Absolute Choice

Chapter 3: Have you ever experienced despair?


The little fat man's screams and cries resounded in the park, one after another, as if they were going to shatter the afterglow of the sunset and drown out all the light.

Shi Xiaobai, whose limbs were severed and whose tongue was shattered, was weeping with blood and tears, letting out a whimper full of anger, hatred, and annoyance. Before the disaster demon left, he didn't know what kind of "magic" was cast on him. A black light shrouded his limbs. The bleeding point at the fracture stopped unexpectedly, and the pain was so painful that I wanted to faint, but I couldn't pass out completely.

The screams of the little fat man and the cruel laughter of the disaster demon kept coming to his ears. Shi Xiaobai could imagine the scene of the disaster demon using all possible means to torture the little fat man. Different from the previous beheading, this time the disaster demon seemed to be extremely patient as if he was going to inflict human torture on the little fat man. Shi Xiaobai understood that the disaster demon was venting the anger aroused by him.

"I'm sorry, little fat man, I failed to save you, but harmed you." Shi Xiaobai was in great pain inside, and this kind of mental torture was more likely to break people down than physical torture.

The little fat man's screams gradually became softer until they disappeared. It was a long process, as long as it seemed to span millions of centuries.

"It's your turn. Remember this demon's name - Sahadun. It will accompany you through the most painful rest of your short life." The cold voice of the disaster demon sounded, and then the footsteps of the demon came immediately.

Shi Xiaobai slowly closed his eyes, waiting for the coming torture.

"Choose, boy!"

Suddenly, the hot voice sounded in his mind again, and Shi Xiaobai suddenly opened his eyes. The world in front of him was still the frozen scene of the disaster demon just poking his head out of the black hole, and everything returned to the moment when time stopped. , he is still alive, the little fat man is still alive, everything is still perfect as before,

But Shi Xiaobai wasn't surprised, didn't feel surprised, didn't have the slightest emotion, only his face was ashen, like a walking corpse. I had used precognitive dreams as an excuse to deceive myself, but now it was finally time to think about the truth.

Why did he return to the time when the option appeared twice in a row? It turned out that it was not a dream or a hallucination, but because he failed and failed to "save the little fat man", so time was reset.

"What will happen if you choose other options?" Shi Xiaobai had this idea for the first time, and his eyes fell on another line of black words - [Escape]!

"If I run away immediately, I can definitely run away... Then maybe time will not go back to this moment. I will not die. Although the little fat man will die, he will not be tortured... . ”

"But... I really want to... save him!"

The light that just lit up in Shi Xiaobai's eyes was instantly shrouded in gloom, his thoughts completely fell into darkness, and a voice inside began to laugh.

"You can't save him, you are a weakling, a waste, you can't protect anything."

"Do you understand? You are not a protagonist, nor a hero... you are just an ordinary student who can be seen on the street... But if I have to write a work with you as the protagonist, then it must, must It's a tragedy..."

"You can't even save yourself, how about saving others?"

"Unfair? All unfairness in this world is due to the lack of ability of the person involved. The little fat man will die because he has no ability to live... But you can, you can live!"

"Run away, run away, run away! As long as you run away, you can survive!"

This voice has a bewitching magic power, and Shi Xiaobai's eyes gradually turn red. If he chooses to [save the little fat man] again, it will just let the tragedy happen again, but if he chooses to [escape], his pain will be over. At the end, he will be liberated.

Scenes of bloody and cruel cold scenes flashed through Shi Xiaobai's mind, as if they were crying out about the pain and fear he had experienced before, and seemed to be persuading him to strengthen his will to escape.

Suddenly, the picture in his mind was fixed on that football. The football that flew in the afterglow of the setting sun and lightly hit the disaster demon. It was really light, but it seemed to be as heavy as gold.

The look and emotion returned to the young man's eyes, which were as dark as the night but as bright as the day. A certain firm and unyielding belief stood up from the bottom of his heart.

"I choose... ... "

... ...

... ...

This is really a long dusk. It is obviously just the last struggle before the night comes, but it still refuses to give up. It clings to the last ray of light and blooms the remaining warmth.

But anyway, time has turned again.

The neck of the disaster demon is about to poke out of the black hole, and the little fat man is still holding on to the last wall like a wall that can collapse at any time. A tragic scene is about to happen.

"Hahaha! Great Lord Sahadun, I... I have kowtowed to the devil world for thousands of years, and finally I am waiting for you. In order to witness this collapsed world crawling at your feet, I have been waiting so hard. !”

A flattering voice filled with ecstasy suddenly sounded, and Shi Xiaobai suddenly knelt on the ground, raised his hands and kowtowed to the ground three times, and his forehead hit the hard ground with a crisp sound.

The disaster demon had just crawled out halfway and was about to kill the child in front of him who had just called it a "bald head". When he heard Shi Xiaobai's words, he immediately turned his head and said in disbelief: "You... human, why? Do you know this demon’s name?”

Shi Xiaobai got up from the ground and cast a fanatical look, "The villain has been waiting for your arrival! You are the king of the villain and the master of all realms. How could the villain not know your name?"

"The greatness is darker than dusk, and the existence is scarier than blood. That is your body and your supreme will. Lord Sahadun, the villain swore on blood before the darkness came, in order to overcome the obstacles that stand in your way. All the stupid things ahead, the villain is willing to sacrifice his body and burn his soul, just to become a small cornerstone of your great achievements, the villain will die without regrets."

Sahadun's eyes relaxed, and his vigilance and hostility slowly dropped. As a weaker being among the disaster demon clan, it was the first time for him to be so sought after.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you? Big brother..." The little fat man's doubtful and frightened voice sounded.

Sahadun suddenly woke up. This kid who called him "big bald head" should be damned! Sahadun immediately raised his right hand and wanted to slit the little fat man's neck.

"Wait! Great Lord Sahadun! Please listen to this villain!" Shi Xiaobai's urgent voice sounded.

"Huh?" Sahaton stopped and looked at Shi Xiaobai with a scrutinizing gaze, his vigilance and hostility rising again.

"This person insults you, the great one, and it is an unmitigated sin! He must not be allowed to die easily. He must be allowed to suffer all kinds of torture before dying with hatred! Only in this way can the hatred in the heart of this villain be relieved!"

Shi Xiaobai's voice was full of anger and hatred, and he moved lightly towards the sand pit.

"Big brother?" The little fat man's eyes were filled with tears, and he looked at Shi Xiaobai with deep disbelief, but there was still a faint hope.

Shi Xiaobai turned a blind eye and said respectfully to the Disaster Demon: "The villain believes that mental torture is several times more painful than physical torture! The villain will tear up his remaining hope and let despair have no effect. Escape.”

Shi Xiaobai turned to look at the little fat man and said coldly: "You stupid stupid human being, do you think your big brother is really a hero? Do you think your big brother will save you? No, those are all lies. It’s all fake, do you understand? Are you desperate?”

Shi Xiaobai laughed crazily. He had already walked to the sand pit. Suddenly he flew up and kicked the little fat man hard. The little fat man immediately flew backwards and screamed in pain.

"Great Lord Sahadun, please take a rest first and let the villain tell this stupid human what despair is."

Shi Xiaobai walked towards the fat little man who fell to the ground, his eyes seemed to be filled with the cruelest demons.

"Stupid human being, have you ever experienced despair?"