Absolute Choice

Chapter 296: I've tolerated you for a long time!


In the endless quiet darkness, there is a piece of light. This light is only the size of a room, bright but not dazzling.

In the light, there is a purple-haired girl wearing a Gothic dress. The girl's sitting posture is lazy and casual, and her face is as beautiful and delicate as an elf. There is a transparent light curtain the size of a mirror in front of her. The light curtain The figure of a black-haired boy was reflected in the center map.

The purple-haired girl stared at the boy without blinking, with complex emotions surging in her beautiful pupils.

"Should I also learn to sword?"

Hua Li sighed. With her identity and experience, she should be indifferent to emotions and tolerant of all things, but surprisingly, she was easily jealous!

Probably because she has never experienced the relationship between a man and a woman, so she is like a teenage girl in this aspect, simple and innocent, which will affect her emotions, and even make her feel jealous.

For Huali, although this was a bit weird, it was a very precious experience. This sour feeling seemed to have been sealed since she accepted the inheritance of the World Tree and never appeared again.

She was very grateful to Shi Xiaobai for allowing her to regain these lost girlish emotions.

And during the long and boring time, through such a small transparent light curtain, she was able to see everything Shi Xiaobai experienced. What made her happy was that Shi Xiaobai's experience had always been wonderful, even though it often happened. It made her sweat, and sometimes she couldn't help but want to slap the passers-by A, B, B, and D opposite Shi Xiaobai nine days away, but Shi Xiaobai's performance often made her feel moved and proud.

Even though he is still young and weak now, with his talent and character, he will sooner or later become a strong man who shocks the world. Hua Li has been to thousands of worlds and has seen countless geniuses, but Shi Xiaobai still makes her feel amazing.

She couldn't predict where Shi Xiaobai could reach in the future, which made her full of expectations. It was a happy thing to be able to witness Shi Xiaobai's growth with her own eyes.

But Shi Xiaobai's excellence was as bright and hot as the sun. Even she was attracted. How could other members of the opposite sex stand it? After spending time with Shi Xiaobai for a long time, she would be moved inadvertently, just like Ye Ye at this time. No clear weather.

All in all, her little boyfriend is really "attractive", but she also gets jealous very easily...

"Should I be more generous..."

Hua Li bit her lower lip and sighed softly.

Suddenly, Hua Li raised her brows slightly, waved her hand gently, and the scene in the light screen switched, and the ugly young man in black robe appeared in the light screen.

At this time, the ugly boy was only a few hundred meters away from Shi Xiaobai's location.

"Huh? Such a strong demonic energy?"

Hua Li suddenly stretched out her hand and tapped lightly in the light curtain. A ray of light penetrated the light curtain and arrived at the world where the ugly boy was. The ugly boy was covered by the light, and his body seemed to be burning. He let out a shrill scream and fell on the ground. Keep rolling.

But at the same time, the world where the ugly boy lives suddenly shakes, and the whole world seems to be about to shatter and crack.

Hua Li frowned and retracted her fingertips. The light returned to her hands, and the world finally became quiet. The ugly boy lay on the ground, panting in fear, like a wounded beast.

"Self-destruct program."

Hua Li sighed helplessly.

The trial procedure of the Nine Transformation Extraordinary World limits the upper limit of the trialist's strength. If there is a power beyond the spiritual realm that forcibly enters the world, the self-destruction procedure will be initiated in order to protect the inherited objects.

Naturally, no one in the human race can forcefully enter the nine-turn extraordinary world, but Hua Li can do it, but once she forcibly enters the nine-turn extraordinary world, the self-destruction program will start immediately, and even she cannot stop it.

Even if she only forcibly injected a trace of power, the trial program immediately made a move to self-destruct the fifth-level world.

"Oh, it seems that this time even if I don't want to endure it, I have to endure it."

Hua Li sighed. Shi Xiaobai's current physical condition is really bad. She can resist not killing Sen Senyuan directly, because compared with the dangers Shi Xiaobai has encountered all the time, Sen Senyuan is not even a drop of rain. superior.

But if this young man in black robe appears now, Shi Xiaobai will have to pay a heavy price if he wants to successfully escape, so Hua Li can't help but want to intervene and save this approaching danger without Shi Xiaobai's complete knowledge. Erase it.

But now it seems that if she kills this young man in black robe, the entire ninth-level extraordinary world will be destroyed. Although Huali doesn't care about a small trial procedure, nor the life and death of those newcomers, she doesn't want to destroy this world because of herself. This selection was equivalent to forcibly changing Shi Xiaobai's life trajectory.

She could witness Shi Xiaobai's life as a bystander, but she could not use her own power to change the trajectory of his destiny too much.

The cycle of cause and effect, if she forcibly planted the cause, the final bitter fruit would be borne by Shi Xiaobai.

A trace of worry arose in Hua Li's heart. This trial seemed to be almost beyond her control.

Suddenly, Hua Li's heart skipped a beat. She stretched out her hand and waved it on the light screen. The screen in the light screen switched, and a figure shrouded in black light appeared on the screen!

It was a black-light villain reduced to one-third of the size of an ordinary human being. The black-light villain was floating in a certain world, constantly devouring everything in the world. Suddenly, the black-light villain stopped and opened his mouth. A gap opened in the space in front of him, and he slipped in, moving in the turbulent flow of space at extremely fast speeds!

