Absolute Choice

Chapter 123: The dirty turtle's magic combo! (Please subscribe!)


"What kind of footwork is this?"

Lizi was filled with doubts.

At first glance, it always feels like the "crab walk" that few people care about, but if you think about it carefully, how can the "crab walk", which is famous for its comedy, be so cool

Nangongshan on the side was also lost in thought. He had already seen that Shi Xiaobai's steps were "crab steps" and were somewhat similar to Yaris's "God's Crab", so he couldn't help but think of the recent one that was so ridiculous that The news that actually fell into the sea reminds me of the "I choose dog leash" in the news about the third-level spiritual mortal who practiced the crab step to a perfect level.

Since the news stated that "I Choose Dog Leash" was a contestant sent by Gaia Branch of Battlefield Bar, he specially sent people to investigate, but the result was that this person was not found at all. Those residents who watched the game were It was said vividly, and some people even imitated the sentence "Everyone here is a hot chicken" very vividly, but without evidence, it is impossible to verify this matter.

Nangongshan was doubtful about this, but ignored it. However, now that Shi Xiaobai had used the Crab Step, he couldn't help but think of it. They were also at the third level of Lingmort. Although Shi Xiaobai seemed to be too weak due to the several newcomers. He didn't use his full strength, so that he couldn't see the level of his "crab walk", but everything was too consistent

Moreover, Shi Xiaobai happened to be missing in those few days. Although this so-called disappearance was actually mainly due to Huali driving away all the people who were arranged around Shi Xiaobai, even Gaia's senior officials were unable to grasp Shi Xiaobai's presence. Xiaobai’s whereabouts.

"Is that news true? Could it be that Shi Xiaobai is 'I choose the dog leash'?"

Nangongshan thought so in his heart, and his eyes looking at Shi Xiaobai became extremely hot. If so...

"Be nice to Xiaobai from now on. It's time to temper your temper."

Nangongshan looked at Lizi and said seriously. Although he could not hope that Lizi would use a "honey trap" against Shi Xiaobai like those senior officials, he still hoped that Lizi could become friends with Shi Xiaobai at this moment.

Li Zi was stunned, her mouth tightened, and she thought to herself, this lady is not good enough to him, last night...

Bah, don’t mention what happened last night again!

With Li Zi and Nangong Shan's eyesight, they were unable to tell the difference between Shi Xiaobai's depth and depth. The newcomers who didn't even see Shi Xiaobai's movements were naturally confused, but they wisely chose to avoid it quickly. Tu Da If Hei and Yejia Quan join forces, it will be impossible for the newcomers to fight against them.

Seeing that no one was bothering him again, Shi Xiaobai immediately walked towards Ye Jiaquan and asked, "Tieniu, did Lingcun say where he was going before he left?"

Ye Jiaquan was stunned when he heard this, scratched his head and said: "Let me think about it...it seems not."

Shi Xiaobai was immediately disappointed, but immediately asked: "Think about it again, did he say anything strange before he left?"

Ye Jiaquan immediately frowned and began to think hard. After a while, he said with a sad face: "I, I don't remember."

Shi Xiaobai opened his mouth and did not continue to ask. Blaming or forcing Ye Jiaquan was obviously of no use. The most important thing to do now was to think of other ways to know where Chen Lingcun was now.

"Brother Dahei, Lingcun...what happened?"

Ye Jiaquan realized something was wrong and asked hurriedly.

"It's okay, even if something happens, I will solve it easily."

Shi Xiaobai didn't tell the matter. There was no use in having a stupid Tieniu anxious. He thought for a moment and his eyes lit up slightly. Maybe other newcomers would know some clues

But at this time, the newcomers were in a melee. Shi Xiaobai didn't have time to ask each one one by one. Now he had to let everyone hear his question at the same time and take his question seriously.

Shi Xiaobai looked around and found that no one stopped because of his arrival this time. It seemed that the last time everyone stopped was because he was beaten by five people from Hua Pengju for several minutes and acted as if nothing had happened.

Shi Xiaobai's eyes flickered. If he wanted everyone's ears to stand up for him, he must first make everyone's hearts stop for a moment because of him.

"Tieniu, please don't let anyone else get close to me in these few minutes."

Shi Xiaobai had an idea in his mind, he said to Ye Jiaquan, and then he squatted down, arched his right knee, and pointed his fist towards the ground, as if he was punching the ground.

Ye Jiaquan was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously, looking at some newcomers who were eyeing him with ferocious warning eyes.

Shi Xiaobai took a deep breath, clenched his fists, and then smashed towards the steel ground at an extremely slow speed.

The newcomers who were paying attention to Shi Xiaobai, as well as Nangongshan and Lizi on the edge of the playground, were all stunned when they saw this scene.

This punch was not only extremely slow, it was even slower than a snail climbing. The punch was punched from top to bottom, and the fist advanced less than one centimeter every second. Shi Xiaobai's entire arm was shaking, as if exhausted. It has strength, but at this extremely slow speed it seems limp and powerless.

What is he doing

What Shi Xiaobai wants to do now is naturally to make all the newcomers who are fighting in the melee stop and listen carefully to his questions, so he must shock everyone.

And just in time, the third form of the Dirty Turtle Divine Kung Fu - Turtle Speed Divine Fist can do this.

As the name of Turtle Speed Divine Fist suggests, its punching speed is as slow as a turtle crawling, and it is almost impossible to hit a moving target. However, this fist is a veritable "divine fist" because its power is quite amazing, and what is even more magical is that , the power of Guisu Shenquan has no fixed value, and in a sense, the power of Guisu Shenquan has no upper limit!

The slower the punch, the more powerful the punch!

The principle is like compressing a spring. The longer it is compressed, the deeper it is compressed. When the spring is released, the explosive force of the spring becomes more terrifying!

The trembling of Shi Xiaobai's arms at this time was precisely because he was constantly compressing the spiritual energy that was pouring out during the slow process of punching.

All the surging spiritual power is condensed and concentrated in the fist, forming an amazing force that can suddenly burst out at any time, just like the rapid water flow is blocked by a closed valve. The moment the valve is broken, the power of the water flow disappears. It will pour out.

The top of Shi Xiaobai's fist is the valve, and his arm is the pipe through which water flows. At this moment, as Shi Xiaobai's fist slowly moves downward, the compressed spiritual energy accumulates more and more, just like water flow. Accumulating money in water pipes. The water pipes are almost overwhelmed!

Shi Xiaobai's arm was filled with the expansion and rejection of spiritual power, as if his arm would explode at any time. Severe pain spread from his arm and swept through his whole body. Shi Xiaobai immediately used the "non-leak turtle breath" to suppress it. feeling of pain!

And when pain occurred, "This turtle is the hardest" also started to take effect. Shi Xiaobai intuitively felt that the defense value of his right arm was rising, 1... 3... 4... 4.5... . ...

At this moment, the dirty turtle magical power showed its power after combination!