Above the Clouds

Chapter 62


Yun Qing stretched out his hand to test the restrictions of the Sutra Pavilion, and saw the golden light shining on it. The Buddha's power was majestic and powerful, and all outsiders could not be contaminated. 『Elegant*Wen*Words*Emotion*First*Posted』

For Yun Qing, who possesses the Heavenly Book, it is not difficult to sneak in without concealing the restrictions. What is difficult is how to bring out the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept. She used the heavenly book to activate the square inch lamp and took a step forward without hesitation. When she passed the restriction, the Buddha's light penetrated her whole body, and the pain of being cut and split by thousands of filaments spread from head to toe.

Buddhism and demonism are incompatible. Yun Qing, who has always been based on the true energy of the Great Sun and Black Heavenly Wheel, was almost fainted from the pain when illuminated by the Buddha's light. However, she could only try her best to suppress her own aura and was unable to use her skills to resist.

Fortunately, the restriction was not thick, so she stepped out in one step and entered inside the next moment.

There is another small world within the confines of the Sutra Pavilion.

The layout here is somewhat similar to the Main Hall not far away. As soon as Yun Qing came in, he saw a huge plaque with the word "Gui Ling" written on it. She thought about it and found that she had never seen the plaque at the entrance of the temple. She thought it was because Guiling Temple had never been born, so she did not hang it up. Unexpectedly, it was hung in the Sutra Pavilion. These two words are condensed from pure Buddha power, and their golden light makes people dare not look at them for a long time.

There are nearly 800 Buddha statues around the hall. When you get closer, you can see the countless incarnations of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, Wei Tuo, and all the gods flashing one by one. These incarnations are either solemn and solemn, or kind and amiable. Each one All lifelike. The arrangement of so many Buddha statues is extremely exquisite, and they do not look dull in this main hall. Instead, they echo the light of the Buddha and have an indescribable agility and vitality.

Yun Qing started from the Buddha statue closest to her and used the heavenly book to penetrate it bit by bit. The authentic copies of these Buddhist scriptures are probably hidden in the Buddha statues. Each Buddha statue is a carefully crafted magic weapon, with countless complex magic formations built inside to ensure that the scriptures are not destroyed. Yun Qing suspected that the old monk she saw at Wuxuan Mountain two years ago was originally a Buddha statue. It was only because the internal magic circle had been destroyed for a long time that it lost control and became like that.

There are more than 800 Buddha statues, all of them are arranged equally, and the preciousness of the inheritance inside cannot be seen. Yun Qing doesn't know how long it will take to read the book bit by bit. If he's lucky, he'll touch it at the first touch. If he's not lucky, he'll have to read it carefully for eight hundred times.

Yun Qing had no time to waste. She had to get the Lotus Heart Void Tibetan Observation Method before Lu Tiantan informed her identity to Guiling Temple, and she had to leave the Sutra Pavilion before Jueluan sent someone to recall her to the ceremony.

Is there any way to quickly find those secret books

The only secret scriptures that can lead to Buddhahood in Guiling Temple are the Yi Jin Sutra and the Marrow Cleansing Sutra, but there are two equally precious methods of visualization, one is the visualization of the Great Sun Tathagata, and the other is the visualization of the Lotus Heart Void Treasure. Among them, the view of the Great Sun Tathagata is so incompatible with her Great Sun and Black Heavenly Wheel, so Yun Qing can only retreat and seek the view of the Lotus Heart Void Hidden.

Yun Qing silently recited the name of the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept idea several times, and used the Heavenly Book to examine seven or eight Buddha statues. Finally, she simply gave up the Heavenly Book and began to observe carefully with her mind. 『Elegant*Wen*Words*Emotion*First*Posted』

The idea of the Void Storehouse in the Lotus Heart contains two characteristics, one is the lotus, and the other is the Void Storehouse Bodhisattva. The lotus is so broad that almost every Buddha statue has a lotus flower, and there are also many statues of the Bodhisattva Kusuzo. Yun Qing sighed, and finally narrowed down the scope. It was better to look for these statues of the Bodhisattva of the Void.

