile.

"Okay, I will arrange for someone to come and take over with your butler!" the chief referee replied.

Abel stood for a while, waiting for Ken to complete the handover. The waiter from the Noble Tribunal brought a cup of coffee.

Abel calculated in his mind that his assets in Gamba City already include two manors, two shops on Tianjing Avenue, a mansion on Triumph Avenue and the Goode Winery. In this way, the current He is also considered a wealthy nobleman in Gamba City.

"Loland, I've made you wait a little too long." Abel said to Loren apologetically. He originally thought it would be over with just a handover, but in the end, he spent some time with His Highness Leander George. Luo Lan waited alone in the car for a long time.

"Brother Abel, it doesn't take long!" Luo Lan said with a smile on her face, but she really liked the feeling of waiting in her heart. Being able to go out with Abel already made her very satisfied.

"Now let's go buy lots and lots of beautiful clothes." Abel said exaggeratedly with a smile.

"Does that cost a lot of gold coins?" Luo Lan said with some concern for Abel.

"You know? I just got a lot of gold coins. How could Luo Lan, who came with me, not share some!" Abel said with a smile, putting his hand on Luo Lan's head and rubbing it.

Unsatisfied, Abel ruffled his hair. Luo Lan shook his head and moved away, but his little face was full of happiness.

"Just this one!" Abel is not good at women's clothes, and neither is Ken. However, after Ken came to Gamba City, he already had a detailed understanding of the city. This is the basic requirement for a professional housekeeper. Ability, he quickly found one of the most famous women's clothing stores.

"Buy some clothes first, and then ask a well-known master to tailor them for Luolan when you get home!" Although Abel and Ken are both nobles, the living standards in the cities they lived in before were not high. When they arrived in this first city in the principality, , I always feel a little unaccustomed to it. There is no tailor I am familiar with here, and I don’t know where to go to customize the clothes, so Abel asked Ken. Only Ken has time to search slowly.

Walking into the best women's clothing store on Tianjing Avenue, as soon as he entered the door, Abel found that this place was very similar to the women's clothing store in his previous life. There were several beautiful and expensive women's dresses, slim-fitting casual clothes, and some women's underwear. etc. are displayed on the hangers in the store.

"Dear guest, how can I help you?" A beautiful waitress came forward and bowed.

"Take my sister to choose some clothes, all types of clothes!" Abel has not studied women's clothes, and Luo Lan is too young, so it is better to let professionals choose.

"Yes, distinguished guest!" The waitress's eyes lit up. Those who can make such a request are high-profile guests, and her professional smile is even more endearing. She then said: "You can rest there for a while."

Because he was accompanying Luo Lan to buy clothes, Abel asked Ken and the guards to stay outside. Abel followed the direction of the waitress's finger, and there was a resting area specially set up for men, where he could enjoy a drink while waiting for the waitress. companion.

"Your consideration is really thoughtful." Abel smiled and praised. Indeed, even in the original world, this service was only available to very few stores.

After ordering a glass of juice, Abel sat on the chair with the juice in his hand, looking around boredly and waiting for Lorraine.

The door of the women's clothing store was suddenly opened, and a group of guards walked in. The leader was a senior knight. He looked around and saw Abel and a few people sitting there waiting. Seeing the presence of a noble with special status, he loudly said with contempt: "The noble Mrs. Dai Qian will use this shop, everyone is asked to leave!"

"Who is so arrogant?" A young man in fine clothes muttered softly.

"Mrs. Dai Qian, His Highness the Prince's mistress, you can't afford to offend her. Let's go." Another man in fine clothes advised.

"My God, this is so shameful!" Although he said this, the young man in fine clothes still stood up and prepared to take his female companion away.

Abel couldn't help but shook his head. The mistress of a great prince could be so domineering in Gamba City, and even dared to chase away a few people who were obviously nobles.

"Brother Abel, what do you think of these?" Luo Lan and the waitress came over with some clothes.

"As long as Luo Lan is satisfied, wrap everything up and let's get ready to leave!" Abel didn't want to cause trouble. One more thing would be better than one less thing. No one here knows his identity, and it's not a loss of dignity.

"Thank you, Brother Abel!" Luo Lan smiled brightly and took some clothes and asked the waitress to wrap them up and take them away.