Above the Clouds

Chapter 43


Buddhism and Taoism are quite close to those of ancient practitioners, both of whom emphasize the word "hardship". en8.

There are also ordinary people who think that the life in the temple is mostly accompanied by the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng, chanting sutras and listening to the bell every day, and there is no busy world, so it is quite leisurely. Leisure is not necessarily the case, but hardship is certain.

It has been mentioned in the conversion ceremony of Guiling Temple that all disciples, regardless of the outer sect, inner sect, or direct descendants, will rise when they hear the bell, fall asleep when they hear the drum, go to the hall after hearing the wooden bangs, and go to the hall after hearing the bangs. Life in the temple is like this every day, every month, and every year. There are very few people who can persist.

As soon as Yun Qing arrived at the temple, he was immediately taken to the refuge ceremony by the leading disciple.

The number of people participating in the conversion ceremony actually reached thousands, which is still rare in the sparsely populated northwest. Most of these are ordinary people who have converted from the grassland. They do not necessarily need to enter Guiling Temple, but they are also willing to participate in the conversion ceremony to strengthen their faith and baptize their spirit. There are also some casual cultivators like Yun Qing, but they did not come through the Snow Mountain Dharma Conference, and they have not experienced too difficult and dangerous tests. They probably entered the outer sect first as an inspection.

After a little observation, Yun Qing discovered that among the many casual practitioners at the Snow Mountain Dharma Conference, she was the only one who entered Guiling Temple. She was not even here to be a monk.

The conversion ceremony is quite formal, but the content is simple, with only two parts: confession and vows. The first part was almost completed when Yun Qing arrived.

There are all kinds of people kneeling in the main hall of Guiling Temple, including fierce hunters, beautiful shepherdess, wanderers in tattered clothes, and pilgrims covered in travel. There are ordinary people who seem to be drowned in the sea of people at a glance, and there are also ascetics with extraordinary talents. Some of them already have white hair, and some are just learning to talk.

The only thing they have in common is that their expressions are peaceful and stable, and their breaths have an inexplicable sense of purity. This religious atmosphere is somewhat similar to that of the Hundred Flowers Festival at the Temple of Heaven, but it is stronger than the belief in the Temple of Heaven.

This was originally a ceremony used to strengthen faith.

There was a skinny monk sitting cross-legged in the main seat of the main hall. Yun Qing could not tell the man's cultivation level. He was wearing a bright red cassock. The edges of the cassock were woven with gold thread, and the fine stitching made it look very strong. He was so thin that he couldn't even hold up this wide cassock. His whole body was only covered with a layer of skin and bones. His cheekbones were extremely prominent, but his appearance was not scary at all. Instead, he gave people a sense of kindness and serenity. There is a protrusion on his forehead caused by years of worshiping. It is red, round and approachable.

When he had almost finished repenting, the skinny monk began to recite: "I will take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha until the end of my life."

This sound spread throughout the temple and reached the spiritual platform without any sign of failure. Yun Qing felt that his method was quite similar to that of the Dajing Imperial Master, but it seemed to be more than a little different. After all, the Imperial Master poured his voice directly into the minds of the people in more than a dozen cities without even opening a word, causing people to directly produce thoughts. Belief in the Temple of Heaven.

At this time, the thousands of people participating in the refuge ceremony all spoke together: "I will take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha throughout my life."

After repeating this for countless times, the sound gradually stopped.

At this time, those who were not planning to worship at Guiling Temple got up and walked out of the main hall. Most of the remaining people were those who were planning to become disciples and cultivate Buddhism. Many Guiling Temple disciples also walked out of the side of the hall and began to prepare for formal worship. 『Elegant*Wen*Words*Emotion*First*Posted』

Yun Qing felt someone standing in front of her, and with a quick glance, she realized that it was the person who introduced her to the door.

"Is the donor willing to be ordained?" The man fiddled with the rosary and asked softly.

There were 66 people around him who received the ordination, then bowed to the gate of Guiling Temple, and left the hall with the other disciples.

Yun Qing shook his head: "Don't take the precepts first, just take the three refuges."

The leading disciple just nodded slightly, and then said: "Forget it, take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. I have just taken the three refuges, and the poor monk can call you a fellow disciple."

"Senior brother?" Yun Qing called tentatively.

