Absolute Choice

Chapter 125: Refresh your worldview


The newcomers glared at Shi Xiaobai like ferocious wolves. If the old man hadn't been there to treat Shi Xiaobai's injured arm, these newcomers would have rushed up and beat Shi Xiaobai violently to vent their anger.

Of course, it was fortunate that the old man was present, otherwise these newcomers would probably be so angry that they would vomit blood after they came up to beat Shi Xiaobai and found that they had just given Shi Xiaobai a round of conscientious "general health care".

Shi Xiaobai also looked at everyone angrily. He would never bow down to evil forces, and he was determined not to bow down, let alone these little minions who just gave him experience.

Therefore, not only was he not vain in this battle, but he was so angry that he wanted to rush forward and vent his anger.

But in the end, Shi Xiaobai forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, because he knew that such anger was meaningless. Maybe by beating the newcomers down and "tortured them to extract confessions", he could ask for some information that was not true or false, but That would be such a waste of time.

Shi Xiaobai slowly closed his eyes, and his mood gradually calmed down. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were as calm as water, and he no longer looked at the other newcomers, as if they were non-existent air.

Shi Xiaobai calmly accepted the grim situation that the newcomers could not provide him with any information, because only by facing the thorns under his feet could he move forward.

"There must be a way."

Shi Xiaobai comforted himself in his heart, lowered his head and began to think.

Seeing Shi Xiaobai lowering his head, the newcomers sneered in their hearts with disdain, thinking that Shi Xiaobai had given in. They clenched their fists again. Now that the old man was present, they could not act rashly, but once the melee started again, they would never let him go. Shi Xiaobai.

You must pay a price for slandering them!

The old man's cure soon came to an end. Even he could not completely cure Shi Xiaobai's injuries. He could only try his best to eliminate Shi Xiaobai's sequelae. At this time, seeing the newcomers looking at him eagerly, he hesitated, thinking to himself, he was Shi Xiaobai should not be forcibly eliminated.

Although he would lose the qualification for training and selection, Shi Xiaobai's right hand could not withstand the torture for the time being. It would be bad if these newcomers were angry and their attacks were not serious.

The old man valued Shi Xiaobai very much, so he had such concerns, and he even subconsciously lengthened the healing time.

Some newcomers have started their own battles again, but most of them are waiting for the old man to leave.

At this moment, Shi Xiaobai raised his head. He remembered that Ye Jiaquan had told him not long ago that Chen Lingcun had left him a letter!

Maybe Chen Lingcun would mention his whereabouts in that letter!

Although the possibility of this is not high, for Shi Xiaobai at this time, it is a little light in the dark cave.

Ye Jiaquan said that he forgot to bring the letter, so he obviously forgot it in the freshman dormitory. It would definitely waste a lot of time to go back and forth to get the letter.

But... this is the last resort!

Shi Xiaobai looked at Ye Jiaquan and asked with a very serious expression: "Tieniu, if I tell you that Ling Cun is in danger now, and the letter he left for me can probably save his life. , what should you do?”

Ye Jiaquan felt like he was struck by lightning when he heard this. If the letter he forgot to bring would affect Ling Cun's life, wouldn't he indirectly harm Ling Cun

If this is really the case, what should he do

"I'm going to get the letter right now!"

Ye Jiaquan's eyes widened, and after shouting these words, he immediately turned around and rushed out.

"Step aside!"

Ye Jiaquan roared to get out of the way of the newcomers blocking the way. At this moment, his eyes were red, like a beast, and the newcomers were so scared that they hurried away!

At this moment, Ye Jiaquan felt extremely self-blame and anxious. From Shi Xiaobai's various behaviors, he had guessed that Ling Cun was probably in danger. He had been anxious for a long time. Now he knew that the letter he forgot to bring was actually like this. Important, where can I wait

At this moment, Ye Jiaquan kept roaring in his heart, faster, faster, we must get that letter back faster!

Therefore, at this moment, Ye Jiaquan was really like a crazy bull rushing forward. The anxiety in his heart made him break through his own limit. The speed he ran at was jaw-dropping.

The newcomers were all stunned.

"How can this stupid guy run so fast?"

"I'll go, this is unscientific, it looks like a cow and can run faster than a rabbit!"

"Ye Jia Quan, we still underestimated him. We thought he was just a big stupid guy who relied on brute force, but we didn't expect he could also fly."


The newcomers were extremely shocked. Wang Lin and Xiang Wu also looked serious at this time, because they had to admit that with their speed, it was very likely that they would not be able to catch up with Ye Jiaquan!

Even Li Zi smacked her tongue slightly, "As expected, birds of a feather flock together. Who can be a normal person who can play with Shi Xiaobai? This 'Barbarian Bull Step' is like a 'Wind Step'."

Nangong Shan nodded and said: "It seems that the quality of this new generation of [Destruction] is pretty good. This kid's 'Barbarian Bull Step' is about to break through to the realm of fusion. He is a rare talent."

While everyone was marveling at Ye Jia Quan's sudden burst of amazing running speed, one person was speechless.

Shi Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth. He just wanted Ye Jiaquan to lead him to the newcomers' dormitory to get the letter. Unexpectedly, Ye Jiaquan rushed out on his own, looking like he was determined to bring the letter back.

Of course, this is also his fault for not speaking clearly, but... Tieniu is running too slow, right

"No, it's too late to continue like this."

Shi Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, he raised his feet and used Crab Step with all his strength to catch up. In his opinion, Ye Jiaquan's speed was too slow, and it would definitely take a lot of time to get the letter back and forth.

Shi Xiaobai sprinted out, and then, a scene that almost made everyone's eyes pop out happened.

I saw Shi Xiaobai taking a step forward with his right foot, and another step forward with his left foot. The steps were obviously not large and the frequency was not high, but his figure seemed to teleport, spanning more than ten meters, just over ten meters. He caught up with Ye Jiaquan in a few seconds, then grabbed Ye Jiaquan's arm with one hand and led Ye Jiaquan forward. The two disappeared at the end of the horizon at an extremely fast speed.

The scene is like a motorcycle speeding. As you are riding the bicycle, you are sighing that the motorcycle is so fast. Suddenly a Ferrari rushes out, resists the motorcycle, and refreshes you with a swoosh at a speed several times faster. worldview.

At this moment, everyone was just stunned and couldn't even say "fuck".

Lizi wanted to cry, Shi Xiaobai's "Crab Step" was actually at the level of proficiency, a level higher than her Meteor Step!

Nangongshan concluded his guess at this moment, this Shi Xiaobai is "I choose the dog leash"!

The newcomers who had thought about beating up Shi Xiaobai had a trace of cold sweat on their foreheads. This little bitch still liked to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger as always, and they almost fell for it!

... ...

(ps. I’m working hard on the fifth update. Hey, coding more than 10,000 words a day is really tiring. I hope everyone can subscribe and support it. Qiuxi is really not easy!)