Absolute Choice

Chapter 133: Are you kidding me


After nearly ten minutes of driving, Moss finally stopped. He looked at Shi Xiaobai and was slightly shocked. This human being could actually follow him at 50% speed for ten minutes without showing too much. Tired

In fact, Shi Xiaobai was a little tired, but he did not show any signs of fatigue due to the forced endurance of "Don't Breathe". Seeing Moss stop at this moment, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, even though he had been there for nearly two days. After thousands of failed virtual battles, he slowly figured out some tips on how to save his psychic power, but after all, his psychic power reserve was still a little too little.

Shi Xiaobai suddenly felt that he should "meditate" more in the future. Well, it was to become stronger, definitely not because the imaginary world of "meditation" was fun.

"Follow up."

Moss's voice sounded and Shi Xiaobai came back to his senses. In front of them was a high wall more than ten meters high. There were steep steps on the high wall that extended to the top of the high wall.

Shi Xiaobai stepped onto the stairs. As he climbed up the stairs, his view became wider and wider. When he finished climbing the stairs and reached the top of the high wall, a large piece of black land came into view.

But when Shi Xiaobai looked at the other end of the high wall, his eyes almost popped out.

I saw four high walls surrounding a huge square, forming a huge square groove more than ten meters deep and thousands of meters long and wide. At the bottom of this groove, there was actually a giant dragon crawling!

It was a real Western dragon, hundreds of meters long and tens of meters wide. Its whole body was as white as jade, shining with a lustrous luster, and the two pairs of wings covering its body were bright golden. At this time, the dragon was Lying on the ground within the high wall, he looked like he was sleeping peacefully.

What surprised Shi Xiaobai the most was that there was a row of skulls on the inner edge of each high wall, and the mouths of these thousands of skulls all emitted a red light, and all four rows of red light emitted from the east, west, north, and south. Moving in the same direction, converging at the same point!

That point is the heart of the dragon!

Through the golden wings and white jade body, the shape of a huge red heart is revealed under the illumination of countless red lights.

The heart does not look static, but slowly contracts inward and then slowly expands outward. That is the appearance of a beating heart!

But at this moment, the beating speed of the dragon's heart seemed to be ridiculously slow, and it only slowly contracted and relaxed once in half a minute.

Shi Xiaobai saw the Western Dragon for the first time. His eyes gradually brightened and his breathing became extremely hot.

"Isn't this my king's mount, the Commander's Dragon?"

Shi Xiaobai grinned. He once created a giant dragon mount in the world of "meditation", and its appearance was almost the same as this white giant dragon.

At this moment, a horn sound suddenly sounded.

Shi Xiaobai's pupils shrank, and he saw a row of men in black standing in the center of the other three high walls. These men in black waved their hands at the same time, and fireballs suddenly fell from the center of the high wall and hit the white dragon!

"Puff puff… "

The fire ball fell on the giant dragon and was extinguished in an instant, leaving no trace of burning. At this time, the white dragon also let out a low and weak dragon roar.

The dragon's roar was full of exhaustion.

At the same time another horn sounded.


Under the high wall, a group of armored soldiers suddenly rushed out from all directions, holding steel knives and running towards the dragon at the same time!

"Clang, sonorous..."

Those steel knives struck the giant dragon, and each one broke instantly. However, the soldiers replaced one batch after cutting them off, and they did not stop and retreat until all the soldiers' steel knives were chopped off.

The giant white dragon was still prostrate, not even opening its eyes, nor even moving its body. The outline of the heart swept out by the red light was still beating slowly, very slowly, very slowly, as if it had exhausted all its strength. Barely beating.


Seeing that Shi Xiaobai finally took a breath, he turned to look at Moss. Since he had too many questions, he only asked three words.

What's going on with this dragon

Why treat it this way

Why should he watch this scene? What does it have to do with the Sith game

Moss said without emotion: "This is the Abyss Demonic Dragon. It comes from the abyss and has been suppressed in the underworld for thousands of years. The scene you just saw was just to prevent the Demonic Dragon from regaining its strength."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned and asked: "What do you mean?"

Moss pointed at the row of skeletons emitting red light and said: "This is an S-level confinement circle, which locks the heart of the demon dragon, restricts the time and space of the demon dragon's heartbeat, and increases the intensity and speed of the demon dragon's heartbeat. Lower it to the lowest level to restrain its actions. This confinement circle has lasted for a thousand years, but it still cannot completely extinguish the heart of the demon dragon."

Hearing this, Shi Xiaobai pondered for a moment before realizing that it was no wonder the dragon's heartbeat was so slow and it looked so weak.

Moss continued: "The most powerful thing about this dragon is that even the S-level confinement array cannot completely seal it. Its power has been slowly recovering, so the two waves of long-range and short-range attacks It is to consume its accumulated strength at regular intervals and keep it in its weakest state at all times. It would be great if we could kill it."

Shi Xiaobai was stunned secretly, and asked again: "Why do you treat it like this?"

Perhaps this giant white dragon looked like the mount in Shi Xiaobai's imagination, so Shi Xiaobai felt sympathy for it.

Moss sneered: "Because it is a demon dragon that has committed heinous crimes, the underworld has imprisoned it for a thousand years. During this period, I tried to kill it several times, but failed. It is at full strength, and I am afraid no one in the underworld can Capture it again, if it is allowed to escape, the underworld will surely destroy all living beings."

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, the white dragon secretly gave him a thumbs up. He was imprisoned and tortured for a thousand years without dying. How tenacious his life and will were.

"I understand everything you said, but... is this related to the game?"

Shi Xiaobai asked aloud. Regarding Moss's behavior of not telling the rules of the game, Shi Xiaobai was speechless.

A strange light flashed in Moss's eyes, and then he let out a cold and hoarse laugh. He looked at the white dragon and said: "The rules of the game set by the master are very simple. You will be given one hour to kill the abyss." Demonic dragon.”

"are, you, kidding, me? (Are you kidding me?)"

Shi Xiaobai was dumbfounded. You sadists have tortured you for a thousand years without killing me. Let me kill you within an hour!

"You still have fifty-nine minutes, fifty seconds."

Moss turned back and sneered: "Master said that if the game is successful, he will tell you everything you want to know, but if the game fails, you will become the dragon's lunch."

Shi Xiaobai's expression changed. This "very difficult" game is so frustrating!