There are three refuges and five precepts. It is okay to take refuge first without taking the precepts, but regardless of whether you take the precepts or not, breaking the precepts is a sin. The significance of taking the precepts lies in the different support you receive after breaking the precepts. The more precepts you take, the more support you will receive, and the faster you will progress in practicing Buddhism.

Yun Qing chose not to take the precepts because she didn't want to create more karma. In the final analysis, she was just lurking in Guiling Temple, waiting for an opportunity to obtain a secret method hidden in the Lotus Heart Void.

She clearly knew that practicing Buddhism was definitely not a path suitable for her. If she worships Guiling Temple by mistake, then she may obtain the complete inheritance of the Holy Land, have teachers to guide her, and have resources to utilize. With her qualifications, it will not be difficult to be promoted to a direct disciple after she enters the Taoism.

But that's not the path she wants to take.

The so-called orthodox inheritance is really something that can be counted in the monastic world. At present, Yun Qing has come into contact with some humane orthodox "Qianyuan Junzi Dao", part of the demonic orthodoxy "Great Sun Black Heavenly Wheel", and part of the immortal orthodoxy "Tai Shang Induction Record". Next, she may have the opportunity to meet Buddhism. part of the orthodox heritage. If each of these inheritances is cultivated to the extreme, it can conquer the heaven and earth and achieve the supreme path.

But there is only one true heart, and there is only one path to choose. If you just take a quick look and get stuck in various inheritances without asking for a clear explanation, you will get nothing in the end.

Yun Qing is still groping for her own choice, so she embarks on a journey of thousands of miles, asking about the world's Dharma, and understanding the world's Tao, hoping to choose the one that suits her best from these dazzling traditions and inheritances, so as to achieve the great road. .

"That's all, senior brother, let's just be senior brother. It can be said that I introduced you to the door, and there is such a predestined relationship." The disciple who was introduced was silent for a while, but still replied gently, "The poor monk's name is Jue Luan, you have not received the precepts, you can't I want to become my disciple, or should I call you by your common name?"

As soon as Yun Qing heard his Buddhist name "Jue Luan", she immediately confirmed his identity as his direct descendant. She thought that the "senior brother" she called him really took advantage of most of the monks in the temple.

The generation with the character "jue" is also considered extremely high among Buddhists in the world. It can be said that among the people still alive in the world of cultivation, the generation with the character "jue" higher than this seems to be the generation with the character "zi", and the generation above it was eight hundred years earlier. No one has seen it. This Jue Luan looked young, and after thinking about it, he could only be the direct disciple of some powerful disciple in Guiling Temple.

"Yun Qing." When Yun Qing thought that he was facing a direct disciple who had entered Taoism, he quickly used the Heavenly Book to carefully conceal his secrets again, "My common name is Yun Qing."

Jue Luan nodded again, stopped fiddling with the rosary beads, and reached out to hand Yun Qing a jade slip: "You came through the snow mountain altar. I should have brought you to this refuge ceremony long ago, but there were many last-minute ideas. I have done some research. This time I am making my own decision and will take you into the inner sect."

The jade slips contained some trivial matters for new disciples, and Yun Qing read them quickly.

After listening to Jue Luan's words, she finally understood why when she was taken to the refuge ceremony, the ceremony was already half in session. It turns out that the Refuge Dharma Ceremony is not accessible at any time, but she came later than those others because of additional tests. It seems that Jue Luan's high status in the temple can influence such a conversion ceremony for thousands of people.

"If there is anything unclear about your practice, you can ask me at your leisure."

Yun Qing thanked him: "I'm sorry for bothering you, senior brother."

Jue Luan shook his head slightly: "I will lead you into the temple. This is what I should do. Besides..."

Yun Qing looked up and heard him continue: "It's unlikely that you have free time."

Yun Qing couldn't help but laugh.

Seriously, this was not the first direct disciple of the orthodox inheritance she had ever seen.

Zhu Wuxia should be the direct disciple of the Destruction Demon Sect. She can fly with a sword, appear and disappear, and act with the wantonness of the devil. However, Yun Qing had not yet practiced Taoism at that time and did not know much, so the pressure was not great. Le Shu can be regarded as a half direct disciple. He started cultivating Taoism as soon as he landed. He was personally taught by Grand Master Dajing. He had already encountered the entry point of Taoism at about the same age as Yun Qing. He could be called a genius, but his experience and cultivation level were not as good as those of Zhu Wuxia. They are all slightly lacking, and not enough to put any pressure on Yun Qing.

