Abe the Wizard

Chapter 79: Collusion


Lord Marshall felt that Abel's speed was a bit slow. He couldn't help but turn around and looked at Abel, who was about to signal him to speed up. However, Lord Marshall was surprised when he saw Abel. Abel was riding on a war horse, which gave him the feeling that The war horse and Abel have become one. Every time the war horse takes a gentle step, Abel also shakes slightly. This shaking is completely consistent with the body of the war horse. This kind of riding technique, let alone Lord Marshall, has been in his life since he was a child. People on war horses rarely have this level of skill.

"Uncle Marshall, I'm ready." Abel saw Lord Marshall looking at him, stopped the completed mount strengthening technique, and said with a smile.

Abel felt very good at this time. His connection with the war horse had never been so close. Both he and the war horse urgently needed a run to burst out this passion.

"Open the door!"

Following Lord Marshall's voice, the castle door was slowly opened. Lord Marshall and Abel quickly passed through the door, and then the door was closed tightly again.

Seeing humans coming out of the castle, the low-level wolf cavalry began to get excited and seemed to want to attack immediately, but the high-level wolf cavalry did not move. They did not dare to attack first. This is an instinct in the blood, and they obey the high-level wolf cavalry. instinct.

Lord Marshall and Abel's horses began to trot. Abel felt that every muscle of the horse beneath him was excited. This excitement was transmitted to him. He also felt the excitement in his body. He was now eager to fight.

Abel's horse accelerated faster than Lord Marshall's horse, and soon Abel surpassed Lord Marshall and charged straight towards the wolf cavalry.

The guards on the parapet were all surprised to see their young master rushing directly towards the werewolf. The little figure looked particularly tall at this time.

"Stimulate the fighting spirit!" Lord Marshall shouted. The fighting spirit in his body has been stimulated, and the white fighting spirit surges out of his body. Under the reflection of the golden bull armor, the fighting spirit seems to be golden.

Hearing Lord Marshall's voice, Abel also shouted, and the light golden fighting spirit on his body also surged out. The light golden fighting spirit was hidden under the cover of blue armor, especially on weapons where junior knights could not use fighting spirit. The light gold color was changed by the blue on the armor. Under the sunlight, it was not found that Abel's fighting spirit was golden fighting spirit, but Lord Marshall's fighting spirit easily made people suspect that he was using golden, god-level fighting spirit.

"Knights charge now!" Abel and Lord Marshall shouted almost at the same time. They both used the inherited knight skills of the Harry family. The war horses doubled their speed almost instantly, and the visors on their armors had been put down, and they were in the sunshine. Next, a golden light and a blue light flashed towards the Wolf Cavalry.

"Ouch" howled, and the wolf cavalry also began to charge towards Abel and Lord Marshall. At this time, there were two knights on one side of the castle, and more than 150 wolf cavalry on the other side. They were all rushing towards each other, two Although the number of knights is small, they are magnificent, and as the speed becomes faster and faster, the momentum is constantly gathering.

A senior wolf cavalry among the wolf cavalry was the fastest and had already collided with Abel in front. The senior wolf cavalry did not pay attention to the little knight in front of him. In the understanding of the orcs of the orc empire, only powerful ones can Only the body can possess it, and how could the small body in front of him withstand the impact of this senior wolf cavalry.

Abel's knight's spear was much longer than the spear of the senior wolf cavalry opposite. The 5-meter-long knight's spear did not collide with the opponent's spear. At the moment when the two weapons were about to collide, Abel fired the knight's spear. He staggered a little and got out of the way of the opponent's spear. He was confident that he would win. The opponent's senior wolf cavalry's spear would not pierce his body.

The speed was so fast, almost in the blink of an eye, Abel's knight's gun had already poked into the chest of the senior wolf cavalry. The senior wolf cavalry wanted to get out of the way, but at this speed, it was not so easy. The knight's gun just wanted to get out of the way. Like a hot knife thrust into butter, the senior wolf cavalry member was directly pierced.

