Above the Clouds

Chapter 52


The old woman's eyes were cloudy, tears kept pouring out, and her voice was pitiful: "Give me my child back! Give me back!"

Yun Qing's expression didn't change, and she couldn't see any embarrassment. She suddenly handed the child in her hand to the old woman and said, "Okay, if you want, just take him with you." *hair""

The old woman was stunned for a moment, then snatched the child away, hugged it tightly in her arms, got up and ran away. The people watching the excitement around were also dumbfounded. This was a living person. Why did he just give it to me

"Take good care of him." Yun Qing confessed, and then turned to the surrounding herdsmen. None of these herdsmen dared to look at her.

She recited the Buddha's name and said: "The poor monk came from Guiling Temple. If you have any inconvenience, just tell me."

With that, she walked into the pasture and stopped near the fence. As soon as she made the secret in her hand, four jade walls rose from the ground, turning into a small jade house in an instant. The house was a deep blue color, completely opaque, with no windows or doors. It looked more like an upright jade coffin than a house.

"The poor monk will be staying here from today onwards. Please forgive me for disturbing you." Yun Qing didn't care about the eyes of those people and disappeared into the jade house.

There was silence all around. After a while, someone said: "Is this, is this the living Bodhisattva from the snow mountain coming down?"

"Yes, yes, didn't you see that he brought a child to that crazy woman?"

As soon as these words came out, there was a plop and someone knelt down towards Yuwu, kowtowed a few times and said: "Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva! I haven't eaten for several days! Please give me some food, Bodhisattva!"

After he finished speaking, he looked up and found that there was a large bowl in front of him, filled with white rice.

Looking at the jade house again, it was quiet and quiet, as if there was no one there.

Now it was widely known that a divine monk had come to Xinshui Ranch. Before dark, there was a long line of people who came to make wishes to this divine monk. Everyone who came, regardless of gender or age, said that the holy monk indeed had magical powers, and that the Xinshui Ranch was finally saved.

In the middle of the night, the lone moon was like a string and the cold wind was blowing. 『Elegant*Wen*Words*Emotion*First*Posted』

A warm wave of light emitted from the jade house, and Yun Qing, who was wearing a monk's robe, walked out of the house. At this time, there was a rough man beside her.

"Amang, are you hungry?" Yun Qing asked the big man beside her helplessly.

In the afternoon, she took out all the food she originally brought to Aman and shared it. Amang is not her. Although he can endure hunger, his appetite in one meal is extraordinary.

Aman couldn't understand what she was talking about, he just stared at her blankly and smiled.

Yun Qing sighed, stretched out his hand and patted him: "I'd better go get you some food."

This time she just found a reason to run out of Guiling Temple, staying a little away from the unfathomable Jue Luan, and waited until his vigilance subsided so that she could go back and finish the matter of the secret method of the soul. As for the rescue of the victims, it can be said that she doesn't care at all. After all, for Yunqing, she only needs to have a causal relationship with these herdsmen, so that the person on the top of Zizai Cliff can believe that she has been here to help the victims. She didn't want to take care of any other unnecessary things.

So she handed the child she picked up from the snow to the old woman who stopped her, even though the old guy couldn't even feed herself, even though the child wouldn't live long at all.

Yunqing walked on the snow, with a cold chill on her brows, which looked particularly strange against the bright red clothes. She walked and listened, following the animal smell in the air as she walked out of the pasture and deeper into the snowy wasteland.

A low howling sound came from the front, and the old snow wolf and Yun Qing faced off across the wind and snow. His eyes were completely different from those of an old human being. They were not tired or old-looking, but filled with ferocious killing intent. His fur is somewhat bald and his hind legs are still slightly lame, but his body is still strong and his fangs are still sharp.

This is an animal that fights from birth to death. They must have had a hard time this winter.

"Are you hungry?" Yun Qing looked at it and chuckled, "Don't be afraid, you won't be hungry again soon."

