Absolute Choice

Chapter 13: Shi Xiaobai's confidence was shaken


The weird atmosphere in the room lasted for a while and then gradually subsided. After all, the newcomer rating test has not really ended yet. [Gaia] generally divides newcomers' ratings into two parts: "qualification" and "ability". Over the years, there have been some " Newcomers with "very high qualifications" were rated unsightly due to low "ability", so Shi Xiaobai's final rating is still unclear.

But some things are clear.

Li Ziqiao smiled brightly, her eyes were very proud, "Mu Hongli, remember our bet, right? You go back and clean up, I happen to be short of a maid, haha~"

Mu Hongli's face was gloomy, her expression was extremely unwilling, and she said bitterly: "We are betting on the final result of the newcomer rating, and now it is only the first stage."

Li Zi curled her lips and said disapprovingly: "Shi Xiaobai is so far ahead of the golden-haired narcissistic beast in the first stage. Unless Shi Xiaobai gets zero points in the second stage, triggering the "incompetent judgment", otherwise the golden-haired narcissistic beast will definitely lose. .”

Mu Hongli also knew in her heart that Kevin's chance of winning was very slim, but she would not admit it, so she said stubbornly: "Maybe Shi Xiaobai really got zero points?"

Lizi looked at Mu Hongli with a stupid look. Mu Hongli opened her mouth but was speechless. I had never heard of anyone getting zero points in the second stage.

No matter how stupid Shi Xiaobai is, he is still a genius, so he won't get a single point, right

... ...

Shi Xiaobai is now full of fighting spirit because he accepted Yang Yang's challenge. As for what the challenge is, well, he doesn't know yet.

"The king's soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come to cover it with earth."

Shi Xiaobai thought so in his heart, but his ears were already perked up, and he listened carefully to the old man's explanation of the rules of the ability test.

"The second ability test tests one of the hero's most basic abilities, shooting ability."

Hearing the old man's first words, Shi Xiaobai was a little confused. When did shooting ability become the most basic ability of a hero

Could it be that the heroes of this world rely on hot weapons, holding machine guns and banging? Shi Xiaobai was immediately disappointed. The hero in his mind should be one who punches disaster demons, kicks starry sky disaster beasts, and cuts down alien spaceships with swords. He does not rely on external forces, let alone technology.

"Why is shooting ability one of the most basic abilities of a hero? Don't heroes use cold weapons?" Shi Xiaobai put aside his royal dignity and asked Yang Yang shamelessly.

"Are you serious?" Yang Yang rolled his eyes in return.

"Of course!" Shi Xiaobai nodded seriously.

"I really don't know if you are pretending to be stupid or if you are really stupid." Yang Yang complained depressedly, hesitated, and then explained seriously.

"Although psykers are divided into several realms, most psykers are in the weakest spiritual realm. In fact, most heroes are also in the spiritual realm. Of course, heroes in the spiritual realm are basically F-level heroes. However, F-class heroes constitute the most basic security of society. Most criminals and terrorists are captured by F-class heroes. Since the spiritual realm cannot perfectly resist bullet attacks, the power of using cold weapons is also limited. Far inferior to thermal weapons. So for these F-class heroes in the spiritual realm, the best choice is thermal weapons."

"So for everyone who aspires to become a hero, shooting ability is a basic ability, because most people can only struggle in the spiritual realm."

Yang Yang said without any emotion like an endorsement, "Although the supernatural beings are quite special, some of them already have enough means to fight against hot weapons in the spiritual realm, but the lethality of the supernatural beings in the spiritual realm is generally not as high. It is not as good as firearms, so shooting ability is also a compulsory course for supernatural beings. In short, whether it is a psychic or a supernatural being, before breaking through the spiritual realm and entering the spiritual realm, hot weapons are better than cold weapons. After the breakthrough, The opposite is true. Those D-level and above heroes basically use cold weapons."

