Absolute Choice

Chapter 119: The biological son of the world


You read that right, continuous beating is the magical training method of "This turtle is the hardest" physical training method.

Physical cells will gradually become stronger through constant death and rebirth, and skin, muscles, blood, bones, and spiritual will will all become harder and stronger after being beaten.


Want to practice magical skills? Then get beaten!

Want to become a real dirty turtle? Then get beaten!

Do you want yourself and your friends to become harder and harder, even reaching the "hardest" level

You must think about it!

Why don't you go and get beaten quickly?

When Hua Pengju and five others attacked, Shi Xiaobai suddenly remembered the dirty turtle magical skill, and thought of "this turtle is the hardest", and then he thought of being beaten.

According to the training rules of "This turtle is the hardest", the worse the beating, the greater the physical improvement, so Shi Xiaobai gave up resistance without even a trace of dodge.

But after being hit by the five psychic attacks, Shi Xiaobai immediately regretted it, because damn, his current physical defense was shoddy!

He has not done any physical training, so his physical defense is only at the level of an ordinary human being. It is too reluctant for him to directly accept the psychic attacks of Hua Pengju and the five people.

Shi Xiaobai's facial features were suddenly distorted by pain, and he even spat out a mouthful of old blood!


But something magical happened. After being beaten and spitting out blood, Shi Xiaobai felt a sense of relief all over his body, as if he had played the ice bucket challenge on a hot summer day and had his whole body filled with ice water.

Shi Xiaobai immediately realized that this was his endurance technique, the second part of the dirty turtle magical technique - "not leaking turtle breath", working!

"Not leaking breath" is a battery life method that achieves battery life by suppressing sensory stimulation.

For example, when you are out of breath while running, if you use "Don't Breathe", then the discomfort of breathing, physical fatigue, muscle soreness and other sensory stimulations will all be suppressed, and you will not feel comfortable. Reach them, so your body won't have a stress response and will continue to move.

Of course, this feels a bit like forcing battery life, and if it is too much, it can easily damage the fundamentals.

However, the battery life of the "breath-proof" device is indeed extremely powerful. It suppresses the sensory stimulation of pain within a few breaths, turning the pain into a soreness that flows throughout the body.

Well, in short, Shi Xiaobai felt a sense of sourness, and then suddenly had a weird feeling of escalation.

It's like my physical fitness was originally 1, but now it's 2.

This feeling is very clear and real, and even the numerical value seems to be tangible.

Shi Xiaobai knew that this was not an illusion, this was the "hardest turtle" body training at work!

Five people from Hua Pengju kept kicking and hitting him with their fists and kicks. After he deliberately avoided the vital points, his body began to practice continuously while suffering the damage.

Because he "doesn't let his breath out", Shi Xiaobai didn't feel much pain when he was beaten, but his whole body was sore and refreshing.

Because "this turtle is the hardest", Shi Xiaobai continuously improved his body's defense when he was beaten. His skin, flesh and bones became harder and harder with each beating.

The combination of the two is perfect!

Of course, the most important reason why these two points can be achieved is because the amount of damage done by Hua Pengju's five people did not exceed Shi Xiaobai's load limit, and after Shi Xiaobai deliberately avoided the vital points, it just reached the optimal amount.

This can be used to describe the beating of Shi Xiaobai by five people from Hua Pengju - this is actually a big health care for Shi Xiaobai!

All in all, Shi Xiaobai felt that his physical defense was almost rising from 1 to 10 during the beating. Shi Xiaobai felt happy both physically and mentally, and there was an unconcealable smile on his lips.

Finally, at a certain moment, with a certain punch, Shi Xiaobai's body suddenly trembled with a "boom", and a strange power flowed throughout his body.

Shi Xiaobai's physical defense reached the second level during the beating!

"Wow haha!"

Shi Xiaobai smiled in his heart.

The inhumane group beating and torture of Shi Xiaobai by five people from Hua Pengju was relieved but somewhat sympathetic in the eyes of the newcomers at first, but as the beating continued, everyone discovered something strange.

No, this big black guy didn't even scream, so how could he occasionally hum like he was getting a full-body massage? Apart from spitting out blood at the beginning, it didn't look like he was being beaten up later.

The people who felt the most intuitive feeling were naturally Hua Pengju's five people. The more they beat, the weirder they felt. Although the Tu Dahei obeyed without resisting, and they beat them to relieve their anger, how could this bastard fight like a little strong for so long without falling to the ground?

Also, why does it feel like this bastard's body is getting harder and harder? At first, his fists and kicks felt like they were hitting sand, but now it always feels like every punch is hitting a stone!

Hua Pengju had already begun to beat the drum in his heart. He had been deliberately attacking Tu Dahei's vital points, and even cruelly prepared to teach Tu Dahei's friends a lesson, but he was shocked to find that he could not hit him!

He clearly kicked Tu Dahei's crotch, but in the end he always kicked Tu Dahei's thigh by mistake, once or twice, it happened every time, it was a big problem!

Is this... really a coincidence?

"This is no coincidence! But... how?"

On the edge of the playground, after Li Zi observed carefully, she also discovered that Shi Xiaobai's body seemed to be shaken by the punches and kicks of the five people, but he avoided the vital point every time, and he was worried and surprised. and curiosity.

"This kid is a bit evil. Every move he makes to avoid vital points seems simple, but in fact it is extremely mysterious. My father estimates that his dodge skills may have reached the level of fusion, penetration or even more."

Nangong Shan, who was as calm as a mountain, was also a little moved at this time. He said with a slight smile: "This child could easily avoid the attack, but he made the opposite choice. He took the initiative to be beaten! To be honest, as a father I’m curious why he did that.”

Lizi was extremely shocked. She found out that Shi Xiaobai took the initiative to be beaten, so she felt a little relieved. But Nangongshan said that Shi Xiaobai used a master-level dodge technique

How is this possible? It took her ten years to practice the "Meteor Step" before she could barely master it. She was already considered a genius at the age of seventeen, but how old was Shi Xiaobai and how many days had he been practicing

Lizi, who had been hit by Shi Xiaobai's evil talent countless times and had doubts about life, this time had begun to doubt the world.

Woohoo, the world is indeed unfair, especially after she has Shi Xiaobai, her biological son.

... ...

(PS: Three updates guaranteed, there will be fourth and fifth updates later. Today there are five chapters in total. I will work harder on coding. Please subscribe! Your support is my biggest motivation for coding! )