Absolute Choice

Chapter 29: Are you okay with going to the toilet?


There are five steel buildings in the newcomer training ground, and the largest one is the classroom where the Sith instructors usually give lectures.

The internal structure of the classroom is very similar to the room used for the newcomer test. There are also two rows of huge seats on the left and right, except that the two rows of seats are slanted and connected together like a V shape. There is a high platform similar to a podium in the middle of the large V-shaped opening composed of seats, and the wall near the podium is probably also a huge LCD screen.

After Shi Xiaobai left Sisi's office, he went directly to the classroom with Ling Cun and the others. At this time, there were only a few scattered people in the classroom, but soon people came back from rest one after another.

Lingcun has been chatting with Shi Xiaobai without any problems. Shi Xiaobai has just experienced the "torture" of the Sith. He has a little complaint about Lingcun in his heart, but he also knows that Lingcun cannot be blamed. After all, there is such a thing as "human nature" , it is impossible to guess.

But in any case, the first step of hiding his identity was successful. Shi Xiaobai's current name is Tu Dahei.

Most of the people who entered the classroom saw the unfamiliar face of Shi Xiaobai. Some people came over to ask. Lingcun took the initiative to explain to Shi Xiaobai. Everyone listened thoughtfully. In fact, some people suspected that this so-called Tu Dahei was actually It was Shi Xiaobai who had been absent from training for many days, but since the Sith instructor had confirmed his identity and they didn't know what Shi Xiaobai looked like, they could only hide their doubts in their hearts.

The plot of Shi Xiaobai hiding his identity develops as Lingcun expected, with some surprises but no danger.

Xiangwu's rest time passed quickly, and the newcomers returned to the classroom one after another.

"There are now a total of seventy-three newcomers to destruction in the classroom, including sixty-three males and ten females. There are none under the age of ten, fifty-two between the ages of ten and fifteen, and those between the ages of fifteen and twenty. Twenty, one over twenty years old.”

Lingcun told a series of data that made Shi Xiaobai feel dizzy, and then concluded: "The quality of the newcomers in Destruction is relatively average. Except for one Shi Xiaobai, the others are just fake."

When Shi Xiaobai heard this, he silently gave a thumbs up to the little Lingcun child. He liked such honest people the most.

Shi Xiaobai looked around and suddenly found that the newcomers sitting on the right were all sitting in a group. They looked like a group. They must be the newcomers of the blue team. However, the seats on his side were divided into two piles. It seemed that these were the two separatist forces of the red team that Lingcun mentioned.

Suddenly, Shi Xiaobai's eyes stopped on a certain person. The person was not tall, but looked quite strong, with sharp features and a calm expression, like a sharp sword hidden in a scabbard. Shi Xiaobai felt surprised, because the man was sitting alone in the corner with no one around him. He looked alone, as if he was isolated by the two major forces of the red team.

Lingcun followed Shi Xiaobai's gaze, saw the man, and said, "This man's name is Xiang Wu, and he is a third-party force of the red team."

Shi Xiaobai said in disbelief: "Alone?"

How can one person become a force

Lingcun nodded, and then sighed: "The two major forces of the red team happened to have fifteen people. They were in a stalemate with each other when they voted to kick people. As Xiang Wu is the only person who does not belong to the two major forces, his vote can affect The outcome of the vote. But this person is extremely stubborn and unwilling to join the two major forces, so he is isolated."

He is an alien who is unwilling to join the team, but he has the power to change the situation of the battle. Obviously, the two major forces of the red team will regard him as a thorn in their flesh.

Lingcun regretted: "The third party was originally three people. They called themselves the three brothers of the Xiang family, and they were quite powerful. However, they refused to join the two major forces, thinking that this was a despicable act of uniting the party and opposing the different parties. As a result, the first two rounds Two of them were eliminated by the two major forces, and if there is no accident in the third round, Xiang Wuhui will be eliminated."

Ye Jiaquan said in a muffled voice: "I think it's very unfair. I think the three Xiang brothers are not at fault. The elimination vote should not target anyone together."

Lingcun sighed: "Everyone votes according to their own wishes and casts the fairest result. This ideal is very fulfilling, but the reality is cruel. Under the elimination voting mechanism formulated by the Sith instructors, the single person is destined to be alone. We will be eliminated first. Those of us who are not strong enough have no choice as to whether to join the team. The only thing we can choose is which team to join."

