Above the Clouds

Chapter 8


"Amang, stop for a moment. "Elegant* Wen*yan*qing*first*" Yun Qing pressed Amang's shoulder with one hand, covered his mouth with one hand and coughed.

Seeing that she was coughing badly, Aman immediately panicked and stood there not knowing what to do, with a vague whimper coming from his throat.

Amang walked quickly and with long steps, he got rid of Song Liyou in a few moves and went deep into the forest. In fact, Yun Qing originally wanted to leave with Song Liyou, but she didn't expect that her injuries were more serious than expected. She was afraid that Song Liyou would take the opportunity to do evil, so she had to escape quickly.

"Don't panic, don't panic... cough cough cough..." Yun Qing reassured, "I won't faint like last time. Does Aman still remember Uncle Tea in the ancient city over there?"

"Before, I was overtaken by an envoy in white at the border of Shiwanda Mountain. I managed to escape by forcibly merging the Heavenly Book I had just stolen. After that, my health became worse and worse." Yun Qing stretched out her hand, and Amang put his head under her hand. He quietly let her caress him, "Fortunately, I found Fang Cunzhan from the body of the messenger in white. Ahem... Only then can we reach the ancient city from the 100,000-mile mountain."

"When I left the ancient city, the old tea man gave me the Heaven and Earth Pot. It seems that he and Fang Cunzhan are a pair." Yun Qing reached down and touched the pot hanging around Amang's neck. "I don't know what the old man said. Where did it come from? It seems that they had anticipated that I would pass by that place, and specially prepared such a big gift for me."

Yun Qing frowned again, and there was a deep mark between her eyebrows. She had always been far away from the carefree life of this age.

"That's all, there are many people in the world who are proficient in divination and numerology." Yun Qing shook his head and had no time to think too much at the moment, "It's just... Since Uncle Cha can figure out my whereabouts, then maybe others can too. I'm on this trip to find immortals. , although I have borrowed the fate of Daoyuan to cover myself, I should be more careful in the future."

Aman didn't seem to understand anything. He just looked up at her in panic, fearing that she would vomit blood again.

Yun Qing felt his gaze and smiled, but there was a trace of worry in his expression: "Don't look at it, I won't get better no matter how much you look at it. Now we must find a way to cultivate ourselves, and we can't avoid death by carrying the treasures of heaven and earth in our mortal body." "

She said it didn't matter, but Amang became even more panicked, whining continuously, causing the forest birds to scatter and flee.

"Let's go, let's go, Amang, I feel better." Yun Qing patted the back of the big man's head, "Maybe you can find something to ease the situation here."

Aman didn't dare to disobey, so he held her calf and ran forward along the path.


Xie Yao walked very slowly.

He has rarely left the house since he was a child, and his body is weak. Mountain climbing is really difficult for him.

However, he moved forward step by step, steadily and tepidly.

"The trees here are dense, and there is only such a trail. If you walk along here, you will definitely find them... Oops!" Xie Yao comforted himself. 『Elegant*Wen*Words*Emotion*First*Posted』

Xie Yao was really thinking, and suddenly he stumbled and almost fell down.

He looked down and saw a vine lying across the middle of the road. Xie Yao looked along the vines, and his eyes were full of green with a hint of lime white.

Xie Yao approached the weird thing and saw it more clearly.

The gray-white rock looks like an incomplete square. Half of it was stuck diagonally into the soil, and the other half was half swallowed by the giant tree. Plants such as moss are also attached to the exposed areas.

Xie Yao squatted down and got closer, and then he saw some uneven writing on it. He rolled up his sleeves and bent down to clean up the slimy plants.

"Maybe the Farewell Palace is remembered on it... But Yun Qing must be anxious since I have disappeared for so long."

Xie Yao didn't know whether to observe the stone carefully or to hurry up.

"Forget it, even if I catch up with them now, I can't help much, I can only hold them back. Why not explore this stone to see if there is anything useful." Xie Yao struggled for a while and finally made up his mind. .

He didn't know that Yun Qing was too busy taking care of himself at the moment, and was very relieved about his disappearance.

When Xie Yao thought that someone was thinking of him, he became more motivated. He speeded up his hands to remove the fine debris and began to deal with the vines. The vines were covered with fine thorns. While avoiding these, Xie Yao casually touched a wooden stick to pick out the vines.

"The tree is so big that you can't see the top. I don't know how long it has been growing. It seems like this stone is older than the tree."

After spending a long time, Xie Yao was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely, and finally he almost cleaned up the messy tree vines.

"This looks like a stone tablet..." Xie Yao wiped his forehead with his sleeve and began to identify the handwriting on it.

"... From this, the other person's sense of what is said is triggered, and the other person responds to the said answer... If it is the way, it will advance, if it is not the way, it will retreat... He often points to the three lights, and looks at the sun and the moon for a long time."

Xie Yao read intermittently. The characters above were in ancient style, and few people could recognize them even now. In addition to the places that had been worn away and damaged by time, he couldn't see what it was talking about.

