Absolute Choice

Chapter 19: Pear’s superpower


Psionic energy refers to the potential of living beings, and spiritual energy cultivation is a practice that continuously taps the potential of the human body and constantly exceeds one's own limits. Therefore, the so-called psychics are actually just human beings who have developed the potential of the human body. According to the degree of development, various realms are divided, and the spiritual realm is the first realm.

As for how to develop potential, in fact, a nearly perfect cultivation system has been formed in this world. The various cultivation techniques developed for different groups of people have enabled more than 99% of humans to practice psychic abilities. Become a psyker, but most psykers can only linger in the spiritual realm.

To put it simply, spiritual training is like martial arts on earth. Although everyone can practice martial arts, the vast majority of humans can only strengthen their bodies, and a few can develop internal energy and become martial arts masters.

It can be said that there are many psykers, but powerful psykers are very few. But at this moment, Shi Xiaobai was actually not even qualified, so Li Zi believed that Shi Xiaobai's top priority should be to quickly start spiritual training.

"There are usually three ways to practice spiritual energy - meditation, exercise and combat."

Li Zi began to explain the basic knowledge about psychic training to Shi Xiaobai, "Physical exercise and combat awareness are relatively great for the development of human potential, but they are not conducive to long-term practice. Therefore, for psychics, the most important training The way is actually meditation.”

Shi Xiaobai stopped playing around, and like a child listening carefully, he asked questions from time to time, "What is meditation?"

Lizi replied: "Meditation refers to completely focusing the heart, mind, and spirit on the original beginning, and carrying out wild imagination in an empty state. Depending on the content of the imagination and the reality of the imagined picture, different meditations can achieve The effects of psychic training are vastly different."

Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but ask: "Can the human body's potential be developed just by imagination?"

Li Zi seemed to be quite satisfied with Shi Xiaobai's current state, and couldn't help but smile and replied: "This is why spiritual cultivation can stand out in the era of 'a hundred schools of thought contending in the cultivation system' and has become the most important cultivation path. Because in this world, There is a special energy called 'spiritual power'. When human beings are in an empty imaginary world, the body will automatically absorb 'spiritual power', thereby completing spiritual energy cultivation."

Li Zi took the trouble to say: "The rate of absorption of 'spiritual energy' by the human body during meditation is related to two factors. One is the content of the imagination during meditation, and the other is the reality of the imagined picture. The former is actually the study of the cultivation method. The content, the things to be imagined, and the order in which they are imagined are basically the experiences accumulated by the predecessors over time, and some are the essence realized by the peerless experts. Teacher Yiquan’s unique technique was developed by himself Imagine the world.”

"The key to how realistic the picture imagined by each person is actually is your imagination. Since brain width is the most important factor affecting human imagination, brain width is the criterion for judging the qualifications for spiritual cultivation. one."

"All in all, practicing skills and brain width are the most critical aspects of meditation. In other words, these two are the decisive factors in the speed of spiritual cultivation."

After a long explanation, Shi Xiaobai roughly understood what Li Zi meant.

"It turns out that spiritual cultivation is more about whose brain is bigger than anyone else's."

Shi Xiaobai concluded this in his mind, but on the surface he kept nodding, looking like a good student. Suddenly, Shi Xiaobai remembered a question that had been bothering him for a long time.

Shi Xiaobai asked: "What exactly is a supernatural gene? What is a supernatural being?"

Since the width of the brain determines the speed of psychic cultivation to a certain extent, then who is the more important alien spirit gene

"Hmm~, it's more difficult for the supernatural beings to explain."

Lizi thought about the wording for a moment, and then said: "Three thousand years ago, the third apocalypse, known as the 'End of Civilization' in history, came. Only one millionth of humanity survived. Due to the survival of the fittest, According to the principle of biological evolution, most of the remaining humans have undergone genetic mutations in the apocalyptic disaster. However, these mutated genetic modules are very unstable and gradually disappear as time goes by. Until now, only a small number of human beings have inherited These mutant genes, and these people are supernatural beings."