"Although Song Xiao is the strongest member of the red team, he is extremely dictatorial. If you join his team, you must obey his decision, which is equivalent to eliminating whoever he wants. Although Han Feng is not a kind person, Han Feng at least There is no deliberate attempt to deprive colleagues of their right to vote. Hanfeng’s team will vote internally before deciding on candidates for elimination.”

"Dahei, you have to think carefully. You are very similar to the three Xiang brothers before. It can be said that your choice can affect the success or failure of the two major forces. Personally, I hope you can join Han Feng's force. .”

Shi Xiaobai's heart sank slightly when he heard this. No wonder he noticed that many people's eyes were turning on him since he entered this classroom. The people who came over to ask about his identity just now had strange eyes. It turned out that he was the most popular person now.

"Hey, no matter where I go, I am the center of attention!"

Shi Xiaobai sighed and couldn't help but think about Ling Cun's words. Song Xiao and Han Feng were like one being a monarch and the other a constitutional monarch. From a personal emotional point of view, Shi Xiaobai would be more inclined to Han Feng. .

But Shi Xiaobai couldn't help but look at the isolated figure.

Under this cruel elimination mechanism, once a group of people stick together, their voting rights will converge into a distinct force, and those who are alone will have no ability to resist this force.

People are selfish, and no one wants to be eliminated, so clinging to the strong man's lap has become their best choice. Song Xiao and Han Feng are obviously two thighs that restrain each other.

However, the two groups assembled by Song Xiao and Han Feng happened to be fifteen people, and their voting power was in an awkward balance. But as long as they fight for one more person, the balance will be broken, and they can slowly eat away at the other team's team, ensuring that people on their side will not be eliminated.

The three brothers of the Xiang family are independent of the two major forces. It is obvious that joining any party can put them in an undefeated situation and completely drive the other party into the abyss of hell. But the three brothers of the Xiang family would rather be eliminated one by one than join the two major forces.

Why do they do this? Why so stupid? What are they insisting on

Shi Xiaobai looked at Xiang Wu sitting alone in the corner, and suddenly felt his heartbeat speeding up slightly.

"My king..." Shi Xiaobai stood up.

"I know!"

Lingcun suddenly interrupted, stood up and reached out to hold Shi Xiaobai's shoulders. He looked serious and said seriously: "Dahei, I know that neither force wants to join, and I also know that you want to help Xiang Wu! My mood is different from yours." Same, but you must realize one thing. If you are alone like Xiang Wu, then the person eliminated in the next round will most likely be you. Dahei, are you willing to be eliminated right after you come here?"

"My king..." Shi Xiaobai frowned slightly.

Lingcun immediately interrupted: "Dahei, joining Han Feng's force now is actually the best way to help Xiang Wu. After you join, Han Feng's force will have sixteen people, one more than Song Xiao's force. Then in the next round, sixteen of us can vote to eliminate Han Feng’s team members, and in this way, we can indirectly prevent Xiang Wu from being eliminated!”

"Hey, this king..." Shi Xiaobai sighed.

Lingcun immediately interrupted again and said seriously: "Dahei, I know you don't like to join other people's forces, let alone vote to eliminate someone in partnership. I know you advocate justice, yearn for justice, and believe in freedom—but, I I hope you will seriously consider that joining Han Feng's forces does not mean obedience, nor does it mean ignorance of conscience, but a more rational and mature approach that can not only protect yourself from being eliminated, but also help Xiang Wu. "

"Dahei, whether you and Xiang Wu stay or go, it all depends on your thoughts!"

Lingcun put his hands on Shi Xiaobai's shoulders, a trace of anxiety flashed in his light blue eyes, and his handsome face tightened slightly, for fear of hearing some willful answer from Shi Xiaobai.

The newcomers who had been paying close attention to Shi Xiaobai were also paying attention. The newcomers from the Han Feng force who were closer had their ears pricked up. From the conversation between the two people, it was heard that this newcomer named Dahei, It seems that the morale of the military is unstable

"This king—"

Shi Xiaobai shrugged and said helplessly: "I just want to go to the toilet, why am I so nervous?"

Lingcun was stunned when he heard this. I dare you to say so many heartfelt words, but they are all nonsense!

(ps: The preparation for the situation in the newcomer training center is basically completed, and a lot of chapters were wasted. Although I tried to make it interesting, I don’t know if you will still find it a bit boring. But it’s okay, there will be a wave of small high-energy games soon. A small high will soon be followed by a big climax. By the way, please recommend, collect, and reward!)