"Huh? Gluttony finally took action? Could it be that it sensed the existence of several other original sin clones? Or did it finally discover the original sin of the Heavenly Tribulation?"

Hua Li was confused, but her eyes gradually brightened. She kept Gluttony instead of killing, just waiting for the Gluttony action to try to catch bigger fish.

Hua Li carefully observed the direction of Gluttony's movement, and suddenly her pupils shrank slightly.

She was surprised to find that the space route that Gluttony moved would pass through the nine-turn extraordinary world where the newcomers were!


Hua Li murmured to herself: "Or... a certain original sin clone, or the original sin of the heavenly tribulation is in the nine-turn extraordinary world?"

The fifth level of the Nine Transformations Extraordinary World.

The person who appeared in the scene as if teleporting was a girl with short brown hair. To the newcomers, this girl was very unfamiliar, but the way she appeared really shocked them.

"So fast. Did you see clearly how she appeared?"

"Is it my imagination? Why do I seem to see a flash of lightning?"

"Who is this? With such terrifying speed, it's impossible for him not to be famous at all, right?"

"Short brown hair... I've never heard of it. Alas, why are there so many dark horses in this selection?"


Almost none of the newcomers knew this brown girl, but Shi Xiaobai and Ye Wuqing were very familiar with her.

The person who came was naturally Mu Yuesheng.

Mu Yuesheng said apologetically: "Sorry, I'm late."

Shi Xiaobai grinned and said, "It's okay. It's better to come early than to come by chance."

Mu Yuesheng arrived at the right time. With his and Ye Wuqing's current physical condition, it was really difficult to fight against three supernova-level newcomers at the same time.

The situation now becomes three against three!

Sen Senyuan's face, which had just recovered, suddenly turned gloomy.

At this moment, a young man in Taoist uniform walked out of the crowd. He looked at An Mo with a whisk in his hand and said, "Master Mo, it seems that we are destined to have a fight. It just so happens that I also owe Tu Da. Blackmail a favor!"

While guarding the main city, the tree of life was in danger. Shi Xiaobai could clear the second level first, but he spent 500 points to heal the tree of life. At that time, Liu Yu, a young man in Taoist uniform, was in the main city No. 1.

The situation reversed instantly and turned into a four-on-three situation! Sensen Yuan's brows frowned deeply.

At this time, the paper farmer suddenly said loudly: "Young Master, I can't stop you because once I take action against you, my family will be treated as traitors by the Mori family. The lifelong loyalty and hard work of my father and grandfather will be destroyed." You were destroyed by my hands, I can't be so unfilial. But it doesn't mean that I will obey your orders. What you did has already lost the face of the Mori family. Your orders are wrong and I will never obey them."

After the paper farmer finished speaking, he turned around and retreated behind the crowd to express his attitude!

The situation now became four against two, and veins popped out on Morimoto's neck.

An Mo looked at Sen Senyuan, shrugged and said: "Master Sen, it seems that I can't repay your favor for the time being, because... the favor I owe Liu Yu can't be repaid at all! Even the seventh place in the official prediction is Liu Yu helped me brag, how could I fight with him?"

After An Mo finished speaking, he walked towards Liu Yu with a smile. Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction, with an expression that said you are very wise!

The situation instantly became four against one! Morimoto's face is as ugly as he wants!

At the same time, Feng Yuanlin in the crowd suddenly pinched his throat and shouted: "If you want to touch our goddess Wu Qing, step over our corpses first!"

Someone immediately understood the meaning and hurriedly shouted in support: "Yes, we can't let this stinky idiot who only knows how to sneak attacks succeed!"

Everyone immediately agreed.

"With so many of us, are we still afraid of him?"

"Destroy Morimoto!"

"This time, I'm on the side of justice!"


A scene in which a tree fell and the hozens scattered suddenly unfolded, and the situation was completely reversed, with a group of people fighting one person.

Sensen Yuan suddenly felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly. He cursed in his heart. A bunch of idiots had forgotten that they had gathered here to "hunt" Ye Wuqing

He was so angry that he lost his mind in an instant.

"You all deserve to die!"

Sensen Yuan roared, preparing to use his strongest method. After using that move, the entire area will be turned into ruins, and he will pay a heavy price.

But Sensen Yuan couldn't control it anymore. He felt that he had lost all face and was so angry that he lost his mind!

At this moment, a roar suddenly reached his ears, waking up Sensen Yuan instantly.

"I have tolerated you for a long time!"

Sensen Yuan turned his head in shock, only to see Tu Dahei rising into the sky and coming to his side!

The long black sword slashed towards him with an angry sword intent!

(ps: Mu Yuesheng did not arrange this point well. Originally, I set the paper farmers and An Mo to shamelessly take action, so Mu Yuesheng needed to come to the rescue. However, some people in the book review area always thought that I was blackmailing Zhao Zilong. First, let’s talk about the paper farmers. It's a book friend's sidekick, and it has nothing to do with Zhao Zilong. Then I thought about the setting of the paper farmer, and it seemed unreasonable for him to be shameless. So Mu Yuesheng's rescue scene was temporarily castrated, but in order to take over Mu Yuesheng must appear in advance for the important plot, so this chapter is forcibly packed with soy sauce. Then please ask for monthly votes and rewards, and the next plot will be designed more carefully.)