It was true that Yun Qing was blessed with good luck. She felt an unusual fluctuation when she saw the fourth statue of Kongzang Bodhisattva. This Buddha statue is only about one foot tall. It is sitting on a lotus flower and holding a lotus flower in its hand. Although it does not look very eye-catching, the purple and gold Ruyi Pearl on the top of the crown is brilliant. When Yun Qing inspected the Buddha statue, he touched the wish-fulfilling bead and it bounced away with a soft light.

She did not hesitate immediately and quickly penetrated the power of the Book of Heaven into the Ruyi Pearl.

At this time, Jue Luan was sitting in the middle of the Main Hall, wearing a bright red cassock. His light was restrained and his appearance was solemn. A thin monk, also wearing a red cassock, stood quietly behind him to protect the Dharma. The skinny monk had presided over the conversion ceremony for Yun Qing and the others, so he must have a respected status.

As soon as the morning bell rang, all the inner disciples who had received the notification came to the treasure hall, waiting for the grand ceremony to be held to select the direct disciples who would replace Yuan.

Jue Luan opened his eyes and said calmly: "Where is Junior Brother Yun Qing?"

No one answered, but some of the disciples from the Temple of Heaven who came to watch the ceremony not far from Jueluan frowned slightly.

"I wonder if I have any advice from the donor?" Jue Luan said warmly.

Yu Qiong hesitated for a moment. The name Yunqing was very common, and he was Jue Luan's junior brother. He must have been an adult man who had been in the temple for a long time. Maybe she was overthinking it.

"Senior, you are worrying too much. I just think this name is a bit familiar. I must have seen it in the old books of Yantian Palace." Yu Qiong stood up and replied respectfully.

Now that the entire Guiling Temple is almost controlled by Jue Luan, it is not a good idea to offend him, so with her arrogant and arrogant temperament, she has to lower her attitude when talking about it. Her words were not very tactful. Although she did not point out that she had some doubts about Yun Qing, Yan Tiangong was in charge of punishment, so it would not be a good thing if he got involved.

Jue Luan didn't care, he just nodded, his expression still looked calm and kind, he said calmly: "It doesn't matter if it's late, Junior Brother Jueming, the ceremony should start as planned."

This was said to the person behind him. Yu Qiong did not expect Jueluan's status to be so high. Even Jueming, the respected abbot of Guiling Temple, could only stand behind him to serve him.

The skinny monk followed his instructions and started the ceremony. In a remote corner of the hall, several Luohan Hall disciples quickly went to Yun Qing's monastery to look for her.

At this time, Yun Qing was in a stalemate with the statue of Kongzang Bodhisattva. She already felt that someone was looking for her, but this Buddha statue could not be completely penetrated in a short while. Her original idea was to use the Heavenly Book to directly establish cause and effect and take out the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept intact from the Buddha statue. However, the current time limit did not allow her to carry out such a major project.

She thought of destroying the Buddha statue.

The inheritance itself is very fragile. Although it is passed down from the hands of real immortals and has countless great supernatural powers to protect it, no matter how powerful it is, it does not mean eternity, and no matter how long it is, it does not mean it will last forever. Such a long period of time means that the true version of the secret method cannot withstand any twists and turns. If the Buddha statue is destroyed, the contents inside may not be complete.

But having reached this point, Yun Qing could only take risks.

Black flames rose in her hand and spread to the Buddha statue along with the fluctuations of the Heavenly Book, covering every inch of the Buddha statue. The smiling and benevolent Kūzozo Bodhisattva looks a bit strange in the twisted black flames. The power of the flames and the Heavenly Book concentrated on the purple-gold Ruyi Pearl, trying to peel it off.

The distorted Buddha statue in the black flames seemed to let out a sigh, and a shadow of about twenty yojanas appeared from the Buddha statue. This was the infinite incarnation of the Bodhisattva Void Bodhisattva. This incarnation walked down from the precious lotus, holding a flaming sword in his right hand and a lotus in his left hand. In the center of the lotus was a wish-fulfilling bead that was the same as the top of it.

This incarnation moves extremely slowly but carries supreme pressure, making it impossible to dodge. It slowly raises its hand and is about to slash it with a sword!

