Absolute Choice

Chapter 116: Where are the warm reminders


After the Sith left, the newcomers breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time they saw the horror in each other's eyes.

How could this lunatic Sith instructor actually force himself to calm down

Why? Is it just because of Lord Iquan's protection of Tu Dahei

The newlyweds had constant suspicions in their hearts, but no matter how they guessed, they would never have guessed that the reason turned out to be—Shi Xiaobai hugged a pair of beautiful thighs as white as snow, full of elasticity, and as smooth as silk!

Of course, if they knew that Shi Xiaobai and the legendary Master Huali had signed a Lover's Contract and Lover's Contract 2.0, they would probably develop the Lover's Contract to "shy shy" or even "sexy" in the coming years. "version of.

They would probably stand on the bench with their necks in a sling, crying, "Kick me off the bench, thank you!"

Looking at everyone with suspicion and shock, Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly and was about to close his eyes and continue meditating when he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Shi Xiaobai turned to look at Ye Jiaquan and asked, "Where is my right hand?"

"Ah? Isn't your right hand on your body?"

Ye Jiaquan was stunned. Isn't Brother Tu Dahei's right hand good

"What I'm asking is, where are my snacks?"

Shi Xiaobai changed his explanation.

"I, I don't know."

Ye Jiaquan scratched his head, looking innocent.

"Where did Ling Cun go?"

Shi Xiaobai glared at Ye Jiaquan. He realized that Ye Jiaquan's IQ balance was seriously insufficient. He didn't understand that even if one of his temporary assistants was Chen Lingcun, he could not even get such a simple title as Wang Zhixiao. I can't even identify it, so I can't play the piano to a cow.

Shi Xiaobai looked around again and found that Chen Lingcun was nowhere to be found, feeling slightly doubtful.

He had a very, very fond impression of this silver-haired boy who was known as the weakest newcomer.

Because every word Lingcun praised "Shi Xiaobai" spoke to his heart!

"Lingcun... Lingcun is gone."

Ye Jiaquan's expression became a little gloomy, and his voice became a little deeper, "Seven days ago, Lingcun said that he was leaving, going to a place far, far away, and maybe he would never come back again."

When Ye Jiaquan thought that he might never see Lingcun again, his mood suddenly dropped.


Shi Xiaobai responded, and his mood was somewhat affected. Although he had not been with Lingcun for a short time, Chen Lingcun, as one of his earliest enthusiastic fans in the world, still had a certain status in his heart.

But since Chen Lingcun has left and gone to a distant place and may never come back, then their intersection is probably just that.

"By the way, Lingcun left you a letter. I... I didn't know you would come today, so I didn't bring it with me."

Ye Jiaquan said apologetically, thinking that he should carry that letter with him every day.

Shi Xiaobai said calmly: "It's okay. After all, the farewell letter is just to say goodbye. It doesn't matter if you don't read it. In my endless life, there will be no shortage of passers-by."

Ye Jiaquan was stunned when he heard this, and then his honest face showed an unprecedented seriousness, "I will definitely bring the letter tomorrow. Please take a look at it. Lingcun likes you very much. He must have something to say." Wanted to tell you.”

Shi Xiaobai felt Ye Jiaquan's seriousness and nodded solemnly, "Although I don't like to hear 'goodbye', I am willing to listen to what words he will leave me."


Ye Jiaquan suddenly grinned, looking as silly as a plowing ox.

Not long after Sis left, a few footsteps suddenly sounded outside the door. The newlyweds suddenly became quiet and turned their attention to the door.

Three people walked in one after another.

Walking at the front was a burly middle-aged man. His facial features were as sharp as a knife, and you could vaguely see the starry eyebrows and sword-like eyes he had when he was young.

This person is the head of the Destruction Department, nicknamed Destruction, and his real name is Nangong Shan.

The second person who walked in was an old man. The old man was plainly dressed and had a plain appearance. His whole body looked ordinary.

Shi Xiaobai immediately discovered that this old man was the old man in charge of the newcomer rating test.

The third person who entered caused a commotion and exclamation.

Lizi walked in. She was wearing a white T-shirt, black jeans, and red boots today. Her outfit was extremely simple and concise.

But her round and slender legs, perky hips, proud S-shaped curves, and plump breasts perfectly interpret what a devilish figure is.

Coupled with that face with a single ponytail and exposed forehead, it is extremely pure, delicate and beautiful, like an angel, which makes people scream, monster, you really want to kill me!

The newlyweds looked straight and started whispering involuntarily.

"Is this Miss Riko? She is so pure and beautiful. Those innocent school beauties are simply a joke in front of her."

"Nangong Lizi, the leader of the younger generation of the destruction department, the youngest ocean pontus in history, the eldest lady of the Nangong family, the daughter of the destruction minister Nangong Shan, and the only student of Master Yiquan! Phew, she is only seventeen years old! "

"What is a goddess? This is the goddess!"

"Will Miss Riko come to supervise the selection today? Ah, it seems I must perform well!"

"We toads shouldn't have our extravagant hopes. Miss Lizi has even rejected Master Guren's pursuit without mercy. Miss Lizi's heart doesn't know which one of the most favored men in heaven can impress her."


When the newcomers were whispering, Lizi finally saw Shi Xiaobai in the crowd. She immediately winked at Shi Xiaobai playfully, expressing that she would support him mentally.

A few people sitting not far from Shi Xiaobai thought that the goddess was looking at them, so they immediately put on what they thought was the most handsome posture, and their hearts were filled with one of the three major illusions in life - she and I were right. Eye.

