Above the Clouds

Chapter 40


Zheng Zhenzhen took a step forward, but failed. "Elegant*Wen*Words*First*Episode" Zheng Zhenzhen was secretly annoyed that this cold cave did not go down gently, and she actually fell into a deep hole when she stepped down.

She let out a short scream and then disappeared from Yun Qing's sight.

In Yun Qing's opinion, this cold cave was flat and flat, and for some reason Zheng Zhenzhen disappeared on the flat ground as if he had been swallowed by a big open mouth. She tentatively took a step forward, and Aman followed her cautiously, taking the same step, but nothing happened. There was nothing except the biting cold wind.

"You guys come in too." Yun Qing said to Wen Linghua and Lu Ming.

The two female disciples of Scarlet Sky Sect looked at each other and stepped forward. Just like Zheng Zhenzhen, they fell out of thin air and no one knew where they fell.

"... This time we are in trouble." Yun Qing walked forward along the narrow passage of the cold cave and began to run the heavenly book to explore this place. However, the cause and effect she could create was too weak, and it was difficult to find anything useful for a while.

"You have to find someone who knows the situation and ask." Yun Qing thought, stepping forward.

"Why are fellow Taoists on this road?!" Old Chi Gui's voice came from behind her, sounding very surprised.

Yun Qing quickly took a step back and stood behind Amang, holding the magic formula in his hand, ready to take action at any time.

"Aren't you on this path too?" Yun Qing said with a smile, looking very relaxed on his face.

"This... Could it be fellow Taoist... It looks a bit like it if you look closely. I must have admitted my mistake before." Chi Gui looked at her hesitantly for a long time and said vaguely.

He couldn't explain clearly, and Yun Qing didn't know what he meant, so he nodded friendly and said: "Since we are going the same way, let's go together."

Chi Gui had seen her kill without batting an eye, and he knew that this girl's cultivation was unpredictable, so he didn't dare to step forward: "Fellow Taoist, please go alone. I'm old and my legs are slow, so I won't be a drag on you."

Yun Qing said regretfully: "In that case, I will take the first step."

Chi Gui stroked his goatee and said unhurriedly: "There may be dangerous places ahead. Fellow Taoist, please be more careful."

Yun Qing was alert, but her face remained gentle and calm. She led Amang deeper into the cold cave.

Chi Gui thought with some doubts on the spot: "My eyes are getting worse and worse. Although this man has a gentle face, it seems like... How could I recognize him as..."

He couldn't understand that even with his cultivation level, he could see this wrong. He was really too old to live like a dog. en8.

Yun Qing walked all the way up the cold cave.

It is said that the altar is already at the top of the snow mountain, and it is impossible to go up from here. But now she was indeed heading upwards. This cold cave secret realm is probably a small world, and it is not clear what is different in it. Chi Gui's behavior before was also suspicious.

There was a faint sound of dripping water coming from nowhere in the cold cave. The sound became louder as we went up, and the road became narrower. Amanka was unable to move for a long time on the road.

Yun Qing thought for a while, summoned Fang Cunzhan, and took Amang inside. A square-inch lamp can accommodate the vastness of heaven and earth within a square-inch body, but it cannot accommodate spiritual things. After all, Amang is not a spiritual thing, so it is okay to stay in it for a few days. Before, Yun Qing put Amang in a square cup when he was at the Temple of Heaven, and occasionally took it outside the city to get some fresh air.

"Why are fellow Taoists here?" Taoist Master Junhua was standing not far away. He was tall and had to stoop forward even when he got here.

These words were so similar to what Chi Gui said that Yun Qing had to be a little concerned.

"What do fellow Taoists mean by this?" Yun Qing asked, no longer stepping forward and keeping a relatively safe distance from him.

"This... I was reckless. I'm sorry." Taoist Junhua looked her up and down, thinking that he had made a mistake before.

Yun Qing became more and more confused. Just when she was about to use the Heavenly Book to check it directly, a row of spikes suddenly appeared under her feet.

She was weak in physical strength and couldn't dodge, and it was difficult to use the Amang in the square cup. She could only bring up the true energy of the Great Sun and Black Heavenly Wheel. Black flames surrounded her, and the steel spikes on the ground turned into molten iron and melted. .

"It turns out that Taoist Taoist practitioner is not practicing water-based Taoism?" Taoist Junhua said with some surprise. Whether it was to resist the sneak attack or to break through Chi Gui's formation, Yun Qing used a blue streak. The water curtain, he naturally thought that the other party specializes in water Taoism.

Yun Qing now also knew that Taoist Junhua was not well-intentioned. She did not answer and was about to take a few steps back when a warning sign suddenly rose in her heart.

The advantage of the mind is that it is not restricted by the body itself. She doesn't need to look back to know that Chi Gui is catching up behind her. As soon as Chi Gui saw her fighting with Taoist Junhua, he quickly placed several formations behind her, trapping her less than three meters away from Taoist Junhua.

The passage in the secret realm of Cold Cave is so narrow that it can only accommodate one person, and someone with a body like Taoist Junhua has to bow slightly. Moreover, there is thousands of years of ice on the rock wall, which is difficult to break. Yun Qing's back path is locked, and there are people watching the road ahead, making it extremely dangerous for a while.

This old Chi Gui hides obscenely behind her, laying out protective formations like tortoise shells layer by layer. Taoist Junhua cannot hit him, and Yun Qing naturally has no time to pay attention to him if he wants to guard Taoist Junhua.

