Abe the Wizard

Chapter 1512: World Space (complete book)


"I am Abel, and I am in the Valley of the Tree of Life. If you can break through this line of defense, then you can see my true form!" The angel's body activated 'teleportation' and appeared next to Elder Locke, looking at The three most powerful sea beasts said in a deep voice.

"Great Abel, we withdraw from this fight. Your power awes us. Please forgive us!" The Nine-Headed Sea Dragon has lost the idea of fighting. No matter how tempting the 'World Tree' is, you still need to be alive to fight for it.

Faced with such power, going to fight for it is almost a sure-fire act.

"You go back, I don't want to start a massacre in this world!" The angel body had no intention of chasing them and waved his hand.

The Nine-Headed Sea Dragon looked happy, and after bowing respectfully, he immediately turned around and flew away. God A and Kun God also bowed and saluted before following the Nine-Headed Sea Dragon.

The two hundred and eighty-three god-level sea beasts all bowed and saluted before leaving.

The war has ended before it even started. This is the ruthless crushing of strength.

The god-level wizard Basham and the archangel Tyrell stood dumbly in the air. They didn't know what to do next.

It's just that the angel's body didn't even look at them, but turned to look at the Dragon God and the god-level wizards.

"Louis, I'm a little late!" He first bowed to the Dragon God and said.

"It's not too late, it's just that you scared me with your display of combat power!" Dragon God replied with a smile.

"These are not the 'high elves' of this world. I summoned them to help in the battle. After the battle, they will return to another world!" Angel Body explained with a smile.

The last uneasiness in the Dragon God's heart is gone. You must know that although the Dragon Clan is powerful, they have great scruples about the 'high elves' who are the darlings of the world. Especially in such a large number, it is not a level comparison at all. .

"You have performed very well. I will increase your offerings to reward your contribution!" The angel turned to face the god-level wizards and said with a smile.

Although these god-level wizards were very hesitant, they still did not leave the battlefield. It was precisely because they were here that the dragon clan did not seem so lonely.

The god-level wizards are all smiling, and every increase in god-level training resources is a great help to them.

After ten thousand 'high elves' bowed to the angel's body, they returned to the Golden Castle through the teleportation circle, and then returned from the real world of Abel's human body to the dark world.

The god-level wizards also returned to the Wizards Guild headquarters, and Abel's god-level contracts also returned to their respective kingdoms.

The battlefield quickly cleared away, and no one looked at the god-level wizard Basham and the archangel Tyrell from the beginning to the end.

From the perspective of the Dragon Clan and the Wizard Guild, Abel has the power to dispose of these two people. If Abel wanted to kill them at this time, he would have asked the 'high elves' to take action.

But Abel had lost the idea of dealing with them at this time, because the Tree of Life had successfully evolved into the 'World Tree', and traces of golden light were spreading to the entire world.

Given the size of the Central Continent, it only takes a few days to completely spread, which means that there is no hiding place for the god-level wizard Basham and Archangel Tyrell anywhere in the Central Continent.

"Basham, let's separate!" Archangel Tyrell looked at Basham and said in a deep voice.

"Where are you going?" Basham, a god-level wizard, asked with a tired voice.

"I'm going to find Abel. I don't want to go on like this anymore. After I was defeated, I should have died fighting like other angels instead of escaping. I'm tired and don't want to escape anymore!" Archangel Tyrell said as he spoke. While flying towards the direction of the breath of 'World Tree'.

He knew very well that unless he encountered a space rift again, he would not be able to escape from this world.

No matter what he does, he will not be Abel's opponent. It is only a matter of time before the other party wants to catch him.

Another reason he didn't say out loud was because when he saw the angel's body, especially since the angel's body had also reached level 45, he clearly felt that the angel's body was similar to his.

He finally thought of the soul he lost in the dark world. At that time, the small half of the soul fragment fell into the hands of hell. Because he had been unable to sense the soul fragment for a long time, he thought that the soul fragment was destroyed by hell.

Unexpectedly, Abel got the soul fragment, integrated the soul fragment into a special soul, and regenerated an angel body.