Xie Yao rubbed his sore shoulders, but when he raised his hand, he accidentally scratched the vines on the side.

"Ouch!" Xie Yao cried out in pain and looked at his hand, only to find a large gash on his hand.

Xie Yao waved his hands, wanting to cry but without tears.

"Eh!?" The vine he had brought to the side just now revealed a section of the stone tablet.

The stele should have sunk halfway into the ground, and the exposed area is approximately in the middle of the stele. Xie Yao took a closer look and saw a strange-shaped groove there.

"This... looks a bit familiar." Xie Yao shook his head and thought, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "That's right!"

He reached out and took out the jade Ruyi from his arms, compared it with the groove for a while, and found that the two matched perfectly.

"This...could this be an adventure?" Xie Yao swallowed, and placed the jade Ruyi in the groove with some uneasiness, and pressed it hard.


It had been a long time since Yun Qing left, but Song Liyou was still there, with a sinister smile on his face.

"This little girl is weird and weird. We can't do anything without being completely sure. Now we can only look at this Xie." Song Liyou took out a small astrolabe from his arms.

It was through this horoscope that he led the two people into Shinto.

Hidden Tianshan, the Palace of Farewell. This is no longer the human world, it is the so-called "god's realm".

Everything in the world has spirit, so every plant and tree can become a god. Everything in the world has its destiny, so there is the existence of the law, that is, God.

The god of flowers, rivers, seas, or the god of spring like Qingdi.

The Palace of Farewell was the place where Qing Emperor relied on during his lifetime, and also the place where his bones were buried after his death. There are countless people who have wanted to find this place for countless years, but for a being like Qingdi, even if he dies, the divine realm can last forever. As long as the divine realm is immortal, the only way to find the Palace of Parting is to follow the divine path.

"Shinto" is the path that the gods walk, in which there are various illusions and countless changes. Physical humans are invisible, but not completely impossible to find.

For example, the astrolabe in Song Liyou's hand is one of the ways to determine the position of the Shinto.

Mortals would probably describe the place as "under the big tree at the entrance of the village" or "in the well behind the house". But these things cannot withstand the vicissitudes of life. They change too fast and may be annihilated in the blink of an eye for the gods.

So the powerful ones used the stars to determine the location of the divine way. The stars in the sky move countless times, and they are preserved longer and easier to identify than reference objects on the ground.

If someone explores the Shinto bit by bit, compares its position with the stars, and records it bit by bit on the astrolabe, then it can be passed on to future generations so that future generations know its location.

Therefore, Song Liyou's hard work over the past hundred years, that is, the astrolabe, is the most important.

"I lured that kid away on purpose, so that's fine." Song Liyou looked at the position of the astrolabe to determine where he should go, "But that little girl actually dared to move forward like this, or she didn't know what to do. Life or death, or..."

A fierce look flashed in his eyes: "Or there are more detailed records."

There are also advantages and disadvantages between horoscopes. A more detailed horoscope can help him avoid many fatal obstacles.

"Hmph, I have an astrolabe in my hand. All you have to do is follow the soul-dispersing incense I put on that girl and you can find her. When the time comes, try to ambush her... and be sure to get what's in her hand."


Xie Yao's eyesight went dark, and he felt like he was being grabbed by the collar and spun around dozens of times in the air before being thrown to the ground hard.


Xie Yao screamed miserably and fell down heavily.

He rubbed his butt and found himself lying on the cold stone floor. When he looked up, he was immediately stunned.

In front of you is a majestic palace that cannot be described in words. The whole white boulder outlines the general shape of the palace, with no other colors except blue, white and light ink.

The eaves and teeth alone have the potential to block out the sky and the sun, and the whole palace cannot be seen at all. The surrounding bluestones are paved with steps, and there are countless stone statues of rare birds and animals standing on the edges, all of which are lifelike. Look carefully at the white stone ground, which is also painted with colorful flowing clouds and dancing gods. The dome is covered with fine lines of ink like a spider web, but it doesn't look messy at all. There is a pool in the center, covered with thick white mist. The mist escapes and evaporates into the shape of nine flying dragons.

Xie Yao was shocked before he could take a closer look at this, but a sharp pain on his spine immediately brought his mind back to normal.

Xie Yao wanted to hold himself up, but his hand touched something warm. Looking down, I saw it was the jade Ruyi.

The jade Ruyi gave off a faint light as soon as I took it, and a warmth surged from my hand to my heart.

"The nature of human beings is pure and peaceful. When it comes to situations and situations, all kinds of things are wrong."

Xie Yao was startled, and vaguely heard an indistinguishable male and female voice whispering in his ear.

"One thought that is not correct is hell. Recite politely and be sweaty."

The sound got louder and louder, almost deafening.

"Simmer the fire in your heart and tame the horse of anger. Mirror yourself and inform those who come."

"Simmer the fire in your heart, tame the horse of energy..." Xie Yao couldn't help but follow the voice.

He didn't notice that the white energy emitted by the jade Ruyi transformed into various shapes, all of which were absorbed into his body.