Absolute Choice

Chapter 26: This king is very black


The silver-haired boy who pointed at him was extremely handsome, with a confident smile on his lips, which made people dazzled and trusted at the same time.

At this time, not only Ye Jiaquan's eyes lit up, but even Shi Xiaobai started to look forward to it. What is the solution to this situation

Lingcun said: "On the surface, Shi Xiaobai has only two choices. One is to voluntarily give up his position as captain and find a way to make friends with Song Xiao so as not to be eliminated. But this method is too much for Shi Xiaobai. If it’s too painful, I’m afraid even the two of us won’t be able to accept it.”

Ye Jiaquan shook his head when he heard this and said loudly: "I can't accept it!"

Lingcun chuckled and continued: "The second option is to continue to skip training and show up again after his strength reaches the third level of Lingfan. As long as he can defeat Song Xiao, Shi Xiaobai's captain position will not be taken away. "

"But even for sAA-level geniuses, it takes at least three months to go from ordinary people to the third level of spiritual mortals. Although newcomer training is dispensable for geniuses like Shi Xiaobai, it is not necessary for red team members. The words are very important. In three months, it is estimated that the red team members have been eliminated and there are very few left. So although this method is feasible, as a member of the red team, I really don’t want to see Shi Xiaobai do something like this. s Choice."

Ye Jiaquan scratched his head and agreed: "I don't want Captain Shi Xiaobai to continue to miss training. But I... can't think of any other way. Lingcun, you are so smart, you must have a way, right?"

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, he couldn't help but look at the silver-haired boy. Of course he was not willing to accept the two options mentioned by Lingcun, but he couldn't think of a better way for a while. Looking at Lingcun's appearance, he seemed to have thought of a feasible method. Shi Xiaobai suddenly pricked up his ears and felt quite sad. expect.

Lingcun didn't intend to sell out, and said simply and directly: "Of course there is a way, and the way is very simple. I think Shi Xiaobai should come over to participate in the newcomer training, but he must hide his identity!"

As soon as these words came out, both Shi Xiaobai and Ye Jiaquan were stunned. They never expected that Lingcun's confident method could be so simple. It seemed that there was no mystery in it. If you think about it seriously, hiding your identity can indeed avoid the previous two options, but is it so easy to hide your identity

Ye Jiaquan said doubtfully: "Although I am stupid, I know that new recruits must go through review before joining the team. How can Captain Shi Xiaobai successfully hide it from the eyes of the Sith instructors?"

Lingcun smiled faintly and asked: "Why do you want to hide it from the eyes of the Sith instructor?"

"Ah?" Ye Jiaquan was stunned.

Lingcun didn't expect the stupid Ye Dasha to figure out the mystery behind his words, so he immediately revealed the answer straightforwardly.

"I said that any game maker will intentionally or unintentionally leave the hope of clearing the level, because a game that cannot be cleared is destined to be boring. As a game madman, the Sith instructor has deliberately designed this game to target Shi Xiaobai. The boring game will naturally leave some game-breaking loopholes to please myself."

Lingcun re-inserted his hands into his pockets, swayed his body back and forth, raised his head and said, "The loophole left by the Sith instructor unintentionally is actually the method I mentioned - hiding his identity. Shi Xiaobai can find a way to hide his identity and participate in the newcomer training. In the process, he will continue to become stronger, reveal his identity when the time is right, and finally defeat Song Xiao. In this way, not only can he keep his position as captain, but he can also participate in training, which is undoubtedly a good way to kill two birds with one stone."

"And the Sith instructor happens to be the one who doesn't need to worry the least. The Sith instructor is actually very happy to see Shi Xiaobai hiding his identity, because this kind of clever strategy to crack the game has always been what the game makers are most looking forward to. .Although the Sith instructor is likely to continue to increase the difficulty of the game because of this, one thing is for sure. Not only will the Sith instructor not expose Shi Xiaobai's identity, but he will help Shi Xiaobai conceal his identity because he hopes that the game can Developments under his control occurred that he did not expect.”

"The most important thing is that Shi Xiaobai has very little identity information. It is said that during the newcomer test, Shi Xiaobai appeared and left so suddenly that no one else in the test room took photos. Gaia senior officials would not Shi Xiaobai's information was easily leaked, and the newcomers who were testing with Shi Xiaobai didn't know why. When other people mentioned Shi Xiaobai, they looked unhappy and were unwilling to say anything. So although most newcomers know Shi Xiaobai The test results caused a lot of fuss, but no one knows what Shi Xiaobai looks like."

"It can be seen that hiding one's identity is absolutely feasible."

Lingcun was very eloquent and his narration was very accurate. Ye Jiaquan nodded his head when he heard it. He even clapped his hands and laughed innocently when he heard it at the end.