He couldn't escape or defeat, so he used his body to do the last thing for the angel family. He wanted to dedicate his body to let Abel's angel clone break the shackles of the world, and then the angel family would also be reunited. There is a world-class strong man.

Even though this was just Abel's clone, he still decided to do this.

So after parting ways with the god-level wizard Basham, he flew in the direction of Abel without hesitation, flying to where his fate would end.

Ten years after the "World Tree" incident, the golden light of the "World Tree" finally shines on the entire world.

"Brother Abel, how do you think my Kingdom of God should be arranged?" Luolan sat next to Abel and asked, gently shaking his legs.

Her final divine body did not choose the beauty of the Moon Goddess, but was completely molded according to her original appearance.

Although she has become a god, she is still like a little girl and does not have the aura that a god should have.

Of course, Abel didn't need her to have any momentum. This world was integrating into his other real world, and the final integration was about to be completed.

After this, Lorraine will no longer be in any danger. She does not need to fight or take risks. Abel provides her with the best living environment.

Abel liked being with Lorraine, because only when he was with Lorraine could he feel peace in his soul.

After countless years of fighting, countless adventures, countless lives and deaths, he finally found his destination.

"Brother Abel, did you hear what I said?" Luo Lan patted Abel gently and said with some annoyance.

"Ah, I like this!" Abel hurriedly put forward his choice, and in front of him appeared the Kingdom of God full of flowers.

"No, this doesn't look good!" Luo Lan shook her head and said, and then she continued: "You should choose what you like, so that you will be happy in the Kingdom of God!"

Their voices were very soft. Although the whole world belonged to Abel, he was still very interested in discussing the layout of a divine kingdom with Luo Lan.

"Luoran, you first discuss the arrangement of the Kingdom of God with the Moon Goddess. I have something to do!" Suddenly Abel sensed something and said softly to Luoran.

"Okay, go and do your work!" Luo Lan nodded sensibly.

After Lorraine left, Abel stood up, and three real worlds appeared in front of him, one of which was the dark world, and the other was the wizard's real world integrating the rules of light, freezing, lightning, and fire.

At this time, a huge world appeared in his mental perception.

This world is centered on the central continent, with dozens of subcontinents surrounding the central continent, forming a special pattern like a magic circle.

And further away, there is a larger area of the ocean. Most of the area in this world is ocean.

The last trace of fusion was over, and the world under his feet was completely integrated with the real world. He felt that he was being strengthened again, whether it was mental power, body, or soul.

His current body has long exceeded the limits of human beings, and has long surpassed all life in this world.

The only thing that can compete with his physical strength is his angel body.

That day Archangel Tyrell came to the World Tree and made a request to him, which was to integrate his body into the angel's body clone.

After Archangel Tyrell made this request, he smiled and shattered his soul into the purest soul energy.

After the angel's body received the body and soul energy of Archangel Tyrell, it underwent drastic changes and became the second being in the world to break through the shackles.

And this was not achieved by relying on the 'World Tree', but by relying on absolute strength to forcibly break through the shackles of the world.

Abel could not evaluate Archangel Tyrell. His evil was to destroy 400 million lives, but he did not think it was wrong until his death. Perhaps in his understanding, it was just a means, and there was no right or wrong in means. of.

In the dark world, Archangel Tyrell once helped mankind fight against hell. At least in the dark world, there are still some people who are grateful for his help.

Just as Abel felt that he was getting stronger, or that he had become stronger, he no longer knew how powerful he was, and there was no opponent in this world.

His consciousness slowly merged with the world, and he could see anywhere that the god-level wizard Basham was working in a resource point. This was Abel's punishment for him.

Abel, who has become the master of the world, has long lost his previous murderous intention. For him, the god-level wizard Basham is just a controllable combat force in his three real worlds.

He also clearly sensed that with the potential of Basham's god-level wizard, it was impossible to break the shackles because he used the forbidden soul sacrifice when he was promoted from level 44 to level 45.

Abel used the rules of the world to make the god-level wizard Basham need a thousand years to work at resource points to atone for his sins.

