Absolute Choice

Chapter 107: What I, King Jianfeng, refer to (please subscribe!)


On the endless desolate land, countless human beings whose faces could not be seen could be seen, and their whole bodies were covered with golden light. They knelt on one knee and lowered their heads in a gesture of surrender, like a golden wheat field covering the earth.

In the center of this golden wheat field, stood a black-haired young man. The young man wore a golden crown and black and white robes, and gave off a majestic aura in his movements.

"You all swear to be my king's sword forever!"

The young man whispered, but it was as deafening as thunder.

"Yes, my king!"

The golden subjects all over the ground responded in unison, and their voices were so loud that they resounded throughout the world.

"This body was born with a sword!"

"Steel is the body, and fire is the blood!"

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of half-kneeling golden human beings swore in unison. The sound was so majestic that the color of the world changed. The haze gradually covered the sun, and the world fell into darkness.

"Serve the king."

"Crossing countless battlefields without defeat."

"Never lost a single time."

Several thunders exploded in the sky, and strong winds roared across the earth, but they were all submerged in the majestic momentum, like a small river swallowed by the sea.

"Wherever my king's sword points, so is the direction of our hearts!"

As soon as these words were spoken, rays of golden light suddenly shot up from the countless human beings into the sky, turning into golden light pillars that penetrated the sky and the earth, piercing the dark clouds covering the sky and illuminating the entire world.

"We swear that in this life and forever, we will be my king's sword! Kill my king's enemies!"

A deafening sound resounded through the sky, and countless rays of golden light suddenly shrank into a thin line, and finally disappeared without a trace.

And on the vast land, there was only one young man wearing a crown, and the countless golden humans had long since disappeared, replaced by swords all over the mountains and plains!

All kinds of swords pierced the earth, and as far as the eye could see, there was a vast ocean of swords!

"Here comes the sword!"

The young man shouted, and all the swords trembled violently, and then soared into the sky.

Countless swords gathered in the center of the sun, and merged with each other one after another, finally becoming an invisible sword with only the hilt and no body!

The only sword made of millions of swords fell from the sky and flew towards the crowned boy.

The young man stretched out his hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and a clear sword cry immediately sounded. The cry was full of respect, love and joy.

This sword is invisible, but it has a heart!

"Create the sky! Create the earth!"

The young man held the hilt of the sword with both hands, raised it behind his head, turned slightly sideways, and slashed diagonally towards Youyou Tiandi!

The sword rises, the sword falls.

The earth immediately began to crack when the sword fell, forming an abyss dozens of miles wide and thousands of miles long.

The sky was suddenly split in half, with one half only having light and the other half only darkness.

The young man took back the hilt of his sword and looked calmly at the distant horizon, as if he was looking at another world.

Suddenly, an energetic voice sounded from heaven to earth.

"I'm back! Shi Xiaobai, please get up and greet me!"

The young man was stunned for a moment, and a glimmer of light flashed in Gujing Muha's eyes.

"You're still sleeping even though the sun is shining on your butt! Shi Xiaobai, you are a pig!"

The voice that filled the world sounded again, and the young man with the crown frowned slightly.

"If you don't get up, I will have to take care of my family!"

The young man opened his mouth slightly, turned around and looked around at the sky, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes.

"Humph, it was you who forced me to take action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole world suddenly started to shake. The young man raised his sword to strike, but suddenly felt his nose was very itchy. After he hit "Haqiu" hard, the world turned into darkness. In this darkness , he couldn't help but open his eyes.

After opening his eyes, in his hazy vision, a white hand held a petal, and he was using the tip of the petal to gently tease his nose.

"Humph, you finally woke up, little lazy pig."

Turning his head slightly to look, what caught his eye was a face with delicate features and a single black ponytail that he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Violent girl?"

Shi Xiaobai's consciousness, which was a little dazed because he had just woken up, finally gradually regained consciousness.

Li Zi was slightly startled when she heard the words "violent girl", and habitually raised her pink fist to hit Shi Xiaobai on the head.

Shi Xiaobai has been practicing Crab Steps these days and it has become instinctive to dodge. At this moment, facing this ordinary punch, there is no reason why he can't dodge it. He tilted his head slightly and easily dodged the punch.

Lizi's punch missed, and she was stunned for a moment. Without thinking much, she muttered, "Hey, I haven't seen you for half a month, and you've learned to hide."

Li Zi was still about to quarrel, but saw Shi Xiaobai slowly smile.

"Welcome back, I miss you very much..."

Shi Xiaobai's voice was so gentle.

Lizi's pupils shrank slightly, and she suddenly felt numb in her heart.

It turns out that after traveling for more than half a month, having someone say "Welcome back, I miss you" when you return home is such a feeling. It's sour, sweet, and a little bit happy.

"The cooking skills."

Shi Xiaobai grinned, waved his hand and urged: "So go cook quickly, I am a little hungry."

Lizi's happy smile that just bloomed was frozen instantly, and her eyes that were half soft were frozen.

"Shi! Xiao! Bai!"

Lizi was angry, "Please return this young lady's touch quickly!"

Thirty minutes later.

"Eat, little lazy pig."

Lizi brought the rice to Shi Xiaobai with a smile on her lips. Anyway, Shi Xiaobai liked the food she cooked and felt a little sense of accomplishment.

Well, just a little bit.

Shi Xiaobai looked at the four dishes and one soup on the table, and immediately started to wolf it down eagerly. Due to the loss of energy due to seven consecutive days of virtual stealth, he slept for three full days. At this time, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed to his chest. Back.

"Oh, how long have you been hungry? Don't eat in such a hurry, it's not good for your stomach."

Li Zi smiled when she saw Shi Xiaobai devouring the food, then picked up her phone and started browsing the news of the past few days.

She had not paid attention to the news and current affairs for some days, and now it was rare for her to be free.

Lizi scanned the rows of information titles, most of which were content that she was not interested in.

The hottest news is of course about the training camp between the two factions, but this matter is so popular that Lizi, who doesn't pay attention to the news, has already heard about it from other people.

She is no longer a newcomer, so she doesn’t care too much about it. The only newcomer she is familiar with in Gaiya is Shi Xiaobai, but in her opinion, no matter how talented Shi Xiaobai is, he is still too far behind. It is difficult to pass the selection, let alone pass the final selection of the organization's faction to obtain training qualifications.

Therefore, Lizi didn't want to go into details about the training camp between the two factions.

Suddenly, Lizi's downward-turned fingers paused slightly.

A line of news headlines came into view.

"Aris of Xia Kingdom, a third-level spiritual man who has mastered the Crab Step to perfection! 》