A lot of unheard terms came out of Yang Yang's mouth, and Shi Xiaobai was immediately confused, but he did not continue to ask.

On the other side, the old man also finished explaining the rules for the second round of testing.

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the metal wall with flashing data was suddenly covered in white, like a huge white screen. On the upper left side of the white screen were written the names of four newcomers, followed by a number. At this time, the number was "0".

The content of the ability test is simple but full of gunpowder. Four newcomers compete on the same stage. Black target points will randomly appear on the huge white screen. The four people use beam guns to shoot. The first one to hit the target gets points. After hitting a target point, the next target point will appear randomly, with a total of one hundred target points appearing.

The randomness here refers to the randomness of the location of the target points and the randomness of the interval between target points.

This kind of test also tests the newcomer's reaction ability, shooting speed and shooting accuracy, which is a relatively comprehensive consideration.

Shi Xiaobai took the beam gun, which was similar to a pistol, from the old man's hand, and pulled the trigger out of curiosity. A red beam of light immediately shot out from the muzzle, and Shi Xiaobai immediately became more playful. He shot everyone in the room with a beam of light, until the old man stopped him with a dark face, and then he stopped angrily.

The other three newcomers standing in the same row as Shi Xiaobai were not as relaxed and relaxed as Shi Xiaobai. Their hearts were extremely nervous. Shi Xiaobai's double S qualification in the first stage had basically established his first place in the newcomer rating. For the three of them, the second stage of the competition is even more important.

Shi Xiaobai was indeed not nervous at all. He was even studying how to dismantle the beam gun.

"Hey, Xiaobai, how is your shooting ability?"

A girlish voice like a silver bell rang in his ears. Shi Xiaobai turned around and found that Li Zi had appeared behind him at some point.

"Don't worry, I'm already perfect in both CF and CS, and my shooting ability is unrivaled. Girl, do you want to try it?"

Shi Xiaobai answered confidently, raising his beam gun and pointing it at the girl's face.

When Li Zi heard this, she was startled. She always felt that something was wrong, so she subconsciously punched Shi Xiaobai on the head with her backhand. Since there are no CF and CS games in this world, Li Zi didn’t know what Shi Xiaobai was talking about, but seeing how confident Shi Xiaobai was, she couldn’t help but feel relieved, but she still said: " In short, as long as you don’t get zero points, it doesn’t matter if you only get one point.”

"Tch~" Shi Xiaobai was quite disdainful of this, but for some reason he took advantage of the situation and asked, "What will happen if I get zero points?"

Lizi hesitated for a moment, feeling that there was nothing to hide at this point, so she said: "Well, I made a bet with that ugly guy in red. In short, as long as you score more than zero, I will win."

"I see, don't worry, girl. Since I have signed a blood oath with you, I will naturally help you win the bet!" Shi Xiaobai patted his chest.

Lizi rolled her eyes at him, and seeing that the test was about to begin, she warned him again and walked slowly back to the seat on the right.

"You're kidding, how can I get zero points? You're such an innocent girl,"

Thinking that he only needed to get one point, Shi Xiaobai suddenly felt extremely relaxed. Just kidding, although he always failed to break through the 10 mark in school exams, he had never scored zero points. In this regard, Shi Xiaobai was quite confident.

"Choose, boy!"

Suddenly a hot voice sounded in Shi Xiaobai's mind, time stopped, and everyone in the room was frozen.

Two lines of black characters were slowly spread out in front of Shi Xiaobai.

That cheating scene called "" appears again!

[Option 1: During the ability test, you cannot open your eyes and can only shoot once (e-level reward)]

[Option 2: Abstain directly and pass the test with zero points (D-level reward)]

Shi Xiaobai looked at these two lines of black characters and was stunned for a while.

"D-level reward, it seems that I may still get zero points."

At this moment, Shi Xiaobai's confidence was shaken.

(ps: Please recommend! Please collect!)