The god-level wizard Basham knew that he could survive and stayed in the resource point with peace of mind. As time passed, he felt guilty for the deaths of millions of humans. He worked frantically every day to reduce the pain in his heart. pain of.

Abel sensed the three most powerful sea beasts farther away in the ocean. They obeyed his orders and managed the ocean.

Abel's perception slowly rose from the world to higher places. He broke through a barrier. In front of his eyes, the world suddenly became infinite.

This is a completely different world than what he has seen before, or in other words, this is not one world, but a space composed of countless worlds.

He looked at himself. His body maintained the appearance of a human being, standing in space like this. Beside him, the world he was in and the dark world were suspended around him.

Further away, there are many worlds protected by light shields. Some of these worlds are damaged, and some are full of vitality.

"Abel, we meet again!" At this moment, he heard a familiar voice. When he turned around, he found the King of Fear standing in the void, smiling and saying hello to him.

At this time, the King of Fear did not have any anger at all, even though he had cut off one of his arms before.

"King of Fear, I think we should be enemies, right?" Abel said, ready to defend against the King of Fear's attack at any time.

"Abel, you have reached the same existence as me. There will be no war between us. I have the support of the hell world, and the hell world protects me. No one can hurt me here. Similarly, you have the darkness In this world and the world that I envy, no one can hurt you!" The King of Fear said with a smile.

If he hadn't seen his rage, Abel would have thought he was a nice guy.

Abel also discovered that there was a world barrier around his body. Every world in this space had a world barrier.

Of course, this world barrier can be strong or weak. In his perception, few of the world barriers he has seen are stronger than any of the world barriers on his body.

"This space is too lonely. There are too few beings who can appear here. You are one of the few beings who can speak to me on an equal footing!" the King of Fear continued.

"Is there anyone else here?" Abel asked curiously.

"Yes, but I haven't seen it farther away for a long time!" the King of Fear said, pointing into the distance.

Where he pointed, Abel only saw countless light spots. They might be too far away to see the figure at all, but he felt a trace of life, proving that there was an equal existence there.

But he wanted to move, but found that he couldn't move in this space at all.

"Abel, if you want to move, you must occupy the nearest world. Then you will have more space for movement!" The King of Fear explained while moving in the limited space and demonstrated to Abel.

Suddenly Abel stopped watching the King of Fear, and his eyes looked to a place far, far away from him, where there was a world.

When he saw that world, his soul trembled, and it felt like a wanderer seeing a relative.

"That's the Earth, that's the Earth!" He murmured to himself, tears rolled down from his eyes, falling into the space and turning into crystal stars twinkling.

He has a goal in mind. He wants to occupy all the worlds on this road. He wants to see the world where the earth is again, even if it takes millions, tens of millions, or billions of years. This is his obsession.

As for after so many years, his family may have died long ago, but as long as he is stronger, he can find out the souls of his family and resurrect them. At the same time, he also promised Uncle Marshall to resurrect his wife, that day will not be far away. , he believes he can do it.

"King of Fear, thank you, I need to work!" Abel turned his head and bowed to the King of Fear, and then he turned his gaze to the nearest world.

"Abel, if you go that way, I will go this way!" The King of Fear saw that Abel valued a certain world, and he did not want to disturb Abel, because he knew how difficult it was to break the barrier of a world. , each time for tens of thousands of years or even longer.

However, the King of Fear saw that Abel left the angel body here, and he himself returned to the Golden Castle, where he also had people who needed company.

The King of Fear watched his least favorite angel appear and couldn't help but murmur, but he didn't want to destroy the relationship with Abel. In such a lonely space, the presence of life close to him was enough to break the loneliness in his heart. .

Sometimes he even wants to enhance the strength of the other two demon kings in hell and let them appear in this space, but he knows very well that with the demon king's way of thinking, as long as the two demon kings have a chance, they will snatch his control in hell. He will not add enemies to himself.

So even if he was an angel as a companion, he would accept it.

"Abel, I still have some souls from the dark world here, do you need them?" He took the initiative to talk to the angel body.

Slowly, Abel also started to communicate with him, just like travelers on the same journey. There was no hatred or hostility, just a strange friendship.

(Complete the book!)

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