Countless jade cones fell from the sky, and the white cones reflected the cold moonlight and penetrated the dark silver fur. The bones were broken, the eye sockets were cracked, and the old warrior was nailed to death in mid-air while still flying.

Scarlet blood splashed on the snow, and Aman licked his lips.

"Isn't it not good?" Yun Qing hesitated, "Besides, this one is quite old."

Aman touched his belly.

"Go further afield and see if you can find vegetables buried in the snow." Yun Qing advised.

Aman was still rubbing his belly and staring straight at the old wolf.

"up to you."

Yun Qing sighed, leaving these words behind, walked around Xue Lang's body and walked forward.

Walking deeper into the snow, there is a large group of snow wolves, not far or near from Xinshui Ranch. Normally they would not have traveled so far to trouble people, but it was too cold today and they did not have enough food, so they followed the people to the pasture and stole some sheep from time to time.

From a distance, Yun Qing saw a majestic alpha wolf among the wolves. It was twice as big as the snow wolf just now, but the ferocity in its blue eyes was exactly the same. Presumably the old wolf was driven out because the new wolf king came to power.

Yun Qing watched from a distance for a while, then picked some saxifrage and walked back slowly.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to the place where she had just killed the old wolf, she did not see a large amount of blood. There was a bulging snowdrift on the ground, and many jade awls were placed aside. Aman was squatting on the edge of the snowdrift, piled up the snow one handful at a time.

He actually didn't eat the old wolf, but instead started to pile a grave bag.

"Amang...?" Yun Qing was shocked. It seemed that this was the first time that Amang had made his own decisions without her command.

No, if you think about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be the first time. Whether it was escaping from the Hundred Thousand Mountains or finding a way to survive on the Shinto Road, Amang had done all these things himself. But the premise for him to do this is that Yun Qing is no longer able to guide him! Now Yun Qing is awake, but he just left for a while, and he actually learned how to pile grave bags!

Aman screamed a few times, his face full of stupidity and confusion.

"Here, do you want saxifrage?" Yun Qing suppressed the surprise in her heart and handed the saxifrage in her hand to Amang.

The roots of the saxifrage are still stained with mud and are dirty. This kind of grass is not considered food, but Amang never chooses it. He can eat anything that can be chewed, and occasionally he even swallows the food that cannot be chewed.

Aman took the saxifrage and was about to stuff it into his mouth.

Yun Qing reached out to stop him, took back the saxifrage from his hand, melted some snow water and washed it briefly.

"That's it." Yun Qing returned the washed saxifrage to him. Aman swallowed it in one gulp and didn't mind the bitter taste.

Yun Qing frowned, thinking that the way he looked just now didn't mean he was smart, and she didn't know what he had learned after she had kept him in Guiling Temple for a few days.

When at Guiling Temple, Yun Qing hid Amang in a square cup lamp, but this was not a long-term solution. Although Amang is not a spiritual being, he is still a living creature and cannot stay for long. So Yun Qing found an opportunity to let Amang live at the foot of Guiling Temple and seldom care about him on weekdays.

Digging graves and burying wolves is not difficult for ordinary people, but if Aman does this, it will be a big problem. It would be fine if it was just imitation. If he really did it consciously, then he might have opened his spiritual intelligence.

As for Yun Qing, who is his twin, if Amang has spiritual intelligence, he cannot be spared his life.

Yun Qing felt a little uneasy, but couldn't think of any good way to investigate for the time being, so he had to put the matter aside for the time being.

As she walked back, she tried to sort out the few things she had to do. The first and most important thing is naturally the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept. This classic is related to her life, and it is inevitable to obtain it. The second step is to quickly disassociate herself from the Seven Holy Lands. It is best to leave this continent and find a quiet place to practice cultivation. This is related to her path to cultivation and is also imperative.

After that, we can solve Amang's problem.


The hoarse voice came along the wind.

Yun Qing raised his head, and there was a gray mist shrouding the place he glanced at, and he couldn't see the brilliance of the stars and the moon.

She turned around and saw a black figure slowly crawling out of the snow not far behind her.