Absolute Choice

Chapter 136: You succeeded in irritating me


Instructor's office.

"This game... is quite 'interesting', but are you sure you don't want to kill this human right away?"

The red light group made a hoarse sound.

A pleasant smile appeared on the corner of Sith's mouth, and he said: "No, the game is not over yet. Since the naughty toy has completed my game, he should get the reward he deserves. After I tell him - Chen Lingcun was killed by him himself. He cannot die before he becomes the 'Magic Dragon'."

"Tsk, tsk, this is very much like your style."

The red light group Sen smiled coldly and said: "I like your approach of packaging desperate punishment in a reward box. When that human knows that this so-called 'magic dragon' is actually a holy dragon, Moss Everything he said was a lie, and the holy dragon he killed was the Chen Lingcun he was looking for. Even I was looking forward to that collapsed expression, but I think... this It’s better if someone dies earlier.”

There was a trace of hesitation in Sith's eyes, and he hesitated to speak: "It is true that a human who can pull out the 'Sword of Suppression' and kill the Holy Dragon with his bare hands cannot be retained, but..."

"But you can't bear it."

The red light ball joked: "I know your quirks. You are reluctant to kill the 'interesting' toys directly. You make the toys collapse through games and become worthless toys and then finally destroyed. You enjoy this process. Anyway, that's it. Humans can’t live too long, so I’ll just have to wait patiently.”

A stiff smile appeared on Sith's face and he said: "Thank you for your understanding."

The red light group suddenly asked: "Actually, I have a doubt, how do you know that human can kill the Holy Dragon?"

Sith shook his head and said: "No, I am also surprised that he was able to kill the Holy Dragon. However, I have planted a triggering curse on that Holy Dragon. As long as the curse is triggered at the last moment, I can cause the Holy Dragon to die." The illusion that the dragon was killed by him. After all, this holy dragon is still too young. If it takes a few more years, I'm afraid I won't be able to do anything to him. So no matter what, he will be able to kill the holy dragon in the end, but the process is beyond me unexpected.”

The red light ball was silent for a moment and said: "It's rare to see you spend so much time designing a game. Should this human being be said to be too lucky or too unlucky? Okay, let's finish the game. I can't wait to eat it. 'That's the holy dragon."

Sis nodded, with an evil smile on his lips. He couldn't wait to tell Shi Xiaobai the cruel truth, which would be the most exciting and interesting part of the game.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"You succeeded in irritating me."

A ray of light bloomed, and a purple-haired girl wearing a dark gothic dress stepped out of the light.

... ...

... ...

In the pale world, there are only two colors, and they are two teenagers.

They are not far apart, but they seem to be in two different worlds.

Shi Xiaobai's eyes gradually focused and he saw clearly that the silver-haired boy opposite was the Chen Lingcun he was looking for and wanted to save. He also saw clearly the still outline of Chen Lingcun's heart drawn by the red light on his body.

Shi Xiaobai felt like he was struck by lightning. He figured out the truth of everything at this moment.

Why did he always resist in his heart that the white dragon was the demon dragon that Moss said.

Why couldn't he take action against this giant white dragon

Why did he feel like he had done a huge mistake when he killed the white dragon

Why is there an option [Kill Chen Lingcun] in the game

All questions were answered at this moment.

It turned out that the white dragon was Chen Lingcun.

And he really... killed Chen Lingcun with his own hands.

but why

More questions arise at this moment.

Why is Chen Lingcun Bailong

Why is he imprisoned in this "underworld"

Why did the Sith treat Chen Lingcun like this

... ...

Shi Xiaobai wanted to apologize for his stupid mistake, but also wanted to ask the doubts tumbling in his heart, so at this moment, he had a lot to say.

but... ...

Shi Xiaobai found that he couldn't make a sound, couldn't move his body, and couldn't even blink his eyes.

Shi Xiaobai at this moment.

Nothing can be said.

Nothing can be done.

"I can see you again before I leave. Although it's a pity that I can't hear you calling yourself 'my king' again, I'm very content."

Chen Lingcun looked at Shi Xiaobai with extremely gentle eyes, and he said softly: "This is the depth of your consciousness. You can't make a sound or make any movements, so please don't force yourself, it will be very painful. Just... just listen to my last words quietly, okay?"

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, his inner struggle became more intense. How could he calm down? He had to speak and he had to do something.

But as Chen Lingcun said, no matter how hard he struggled, he could never make a sound or move, just like a vegetative state. And the more he struggled, the severe pain would occur in his consciousness, and his "non-leak turtle" "Breathe" can't function at this time, so the pain is very real.

But Shi Xiaobai... immediately struggled harder, as if he was imprisoned in a cage made of thorns. In order to break out of the cage, he kept hitting the sharp thorns with more force, even if his head was broken. Flow, the whole body is injured.

Chen Lingcun suddenly sighed and said: "I know you will not listen to me. Even if the struggle is painful, you will definitely struggle harder and try to break free from the shackles of consciousness. Because you are such a person, Shi Xiaobai, I know you have always been like this, a lovely person."

"Although I have a lot to say to you, if you continue to struggle and suffer, I will leave now, so... quietly let me finish what I want to say... okay?"

Hearing this, Shi Xiaobai felt as if his heart had been stabbed. It was more painful than the struggle of consciousness, but he slowly forced himself to calm down because he could not ignore Chen Lingcun's request.


Chen Lingcun said these two words softly. Even though Shi Xiaobai in front of him had always been an expressionless existence like an image, he could accurately guess what Shi Xiaobai was thinking in his heart at this moment. This may be because Wisdom, but mostly because he believed that Shi Xiaobai was as "lovable" as he thought in his heart.

"Shi Xiaobai, just as you have guessed now, I am the giant white dragon."

Chen Lingcun took a deep breath and said: "If I guess correctly, you challenged the Sith game. Although I don't know why you challenged the Sith game, the content of the game is probably... Kill me within the specified time. Of course, the Sith will definitely deceive you and make me into an evil existence like a dragon."