Above the Clouds

Chapter 67


If Zheng Zhenzhen was given another chance, she would rather die with Yun Qing than run away again. en8.

For three whole days and nights, she stood on the only way to the Great Movement Array and waited, but she never saw Yun Qing's figure. Zheng Zhenzhen didn't even dare to blink now, for fear that she would miss her in such a short moment.

The separation two years ago was because of Yu Tu, but it only took Yun Qing half a night to find her at a similar distance. At that time, Yun Qing didn't have Fang Cunzhan on her body. Now that Fang Cunzhan is in Yun Qing's hands, if she hadn't encountered any danger, how could she not have seen anyone for three days and three nights

Zheng Zhenzhen couldn't help but squat on the ground and sobbed softly, feeling as gloomy as the dark sky.

"Why are you crying?" A gentle but inexplicably indifferent voice came from above her head.

The white sleeve with a section burned off wiped her tears. Zheng Zhenzhen didn't even raise her head, and her suppressed crying suddenly let go.

Yun Qing always appeared when she was at her most desperate, wiping her tears when she cried, and picking her up when she fell. The originally stumbling path of seeking the truth was paved by this man calmly. Compared to Yun Qing's way of treating Song Liyou, who gave her a choice and let her work hard on her own, Yun Qing's attitude towards her was more cordial and indulgent.

Perhaps when he found Zheng Zhenzhen, who carried the Yellow Emperor's inheritance, in Ci'an City, Yun Qing thought of taking her under his wing. Zheng Zhenzhen is accepting Yun Qing's blessing, walking on the path she has set, and gradually becoming a precious accessory that is completely inseparable from her.

"Why are you so slow..." Zheng Zhenzhen didn't dare to raise his head, fearing that his face would be bruised.

Yun Qing sighed: "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

The injuries on her back were severe. Almost the entire flesh and blood on her back was exploded, and her spine was also burned. If it were an ordinary burn, it would not be a concern, but Bifang Huo is a divine fire, and her self-healing ability cannot keep up with the destructive speed of this scorching gas, so she can only maintain the Xuanyuan Jade Transformation Technique continuously these past few days. , temporarily propped up the lost flesh and blood on his back and injured spine with jade stones, and managed to stop the bleeding.

Doing this is also very harmful. Although the injury will not worsen for a while, it will be more terrifying if it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause. If it remains untreated, it will explode when the time comes.

Yun Qing currently has no spells that can be used to heal her wounds, especially her Great Sun Black Heaven Chakra Qi, which is completely destructive. She was too seriously injured, so in order to reduce consumption, she had to enter the state of fetal breath. She only maintained the Xuanyuan Jade Transformation Technique, and then Amang carried her to find Zheng Zhenzhen.

Obviously Yun Qing overestimated Amang's abilities. He wandered around the Snowy Mountains for three days but failed to find Zheng Zhenzhen. In the end, Yun Qing relied on Yun Qing to support him and used Fang Cunzhan.

"I... I didn't mean that..." Zheng Zhenzhen panicked. As soon as she heard Yun Qing's apology, she immediately reflected on the accusation in her words.

"It's okay, I made you worry." Yun Qing seemed to smile, but Zheng Zhenzhen lowered his head and didn't hear it very clearly.

She mustered up the courage to look up at Yun Qing.

Yun Qing's white sacrificial robe was now in tatters, and she casually put on a red cassock with large black clots of solidified blood on it. She leaned on Amang, obviously almost unsteady on her feet, but she didn't show any sign of weakness.

She was covered in blood, but she was still smiling calmly and peacefully. en8.

"Injured?" Zheng Zhenzhen observed Yun Qing carefully, but could not judge anything more from her expression.

"A little bit." Yun Qing nodded.

Zheng Zhenzhen stood up nervously, looking at it like it was nothing serious: "Where are you injured?"

Yun Qing sighed, turned around, and took off half of his cassock.

"You actually call this kind of injury a little bit!?" Zheng Zhenzhen screamed immediately. Amang, who was very close to her, seemed startled by such a loud sound. He took a step back and ran to Yun Qing's side. .

Yun Qing's entire back was glowing with jade color, and the edges of the white jade were covered with burnt black flesh. Through the clear jade, one could even see the thin blood streaks inside the body.

"Isn't this equivalent to half of the physical body being destroyed!?" Zheng Zhenzhen screamed with tears in his voice.

"No." Yun Qing replied, and then quickly pulled up her clothes.