Shi Xiaobai also understood what Ling Cun meant, and immediately felt that Ling Cun's statement was reasonable. If the Sith instructor is really a game madman with a vicious taste, as Lingcun analyzed, then the cunning strategy of "hiding his identity" is indeed within the scope of the rules, and the possibility of the Sith instructor condoning it is greater than exposing it. If the senior management of Gaia deliberately concealed his identity information, and Yang Yang and the others kept silent, then other newcomers would indeed not know his appearance.

And if the current situation is understood as a game, then what Shi Xiaobai is facing now is actually the dilemma of upgrading and encountering enemies. If you want to level up, you must first fight to the death with an enemy that is several times stronger than you. If you want to escape this battle, you must give up the regular way of upgrading.

Hiding the identity basically solves the above dilemma. It is equivalent to sneaking into the enemy pile and secretly leveling up. After reaching a sufficient level, you can then kill the enemy boss to complete the counterattack. If you think about it carefully, it is indeed an extremely clever way to pass the level.

"Although I prefer direct confrontation, when I was popular in the gaming industry, I was known as the god of strategies. The strategy of 'hiding my identity' seems quite interesting!"

Shi Xiaobai has begun to seriously consider Lingcun's proposal.

Ye Jiaquan, who was on the side, laughed for a while and then suddenly thought of something. He suddenly said with a bitter face: "But how can I let Captain Shi Xiaobai know about such a good idea?"

Shi Xiaobai was stunned when he heard this, and he couldn't help but feel happy again.

"I am omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient!"

Shi Xiaobai feels that he has been silent for long enough, and considers whether to show mercy and tell them his identity. After all, the two people in front of him are his devout believers. Although one is fanatical and brainless, and the other is calm and wise, their level of belief is the same. There is no doubt about it.

Just when Shi Xiaobai was hesitating, Lingcun suddenly said: "Ye Dasha, do you think Shi Xiaobai can't think of things that I can think of? Shi Xiaobai must be much smarter than me!"

Ye Jiaquan's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled: "Why did I forget this? Captain Shi Xiaobai must have thought of this method!"

Lingcun nodded and said: "Maybe Shi Xiaobai will hide his identity and join the newcomer training soon. No, maybe he is actually hiding among the newcomers now!"

Ye Jiaquan suddenly said excitedly: "Really!?"

Lingcun smiled slightly, "So look forward to it. Although Shi Xiaobai cannot become the hope of the red team for the time being, sooner or later he will suddenly appear in front of everyone and prove his glory! Maybe someone around you and me is actually Shi Xiaobai, maybe he has been silently by our side and growing up silently when the red team was suffering! Maybe Shi Xiaobai also sees our efforts, and when he reveals his identity, maybe we and He has already become a friend!”

Lingcun put his hand out of his pocket, pointed at the sun in the sky, and said loudly: "Perhaps, when we always thought he was hiding in the dark night waiting for dawn, he had already come to us, blooming with light and warmth like the sun. .”

"Ye Dasha, maybe Shi Xiaobai has always been with us!"

Ye Jiaquan's heart was agitated when he heard it, his eyes were slightly red, he kept nodding heavily, and the word "um" kept coming out of his mouth with a slightly choked sound!

Shi Xiaobai was also inexplicably moved when he heard it. He just felt that what Lingcun said about Shi Xiaobai was really touching and admirable.

"This king is always by your side!"

When Shi Xiaobai thought of the scene when he stood in front of everyone in the red team and said these words one day, his heart immediately beat wildly and his chest became hot.

"Oh, by the way, brother, have you thought carefully about which team you are going to join?"

Lingcun, who had never looked at Shi Xiaobai, suddenly turned to face Shi Xiaobai and spoke softly.

Shi Xiaobai's turbulent thoughts were interrupted, and he couldn't react for a moment. He subconsciously said: "I will join the red team!"

Ye Jiaquan immediately cheered, "Great!"

Lingcun also smiled slightly, took a few steps forward, and extended his hand to Shi Xiaobai, "Welcome to the red team, I am Chen Lingcun."

The slender white fingers look very long, and under the sunlight you can clearly see the crystal-clear blood vessels under the transparent skin.

Those must be a pair of soft, boneless hands.

After a slight hesitation, Shi Xiaobai stretched out his hand, which was equally white but seemed generous and warm, and gently shook Lingchu's hand.

"My king, Tu Dahei."

Shi Xiaobai announced the name he had made up temporarily, and smiled inwardly.

But Shi Xiaobai didn't notice that the silver-haired boy in front of him was also smiling, but that smile made people feel weird and playful no matter how he looked at it.

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