"Old ghost Chi Gui..." Taoist Junhua had some concerns in his mind. It would not be good if he struggled to deal with Yun Qing but was taken advantage of by old man Chi Gui. However, his previous attack might have angered the opponent. If not, I'm afraid there will be trouble after killing that child.

Yun Qing leaned against Lao Chi Gui's formation and continued to hold magic spells in her hands. Her hands were covered with thin white jade.

The three of them fell into a brief stalemate until Yun Qing took a step forward.

Two huge iron claws appeared in Taoist Junhua's hands and swept across the air, creating a fierce fighting spirit in the wind. If you push your claws down like this, you're afraid that deep marks will be made on the rock wall.

Yun Qing was unafraid and took another step forward, raising her hands to resist this move. Her body swayed, and the white jade covering her hands shattered into powder. After entering the Taoism, she couldn't resist it.

Taoist Junhua saw that the blow failed to cause any damage to her, and wanted to test it, but then he saw Yun Qing summon a black flame and rush towards him. The black flame was scattered by his two claws, but the violent and ferocious breath rushing through his meridians still made his throat sweet. Just when he was surprised by the tyranny of this Taoist method, Yun Qing had already begun to make secrets in an orderly manner, approaching step by step.

Taoist Junhua glanced at Chi Gui behind him. At this time, Yun Qing was only one meter away from him and could touch him with his hand.

His heart skipped a beat, and he closed his claws. The two iron claws were locked together tightly, and golden aura emitted from the intersection of the two claws, piercing deep holes in the rock wall.

But what surprised him was that Yun Qing actually avoided these auras intact and walked through his body!

Taoist Junhua turned around and saw Yun Qing's clothes disappearing around the corner. Without thinking much, he turned around and chased after her.

Here, Chi Gui was puzzled. He saw Taoist Junhua suddenly madly releasing powerful golden energy and hitting the front. Yun Qing barely resisted the attack with the water curtain, but Junhua The Taoist actually didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue him, but turned around and walked away!

Yun Qing stood there, her shoulder was hit by the golden energy just now, and there was a big hole in her shoulder blade. Fortunately, there was not much damage other than that. Illusion is very convenient for dealing with these casual cultivators who are not in a peaceful and pure state of mind. Just now she used mirage on Taoist Junhua, and the other party ran away after the phantom without any suspicion.

Unfortunately, due to the limitations of her cultivation, this mirage can only work on one person. If Chi Gui had reminded him during this period, Taoist Junhua would have been able to see through it.

Yun Qing turned around, looked at Chi Gui, who was inside the formation, and said, "Are you coming out, or should I go in?"

"Don't come here! If I call out, fellow Taoist Junhua will rush back!" Chi Gui is good at formations and is not very good at fighting head-on. In addition, he saw Yun Qing's many strange methods. I didn't dare to confront her head-on.

Yun Qing shook his head and sighed: "Then just stay here."

As she spoke, the black flames on her body ignited, and the formation next to Chi Gui's body ignited, completely covering all the formations.

Old Chi Gui jumped across the formation anxiously. The black flames had a strong corrosive aura, and the structure of the formation had been destroyed. He was now trapped in a cocoon.

Yun Qing turned around and saw a three-way intersection in front of her. She walked down the place where Taoist Junhua entered before.

After walking less than a hundred meters, the chill in the air gradually dissipated, and there was a smell of sulfur floating around, becoming more and more pungent.

Yun Qing had some bad conjectures, and as he went on like this step by step, his conjectures were confirmed bit by bit.

The ice on the rock wall gradually disappeared, and the cold air in the air was gradually replaced by hot air. There was a faint phosphorescence flashing through the dim environment, and the walls began to heat up, with more and more red stones. When the passage opened up a little bit, Yun Qing also took Amang out of the square inch cup.

This cold cave clearly leads to the inside of the volcano.

As if to confirm Yun Qing's conjecture, a bird song came from the endless passage ahead. The sound was almost "yong" and very special.

Yun Qing held her breath, pressed her body against the hot stone wall, and gradually stopped the movement of her true energy, entering a state of tranquility that was almost like fetal breath. At first glance, she blended into the stone wall and had no idea there was anyone here. Amang didn't have a strong sense of presence to begin with. It was hard for him to be discovered even though he was so big and lay on the wall like Yun Qing.

The sound of birdsong was getting closer and closer, and stopped for a moment not far from Yunqing. It suddenly became louder and sounded very excited.

At this time, Yun Qing could already see with his mind the specific appearance of the thing that made the sound.

The bird looked a bit like an owl, but it was much larger than an owl, and its two claws were extremely sharp. Its tail is very long, and if it flies a little faster, the tip of its tail will spark with the air. The most peculiar thing is that it actually has a human face, with four eyes looking in all directions, and no movement can escape its eyes.

Soon, it discovered Taoist Junhua who was walking slightly faster than Yun Qing.

Taoist Junhua's expression changed drastically when he saw the demonic bird. He could no longer avoid it, so he wanted to rush past. He roared, and the skin gradually peeled off, revealing the hard metal part inside. It seems that he used some secret method to turn his body into steel. No wonder most of the spells he used were related to this. Jun Huadao transformed into steel and quickly rushed forward.

The demonic bird also lingered in a circle, swooped down, and locked Taoist Junhua's shoulders with its claws. Yun Qing could see clearly that Taoist Junhua's shoulders melted like ice and snow under the sun at such a touch!

This was Taoist Junhua's true form. He let out a miserable wail, and strong aura erupted from his body, pushing the monster bird out at once.

He endured the pain and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when there was a dense sound of flapping wings in front of him.