Abel's knight's gun is not the disposable wooden knight's gun used by ordinary knights. The function of that wooden knight's gun is to push the enemy away, and then the wooden knight's gun explodes to eliminate the back force against the knight. s damage.

Abel's knight's gun is an open-ended 120mm iron knight's gun. With his strength, he doesn't have to worry about the small back force.

The place where the senior wolf cavalry was pierced was the heart. After being pierced in the heart, even a creature as powerful as a werewolf would die in an instant, but Abel did not have time to stop and clean the knight's gun. His horse was still accelerating.

Since the corpse of the senior wolf cavalry was hung on the knight's lance, the effect of the knight's lance in repelling the enemy was not activated because the senior wolf cavalry died instantly and was hung on the knight's lance.

What is the concept of a knight's charge? The war horse charges at full speed, plus the power of the knight on the horse. The two forces merge into one. The stronger the power, the greater the power of this charge.

"Clang, clang, clang" several arrows shot at Abel's body. After being blocked by the armor, they bounced feebly and fell down.

Abel didn't even pay attention to these arrows. It was simply impossible for an attack of this level to break through his defense.

The second wolf cavalry had already come into contact with Abel. It was also a collision. The intermediate wolf cavalry saw the body of the senior wolf cavalry in front hanging on Abel's knight gun. He did not directly collide with Abel, but Use the spear in your hand to block Abel's knight spear.

The 300-pound weight of Abel's knight's gun, coupled with the weight of the high-level wolf cavalry hanging on it, did not make his hands shake at all. The blocking of the intermediate wolf cavalry on the opposite side caused a sneer to appear on his face. The knight The gun collided with the barrel of the spear, and the barrel broke. The tip of the knight's gun met the chest of the intermediate wolf cavalry. The result was obvious.

In the battlefield, Abel's mental power was fully activated. At this time, he could clearly feel that the bones of the intermediate wolf cavalry were beginning to break. The huge impact of the knight's gun destroyed all the bones encountered in the body of the intermediate wolf cavalry. All the organs were turned into powder, and then due to the effect of inertia, the bodies of the intermediate wolf cavalry and the senior wolf cavalry were also strung on the knight's gun.

Although there were already two corpses of wolf cavalry on the knight's gun, it still did not affect Abel. Because the impact speed was too fast, the blood of the two corpses had stuck to Abel's armor, and even the war horse was dyed red.

Then came the third wolf cavalry, the fourth wolf cavalry, and the fifth wolf cavalry. Finally, the charge of the war cavalry was stopped by five consecutive wolf cavalry. From this point of view, the effect of "the knight charges immediately" is How powerful, generally speaking, without using the knight skill "Knight Charge Immediately", facing the powerful wolf cavalry, a single charge can only reach the second or third wolf cavalry before being unable to charge anymore.

At this time, Lord Marshall's horse also stopped next to Abel. Behind him, there were also several corpses of wolf cavalry lying down.

"Happy!" Lord Marshall yelled crazily. At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the days when he was on the orc battlefield, a time full of passion, impulse and desire.

Lord Marshall watched Abel casually throw the bodies of the five wolf cavalry out of the knight's gun and knock down several wolf cavalry. He couldn't help feeling numb. This terrifying force is the most terrifying to encounter on such a battlefield. thing, but this horror is for werewolves.

"Kill!" Lord Marshall shouted to encourage his fighting spirit.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Following the bursts of killing sounds, 20 knights and attendants jumped out from the secret passage under the ground. They did not prepare horses. Although they were used to fighting on foot, they had learned horse fighting, but what they were best at was this. Kind of foot battle.

So far in the battle, the advantage is still on the side of the werewolves, because although the werewolves have lost some combat power, they still have a huge advantage in numbers. On the Harry Castle side, because a senior wolf cavalry was easily killed by Abel, the werewolves Everyone's energy was high, and although the numbers were much smaller, the mood was high.

The battlefield seemed to have become quiet at this moment. Everyone present knew that the next step was close combat, and life and death could be determined in an instant.