"Are you a doctor or am I? If you say no, then you are not!" Zheng Zhenzhen shouted to Yun Qing while crying.

"Of course, you are a doctor. Well... can this be cured?" Yun Qing's ears hurt from being yelled at, so she could only correct her attitude and smooth her hair. Amang walked further away and stood cautiously behind Yun Qing. .

Zheng Zhenzhen really wants to die with Yun Qing now, because she feels that seeing this kind of injury is worse than death.

"Don't you feel pain?" Zheng Zhenzhen's voice suddenly became softer. She was taller than Yun Qing and stared at Yun Qing's head.

"It's okay." Yun Qing comforted, "It doesn't hurt very much. Just tell me how to recuperate."

Lying to children! How could it not hurt!

"It's too barren here, and I can't find any good medicine..." Zheng Zhenzhen fell into thinking. She recalled the pharmacopoeia inheritance she had read, "If there are places like volcanic hot springs... maybe flesh and blood flowers."

"Just pick it up and use it?" Yun Qing frowned and began to use the bible to check the nearby hot springs or volcanoes.

"Of course not, it has to be processed." Zheng Zhenzhen couldn't help but said while thinking about how to deal with this flesh and blood flower, "You are simply challenging my limits by using the Xuanyuan Jade Transformation Technique! The Xuanyuan Jade Transformation Technique will turn the blazing The air is stuck inside and cannot be evacuated. When the spell is dissipated, it will be really painful for you to burst out."

"The situation was urgent." Yun Qingping said calmly.

"I need a place to prepare the medicine, a medicine cauldron, fire, and the most important medicinal materials." Zheng Zhenzhen thought for a long time, took out the jade slips and wrote down a few prescriptions, and then began to scribble and correct them in his mind.

"Yes, I understand." Yun Qing tightened her cassock, and then used Taixu Fengyu to control the wind. She really couldn't bear the bumps now.

When Zheng Zhenzhen saw that she suddenly disappeared, he quickly followed her: "Where are you going?"

"There is a city nearby." Yun Qing explained briefly, "A city of ascetics."

Demonic cultivation has high demands on the physical body, so in order to fully recover his fighting strength, Yun Qing must first recover from his injuries. The major holy places that are now chasing them have probably lost the line of cause and effect, so Yun Qing is hard to find even if he is hiding among the vast number of casual cultivators. She must recover from her injuries now and face everything in the best possible condition.

"A city of monks?" Zheng Zhenzhen asked curiously and worriedly. If it were a casual cultivator, the city would probably be in a smoky atmosphere, with people killing people and seizing treasures. Now that Yun Qing is physically inconvenient, she can hardly be considered a combatant. Should she go and deliver meat

"Yes. Hanlai City near the sea, it is said that the city owner is a direct disciple of Moling Jiange." Yun Qing told Zheng Zhenzhen the news he knew.

Hanlai City was built over the extremely cold land on the edge of the southern continent. It is said that a long time ago, the Beichuan Continent and the Southern Continent were still connected by the Great Movement Formation. At that time, Hanlai City, as a transportation hub, was in its heyday, with both casual cultivators and Holy Land disciples coming and going. Incessantly, specialties from the two continents and even countless islands can be found in this place. Skills, treasures, secrets, and even spiritual beasts and demon servants, as long as they can be named, Hanlai City can get them. Its prosperity can be said to be rare in the world.

However, in the subsequent Battle of Qingtian, the Shenyin Sect destroyed all the Great Teleportation Formations on the two continents in one fell swoop.

Since ancient times, orthodox humane cultivators have been of one heart and one mind. Therefore, as soon as the incident occurred at Moling Jiange, Lu Tiantan sent troops to the Beichuan Continent through the Great Movement Formation at all costs. Even a behemoth like the Shenyin Sect couldn't pick up two holy places at once, so it simply cut off the connection between the two continents, closed the door and directly disabled Mo Ling. The disciples of Lutiantan who were trapped in the Beichuan Continent have long since disappeared, but the disciples of Mo Ling who were sent as envoys to the Southern Continent have escaped.

The origin of the current Lord of Hanlai City can be traced back to the Heaven-Qing War that took place an unknown number of thousands of years ago. He may be the last person in Mo Ling walking in this world.

"Mo Ling Jiange?" Zheng Zhenzhen knew very little about this sect and could not hide his curiosity.