Under the gaze of the expressionless Minister of Destruction, the commotion caused by the pears among the newcomers soon subsided and they closed their mouths one after another.

After everyone calmed down, Nangong Shan's rich and powerful voice sounded, "I believe everyone knows the purpose of the three of us here, so I won't explain it further. There is only one recommendation, so we will only select the best one. The stronger one, everyone, come on. Now, leave the classroom in order and gather in the big playground."

Just as Nangongshan finished speaking, Li Zi was the first to walk out of the classroom. Nangongshan smiled slightly and followed. The newcomers were stunned for a moment and began to leave the classroom in order.

After a while, the team of newcomers, who had been eliminated by the Sith and were reduced to only fifty people, gathered on the huge steel playground. Most of them were a little nervous.

Their ears pricked up, because Nangongshan would soon announce the rules of this selection competition.

"The selection rules are very simple, we only want the only person standing on the field!"

Nangongshan stated the simple and crude rules simply and clearly.

The newcomers were stunned. What do you mean by the only one standing

At this time, Lizi and the old man had already walked to the edge of the big playground. Nangongshan swept across the newcomers and said loudly: "You have thirty seconds to distance yourself from each other. After thirty seconds, fifty people will have a free fight." Rules melee, being knocked down and unable to get up, or exceeding the sidelines of the playground, elimination until one person is left.”

"Then, the thirty-second countdown to preparation time begins!"

As soon as Nangongshan finished speaking, several newcomers who responded quickly had already pulled the newcomers with whom they had a good relationship and evacuated to a corner of the playground.

The rest of the newcomers also started to take action after a brief shock.

Although this selection rule is simple and crude and makes no sense, it is a good thing for most people because they can join forces to kill the stronger ones first!

Everyone had different thoughts, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

On the edge of the playground, the old man looked at Lizi and asked, "I wonder if Miss Lizi has any newcomers that she likes?"

Lizi didn't respond, because she was looking blankly somewhere in the playground, her expression slightly anxious.

The old man followed Li Zi's gaze and immediately saw Shi Xiaobai who was still staying in place. He smiled bitterly and said, "This kid is still as good as ever... He has no hidden edge."

Shi Xiaobai was the only one who still stood there and did not make any preparations in these thirty seconds.

Therefore, when everyone was ready, they immediately noticed Shi Xiaobai, and most of them had a look of fierceness in their eyes.

If Wang Lin is the strongest newcomer, then Tu Dahei, who directly eliminated Song Xiao ten days ago, is probably the second newcomer. Moreover, it seems that it is time to settle the grudge that happened when he was forced to pay money.

More than half of the newcomers have already made up their mind to unite and eliminate Tu Dahei first.

It can be said that Shi Xiaobai's immobility has made him fall into great passivity.

As a result, Li Zi watched secretly anxiously and thought to herself, you silly little guy, will you die if you keep a low profile

Shi Xiaobai didn't think about it so much. The reason he didn't move was because he was too lazy to move. He didn't even dare to fight an army of tens of thousands of undead head-on, let alone a mere forty-nine newcomers.

Of course, he still has some headaches about how to defeat these newcomers, because he only has two attack methods, one is the pig-killing knife, and the other is the turtle speed magic fist that he has not used in actual combat for a while.

However, the butcher's knife is a killing knife technique that pursues instant kills. Shi Xiaobai did not intend to use it, and besides, he did not carry a knife with him.

And the Turtle Speed Divine Fist... is completely unsuitable for group fights!

There are two styles of Guishu Shenquan.

The first style of the Turtle Speed Divine Fist does extremely high damage, but the punching speed is incredibly slow, slower than a snail crawling. It is generally aimed at stationary things with high defense.

The second style of Turtle Speed Divine Fist punches extremely fast, but the damage requires a long period of superposition before bursting out. It is suitable for dealing with enemies with high mobility, and

When superimposed to a certain extent, the power is equally astonishing.

But these two styles all embody the word "slow"!

The former has extremely slow attack speed, while the latter has a long delay in causing damage.

The Turtle Speed Divine Fist may be able to use the second style to slowly kill the opponent in a duel, but in a multi-person melee it seems too tiring and cumbersome.

Therefore, Shi Xiaobai is slightly distressed now. It is difficult for him to take the initiative to eliminate others!

"Thirty seconds to prepare! The selection begins!"

Nangong Shan's voice suddenly sounded, all the newcomers took a breath, and the cruel and irregular melee began!

At the same time, several people pounced on Shi Xiaobai immediately!

A smile slowly appeared on Shi Xiaobai's lips. Since you want to fight, I will fight with you happily!

Shi Xiaobai raised his toes and was about to perform the Crab Step.

Suddenly, time stopped!

"Choose, boy!"

The world was frozen at this moment, time was frozen, and Shi Xiaobai was also unable to move. Several lines of black text slowly spread out in front of his eyes.

[Option 1: Kill Chen Lingcun (A-level reward)]

[Option 2: Rescue Chen Lingcun (B-level reward)]

[Option 3: Give up Chen Lingcun (F-level reward)]

"Choose, boy!"

... ...

(PS: Here is the tenth update. I stayed up all night last night until 12 noon to wait for chapters to be published. Now I am so sleepy, I will go to sleep for an afternoon. When I wake up, I will look at the results directly. I hope I won’t be miserable. Tonight at 8 o’clock, the book will be released. Friends group 420179413, there is a prize competition, everyone can participate enthusiastically!)