Abe the Wizard

Chapter 50: Transformation necklace


The runes on the two rune cards were the same. He didn't know which rune it was. Abel put it away and planned to forge it onto the sword after returning to the castle and then test the effect.

Abel picked up the orc skill card again. It was the same as the one Abel had used before. This orc skill card was also engraved with the beast god. There was a star at the bottom of the orc skill card. It could be seen that it was another user. An orc skill card that disappears once.

Of course, Abel would not waste this opportunity. He put his mental power into the orc skill card, where the mental power was connected with an energy. Based on his last experience, Abel knew that this was the inheritance in the orc skill card.

With a blur in front of his eyes, Abel felt that he had turned into a middle-aged werewolf riding on the back of a warg, holding a long spear. From the information transmitted in the inheritance, it can be seen that this orc skill card records the werewolf royal family Wool The wolf cavalry spear skills of the Fu family are different from the human knight spear skills learned by Abel. Every shot of the werewolf royal family's spear skills has a short spell. Maybe because it is a skill of the royal family, there is no praise for the beast god in the spell. words, but very concise mantras.

As the spear in the middle-aged werewolf's hand kept thrusting out with the various leaps of the warg, Abel calculated a total of 11 postures for drawing the gun, each posture perfectly matched the warg. As the middle-aged werewolf's population Under the spell, every time the spear is thrust out, it will make a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The information conveyed by the orc skill cards told Abel that the power of these spear thrusts was not weak with the bonus of fighting spirit, and anyone's fighting spirit was limited. Long-term combat mainly relied on personal strength. Only Fighting energy will only break out when needed, but this werewolf royal spear skill has no time limit and can be used as long as you still have physical strength.

Although Abel has learned the knight skills of the Bennett family and the Harry family, they are basically fighting skills. This is the first time he has seen non-fighting combat skills. Just use spells and combine them with corresponding stabbing movements. The ability to double your strength can be exerted over a long period of time.

It seemed that there was some kind of chance between Abel and the werewolf. The orc skill cards he obtained twice were all werewolf skills.

Watching the orc skill card finally dissipate in the air, although Abel didn't know the value of this combat skill, he still knew the importance of the werewolf royal family's inheritance. Not to mention the royal family's inheritance, it was the inheritance of ordinary families, not others. All you can get.

Abel didn't have time to study the necklace that could transform him. There was still an orc to deal with on the mountain. Abel hung the necklace around his neck and stuffed it into his clothes.

The black armor surprised Abel. The armor that was taken off could be fixed into a rectangular shape with a few hidden buckles, making it easier to carry. This ingenious idea made it difficult to imagine that this was armor made for orcs.

Facing the corpse of the werewolf on the ground, Abel raised the big sword in his hand. Although he had killed many orcs and seen many corpses when he came to this world, he was asked to remove the head of a corpse. Cutting it down is still a bit difficult.

The ideas formed in another world have changed a lot in the past two years, but those ideas will still affect Abel's behavior, just like now. In this world, people think that cutting off the enemy's head can show one's own power. Combat power, but in another world, it is an insult to the corpse.

Forget it, he was strong anyway, Abel made a decision in his mind, picked up the body with one hand, held the black armor in the other hand, and returned to the top of the mountain.

When he reached the top of the mountain, Abel still chose a leeward position and could see the situation on the other side of the big bird from a distance.

At this time, Chongtian Que's wound had been treated. The wound medicine effectively covered the wound and no longer oozed blood. Chongtian Que had also fallen asleep due to the exhaustion of flying after losing blood.

The manipulator werewolf was setting up a tent and was completely unaware of Abel's arrival.

Putting down the corpse and armor in his hands, he took out the Harry bow, loaded the bow with an arrow, and the moment the arrow shot towards the werewolf's chest and heart, the werewolf turned around, and the arrow speed was very fast. The werewolf's turn did not allow him to escape his misfortune. , although it did not directly hit the heart, the arrow opened a hole in the werewolf's chest, and the arrow directly penetrated the body. Judging from the position where the arrow passed, the werewolf's lungs and spine were shot through.