The humble and calm monk in front of him was the least conspicuous among them, but his sense of inscrutability was even greater than that of the other two.

Yun Qing asked some more details, and then excused himself to Jueluan.

As long as she does not take the precepts, she is relatively free in the temple, but on the other hand, she does not get much guidance, and her practice of Buddhism and Taoism is often sluggish.

However, her original intention was not to practice Buddhism. She just wanted to stay here for a while and wait until she figured out the location of the Lotus Heart Void Hidden. Once the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept is obtained, she will prepare to escape from here with Zheng Zhenzhen. When everyone was confessing, she secretly used the Heavenly Book to calculate Zheng Zhenzhen's whereabouts. Unexpectedly, Zheng Zhenzhen was also blessed with luck and was already at the gate of Mianfenglang Mountain.

I don’t know how she is doing in Mianfeng Gallery right now.


The mysterious woman asked Zheng Zhenzhen to come to her side. Wen Linghua and Lu Ming saw her advanced cultivation and did not dare to come forward. Zheng Zhenzhen was simple-minded and followed him without thinking too much. The woman led her to a fork in the road. She entered from the right side and found the body of a giant bear inside.

The mysterious woman didn't care. She sat on the intact bear skin and looked at Zheng Zhenzhen. Zheng Zhenzhen was startled by the giant bear, and it took her a long time to react, and quickly stepped forward to help her check her injuries.

The mysterious woman's arm seemed to be seriously injured, but Zheng Zhenzhen checked carefully and found that they were all superficial injuries, and the root cause had not been touched.

"It's just a matter of warming it up with zhenqi. It's no big deal." Zheng Zhenzhen tore off a strip from the sacrificial robe and bandaged the woman.

The woman sneered: "After you heal me, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you again?"

Zheng Zhenzhen was surprised: "This...can't be considered a cure. If you don't deal with it, it will heal naturally."

The woman didn't expect that her focus was not on repaying kindness with evil, but on such trivial matters. She straightened her clothes and said, "Stupid girl, why do you have to be so nice to everyone? People who practice Taoism are heartless. You just focus on the Tao. Do you care whether other people live or die?"

"I, I'm not so nice to everyone! I'm... particularly nice to some people." Zheng Zhenzhen replied dully.

"Why can't you understand what I'm saying? What I mean is, if you are kind to others, they will bite you back. If you encounter an injured person, it is better to just cut it with a knife, so that you are not in danger of your own life, and you can get out of there. Get some benefits from the desperate ghost." The woman said seriously.

"Ah?" Zheng Zhenzhen was stunned, "That's too vicious!"

"The way of heaven is unkind, so why are you afraid of evil?" the woman asked sarcastically.

"But I don't want to do this." Zheng Zhenzhen had some thoughts in her heart, but she couldn't express them. "If I do this, I won't be who I am."

The woman wanted to say something else, but Zheng Zhenzhen continued while clarifying her thoughts: "My nature is such that I don't want to see others suffer, and I don't want to see spiritual beings die. If one day, I also kill people and cheat, then I won't If you lose your original intention, you will have no way to seek enlightenment."

"Hahaha, how naive you are. How many people have you read in the book who experienced great changes and then became saints?" The woman shook her head and mocked.

"They are them, and I am me. Just because I am me, I can't do this." Zheng Zhenzhen spoke a little messily, and barely expressed what he was thinking.

The woman asked her: "Do you really think so?"

Zheng Zhenzhen nodded: "Well, I always have a heart of compassion and mercy, and I will not kill any living thing out of resentment. I always have a heart to save the world and save the nation, and I am willing to sacrifice myself to become a great person."

The peach blossom miasma on the woman's body disappeared, revealing her true face. Her temperament is unearthly, her skin is like cream, her eyebrows are the color of distant dark blue, and her lips are dyed the red of frost leaves. However, this stunning appearance was ruined by a scar on the left side of her face. The scar was dark brown and stretched from the left eye to the lower jaw. It was hideous and terrifying.

She touched Zheng Zhenzhen's hair and her voice was much gentler than before: "Heaven has no relatives and always associates with good people. Let me ask you, would you like to sleep in my Phoenix Corridor?"

If Yun Qing were here, he would know that this woman is the one who is hiding among the many casual cultivators inspecting the Holy Land.