"The mutant genes that psychics are born with give them special abilities. In fact, we can call humans who inherit these mutant genes called psychics. It's just that these psychics have to perform psychic abilities like ordinary people. Cultivation, so we combine superpowers and psychics and call them superpowers.”

After Lizi explained this, Shi Xiaobai finally understood that the setting of superpowers is common on the earth, and superpowers are just like superpowers who have practiced psychic abilities, or they can also be called spirits with superpowers. Those who are capable.

"Then since I have tested the S-level supernatural spirit gene, wouldn't I also be a supernatural being? Strange, what about my supernatural powers?" Shi Xiaobai suddenly became excited when he thought that he had supernatural powers.

Seeing Shi Xiaobai's excitement, Li Zi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "It's a pity that the supernatural beings must cultivate to the fourth level of spiritual mortals before their supernatural powers can be awakened. So, although you have S-level supernatural genes, this He is still an ordinary person at this moment.”

As soon as these words came out, it was like a bucket of cold water being poured on him, and Shi Xiaobai suddenly became less interested.

When Lizi saw this, she rolled her eyes and had an idea in her mind. She smiled and said, "Actually, I am also a supernatural being, and she has a B-level supernatural gene!"

Shi Xiaobai's eyes lit up and he asked: "Girl, are you at the fourth level of the spiritual realm?"

Lizi rolled her eyes and said angrily: "Nonsense, I'm already spiritual... Well, let's not talk about it anymore. My strength is still too far away for you. But I'm in a good mood today, so I'm going to show off. Mercy, let me show you my lady’s superpowers.”

As Lizi said, she had already walked to the kitchen, and returned to the living room after a while holding a fruit knife and a white radish.

Shi Xiaobai's eyes suddenly shone, and he had great expectations for Li Zi's superpowers.

"Watch it!"

Lizi smiled slightly, threw the white radish upwards, held the fruit knife in his right hand, and gently threw it into the air. A cold light flashed, but the white radish seemed to have been cut by thousands of knives, and it instantly turned into countless tiny pieces. .

Shi Xiaobai's pupils couldn't help but shrink. He thought of Sahadun who was instantly cut into pieces at dusk. How on earth was this done

Li Zi smiled proudly and explained: "The superpower that I have is called [High Frequency Vibration], which can make the spatial vibration frequency of a designated area reach a high peak. Although my current state can only affect a small part of the area, and It’s used at a relatively short distance, but if used correctly it can be amazingly effective.”

"I just used [High Frequency Vibration] on the blade of the fruit knife the moment it was cut out, so countless blade energy was cut out in an instant. And this is just a small application of my ability. [High Frequency Vibration]]As a B-level power, its usage and growth space are quite outstanding. As my psychic realm continues to improve, [High Frequency Vibration] will be improved in terms of range of use, distance of use and vibration frequency. When the time comes, hum. !”

Shi Xiaobai felt a burst of envy when he heard this, and his heart became more and more yearning for superpowers.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Lizi hurriedly said seriously: "Xiaobai, B-level powers are already so powerful, not to mention you have S-level powers! If you want to awaken your powers quickly, the only way is to try your best. Sprint towards the fourth level of the Spirit Realm with all your strength!"

"So Shi Xiaobai! Start practicing spiritual energy quickly!"

Li Zi smiled sweetly and thought to herself, as soon as I take action, I won't believe that fool Shi Xiaobai won't be captured without hesitation!

(PS: Because the first two chapters are too confusing, I will update the third chapter today! It’s really boring to talk about the settings. I didn’t plan to talk about them originally, but I was afraid that everyone would be confused, so I just mentioned the settings that appeared earlier. I’ve decided to explain it thoroughly once and for all. If you haven’t read this chapter carefully, it’s better to be patient and read it again. Please collect it, recommend it, and reward it every day!)