"Well, after the Battle of Qingtian, the Great Movement Formation was destroyed, and Hanlai City lost its support. It was getting worse day by day, until this city lord appeared." Yun Qing paused, "Of course, no one can guarantee it. He is the descendant of Mo Ling, and he may have raised the banner of the Holy Land just to control Hanlai City."

"Well... it's enough that you can recuperate there." Zheng Zhenzhen didn't think as much as she did. She said seriously, "Of course a city is the best. I guess you can find a place to prepare medicine."

Yun Qing was not as optimistic as she was, and just said calmly: "Just take it one step at a time."

She planned to stay in Hanlai City temporarily. If she wanted to gather the medicinal materials for healing her injuries first, she would naturally heal her injuries first. But if she wanted to gather the materials to repair the Great Movement Formation first, then of course she would leave Nanfeng Continent first. For Yun Qing, the longer she stayed in Nanfeng Continent, the greater the chance of being discovered by the Holy Lands, and she did not dare to take this risk.

"Two fellow Taoists, are you going to Hanlai City?" A somewhat rough voice called from behind Yun Qing.

Yun Qingli ignored him and moved forward. Zheng Zhenzhen looked back naturally.

The man wore a thick animal skin coat. Although he looked like an ordinary hunter, his aura was very powerful. He chased after several people and shouted loudly: "Fellow Taoist, please stay!"

When Zheng Zhenzhen saw that Yun Qing was ignoring him, he turned around and caught up with her without saying anything to the big man.

The big man looked a little puzzled: "Why do you ignore Pindao?"

"Busy." Yun Qing's voice condensed into a thin line and was clearly transmitted to the rude Taoist in the strong wind. It is better to do less than to do more. Who is willing to deal with people of unknown origin at this critical moment of life and death

The big man was startled: "I just want to ask you for directions, there's no need to be so heartless...!"

"Sorry, we don't know the way either!" Zheng Zhenzhen couldn't stand listening. She felt that if Yun Qing was asked to reply again, that person would probably be pissed to death.

"That's great. How about we go together?" The big man still chased after the two of them reluctantly, keeping a relatively safe distance.

"No need!" Zheng Zhenzhen said loudly and in a long voice.

"Hey, little girl, stop for a moment and wait for me!" The big man ran very fast and caught up with him without even seeing him use any tricks to make himself lighter.

"He Fangxiao, how dare you bully a defenseless girl in front of me!" Suddenly, an angry voice came through the sky accompanied by a clear light.

A flying sword was inserted at the foot of the big man. He stopped hurriedly and staggered back: "Who bullied a defenseless girl!?"

A young man in his twenties rushed over from the direction of Han Laicheng. He was wearing a dark yellow cardigan, a royal blue belt, and his hair was tied up meticulously. This man's aura was on par with that big man's, and he seemed to be a young and talented man.

"You!" The young man in yellow recalled the flying sword in his hand and inserted himself between the big man and Yun Qing's group. He pointed at the big man menacingly and said, "It's you!"

Zheng Zhenzhen felt that he might have only listened briefly to the conversation between the two parties before running out to show off as a hero, so he planned to excuse the big man.

"Get out of the way."

Before Zheng Zhenzhen could speak, Yun Qing said coldly.

The young man in yellow and the big man were both stunned. They had never seen such a person who couldn't speak!

While they were stunned, Yun Qing had already passed the young man in yellow, and suddenly jumped into the air. The white jade under his feet condensed into steps, and he walked step by step towards the gloomy sky.

"...Ah? Up there?" Zheng Zhenzhen was stunned. She couldn't fly.

Yun Qing threw Fang Cunzhan down from above: "Come up."

Hanlai City is hidden behind these dark clouds, but it is not far from the ground. Although Yun Qing cannot fly, he can still use his strength to get up.

Zheng Zhenzhen hurriedly caught Fang Cunzhan. At this time, the young man in yellow came up with a smile on his face: "This fellow Taoist is really as beautiful as a flower... Poor Taoist Han Linlin, I just helped you drive away the thief." , how about you let me send you up with a flying sword?"

The big man was dissatisfied: "Who do you think is the thief!?"

Zheng Zhenzhen almost laughed when she heard his name: "No need."

"I'm talking about you, you evil man, you still want to enter Hanlai City? Save yourself!" The man in yellow shouted to the big man without hesitation.

"I told you I didn't bully her!" The big man couldn't argue.

Just as the two of them were entangled, Zheng Zhenzhen, Yun Qing, and Amang were already standing in front of the gate of Hanlai City.