Yun Qing's whole mind was focused on the Book of Heaven, and he couldn't take his hands away to resist this incarnation, so he could only prepare for a hard resistance. The black flame in her hand became more and more violent, and the crown of the Buddha statue seemed to be loose.

not enough!

The flaming sword in the infinite incarnation's hand has fallen, and the golden Buddha's light is overwhelmingly pressing down on Yunqing with a majestic air. For a moment, Yun Qing felt that he could see nothing but light in his mind.

The black flame in Yun Qing's hand suddenly disappeared, turning into a black snake that wrapped around the long flame sword in the hand of the infinite incarnation. But this incarnation only stagnated slightly, breaking through the black snake's restraints without much effort, and slashed towards Yun Qing again.

The nine-headed snake elephant was destroyed, and Yun Qing, who was connected to it mentally, felt a sharp pain in her mind and almost fell to her knees, but at this time her mind was clearer than ever. During the short delay of the infinite incarnation, she actually reached out to the purple and gold wish-fulfilling bead on the top of the Buddha statue with her bare hands, and pulled hard!

This time, he actually pulled down the purple gold Ruyi Pearl and the crown. Once the purple-gold wish-fulfilling bead was lost, the infinite incarnation of the Bodhisattva Void Bodhisattva also disappeared.

The bloody flesh in Yun Qing's hand was just injured by the power of the Buddha statue. She didn't have time to carefully check the injury, so she took the crown in her other hand and rushed out of the Sutra Pavilion.

She made secrets with one hand trembling, using mirages to hide from the lower-level disciples of Guiling Temple along the way, and then ran straight towards the north stupa.

The moment she took off the authentic copy of the inheritance, the sound of bells and drums sounded throughout Guiling Temple at the same time.

Guiling Temple rings the bell in the morning and is accompanied by drums, and beats the drums in the evening and is accompanied by bells. At this time, the clocks and drums are ringing together, which must be a major event related to the survival of Buddhism and Taoism.

Everyone in the Main Hall was stunned, and the younger disciples had panic on their faces.

Jue Luan raised his hand, and the slightly noisy voice disappeared instantly.

He looked calm and said to several Lutiantan disciples who were watching the ceremony: "It's funny."

Naturally, Yu Qiong wouldn't say anything: "Senior Jueluan, don't worry about us. Please put the affairs of the temple first."

Jue Luan smiled lightly and nodded. Just as he was about to say something, several disciples from the Arhat Hall walked in from outside the door.

"Master Jueluan, he is not in the monastery." One of the black-faced monks said solemnly.

Jue Luan naturally knew who "he" was referring to, but he just nodded calmly and said, "I understand."

Yu Qiong suddenly felt an unspeakable impulse in her heart. She felt that she needed to confirm something, otherwise she would miss a lot.

"The Yun Qing that Senior Jue Luan is looking for is a child in his early ten years, blind but able to see clearly?"

Jue Luan turned his gaze to her, with a clear understanding of everything in his eyes: "Not bad."

Yu Qiong was a little excited. She took out a jade slip and pinched it to create a shadow.

The phantom was sitting quietly in the snow wearing the sacrificial robes of the Temple of Heaven, with black flames all over its body, and a childish and calm face. Isn't it Yun Qing

"This person is a descendant of the devil. He once sneaked into the Lutian Holy Altar. If the Imperial Master hadn't personally stopped him, I'm afraid the Holy Altar would have been harmed by him!"

Under the light, Jue Luan looked as compassionate and indifferent as the gods and Buddhas of the gods. He smiled and said, "It's the person who caused trouble in my temple just now."

As soon as Yun Qing took away the Lotus Heart Void Hidden Concept, the Dharma Protector Formation was automatically opened, and these Jue Luan all knew it. But he also didn’t mention the inheritance being stolen.

"It's better for the poor monk to settle the affairs in the temple. Let's talk about the ceremony another day."

The skinny monk behind him quickly arranged the monks and mobilized the disciples of Luohan Hall to start searching the temple. Jue Luan didn't care about these things and walked straight out of the main hall and headed to the north stupa.

There, Yun Qing was preparing for the last fight.