The werewolf who fell to the ground did not die immediately. He struggled to reach into his arms and took out a sign. When he was about to crush it, Abel noticed his action and shot the second arrow directly through the werewolf's head. As soon as his hand loosened, the sign fell to the ground.

After Abel shot the werewolf, he looked at the big bird. The movement here did not disturb its rest at all. Abel walked forward lightly, came to the werewolf, and kicked it with his feet. The werewolf, this werewolf's vitality exceeded Abel's imagination. He was shot through the lungs and spine, but he was still able to take things out of his arms.

Picking up the sign that the werewolf had thrown on the ground, there were three orc characters on it. Abel recognized that these three characters were called "Chongtianque". There was also a number "36" underneath, and a diamond was inlaid on the back. Some of them showed Abel. Incomprehensible lines of runes extend from the diamond and surround the entire back of the sign.

Abel looked at the sign, not knowing its function or its activation spell, but his research spirit reappeared at this time. Since there was no spell, he could use mental power to connect directly. In this regard, Abel had From experience, the orc skill cards also need to be used through cumbersome spells and other requirements. He can use them only by using his mental power.

He stretched his mental power towards the sign with ease. As soon as he got close to the sign, a white light flashed on the diamond, and then the white light began to swim along the lines of the runes. In the blink of an eye, the sign was surrounded by white light. Abel's mental power and white light Intertwined together, the sign sent out a strange detection wave, which scanned Abel's whole body, and then Abel felt two orc words coming from the sign: "Reject".

What's the meaning? reject

Abel could feel that this sign must be very important to the orcs, so important that the werewolf wanted to destroy it before he died.

The test just now proved that mental power can activate this brand, but the brand itself has a safety mechanism, and Abel also felt the fluctuations detected. It seemed that the fluctuations could detect that Abel was not an orc but a human, so he rejected him. startup requirements.

Is there really nothing we can do? At this moment, Abel felt as uncomfortable as a cat's claws in his heart. If the sign could not be turned on, he would give up the idea of checking it. However, although it could be turned on, it could not pass the test, which was just one step away.

Abel thought to himself: "If I were an orc, I would be able to pass the test."

Thinking in his mind, Abel's eyes suddenly lit up. He remembered the transforming necklace on his chest. It turned out that the necklace could turn a werewolf into a human. So, could it turn a human into a werewolf

Give it a try. Abel took out the necklace, recalled the spells, and filtered them carefully. There was no problem with his memory and the spells were complete.

Abel looked around. It was very safe here. There was a reason why the two werewolves chose this place. The hill was not high, but there were many trees. They were all tall trees that could block the top of the mountain. The camp chosen by the werewolves on the top of the mountain was an open space. .

He took the transformation necklace out of his clothes, put one hand on it, and began to recite the orc spell in Abel's mouth.

Following Abel's spell, pressure appeared in the sky again. It seemed that the spell was connected to an extraordinary life, a kind of advanced life that Abel could not understand. Just a little bit of pressure made Abel feel something from the bottom of his heart. Deep fear.

A burst of green light flashed on the necklace, and the light became stronger and stronger, and soon enveloped Abel's body. Abel felt that the necklace gave him three choices: orcs, humans, and elves.

Abel imagined the appearance of the killed werewolf in his mind. In an instant, Abel felt the pain of muscle tearing all over his body and he couldn't help but let out a soft cry. Then, the bones kept ringing, and his He continued to grow taller, gray-brown hair grew all over his body, his face began to deform, and his teeth grew wildly.

As the green light disappeared, Abel had become a real werewolf. Even he himself could feel the difference in all the organs in his body. This was so amazing that Abel couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After using the necklace, Abel also learned some information about the necklace.