Absolute Choice

Chapter 126: lovely you


Under the guidance of Ye Jiaquan and Shi Xiaobai's frenzied "crab steps", the two moved forward at extremely fast speeds, shocking passers-by.

Fortunately, the newcomers' dormitory was built not far from the newcomers' training center. It only took the two of them three minutes to arrive at the newcomers' dormitory.

Ye Jiaquan did not dare to delay and immediately found the letter left by Chen Lingcun and handed it to Shi Xiaobai.

Shi Xiaobai took the letter and opened it, feeling suddenly a little nervous.

After slowly looking at the letter, Shi Xiaobai's beautiful handwriting like a girl came into view, but when he saw the first sentence, Shi Xiaobai was stunned.

"Dahei... No, I think I should call you Shi Xiaobai. I'm sorry, I lied to you."

Shi Xiaobai's eyebrows twitched slightly, but he quickly exhaled and continued to read, thinking to himself, if you can see through this king's identity, you are worthy of being the most loyal fanatical believer!

"I saw through your identity from the beginning, so I told you many lies, including... My words of admiration for 'Shi Xiaobai', including the sentence 'Shi Xiaobai is the hope of all mankind' ', including the paragraph 'Maybe Shi Xiaobai is by our side'... all are false."

Shi Xiaobai's eyes widened, his breath suffocated, and he almost tore up the letter.

"Calm down, calm down, I must calm down."

After Shi Xiaobai gritted his teeth and forced himself to calm down, he continued to look at the letter.

"But I hope it's all true."

Shi Xiaobai was slightly startled, and his tense face finally relaxed. This little snack was really naughty. He said he didn’t want it, but he was still very honest in his heart. Since there is someone who yearns to become a disciple of this king. Heart, then you can get forgiveness from me.

"Then the question is, do you think the above sentence is true or false?"

Shi Xiaobai twitched the corner of his mouth and crumpled the letter into a ball with an expressionless expression.

"What...what's wrong?"

Ye Jiaquan asked nervously.

"It's nothing, my hand is a little itchy."

Shi Xiaobai sighed, unfolded the crumpled letter again, and looked at the next line in the crumpled letter.

"Sorry, forgive me for being naughty, because you are so cute, so cute that I can't help but want to 'tease' you."

Shi Xiaobai wanted to cry but had no tears. He actually dared to 'tease' him as the king of kings. He was so bold. Damn it, he might as well just choose [Kill Chen Lingcun] next time.

Shi Xiaobai always felt that this letter did not seem to be written by Chen Lingcun. There was a "bitch" smell between the lines. He remembered that snacks were not such snacks. Could it be that he was leaving and his true nature was exposed

Shi Xiaobai shook his head and continued to look down.

"Forgive me for using the word 'cute', because I really can't find any other adjective to describe how I feel about you. In fact, when I wrote this sentence, I thought about it for a long time and thought of countless words, but I finally chose it. The word 'cute'."

"You know, when I found out that you could remember my existence, I really felt that you were the... sixteenth cutest person in the world."

"Among the first fifteen people, thirteen are no longer alive, one is hiding somewhere I can't find, and the other is Ye Dasha, so...the only person in this world who can remember me is You and them, there are three of us in total.”

"This is my fate and my retribution, so I won't be sad about it, but I will be happy from the bottom of my heart because of your appearance."

Shi Xiaobai was slightly stunned when he saw this, and finally understood why the dozens of newcomers claimed that they had never heard of the three words "Chen Lingcun". That was so, but why others couldn't remember that he and Ye Jiaquan can remember Chen Lingcun, what's the reason

"As for why you and Ye Dasha can remember me, I'm sorry, I don't know. If I can know the reason... I guess... I won't be able to change anything."

"Okay, the above nonsense and complaints are really not my style. Forgive me for being a little excited when I wrote this letter, because I am going to find someone I must find right away. I really can't wait. I want to hurry up. After writing this letter, I have a lot to say to you... Please read the next words carefully, remember them with your heart, and keep them in your heart."

"Shi Xiaobai, why do I know you are Shi Xiaobai?"

"Because I smell the scent of the gods on you. Don't ask me which company produced the nose, and don't ask me what brand of perfume the scent of the gods is. In short, you have a very, very strong smell of the gods."

"The biggest evidence is that you have the sense of God's heart, but the smell of God in you is too strong, so I think you are likely to have more than two kinds of God's six senses, and humans who have two kinds of God's six senses ... But it is a blasphemy against the existence of divine grace.”

"In other words, if the gods discover your existence, then... they will come to the human world to kill you for the glory of 'gods'."

"When you see this, you should ask... what are the gods? Are they the subordinates of a certain god under this throne?"

"Forgive me for accidentally laughing out loud as I write this."

"You're so...so cute."

"The Gods are actually just a group of aliens, a group of... aliens that are much more powerful than humans. They even ruled the human world for a period of time, but later they became extinct due to the second wave of annihilation. A large number of gods fled back to their own planet and regarded this planet as a forbidden land."

"Haha, in fact, this matter has been discussed several times in junior high school history classes, but the lack of common sense you showed made me seriously suspect that you are an illiterate, so I specially explained the meaning of the gods."

"Shi Xiaobai, although the gods regard this planet as a forbidden land, they have always been observing this planet. Once humans with two or more of the six senses of gods appear, they will regard them as a threat and will send tribesmen to kill them. Or bring it back to the human world to prevent the blood of your own race from being lost."

"Also... I actually smell a hint of demons on you. I hope it's my imagination, otherwise your enemy will not only be the gods, but all the alien races in the entire vast universe."

"So, you are in danger now."

"You need help."

"No, you need shelter."

"You need a strong man who can fight against ordinary gods to be your guardian, and the only guardians you are most likely to find are the three giants of [Gaia]."

"The Sith instructor's character is too weird, and you have violated his taboos... By the way, I'm really curious about what you think, asking for underwear from a Sith instructor..."

"If we don't talk about this, let's talk about the next giant - Master Huali."

"Master Huali... It is said that Master Huali is very old and ugly, has a very bad temper, has a very weird personality, and is the strongest of the three giants. Even the Sith instructors dare not provoke him. He is a stranger and an acquaintance. Don’t get too close to the old witch, I guess you’ll be thankful if you can say a word to her.”

"So your best choice is Master Yiquan. Since Master Yiquan is willing to choose you as the guardian of the 'Guardian of God', then he should value you unusually and may be willing to fight for you. The slayer of the gods."

"Use all means to let Master Yiquan risk his life to protect you, and then work hard to become stronger and stronger, so strong that ordinary gods can't do anything to you... This is the only advice I can give you."

"Shi Xiaobai, what you said, 'I am the weakest person', I will regard it as the best gift and the most precious memory."

"Also, you are... the strongest person I have ever seen. Maybe one day you can really become the king of so and so. Then can I go over and hug your thighs, and be the king who is waiting to die? Where is your favorite minister?"

"Stay alive. If one day we meet again... I will try my best to satisfy you and call you 'king'."

"If there ever comes a time."

"Then...goodbye, lovely Shi Xiaobai."

... ...

(ps: The fifth update, I am a little tired from coding, so I wrote this chapter a little slower. In response to the suggestion of book friends, the unified update time will be changed to 12 o'clock in the evening from tomorrow. Then I will update a few chapters a day. Post a few chapters so that everyone can enjoy reading them all at once. I will try my best to make it five chapters! Everyone... try your best to subscribe. Every subscription is the biggest motivation for me to code!)